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  • Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

AEW Double Or Nothing Results (05/26/2024)

On May 26, All Elite Wrestling will deliver a star-studded show with AEW Double or Nothing from MGM Grand Garden Arena in Paradise, Nevada.

Among other matches, Swerve Strickland will defend the AEW World Championship against Christian Cage. Plus, Mercedes Moné will challenge Wilow Nightingale for the TBS Championship.

The results are as follows:

AEW Double Or Nothing: The Buy In

Renee Paquette, RJ City, and Jeff Jarrett are on the panel, and they preview the show.

Mercedes Moné is shown walking backstage as the panel discusses her match with TBS Champion Willow Nightingale.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Thunder Rosa

Purrazzo and Rosa feel each other out early on. Purrazzo gains the upper hand. Rosa fires up with some strikes. Purrazzo drills Rosa with a shot to the face, but Rosa catches her with a dropkick. The match heads to the outside, and Purrazzo drops Rosa with a boot to the face. Back in the ring, she grounds Rosa and talks some trash. She maintains the upper hand. Rosa rallies again. Purrazzo takes control again.

Both women are down after a double clothesline. They trade blows, and Rosa fires up with a flurry of offense. Purrazzo stops her momentum with a Spear in the corner. Rosa goes for the Cobra Clutch, but Purrazzo escapes. Rosa drills her with a discus forearm. Purrazzo goes for an arm-bar, but Rosa escapes. Rosa drops her with a backstabber. She locks in the Cobra Clutch again, but Purrazzo counters into a pin for the win, as she puts her hand on the rope.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo

The broadcast team runs through the card.

Backstage, The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn hype up their match against Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony.

Tony Khan comes to the stage with Martha Hart. Hart discusses the Owen Hart Foundation. Hart announces that the Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament winners will get world title shots. The finals will be in Calgary on July 10.

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Billy Gunn vs. Brian Cage & Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

Caster roasts Cage and the Gates of Agony with a rap on the way to the ring. Kaun and Caster start the bout. They go back and forth. Kaun overpowers Caster, and Gunn tags in. Cage tags in and flexes, as does Gunn. Cage gains the upper hand. Gunn fires up with some punches. Cage drills him with a shot to the face. Gates of Agony attack The Acclaimed. Both teams brawl at ringside. Cage and the Gates of Agony gain the upper hand. Bowens’ leg gets slammed in the steel steps.

In the ring, Cage and the Gates of Agony isolate Caster. Kaun continues to control the action. Caster rallies with a crossbody. Liona trucks over Gunn and kicks Caster. Caster perseveres and tags Gunn, who clears house with a flurry of offense. Caster takes the fight to Kaun but gets double-teamed by Kaun and Cage. Gunn gets triple-teamed, but Bowens breaks up the pin. He’s practically one-legged, but he takes the fight to all three men. The Las Vegas Knights mascot stops Cage from using a chair, and Caster hits him with a Fameasser. Gunn cradles Kaun for the win.

Winners: The Acclaimed And Billy Gunn

The Acclaimed and Gunn scissor with the Las Vegas Knights mascot.

The broadcast team runs through the card for the main show.

AEW Double Or Nothing: Main Show

AEW International Championship: Roderick Strong (c) (with The Kingdom) vs. Will Ospreay

Ospreay goes for the Hidden Blade during Strong’s entrance, but he evades it, and they start brawling. Ospreay takes the fight to Mike Bennett and Matt Taven at ringside. Strong chops Ospreay. Ospreay takes out Bennett and Taven with a dive. He sends Strong into the ring post. Taven and Bennett double-team Ospreay, and he lands hard on the floor. Back in the ring, Strong grounds Ospreay and targets the wound on his head.

Strong continues to control the action. He trades blows with Ospreay and maintains the advantage as he drops the challenger with a back-breaker. Ospreay rallies with an acrobatic kick. Ospreay hits another kick. Taven and Bennett distract the referee, and Wardlow goes to attack Ospreay, but the referee stops him. Ospreay takes out the Undisputed Kingdom with a dive to the outside.

