AEW Dynamite Holiday Bash airs live tonight from Washington, DC, as the build to Worlds End continues as does the Continental Classic.
In Gold league action, Will Ospreay will face Darby Allin. Ospreay is tied with Ricochet atop the block with six points while Allin has three points.
In the Blue league, Shelton Benjamin takes on The Beast Mortos. Benjamin has three points while Mortos has been shut out to this point.
Jon Moxley’s Death Riders take on Team AEW as Moxley, PAC & Wheeler Yuta square off with Hangman Page, Orange Cassidy & Jay White.
TBS Champion Mercedes Mone puts her title on the line against Anna Jay.
Hook & Katsuyori Shibata will team up tonight against The Patriarchy’s Christian Cage & Nick Wayne.
The show will feature appearances from FTR following last weekend’s attack by the Death Riders, and MJF as he prepares to defend his Dynamite Diamond ring against Adam Cole at Worlds End.
AEW Dynamite: Holiday Bash comes on the air with Excalibur welcoming us alongside Tony Schiavone & Matt Menard as we see Jon Moxley & The DeathRiders arrive, walking backstage. We then cut to Renee Paquette standing by with Orange Cassidy & Switchblade Jay White, asking about what they’re more focused on, tonight against DeathRiders or their match at World’s End? White said make no mistake, his focus is on the AEW World Title, but knows he first has to make it to World’s End, so he has to rely on people he typically wouldn’t, since he doesn’t have the Bang Bang Gang by his side. White will reluctantly rely on Cassidy, but won’t say the same for Hangman Adam Page and said they didn’t need him. Page walks in and tells White to shut his mouth, as tonight, Moxley is his. White & Page walks off bickering, as Cassidy puts on his sunglasses and walks out of frame.
Backstage comments ahead of their Continental Classic battle tonight, with Darby Allin saying tonight is showtime, as Will Ospreay said the fans are in for a treat with this dream match. Tonight is time for warfare and he’ll show Allin why he’s on another level.
Excalibur runs down the rest of the card before we head to the intros for our opening title match of the evening. We see footage of Mercedes Mone’s great NJPW Strong Women’s title defense this past weekend against Hazuki and mentions Mone defending against Mina Shirakawa at Wrestle Dynasty.
Mercedes Mone defeated Anna Jay to retain the TBS Title
(This was a good back and forth battle, but the crowd really wanted Jay to pull off the upset, myself included. Jay had lost her chance to face Mariah May for the AEW Women’s Title and now lost her TBS Title match, so I have literally no clue where she goes after this. I feel they missed a chance have one of, if not the biggest, upset in AEW with a Jay win here.)
I should point out Jay is wearing a white entrance jacket reminiscent of Mr. Brodie Lee’s Dark Order gear. Mone faked a handshake and instead slapped Jay in the face before cowering in the ropes. Jay bridges out of an early pin attempt, but missed a lariat, allowing Mone to hit the Three Amigos. Mone missed a Frog Slash, allowing Jay to hit a thrust kick and flipping neckbreaker for two. Another thrust kick in the corner, as Jay wanted the Iconoclasm, but Mone countered into a spinning backstabber for a near fall. Charging Meteroa from Mone, as dueling chants are loud from the crowd. Mone slammed Jay down by the hair and hit another Meteora off the second rope for two, as she stayed in control during break.
Mone missed a corner charge when things returned, allowing Jay to hit a Blockbuster for two. Jay connects on multiple boots in the corner and the Iconoclasm before planting Mone with a Gory Bomb, but Mone got the ropes to break the pin. Spin kick connects in the ropes, as a hanging neckbreaker follows. The crowd is on fire, as Jay locked on the Queen Slayer, as Mone bit at the arm to free herself. Jay tried to go back to it, but Mone locked in the Statement Maker. Jay used her legs to free herself, as Mone wanted the Mone Maker, but Jay repeatedly ran her into the corner. Mone recovered with a sunset bomb and double knees to the corner before hitting the Mone Maker for the win. Kris Statlander was seen watching backstage in the post-match.
