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Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

AEW Dynamite Live Results (10/23/2024)

Mark Briscoe successfully defended the Ring of Honor World Championship against Chris Jericho at AEW WrestleDream on October 12. Tonight, he will be putting his title on the line against him once again tonight, but unlike their last match, this time it will be in a Ladder War. Tensions between Mark and Jericho have meteorically risen over the course of the past few weeks, with the two coming face-to-face in a handful of verbal and physical confrontations.

Sammy Guevara will be making his return to action on "Dynamite" for the first time since coming up short against Ricochet on the September 11 edition of the show as he squares off with Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin emerged victorious in his first ever match in AEW last week when he defeated Lio Rush as his ally MVP watched on from ringside and sent a message to Swerve Strickland following the match.

After unsuccessfully challenging Mercedes Mone for the TBS Championship during last week's edition of "Dynamite", Queen Aminata looks to redeem herself tonight as she goes one-on-one with Mone's ally Kamille. Kamille is currently undefeated in AEW, having defeated the likes of Robyn Renegade, Zoey Lynn, Brittany Jade, Clara Carter, and Jazmyne Hao.

Private Party will be joining forces to go head-to-head with The Elite's Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, and Jack Perry. Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy have had their fair share of issues with The Young Bucks over the course of the last few weeks and were unsuccessful in challenging them for the AEW World Tag Team Championship at WrestleDream while Garcia has been looking to capture some gold of his own.

Additionally, AEW World Champion Jon Moxley will be appearing after he and his allies Marina Shafir and AEW World Trios Champions Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli, and PAC launched a series of attacks on Orange Cassidy, Top Flight, Action Andretti, and Dark Order throughout the course of last week's show. House of Black also look to score another win following their win against Chris Nastyy, Olumide, and Alpha Zo this past Saturday on "AEW Collision" as they face opponents who have yet to be named, and Kyle Fletcher is set to speak on tonight's show following the press conference he and his Don Callis Family stablemates Konosuke Takeshita, Brian Cage, Lance Archer, and Don Callis held last week.

We are live! Excalibur and "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard greets audiences at home as Tony Schiavone introduces "Hangman" Adam Page. Page then makes his way down to the ring.

We Hear From Adam Page

Schiavone addresses Page's recent loss to Jay White at WrestleDream and their confrontation last week. Page says a few weeks ago, he attacked Austin Gunn and still doubts that he remembers his own brother's name. Colten Gunn then blindsides Page from behind and runs him over with a clothesline, then tosses him over the timekeeper's table and dumps him back in the ring.

Page looks to choke Colten out with his belt, but White and Juice Robinson run down to the ring to provide Colten with a hand. White rains down right hands on Page and looks to lash him with his belt, but Page rolls out of the ring before he can. Page retreats, and White asks where he's going. He tells Page that he can't run or hide from him, and says he'll always have his number. He says Page can try to cover his shortcomings with whatever weapons he chooses, but when the bell rings, he'll never be on the measure of him. He says if Page isn't down with that, then he has two words for him.

Sammy Guevara then makes his way out to the ring. MVP and Shelton Benjamin follow. 

Shelton Benjamin (w/ MVP) vs. Sammy Guevara

The bell rings and Benjamin sends Guevara crashing into the mat. Guevara fires off chops and forearms on Benjamin, then follows it up with a dropkick and an enzuigiri on him from the apron. Guevara dumps Benjamin out of the ring, then follows it up with a moonsault off the ropes to level him. Guevara looks to connects with a tope suicida on Benjamin, but Benjamin sees him coming and delivers a belly-to-belly suplex to him on the ramp.

Back from the break, Benjamin hits a German suplex on Guevara. Guevara rolls up Benjamin, but Benjamin kicks out. Guevara rocks Benjamin with a pair of superkicks and sends him crashing onto the floor with a jumping knee, then flies over the top and out of the ring to level him. Guevara connects with a neckbreaker on Benjamin, but Benjamin responds with a jumping knee and a powerslam for the win.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Tony Schiavone then introduces Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis, and the pair make their way out to the ring.