The Undisputed Kingdom stablemates get ejected from ringside. Ospreay hits a springboard forearm. Ospreay and Strong trade blows again. A superkick rocks Strong, but he counters the Hidden Blade and locks in a single-leg crab. He transitions to a Texas Cloverleaf. Strong keeps rolling with some forearms, and he slams Ospreay. He hits a superplex and a back-breaker for a two-count. Ospreay catches Strong with a powerbomb. They exchange strikes. The competitors trade counters, and Ospreay hits the Os-cutter. The referee checks on Strong, and Don Callis talks to Ospreay, telling him to hit the Tiger Driver. Ospreay refuses to do it, and Strong hits the Olympic Slam.

Strong gets a two-count with a stiff shot to the face. Ospreay takes control again and hits the Stormbreaker for the win.

Winner and new AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay

Ospreay celebrates his win.

Adam Cole comes out and addresses the crowd. He says he shoudn’t be there, as he should be home and rehabbing his ankle. Cole says nobody knows the hell that he has been through, but he still gets disrespected. He calls himself one of the greatest wrestlers of this generation. He says The Devil will get his due, The lights go out, and a video plays on the screen. Someone is shown walking, and they enter a room with MJF’s stuff. A Burberry scart is shown. The person shows a picture of him and Cole.

MJF comes to the stage and walks down to the ring. Cole opens his arm for a hug. MJF thinks about it, and they hug. MJF kicks Cole below the belt and slams him. He gets a microphone and calls Cole a son of a bitch. He says “somebody get this shitstain out of my ring.” MJF says that because of Cole, he’s not going to trust anyone anymore. He says that all Cole did was wake him up, as he remembers who he is. He calls himself the greatest wrestler on the planet and a generational talent.

MJF says he doesn’t need a New Japan or a Vince McMahon to make him because MJF made MJF. He says no more BS and love, as it’s all hate from now on, and that means no one is safe. He says he’s done apologizing, and he’s the best. MJF says that compared to him, all your other favorites “suck donkey dicks”, and nobody is on the level of The Devil.

MJF says the Devil mask and everything it represents can go to hell. He says that as for his AEW status, you can call him the wolf because he’s not going anywhere.

Unified World Trios Championship: Bang Bang Gang (Jay White, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) (c) vs. Death Triangle (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix & PAC)

White starts the bout but tags out to Colten. PAC drops him with a hip toss. PAC catches Austin with two hip tosses and clotheslines him over the ropes. Penta tags in and squares off with Austin. Penta and Fenix double-team Austin. Death Triangle gang up on Colten. Fenix and Penta dive onto The Gunns at ringside. White goes for the Bladerunner, but PAC counters. White plants PAC on his head. He drops PAC with a neckbreaker. The Gunns ground PAC.

The champions continue to isolate “The Bastard.” PAC rallies and tags Penta, who clears house with a flurry of offense. Fenix rocks Colten with a kick. The Lucha Bros double-team Austin. White breaks up a pin attempt. The Lucha Bros. hit White with some tandem offense. PAC tags in and dumps White with a German suplex. The match breaks down as the two teams fight, and bodies are flying. PAC catches Colten with a German suplex. The challengers take control, but Juicer Robinson trips up Fenix, and White hits the Bladerunner on PAC for the win.

Winners and still Unified World Trios Championship: Bang Bang Gang

Robinson and the Bang Bang Gang celebrate.

AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) (with Mariah May and Luther) vs. Serena Deeb

Storm and Deeb lock up and feel each other out. Deeb gains the upper hand and grounds Storm. Storm sends Deeb to the floor with a hip attack. Deeb hits a dragon screw. She traps Storm in an octopus stretch, but Storm reaches the ropes with her teeth. Storm rallies, but Deeb gets a two-count with a backslide. Storm gets a two-count with a DDT and a Fisherman suplex.

The champion locks in a Texas Cloverleaf. Deeb fires up with a flurry of strikes. She hits Storm with a neckbreaker and dumps her with a German suplex. Deeb gets a two-count with a lariat. Storm slams Deeb for a two-count. Deeb traps her in a single-leg crab. Mariah May goes to throw in the towel, but Luther stops her as Storm reaches the ropes. Storm blames Luther as they argue. Deeb rolls up Storm for a two-count. Storm drops Deeb with a German suplex. She hits the Storm Zero for a two-count. Deeb hits multiple dragon screws and slams Storm onto the apron.

