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Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

AEW Dynamite Live Results (08/07/2024)

Bryan Danielson will face Jeff Jarrett for the first time ever in a no DQ match on tonight’s AEW Dynamite.

Danielson is on his way to All In to challenge Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Championship, but first must get past Jarrett who has served as a motivator for Danielson in the All In build. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat will be at ringside as a special guest during the contest.

AEW American Champion MJF will face Kyle Fletcher in a title eliminator bout.

Katsuyori Shibata’s feud with The Learning Tree will continue tonight as he faces Bryan Keith in singles competition with Chris Jericho on commentary.

Mariah May — the number one contender to the AEW Women’s World title — will take on Viva Van on tonight’s episode. May will challenge Toni Storm at All In for the title.

Mercedes Mone and Kamille will also be in attendance as Mone prepares to defend the TBS title against Britt Baker at All In.

AEW Dynamite comes on the air with the music for the American Champion hitting and we go to the entrances for our opening contest. Excalibur welcomes us alongside Tony Schiavone, Taz & Don Callis on the call. A massive American flag drops with 50 MJF faces instead of the stars on it, with Will Ospreay watching backstage.

MJF vs Kyle Fletcher in an American Title Eliminator

(Hell of an opener and one of Fletcher’s best singles matches in AEW to date, as the crowd were loudly behind him. MJF ultimately made an example out of Will Ospreay’s best friend and stayed true to his promise last week in saying he’d make Fletcher bleed. This continues to be a good build for MJF & Ospreay at All In while incorporating Don Callis and The Family as well.)

Callis calls Fletcher a future World Champion, as the bell sounds and MJF bails to the floor to get the microphone, demanding the Australian oaf lock up like a man or he’s leaving. MJF suckered Fletcher in and got a boot to the midsection, as Fletcher quickly fought back with a series of roll-ups. MJF shut down a dive attempt as well as avoiding a Tombstone before targeting the left arm. A double arm underhook shoulder breaker followed by a gut wrench powerbomb got a near fall for MJF, who wanted a Kangaroo Kick, but ate a thrust kick by Fletcher into the double down. Fletcher mounted his comeback with a spinning sit out slam for two, as a leg lariat sent MJF to the outside. Fletcher hit a dive and followed with a massive top rope moonsault off the top to the floor. Back inside, Fletcher went up top, but took too long, as MJF rolled to the floor to take a seat. Fletcher out after quickly, but missed a charge and MJF hit a drop toe hold into the barricade. MJF chucked a fans hat deep into the crowd, but that delay allowed Fletcher to move and MJF tumble over the barricade. Fletcher flew in with a somersault dive and posed in the crowd, who went nuts.

Back in the ring, Fletcher hit a big-time elbow off the top for a close two. MJF again went after the bad arm, sliding through a Tombstone again before hitting a double stomp to the arm. Water Wheel Drop connects for MJF, who hit the hammerlock DDT to spike Fletcher, who kicked out at two. MJF starts paint brushing Fletcher, calling him a wannabe Ospreay and spitting at him, as this only leads to Fletcher hulking up with a thrust kick, but MJF fired off a Canadian Destroyer, only to run into a lariat that turned him inside out for the double down. Lawn dart from Fletcher, as both men traded top rope brainbuster and Tombstone attempts, before Fletcher connected on a wrist clutch Tombstone for the closest two of the match. This caused Callis to leave commentary and come to ringside, throwing the screwdriver to Fletcher, who took too long to debate using it, opting to throw it aside. This allowed MJF to hit a low blow, Kangaroo Kick and brainbuster for the victory.

Winner: MJF

Will Ospreay tried to leave backstage, but found the door was blocked by cases. He eventually got free just as MJF decked referee Paul Turner with the American Title, placed the Dynamite Diamond ring on and cracked Fletcher with it, busting him open, screaming the blood of Fletcher is on Ospreay’s hands. MJF said he’s going to do what Ospreay doesn’t have the balls to do and went for the Tiger Driver, but Ospreay sprinted to the ring and MJF bailed through the crowd. Ospreay clutched Fletcher’s bloody head, as the doctor checked on Fletcher with Callis & Ospreay arguing with Callis questioning where Ospreay was for his friend.

A video package for Bryan Danielson & Jeff Jarrett is shown ahead of tonight’s match.