FTR are in their home in North Carolina, recovering from their attack last weekend by DeathRiders. Wheeler said they were attacked by DeathRiders over nothing, while they agree with their methods, they agree that some folks need to be open to change. However, they will refuse to stand by and watch a man possibly poisoned. They were left laying on the concrete last Saturday and Harwood said Doc Sampson won’t clear them for the rest of the year. January 1st, they will be cleared and be in Asheville at Fight for the Fallen to face DeathRiders and they won’t be alone.
MJF Addresses Adam Cole
The crowd booed MJF, who said he doesn’t care about opinions from disgusting from DC. If he cared about their opinions, he wouldn’t have joined AEW, instead joining the whack ass Washington Wizards. That even got a Wizards Suck chant from the DC crowd. MJF said if you don’t celebrate Hanukkah, the greatest holiday in the world coming up, then Santa isn’t real and he’s not sorry for that. This got a Santa chant, as MJF wants to bring up a fundraiser he started, as he used fake tears and had sad music play. MJF looks in the camera saying picture this, a small child next to you, it needs food, imagine it’s this BayBay, we get a shot of digitally super skinny and yellow Adam Cole photo on the screen and tells viewers to scan the QR Code on the screen to order World’s End. If you do that, he can put this malnourished yellow child out of his misery.
Adam Cole then is shown on the big screen and said he wants to give MJF a heads up, he had a meeting with Tony Khan. Cole said if he wants to grab the Dynamite Diamond Ring and use it before the end of the match, there will be 2 men to make sure that doesn’t happen. Matt Taven & Mike Bennett walks in and call MJF a dead man. Cole said there’s one more thing he forgot to say, is he kicking his ass yet? Cole was shown behind MJF, as it was a pre-recorded video, as he superkicked MJF, went for the Panama Sunrise, but MJF bailed.
We go backstage to Jamie Hayter who said you can’t fight what you can’t see and calls Julia Hart a coward. Hart returned on Collision last week after Hayter was tired and said it was a sneaky move, message sent. Hayter challenged Hart to a match at Fight for the Fallen in 2 weeks.
Commentary talks about Kenny Omega’s road to recovery and his upcoming match at Wrestle Dynasty, hoping to see him back in AEW very soon. A video package for Omega is shown with the Omega symbol appearing at the end. Excalibur said he can’t wait to see Omega’s return to AEW and came off like it was a tease for one of the Carolina shows before the Tokyo Dome.
Christian Cage & Nick Wayne (w/Mother Wayne & Kip Sabian) defeated HOOK & Katsuyori Shibata
(Just your standard tag match with Wayne taking most of the match, as Cage was pretty much playing coward the whole time, dodging HOOK. I think this was a way to give The Patriarchy a win before HOOK starts running through them until finally getting his hands on Cage.)
Wayne & HOOK start things off, trading early takedowns until we get a stalemate. Shibata & Cage come in, as Cage repeatedly bailed to the ropes before nearly getting a Killswitch, but Shibata popped Cage with a shot. Multiple chops lit up Cage, who high tailed it once HOOK made the tag, as Wayne made the save, but was sent outside for his troubles. Cage was sent soon after, as HOOK & Shibata stood tall with The Patriarchy regrouping. Cage continued to play coward, as Wayne was fed to HOOK, who got REDRUM quickly. Wayne backed him in the ropes, as the refs back was turned, allowing Cage to wrench at HOOK’s injured hand in the cast, putting Wayne in control during break.
HOOK made his comeback with an overhead throw on Wayne, as he was able to make the hot tag to Shibata, who ran wild. I loved the visual of Mother Wayne losing her mind seeing her son chopped repeatedly by Shibata, who followed with his stalling dropkick. Shibata sank in the cross-arm breaker, but Wayne got the ropes. Both Wayne & Shibata trade big boots and shots until Shibata hit a STO. Cage tried to sneak in with a Killswitch, but Shibata hit a DDT. HOOK stalked Cage ringside, taking out Sabian in the process, as back in the ring, Wayne hit a high kick on Shibata, wanted Wayne’s World, but leapt right into the rear naked choke. Shibata let go to wipe out Sabian, who fell into REDRUM. Shibata hit the PK on Wayne, but Mother Wayne took the ref, allowing Cage to sneak in and hit a Killswitch on Shibata and Nick made the cover for the win. Post-match, Cage & Mother Wayne screamed at Nick to get out of the ring so they could escape before HOOK recovered.