We Hear From Kyle Fletcher

Callis says Fletcher has something to say and hands the mic over to him. Fletcher says fans can boo him all they want, but the only person he wants to talk to is Will Ospreay. He says it's been 11 days since he cost Ospreay his AEW International Championship at WrestleDream and says fans are just as much to blame for him betraying Ospreay as Ospreay himself is. He says when Ospreay got to AEW, instead of calling him "the next big thing", they started calling him "the next Will Ospreay". He says he's bigger, stronger, faster, and better than Ospreay. He addresses when Kenny Omega left New Japan Pro-Wrestling and Ospreay stepped up, everyone said that he would never be able to fill Omega's shoes and yet, he did. He says he saw the writing on the wall and knew what he had to do to get out of Ospreay's shadow.

Fletcher says Callis helped him realize that Ospreay never wanted him to see his full potential in order to ensure that he would never surpass him. He demands that Ospreay will face him in the ring last week ignoring doctor's orders and his family's pleas. Callis then hands Fletcher a pair of hair clippers, and Fletcher shaves his head as a means of showing that he doesn't want to look like Ospreay any longer and is nothing like him.

Back from the break, we see MVP and Shelton Benjamin approach Ricochet as he speaks with Renee Paquette. MVP hands Ricochet his business card.

Back at ringside, Brian Cage and Lance Archer make their way out to the ring. Their opponents are already waiting in the ring, and Don Callis joins the commentary desk.

Brian Cage and Lance Archer (w/ Don Callis) vs. Local Talent

Archer begins the action. The bell rings and Archer wears down his opponent. Cage connects with a spinebuster on him, then delivers a German suplex to his tag team partner. Archer and Cage then deliver a double powerbomb to one of their opponents for the win.

Winners: Brian Cage and Lance Archer

We then head outside the arena where several talents are preparing for the arrival of Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, PAC,Wheeler Yuta, and Marina Shafir. Chuck Taylor pulls Orange Cassidy to have a word with him. 

Back at ringside, Chris Jericho makes his way down. Mark Briscoe follows. 

Mark Briscoe (c) vs. Chris Jericho in a Ladder War for the Ring of Honor World Championship

The bell rings and Mark sends Jericho crashing into opposite turnbuckles face first. He then sends him crashing through two tables set up on the outside from the apron, then rakes Jericho's eye and follows it up with a chop. Mark sets up a ladder on one of the barricades, then looks to send Jericho crashing through it. Jericho levels Mark with a suplex, then grabs another ladder and looks to drag it into the ring. Mark uses the ladder to hit Jericho in the face with it, then sets up on the ladder he put against the barricade. He rains down right hands onto him and looks to fly, but Jericho moves out of the way. Jericho looks to climb a ladder, but Mark intercepts him. Jericho then hits him with a ladder.

Back from the break, Mark sends Jericho crashing through a ladder in the corner with a Death Valley Driver. Jericho then climbs up another ladder in the corner as Mark ascends to the top, but Mark pushes Jericho off the ladder and sends it crashing on top of him. He then hits a Swanton Bomb on Jericho.

Jericho and Mark brawl on top of the ladder as they both look to grab the Ring of Honor World Championship, but Jericho pushes Mark off. Mark then tips the ladder to send Jericho crashing off it. Mark sends Jericho crashing into the ladder and sets up a table in the ring before setting up a ladder and getting Jericho on top of the table. Bryan Keith climbs up on the ladder, but Rocky Romero runs down to the ring with a kendo stick in hand and brawls with him to the back.

Mark delivers an elbow drop to Jericho off the ladder and through the table. He follows it up with the Jay Driller and ascends up a ladder, but Big Bill intercepts him and chokeslams him through a table set up on the outside. He then gets Jericho up on his shoulders and climbs up a ladder, and Jericho grabs the Ring of Honor World Championship for the win.

Winner (and new): Chris Jericho

Tomohiro Ishii's music hits and he appears on the entrance ramp alongside Rocky Romero.

Adam Cole then makes his way out to the ring.

We Hear From Adam Cole

Cole asks who's ready for storytime with him, but Roderick Strong, Mike Bennett, and Matt Taven interrupt him. Strong says he knows Cole had to get some things off his chest about MJF last week, but everything already knew everything about MJF that Cole had said. Bennett says he knows that in MJF's egotistical brain, he thinks that the Undisputed Kingdom was formed for him. Bennett says they started the group together and they'll end it together. Taven reiterates Bennett's point and says some of his favorite moments of his career have been when they're all together.