Mariah May vs Viva Van

May fired off a headbutt at the bell, as both ladies traded standing switches, with May hitting a release German suplex. Big time dropkick off the top, as May relentlessly beat down Van in the corner before going after referee Aubrey. This allowed Van to get one roll-up before May hit another dropkick into picture in picture. When things returned, Van hit a rolling up kick, but May quickly regained control with Sweet Cheek Music. After clubbing Van in the head, she gave a kiss of death before a running knee steamrolled Van. May Day was all she wrote, but instead, May opted for Storm Zero for the win.

WInner: Mariah May

Post match, May was handed a wrapped poster ringside and showed it was a picture of Toni Storm cradling May during better times. The other side of the photo said “Die, Mariah, Die” as Timeless Toni Storm appeared and the fight was on again. Storm tried stabbing May with the shoe, but referee Aubrey put a stop to it. Referees and security tried separating the ladies, but May & Storm broke free to loud chants for Storm by the crowd. May bailed, as Storm walked around the ring holding up the Die Mariah Die sign.

A video package for Jack Perry vs. Darby Allin is briefly shown, with Perry watching clips of Allin pouring gas on him at Blood & Guts followed by smashing a bunch of TVs with Allin celebrating with the TNT Title in the past. My feed cut to a Taco Bell commercial halfway through this vignette and cut back right when it ended. I assume Perry’s vignette wasn’t supposed to include a promo for a cheesy gordita crunch.

Darby Allin is walking backstage and said he doesn’t remember the last time Perry was even on TNT and said it doesn’t matter, Perry doesn’t have to show up this Friday when Allin wrestles on Rampage or even on Collision. What matters most, is Perry showing up at Wembley at All In.

Katsuyori Shibata vs Bryan Keith

(This was Keith’s first match on Dynamite since joining The Learning Tree, as he’d been out of action since May with a broken orbital bone. This was the match of the week that suffered from the commercial in the middle taking up a majority, as Shibata got the win and the bigger story was the post-match with the return of HOOK. I think it’s safe to assume we’re getting HOOK vs. Jericho at All In.)

Taz was removed by commentary at the request of Chris Jericho, who joined the desk with Big Bill for this match. Jericho boasts about his match with Minoru Suzuki receiving 4 stars by Dave Meltzer, as Shibata immediately stomped on the left arm of Keith and Excalibur said it was “branch for a branch.” Keith fought back on the floor and slammed Shibata into the barricade repeatedly and stayed in control during break.

Shibata absorbed strikes by Keith when things returned, but Keith fired off a nasty uppercut headbutt into a neckbreaker for two. Keith connected on an Exploder for two, as another headbutt caught Shibata, who responded with a ripcord slap in the face. The Claw applied and transitioned into the cross arm-breaker for the submission win.

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata

Bill & Jericho attacked at the bell with Keith as they were about to level Shibata with the FTW Title until HOOK’s music hit and he sprinted out from the back and cleared the ring of Keith & Bill. HOOK & Jericho slugged it out before Bill pulled Jericho to safety. HOOK stood tall with Shibata and held the FTW Title high in the air.

Renee Paquette is backstage with Orange Cassidy, who is set to have a rematch against Roderick Strong, Beast Mortos & Rush tonight, but the rest of the Conglomeration aren’t able to travel in due to the hurricane. Cassidy said he’s still going to wrestle tonight and has a couple local boys to team with. Cassidy asks Paquette if she wants to take his place, but she politely declines and Cassidy said it’s fine, he wouldn’t let her do that.

Renee Paquette is backstage with Hangman Adam Page and she brings up Page not getting the outcomes he’s been looking for since returning to AEW. Page said there’s been one man he’s wanted to take everything from, leaving him with nothing but the ash of his pride. Justice delayed is justice denied, but believe him, he’ll have what he wants.

Jim Ross sat down with Swerve Strickland earlier today, saying he’s excited about what he’s going to see at All In and worried the fans don’t realize what the fans might miss if they don’t see the main event. Strickland brings up tagging with and wrestling legends last year at Wembley and cut to this year, he’s the main event. Strickland said about his prior actions that it was his way to knock on the door and make some noise until someone finally let him in. Strickland knows what Danielson is fighting for, as JR brings up how this could be it for Danielson, win, lose or draw. Strickland said if the AEW World Title wasn’t enough for Danielson, it’s also about legacy and if he were in the same situation, would anyone give a damn about him? Strickland controls the narrative and that’s what worries people in AEW. Does Strickland care about Danielson being a parent or father, no and questions why JR thinks this will be Strickland’s toughest test? What happens when Danieson’s body gives out and won’t hold up? Not only can Strickland beat Danielson, he will beat Danielson and Danielson’s legacy will belong to him.