A video package on Chris Jericho, The King of New York, airs, with a ton of wrong facts from Jericho. He hits all the tourist spots in NYC, Times Square, seeing the folks dressed in costume, Radio City Music Hall, the ice rink and Christmas tree outside of Rockefeller Center, all while carrying his ROH World Title. He’ll be dammed if he’ll let anyone take his crown.
Another video package on Bandido is shown, this time a highlight reel, but we’re not told when his return will officially be.
Mariah May asks why Thunder Rosa wanted to become a wrestler while she was a social worker? Was it to make her family proud? A hero is just a dreamer, who hasn’t realized they’re dreaming. May isn’t a hero, she’s spent her entire career looking after herself, which has worked out pretty well. If May was here 4 years ago, Rosa wouldn’t even be hired. May accepts the Tijuana Street Fight and tells Rosa to bring her father, she’d love to end two generations of Rosa’s in one night. May questions if failure runs in the family and she won’t bring her own father to World’s End, as she doesn’t want him to see what she’ll do to Rosa.
Tony Schiavone welcomes Ricochet to the ring ahead of his match with Will Ospreay this Saturday on Collision. Schiavone brings up the change of demeanor recently in his last match and Ricochet said yes, but didn’t it look good on him? Before he can say anything else, The Hurt Syndicate make their way to the ring. Ricochet said they all look good and collectively look great. Ricochet asks MVP if they saw how he beat Komander & Brody King and said after tonight, maybe Shelton can have 6 points and maybe they can face each other in the Finals? Ricochet said Ospreay will show him another side of him on Collision and MVP asked to see the business card he gave him. Ricochet shows it, Lashley grabs him by the throat and MVP rips it up, saying no one likes a kiss ass. The offer is revoked, as Ricochet just slowly walks out saying he’ll talk to them later. MVP & Lashley tell Benjamin good luck, as his match is up next. I’m not going to lie, Ricochet looked like a complete goof in this segment, even though commentary said he did the right thing in backing away.
Shelton Benjamin [6] defeated The Beast Mortos [0] in the Continental Classic Blue League
(Crowd was really into this fun match, as Benjamin continues to get crowd support, regardless of being a heel. Mortos continues having strong showings, but unless he manages to play spoiler on Mark Briscoe this weekend, he’ll end with 0 points. Post-match, despite having two of the more popular babyfaces try to fight off The Hurt Syndicate, it didn’t matter, the crowd loved MVP, Lashley & Benjamin.)
MVP stuck around on commentary, which has been a loophole from managers to be able to stay close to ringside in this tournament. Benjamin hit a quick overhead throw, but Mortos responded with a head scissors. Mortos flipped out of a hip toss, wrenched at the ankle and snapped back, as he stayed in control in the corner. Mortos tried walking the ropes, but Benjamin crotched him and hit a pump knee, sending Mortos to the floor into commercial.
We return to a Mortos La Magistral for a near fall, as MVP talked about a procedure Benjamin had recently on his knee. Menard asks if that was an excuse and MVP told him to shut his mouth or he’ll shut it for him. Mortos hit a snap powerslam, as the fans do dueling chants for a two count. Mortos hit the top rope twisting senton for a close two, as Mortos wanted a spinning backbreaker, but Benjamin countered into a powerslam for the double down. Mortos sat up and we get an intense stare down until Mortos fired off multiple headbutts, but ran into a wild Benjamin thrust kick. Rolling German suplexes from Benjamin, as the crowd get more and more amped as it went on. Multiple step-up knees in the corner, as Benjamin hits the T-Bone Suplex for the win, as MVP called it The Hurt Fall.