Strong says he's proud of Cole for recovering from injury and coming back to take out MJF with Strong, Bennett, and Taven. He says that he wants MJF first, and Cole says Strong is right. He says he thinks that they should finish things tonight, and calls MJF down to the ring.

MJF appears on the Titan Tron and tells The Undisputed Kingdom that whichever of Cole and Strong wins three matches in a row first gets to face him at AEW Full Gear. Cole and Strong shake hands and hug each other, Taven, and Bennett as we see Kyle O'Reilly watch what just unfolded from backstage.

Back from the break, House Of Black makes their way out to the ring. Jaden Monroe, Kevin Koa, and Pirata De La Muerte are already waiting inside.

House Of Black vs. Jaden Monroe, Kevin Koa, and Pirata De La Muerte

Malakai begins the action and lands The End on one of his opponents. The bell rings and Black trips Koa. Buddy Matthews tags in and delivers a double stomp to him off the top. Monroe tags in and House of Black triple team on him. They then deliver a Triple Powerbomb on him, and Matthews pins him for the win.

Winners: House Of Black

Kamille and Mercedes Mone then make their way down to the ring. Queen Aminata follows.

Kamille (w/ Mercedes Mone) vs. Queen Aminata

The bell rings and Kamille delivers a mat return. Aminata sends Kamille crashing into the corner, then follows it up with a hurricanrana. Kamille sends Aminata crashing into the mat.

Back from the break, Kamille looks to land a roundhouse kick on Aminata. Aminata avoids it and delivers a chop block to Kamille, then follows it up with Swinging Neckbreaker and rocks Kamille with a forearm. Kamille gets Aminata on her shoulders and sends her crashing into the mat with a spinning powerbomb. She goes for a pin, but Aminata kicks out. Kamille then sends Aminata crashing into the mat for the win.

Winner: Kamille

After the match, Kris Statlander's music hits and she makes her way out to stare down Kamille. Mone diffuses the situation, then clocks Statlander from behind. Statlander stays standing on her feet and begins brawling with Kamille. Mone grabs her feet, and Kamille drives Statlander into the mat with a rolling cutter.

We then see The Patriarchy pulling up to the arena in front of all the roster members awaiting the arrival of Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli, PAC, and Marina Shafir. The Patriarchy chase Kip Sabian through the parking lot and into the ringside area as HOOK storms into the ringside area. He takes out Nick Wayne and goes after Christian Cage, but Kip Sabian stops him. This opens the door for Nick to hit Wayne's World on HOOK and Cage to connect with Killswitch on top of his contract for an AEW World Championship. Sabian then heads to the back with the rest of The Patriarchy. 

Private Party and Daniel Garcia then make their way out to the ring. The Elite follows.

Private Party and Daniel Garcia vs. The Elite

The Elite goes after Garcia and Private Party, but Garcia and Private Party get the best of them. Garcia gets in the ring with Perry, and the bell sounds. Private Party uses Garcia's spine as a launching pad to go after The Elite in the corner. Matthew Jackson and Nichoas Jackson land a superkick on Garcia.

Back from the break, Stokely Hathaway gives some encouraging words to Isiah Kassidy from the crowd. Perry tags in, but Kassidy connects with an enzuigiri from him. He looks to tag in Garcia, but Matthew pulls him off the apron. Perry then powerbombs him through the timekeeper's table and Matthew tags in. Kassidy delivers an arm drag to Matthew and Nicholas, but Marq Quen tags in. Perry tags in and powerbombs Kassidy into the corner as Private Party delivers an enzuigiri to him from the apron. Garcia delivers a boot to Perry over the barricade, but Kassidy then rolls up Matthew for the win.

Winners: Daniel Garcia and Private Party

After the match, Kassidy grabs a mic and demands a rematch for the AEW World Championship from The Young Bucks next week. The Bucks head to the back, but Kassidy stops them and says if they grant him and Quen a title shot and they lose again, then they will split up for good. The Bucks accept their challenge as a confused Quen questions what Kassidy just did.

We then head outside the arena where all the talent are waiting. A car pulls up and Marina Shafir emerges from it as Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli clock Private Party with chairs. Jon Moxley drags Chuck Taylor out to ringside, and Moxey, Castangoli, and Yuta place a chair around his neck and continue beating him down. Medical officials, Orange Cassidy and the rest of the roster members then run out to check on Taylor.


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