Orange Cassidy & FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs Beast Mortos, Roderick Strong & Rush

(It was announced that a Casino Gauntlet Match for a future AEW World Title shot will be taking place at All In. This was your party match of the night, similar to last week and it was just as action packed. The post-match could’ve used some explaining, as the FTR & Acclaimed feud has been pretty much solely on Collision, so if you’ve only been watching Dynamite, you might’ve been confused on why these two teams were having to be separated.)

FTR walked out with jean jackets and shades on (Dax’s being of the Bret Hart variety) as Don Callis joins commentary once again, with Taz allowed back on the call as well, now that Jericho is gone. Matt Taven & Mike Bennett took a seat in the crowd, as there’s fast tags from both teams out the gate. Strong was isolated by FTR & Cassidy, who stepped off Wheeler’s back and just fell onto Strong, who was sent outside, along with Rush & Mortos. FTR & Cassidy did the hands in the pocket pose and that took things to commercial.

Fast tags from Mortos, Rush & Strong, who did locomotion splashes in the corner to Wheeler, who was dropped with a pop-up Samoan Drop by Mortos for two. Wheeler finally fought free and dove for a Harwood hot tag, as he ran wild, including a series of counters on Mortos leading to a nice spinebuster. Quick series of pin attempts on Strong, as Harwood wanted a superplex, but Strong slipped free, Sick Kick, blind tag to Mortos, who flew in with a Swanton Bomb for two. As the ref was distracted, Taven & Bennett hopped the railing and got in a few cheap shots before taking their seats. Harwood remained isolated during the second break.

When things returned, Harwood & Rush collided for the double down, but as Harwood leapt for the tag, Strong wiped-out Wheeler, but Cassidy avoided the Mortos attack, made the tag and ran wild. A head scissors, DDT and Tope from Cassidy, led to a Déjà vu into a DDT onto Mortos, similar to last week. Cassidy signaled for Orange Punch, but Strong ran distraction enough for Mortos to flatten Cassidy & Harwood, but Wheeler was there for a powerslam. Rush took out Wheeler, as Cassidy appeared for Beach Break, but Rush kicked out at one. The match broke down, as Mortos took out Wheeler with a Tope, but Cassidy ducked a charging Mortos, who leapt over the barricade and took out Taven & Bennett. Rush was about to hit the Bull’s Horns on Harwood, but Cassidy was there with an Orange Punch. Rush fought off FTR, but ate another Orange Punch, this time into a Shatter Machine for the win.

Winners: Orange Cassidy & FTR

Post match, The Acclaimed came out, but Max Caster’s mic wasn’t working and Harwood said the they have all the respect for The Acclaimed, but this goes beyond AEW. Bowens & Caster broke through security and had to all be separated.

Footage of The Patriarchy being attacked by House of Black and the Bang Bang Gang was shown from Collision last week. The Patriarchy were backstage tonight and said both of those teams are looking for their title shots, so this week on Collision, it’ll be a #1 Contenders Match for the Trios Titles and face The Patriarchy at All In. Cage will be the special referee for the match, as everyone appears to need a father figure.

A video package on the impressive newcomer Hologram is shown from his success he’s been having since debuting on Collision three weeks ago.

Kamille (w/Mercedes Mone) vs Jazmyne Hao & Clara Carter

Quick thrust kick flattened Hao, as Carter tried to run away, but was quickly caught and squashed as well. Both ladies dodged a corner charge and got off a few boots, but Kamille mowed down Hao with a lariat and pump kick to Carter. Spinning sit-out Torture Rack Bomb on Hao, as Carter was dropped with a sit-out Dominator for the win.

Winner: Kamille

Mone stood over the fallen bodies before Kamille dispatched of them, as the crowd didn’t react to Mone saying her CEO line. Mone said Britt Baker isn’t here again this week and thanks her EVPs for making it happen. Mone ran down Baker before Tony Schiavone appeared on stage and said he was informed by Christopher Daniels that Tony Khan had overturned The Young Bucks and lifted the suspension of Britt Baker and she’s here…via satellite, which got booed, disappointing fans she wasn’t actually there.