Deeb slams Storm again for a two-count. Storm takes control and hits a piledriver before she clinches the win with Storm Zero.

Winner and still AEW Women’s World Champion: Toni Storm

Storm celebrates with May after the bell.

Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta

Cassidy comes out to “Where is My Mind” as a throwback. He and Beretta start brawling right away. Beretta evades an Orange Punch. The two foes trade blows. Cassidy slams Beretta’s head on the turnbuckles. He hits a diving crossbody and a diving DDT. Cassidy dives onto Beretta at ringside. They brawl at ringside. Beretta targets Cassidy’s throat and grounds Cassidy. He dumps Cassidy with a German suplex. Beretta slams Cassidy again and continues to control the match.

Cassidy puts his hand in his pockets, but Beretta unloads on him. Cassidy rallies with a flurry of offense. Beretta spikes Cassidy with a piledriver on the apron. Cassidy fires up with Beach Break on the floor. Cassidy keeps rolling with a flurry of offense. Beretta gets a two-count with Strong Zero. Cassidy hits Beach Break for a two-count. Cassidy catches Beretta with a pin out of nowhere and pins him.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Beretta is clearly frustrated after the bout. He brushes off a post-match interview, saying that he’s “not doing this”, and he walks away.

FTW Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. HOOK vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Jericho takes the fight to HOOK. Shibata trades blows with Jericho. HOOK dumps Jericho with a German suplex and tosses Shibata. HOOK brings out a table. Shibata knocks Jericho and HOOK off the apron with a big boot. Jericho brings out a bag and empties it, revealing that it’s full of dice. HOOK and Shibata slam Jericho on the dice multiple times. HOOK and Shibata trade suplexes on the dice.

Shibata and HOOK bring out kendo sticks. Jericho gets one of his own and hits HOOK and Shibata. They both hit him with kendo sticks. The duo hits him again. Shibata drops HOOK and takes control. Jericho knocks down Shibata when he goes to put HOOK through a table. HOOK suplexes Jericho on the dice. HOOK puts him on a table, and Shibata slams HOOK onto Jericho with a Death Valley Driver. Shibata sends Jericho through a table in the corner. Shibata wrenches Jericho in a Muta lock and puts HOOK in an ankle lock.

HOOK suplexes Shibata onto the dice. Jericho drops him with a Codebreaker. HOOK counters the Judas Effect and traps him in the Redrum. Big Bill runs in and breaks it up. He attacks HOOK, but the former champion slams him off the apron and through a table. Shibata counters the Walls of Jericho into the Figure-Four. HOOK puts Jericho in the Redrum. A hooded man runs in and attacks HOOK and Shibata. The masked man reveals himself to be Bryan Keith. HOOK fights him off, but Jericho hits the Judas Effect on Shibata for the win.

Winner and still FTW Champion: Chris Jericho

HOOK tries to chase Jericho, but security guards come down, and HOOK attacks them.

IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita (with Don Callis)

Moxley’s arm is taped up following Takeshita’s attack on AEW Collision. Moxley takes the fight to Takeshita. Takeskita targets his injured arm. He drops Moxley with a hammerlock slam. Takeshita slams Moxley arm-first onto the apron. Moxley rallies, and they brawl at ringside. Takeshita kicks Moxley’s arm while it’s trapped in a chair. Takeshita spikes Moxley with a brainbuster and continues to target his arm. Moxley fires up again with a cutter. Takeshita locks in an arm-bar. Moxley transitions to a triangle choke, but Takeshita slams his way out.

Takeshita gouges Moxley’s eyes. Moxley dives onto him at ringside. Back in the ring, Moxley levels Takeshita with a lariat. Takeshita dumps Moxley with a wheelbarrow German suplex. Moxley plants him with a Paradigm Shift. Takeshita and Moxley trade blows. Takeshita gets a two-count with a knee strike. Moxley goes for the Death Rider but gets sent shoulder-first into the ring post. Takeshita drills him with a stiff shot and hits the Death Rider for a two-count. Moxley stomps Takeshita onto a chair and hits the Death Rider for the win.

