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Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

AEW Dark Results (12/27/2022)

Match transcript courtesy of Joshua Lopez of

Angelico w/Chaos Project vs. Dante Casanova

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Angelico grabs a side headlock. Angelico rolls Casanova for a one count. Casanova regroups in the corner. Angelico signals for the test of strength. Angelico applies a top wrist lock. Angelico kicks the left hamstring of Casanova. Casanova reverses out of the irish whip from Angelico.

Angelico drops down on the canvas. Angelico leapfrogs over Casanova. Casanova hits The SpineBuster for a one count. Angelico fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Angelico with a double leg takedown. Angelico applies The Navarro Death Roll. Angelico makes Casanova tap out to The Grounding Katahajime.

Winner: Angelico via Submission

Anthony Henry & JD Drake vs. The Hughes Brothers

Anthony Henry and Terrence Hughes will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Henry with a deep arm-drag. Henry pops back on his feet. Work Horsemen are playing mind games with Terrence. Strong lockup. Henry grapples around Terrence. Henry with a drop toe hold. Henry applies a side headlock. Henry reverses out of the irish whip from Terrence. Terrence ducks a clothesline from Henry. Terrence with two arm-drags. Terrence dropkicks Henry. Henry tags in Drake. Terrence with another arm-drag. Terrence applies an arm-bar. Terrell tags himself in. Terrell with a flying double axe handle strike. Terrell applies a wrist lock. Drake with a forearm smash. Terrence made the blind tag. Terrell reverses out of the irish whip from Drake. Terrell drops down on the canvas. Terrence with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Terrell with a NeckBreaker. Terrence follows that with a diving crossbody block for a one count. Chop Exchange.

Drake with forearm shivers. Drake reverses out of the irish whip from Terrence. Drake with a forearm smash. Terrence applies a side headlock. Terrence sends Drake into the ropes. Henry tags himself in. Drake kicks Terrence in the chest. Henry with a Running Mid-Kick. Following a snap mare takeover, Henry kicks Terrence in the back. Henry tags in Drake. Drake with a double sledge. Terrence with heavy bodyshots. Drake rocks Terrence with a forearm smash. Second Chop Exchange. Drake kicks Terrence in the gut. Drake bodyslams Terrence. Drake with a Falling HeadButt. Drake stomps on Terrence’s face. Drake tags in Henry. Henry with clubbing hamstring kicks. Henry delivers his combination offense. Terrence avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Terrence hits The SpineBuster. Terrell and Drake are tagged in. Terrell ducks under a backhand from Drake. Terrell with a leaping shoulder block. Terrell ducks a clothesline from Drake. Terrell with a Hurricanrana. Terrell Powerslams Drake for a two count. Drake reverses out of the irish whip from Terrell. Drake chops Terrell out of mid-air. Drake with a Running Cannonball Strike. Henry kicks Terrence off the ring apron. Drake tags in Henry. Work Horsemen connects with The Assisted BackStabber to pickup the victory.

Winner: Anthony Henry & JD Drake via Pinfall

Fuego Del Sol vs. Lucky Ali

Del Sol starts things off with a Running Dropkick. Del Sol uppercuts Ali. Del Sol with a knife edge chop. Ali reverses out of the irish whip from Del Sol. Del Sol thrust kicks the midsection of Ali. Del Sol with a SpringBoard Hurricanrana. Del Sol repeatedly kicks Ali in the chest. Del Sol thrust kicks the left knee of Ali. Del Sol with a Hook Kick. Del Sol with a Running Double Foot Stomp. Del Sol plays to the crowd.

Del Sol drives his knee into the midsection of Ali. Ali drives Del Sol back first into the turnbuckles. Del Sol sends Ali face first into the middle turnbuckle. Ali denies The Tornado DDT. Ali sends Del Sol ribs first into the top rope. Del Sol is trying to remove Ali’s mask. Del Sol kicks Ali in the face. Del Sol with a Headscissors Takeover to the floor. Del Sol with a Shooting Star Press. Del Sol rolls Ali back into the ring. Del Sol connects with The SpringBoard Tornado DDT to pickup the victory.

Winner: Fuego Del Sol via Pinfall

Matt Menard vs. Brock Anderson w/Arn Anderson

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Menard with a deep arm-drag. Menard taunts Anderson. Strong lockup. Menard with another arm-drag takeover. Anderson ducks a clothesline from Menard. Anderson with two arm-drags. Anderson sends Menard to the corner. Anderson with a Belly to Back Suplex. Anderson delivers The Garvin Stomp. Menard regroups on the outside. Haymaker Exchange. Menard rakes the eyes of Anderson. Menard with a Running Lariat for a two count. Menard applies a rear chin lock. Anderson with elbows into the midsection of Menard.

Menard scores the elbow knockdown. Menard scores the elbow knockdown. Menard with a knife edge chop. Menard whips Anderson into the turnbuckles. Menard kicks Anderson in the gut. Menard and Anderson traded back and forth visits to separate turnbuckle pads. Anderson goes for a German Suplex, but Menard blocks it. Menard removes the top turnbuckle pad. Anderson with the irish whip. Anderson with clubbing shoulder blocks. Anderson whips Menard across the ring. Menard punches Anderson in the back. Anderson dives over Menard. Menard drives Anderson face first into the exposed steel to pickup the victory.