Baker said Mone can get her suspended all she wants, but she can’t run come All In. Baker said when she makes a commitment to something, she sees it through to the end, unlike Mone, who takes her ball and goes home whenever things doesn’t go her way. AEW is the Flavor of the Month to Mone, but to Baker, it’s home. Mone can count her money, but at All In, Baker will be the first person to defeat her. Baker has 7 days to figure out how to get her hands on Mone and she can trust her, she’s a doctor, D.M.D.

A video package on Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland Title vs. Career at All In is shown

Footage of Claudio Castagnoli winning a 3 way match with Tomohiro Ishii & Lee Moriarty last week on Collision was shown. We’re told Castagnoli has earned an International Title match and will be face to face with Kazuchika Okada next week on Dynamite.

Bryan Danielson vs Jeff Jarrett in an Anything Goes Match with Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat ringside

(This recent run of Jarrett’s have had one thing in common, they’ve been a whole lot of fun, as this was a pretty wild main event. You got the brawling, the hard hitting, the crowd was really into it, job well done to all involved. Steamboat didn’t add all that much on commentary, but the visual of him raising both men’s hands post-match was pretty cool to see. Strickland had a great line to close the show, asking Danielson if this is how his body feels after wrestling Jarrett, imaging the pain that’ll happen against Swerve at All In.)

Steamboat joined commentary for this, as Jarrett attacked Danielson from behind with a guitar during his entrance. Jay Lethal & Karen Jarrett were with him, but didn’t seem to agree with the tactics. The match officially began and Jarrett smacked Danielson with a chair before brawling into the crowd, where Danielson fought back. They continue to fight into the concessions area, where Danielson kept punching Jarrett with an aluminum beer bottle, but Jarrett hit a low blow, suplexing Danielson onto a trash can. With the crowd cheering him on, Danielson battled back and hit a suplex of his own onto the trash can, taking us to commercial.

They brawled back to ringside during break, as when things returned, Jarrett was using a chair on the knee and ankle of Danielson. Swerve Strickland & Prince Nana were shown backstage watching, as Jarrett hit ten corner punches. Danielson backflipped out of the corner and hit a flying clothesline before returning the favor with ten corner punches and biting Jarrett, throwing him outside. Danielson hit a dive, set Jarrett up against the barricade and Danielson appeared to just hit enough of a charging dropkick. Danielson tried a running knee off the apron, but Jarrett chucked a chair at the leg and back inside, zoned in on the injury.

Jarrett wanted to Pillmanize the leg, but took too long and Danielson swung for the fences with a chair shot, followed by a spider superplex. Danielson flew off the top with a missile dropkick and fired off Yes Kicks, but Jarrett swept the leg and got the Figure Four. Steamboat said he’d be a rich man if he had a dollar every time he was locked in that hold. Danielson smacked Jarrett’s legs with the chair to get free, but Jarrett hit The Stroke on the chair for a close two. Jarrett applied a Sharpshooter, but Danielson countered into a LeBell Lock. Jarrett broke the grip, as both start throwing bombs before Jarrett hit an enzugiri. Jarrett wanted another Stroke, but Danielson countered into a Busaiku Knee using the chair for the win.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt & Karen Jarrett came to the ring to tend to Jarrett, while Wheeler Yuta came to check on Danielson. Steamboat made his way to the ring as well, checking on Danielson as we see Jarrett is bleeding pretty heavily from behind his ear. Steamboat helped up Jarrett and raised both he & Danielson’s hands before Danielson & Jarrett shook hands and hugged.

Swerve Strickland’s music hit, as Prince Nana danced the AEW Champion to the stage. Strickland said they just witnessed three legends before their eyes, Jeff Jarrett, Ricky Steamboat and now Swerve Strickland. All who have defined wrestling on this network, the difference between them and Danielson is they’ve all been champions here. Strickland calls Danielson one of the greatest of all time, which is why it’ll be such an honor to retire him at All In, as he won’t hesitate to take that kill shot. Strickland questions if Danielson’s body is struggling to hold up against Jarrett, imagine what will happen against Strickland himself? Strickland said he wants a sparring partner too, so next week he wants to go one on one with Yuta. Strickland said Danielson can have a front row seat on why Strickland is the most dangerous man in AEW.


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