Winner: Jon Moxley

A video package hypes up the TNT Championship match.

Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match For TNT Championship: Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black

Copeland gets a special entrance with fire, new music, and red lighting. “The Brood” is shown on the entrance screen. The bell rings, and the competitors take the fight to each other. They get chairs and swing them at each other. Copeland gains the upper hand. Copeland grinds barbed wire into Black’s head, busting him open. Black tries to do the same, but Copeland fights out of it. Copeland slams Black into the cage wall and hits a Liger Bomb. Black rallies and kicks Copeland’s leg, sending him face-first into barbed wire, busting him open as well.

Black grinds a barbed-wire bat into Copeland’s forehead. Copeland hits Black in the mid-section with the bat. He grinds Black’s forehead with a barbed-wire bat. Copeland climbs up the wall, and Black kicks his leg out, crotching him on the ropes in the process. Black and Copeland battle on the ropes. Black slams Copeland through a table and gets a two-count. Copeland drops Black with a Spear out of nowhere.

Copeland hits a stalling piledriver. He puts Black on a table and wraps barbed wire around him. Copeland climbs up the cage and dives off the top, putting Black through the table. Black kicks out of the pin and counters a Spear attempt with The End for a two-count. Black hits Copeland with some strikes. Black kicks Copeland and sends him crashing through the cage door. Copeland hits a Spear on the floor. Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black come out and tease turning on Black before they attack Copeland. Back in the ring, the House of Black gangs up on Copeland. The lights turn red, and the dark music starts playing. Gangrel comes out of the canvas and attacks King and Matthews. Black drops Gangrel, but Copeland hits him with a Spear. He wraps barbed wire around Black and locks in a crossface until Black passes out.

Winner and still TNT Champion: Adam Copeland

Copeland takes his wedding ring back from Black. He celebrates with Gangrel after the match as they embrace.

Backstage, Lexy Nair interviews Don Callis and asks him about his interest in Orange Cassidy. He says it’s been a great night for the Don Callis Family. Callis praises Cassidy and says he will be on Dynamite to present Cassidy with a contract to the Don Callis Family.

TBS Championship: Willow Nightingale (c) (with Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander) vs. Mercedes Moné

Moné gets a special entrance. She talks some trash but runs away when Willow takes the fight to her. Willow slams Moné onto the apron. She continues to control the match and overpower Moné. Willow’s leg gets stuck on the ropes, and Moné targets it. Moné traps Willow in an ankle lock. Willow and Moné trade blows. Moné drops Willow with a dragon screw and continues to target her ankle. She drops Willow with a backstabber.

Moné wrenches Willow in an abdominal stretch. Willow transitions into an ankle lock. She drops Moné with a pounce. Willow keeps rolling and gets a two-count with a spinebuster. She slams Moné to the mat and hits a Fisherman suplex. Moné drops Nightingale with a powerbomb. Willow fires up with a knee-breaker on the apron. She goes for the cannonball, but Moné evades it. Moné hits a meteora. Hathaway and Statlander distract the referee, and Willow hits a powerbomb. Moné locks in the Banks Statement, but Willow reaches the ropes. She hits the Moné Maker for the win.

Winner and new TBS Champion: Mercedes Moné

Moné celebrates her win. Statlander helps Willow up. Stokely yells at Nightingale, and Statlander shoves him down. Statlander and Nightingale walk away, and Statlander turns on Willow. She drops Willow with a discus clothesline, and Hathaway smiles.

AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland (c) (with Prince Nana) vs. Christian Cage (with The Patriarchy)

Strickland and Cage lock up and feel each other out. Strickland briefly gains the upper hand. Cage drops him with a DDT and grounds the champion. Strickland sends Cage into the barricade and rocks him with a kick. Cage counter a dive and takes control as he grounds Strickland. Cage squashes a rally attempt with a DDT. He gets a two-count with a frog splash. The Patriarchy interferes, but Strickland rallies. He powerslams Cage. Strickland keeps rolling. He drops Cage with a neckbreaker and dives onto him at ringside.