Winner: Matt Menard via Pinfall

Evil Uno w/The Dark Order vs. Blake Li

Li pie faces Uno after the bell rings. Uno drops Li with The Big Boot. Uno unloads a series of knife edge chops. Short-Arm Reversal by Li. Li with a forearm smash. Li with a Running Uppercut. Li applies a side headlock. Uno whips Li across the ring. Shoulder Block Exchange. Uno drops Li with a shoulder tackle. Li drops down on the canvas. Uno sends Li into the ropes. Li kicks Uno in the chest. Uno rocks Li with a forearm smash. Uno with a running corner clothesline. Uno with a short-arm lariat. Uno connects with Something EVIL to pickup the victory.

Winner: Evil Uno via Pinfall

Red Velvet vs. Billie Starkz

Velvet attacks Starkz before the bell rings. Velvet uses the middle rope to choke Starkz. Velvet slams Starkz head on the top turnbuckle pad. Velvet with heavy bodyshots. Following a snap mare takeover, Velvet with a running dropkick for a two count. Velvet pie faces Starkz. Velvet whips Starkz across the ring. Velvet drops down on the canvas. Velvet dropkicks Starkz. Starkz with forearm shivers.

Velvet drives her knee into the midsection of Starkz. Velvet sends Starkz into the ropes. Starkz dumps Velvet out of the ring. Starkz lands The Suicide Dive. Starkz rolls Velvet back into the ring. Starkz goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Velvet gets her knees up in the air. Velvet with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Velvet with a Running Meteora. Velvet connects with The Windmill Kick to pickup the victory.

Winner: Red Velvet via Pinfall

The Iron Savages vs. Brandon Bullock & Jameson Ryan

Bronson and Brandon Bullock will start things off. Bronson with a waist lock takedown. Standing Switch Exchange. Wrist Lock Exchange. Bronson with a straight right hand. Bronson sends Bullock to the corner. Bullock dives over Bronson. Bullock dropkicks Bronson. Bullock with forearm shivers. Bronson decks Bullock with a back elbow smash.

Bronson clotheslines Bullock. Bronson tags in Boulder. Double Hip Toss. Ryan tags himself in. Boulder with The Big Boot. Boulder dumps Bullock back first on the canvas. Boulder Powerslams Ryan on top of Bullock. Boulder tags in Bronson. Iron Savages connects with The Double Backpack Cannonball Strike to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Iron Savages via Pinfall

Diamante vs. Valentina Rossi

Diamante rolls under the collar and elbow tie up. Diamante repeatedly kicks the left hamstring of Rossi. Diamante blocks a boot from Rossi. Diamante with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Rossi with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad. Rossi is choking Diamante with her boot. Diamante side steps Rossi into the turnbuckles. Diamante with a forearm smash. Diamante with a Flying Crossbody Block.

Diamante clotheslines Rossi. Rossi sends Diamante into the ropes. Diamante blocks The Hip Toss. Diamante slaps Rossi in the chest. Diamante with a Cazadora Stunner. Diamante with a German Suplex. Rossi decks Diamante with a back elbow smash. Rossi with a knee lift. Diamante with a Spinning Back Kick. Diamante connects with The CodeRed to pickup the victory.

Winner: Diamante via Pinfall

AR Fox vs. Slim J w/The Trustbusters

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Slim backs Fox into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Strong lockup. Wrist Lock Exchange. Arm-Drag Exchange. Fox whips Slim across the ring. Fox goes for a leapfrog, but Slim holds onto the ropes. Slim kicks Fox in the gut. Slim goes for a Headscissors Takeover, but Fox lands back on his feet. Fox with a Twisting BrainBuster. Slim regroups on the outside. The referee gets distracted by Sonny Kiss. VSK trips Fox from the outside. Fox kicks VSK in the face. Slim drops Fox with a Running Slice Bread for a two count. Slim transitions into a ground and pound attack. Slim uses the middle rope as a weapon. Kiss attacks Fox behind the referee’s back. Slim with two haymakers. Slim uses the top rope to choke Fox. Slim dumps Fox out of the ring. Trustbusters gangs up on Fox. The referee is losing control of this match.

Slim kicks Fox in the face. Slim slams Fox’s head on the stage. Slim rolls Fox back into the ring. Slim with a Snap Vertical Suplex for a one count. Slim with a Step Up Enzuigiri for a two count. Slim argues with the referee. Slim applies a rear chin lock. Fox with elbows into the midsection of Slim. Slim drops Fox with a Running Lariat. Slim slams Fox’s head on three turnbuckle pads. Fox sends Slim to the corner. Slim kicks Fox in the face. Fox answers with The Big Boot. Fox with a Diving Corner Clothesline. Fox with a Rebound Dropkick. Fox with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Fox with a leaping back elbow smash. Following a rolling snap mare takeover, Fox with The Cutter for a two count. Slim backs Fox into the turnbuckles. Slim chops Fox. Slim with a Tornado Butterfly Suplex. Slim with a Cazadora Flatliner. Slim follows that with a diving back elbow smash for a two count. Fox with a Roll Through Uppercut. Fox with The Iconoclasm. Fox hits The Roll Through Cutter for a two count. Slim decks Fox with a back elbow smash. Fox with The SpringBoard Spanish Fly. Fox connects with The 450 Splash to pickup the victory.

Winner: AR Fox via Pinfall

Here are the live results for today's episode of AEW Dark.


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