Swerve gets a two-count with a crossbody. Cage evades the House Call and locks in a Sharpshooter. Mother Wayne grabs the world title belt, but Prince Nana stops her as he takes the title. Nick Wayne gets the referee’s attention, and Nana gets ejected. Killswitch and Nick Wayne attack Strickland at ringside. Cage tries to get Killswitch to headbutt Strickland. Strickland ducks, and Killswitch headbutts Cage. Strickland fights off The Patriarchy but gets caught with a Spear. Killswitch goes to interfere, but The Patriarchy gets ejected. Strickland catches Cage with a flatliner.

Swerve suplexes Cage onto the floor. Strickland and Cage battle on the apron. Strickland goes or a tackle but crashes face-first onto the steps. Nick Wayne runs in and drops Strickland with a cutter on the floor. Cage hits the Killswitch for a two-count. Cage slaps Strickland and goes for the Killswitch on the broadcast table. Swerve counters with the Swerve Stomp onto the table. Back in the ring, Strickland counters the Killswitch. Cage snaps his neck on the ropes. Swerve catches Cage with the House Call and hits the Swerve Stomp. He hits another Swerve Stomp for the win.

Winner and still AEW World Champion: Swerve Strickland

Strickland celebrates his win after the match.

Anarchy In The Arena: Team AEW (Bryan Danielson, Darby Allin, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler) vs. The Elite (The Young Bucks, Jack Perry, and Kazuchika Okada)

FTR and Danielson attack The Elite during their entrance. Darby Allin runs in, wearing some kind of mask, as the brawl is underway. Matthew Jackson demands the crew to play the Young Bucks’ theme song, and they do. Danielson gets a microphone and tells them to play the greatest theme song in the history of wrestling. “Final Countdown” plays. The brawl continues and spills into the crowd.

Dax Harwood and Matthew Jackson fight into the concourse area. Okada and Danielson brawl in the crowd. Harwood gets a drink from a vendor. Allin hits a Coffin Drop off a balcony. Matthew demands the music to stop, as it’s too expensive. Allin and Perry are fighting backstage. Okada holds up a “Rainmaker Drive” sign and dives over the barricade and onto Danielson. Allin and Perry keep fighting backstage. Allin shoves Perry into a container full of ice and drinks. Perry hits him with a pipe.

The Young Bucks hit Shatter Machine on Harwood, who is busted open. The Elite gang up on Danielson. A “Scapegoat” bus runs through a pile, but Perry is shown knocked out behind the wheel, and Allin is nowhere to be found.

FTR hits Nicholas with a spike piledriver on the apron. They hit Matthew with a superplex/splash combo. Okada spikes Wheeler with a Tombstone. Allin makes his way back to the ring and takes the fight to Okada. Allin hits a Code Red on Okada. The Young Bucks powerbomb Allin onto some chairs. They drag him up to the entrance platform and have the crew lower the elevated platform. Danielson brawls with the Young Bucks on the stage. The Young Bucks hit Danielson with the TK Driver onto part of the set.

Harwood takes the fight to the Young Bucks. Wheeler joins the battle. Okada and the Bucks gain the upper hand. Okada sends Harwood through a table with an elbow drop. Nicholas sends Wheeler through a table with a dive off part of the stage. Backstage, Jack Perry grabs Tony Khan. Allin comes out with a flamethrower just as Perry drags Khan out. Allin lights Perry on fire, and the Young Bucks put him out. The Young Bucks drag Allin to the ring. Matthew goes for a 450 splash, but Darby moves, so he lands on a garbage can. Allin kicks Okada below the belt. Allin hits Okada with the Coffin Drop, but the Bucks break it up.

Okada and the Bucks gang up on Allin. Harwood fights them off. FTR hits Nicholas with the Shatter Machine. Matthew hits Harwood with an exploding chair. Okada puts a thumbtack-studded sleeve on and hits Wheeler with a Rainmaker. The Young Bucks tie Allin’s feet and have him hung upside down by the ankles from the ceiling. The Bucks superkick Allin with tack-covered shoes while he’s hung upside down.

Danielson rallies and hits the Bucks with the tack-studded shoes. He takes the fight to the Young Bucks and hits Nicholas with a chair. Okada hits Danielson with the Rainmaker. The Bucks hit Danielson with an EVP Trigger. Perry hits Danielson with a running knee for the win.

Winners: The Elite


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