Post-match, Lashley & MVP returned to the ring, as Lashley beat down Mortos in the corner until MVP told Benjamin to take him for a ride with more German suplexes. MVP said this is what Daniel Garcia has to look forward to on Saturday. Garcia’s music hits and the TNT Champ marches to the stage. He said he’s not stupid, he knows what will happen to him if he goes to the ring. MVP agreed, saying he’d be stupid, but Garcia doesn’t care. Mark Briscoe joins and The Hurt Syndicate still have the numbers, as MVP cracks Briscoe with his cane, as Lashley flattened Garcia with a spinebuster and Benjamin wiped out Briscoe with a thrust kick. MVP gave Benjamin the TNT Title and he held it up before draping it over the fallen Garcia. Crowd chanted We Hurt People, as despite being heels, the crowd loved The Hurt Syndicate.
Renee Paquette is backstage with Ricochet who said he doesn’t know what that all was about with The Hurt Syndicate, since they gave him a card in the first place. Ricochet it’s besides the point, as he has 6 points in the Continental Classic and this Saturday, he steps in the ring with one of the reasons he came to AEW, Will Ospreay. He didn’t come here just for Ospreay, he came to AEW to shut people up and said that’s why he’s going to have his eyes on the next match. Ricochet made a cocky sound before turning to Swerve Strickland & Prince Nana. Strickland called him turd and then Trevor, saying he hoped he would’ve changed when coming to AEW, but he’s still the same old Trevor, a follower. Ricochet said he wondered how long it would take to hear the Swerve’s House stuff and brought up Strickland failing to win the Continental Classic last year, when Ricochet will win it this year. Ricochet walks away cockily, as Nana said that’s fine, at least they aren’t bald.
We see Toni Storm: Portrait of a Rockstar as RJ City is sitting in a hotel and Storm walks in, shaking his hand, saying it’s nice to meet him. Storm has always been about the grind on the indies, so she can’t believe she’s made it to AEW. RJ brings up Storm being a 3-time Women’s Champion and Storm said it’s a little early to be aiming that high, but maybe one day. Storm put over Saraya, Mercedes Mone & Mariah May before RJ grew frustrated and asked what about Timeless Toni Storm? Storm said it’s Toni Time and made RJ throw up the rock on devil horns before hugging him and leaving. I can’t wait to see where this continues to go, this was a hilarious segment.
Darby Allin [6] defeated Will Ospreay [6] in the Continental Classic Gold League
(This was a go out of your way match to check out, as this was arguably the match of the tournament. There’s been some great ones this Continental Classic, but this one is right up at the top. The crowd went nuts for both, as the bumps Allin take could only be done by him, they were flat out insane. I’m glad Allin got the win here, as it was the biggest singles win for Allin in a while and he’ll need more of those if he wants to build momentum to the World Title in the future.)
We immediately get Holy Sh*t chants before they even lock-up and dueling chants soon after. High springing arm-drag from Allin early, but Ospreay flipped out to his feet. Ospreay kicked out of a roll-up, but Allin sprung into a cross-body into a stalemate. Allin got a dropkick and corner charge, but as he scaled the ropes, Ospreay leveled him clear to the floor. The crowd are on their feet, as Ospreay missed a slingshot dive and Allin was there for a charging low dive. Ospreay rolled to the apron, as Allin went for a Coffin Drop, but Ospreay moved and Allin violently hit the edge of the ring as things went to break. The sound Allin’s spine made on the apron was insane.
Back from commercial, Allin has somehow recovered enough to hit a desperation springing Coffin Splash, as they trade a wild sequence of counters leading to an Allin float over stunner for the double down. Allin went up top, but again was cut off, as Ospreay hit the Cheeky Nandos kick. Ospreay up top now, rolled through the Leap of Faith, Allin tried Code Red, but Ospreay flipped him over into Hidden Blade. Ospreay wanted Storm Breaker, but Allin this time flipped into a picture-perfect Code Red for two in an unbelievable sequence.
Both slug it out with chops and forearms, as Allin wouldn’t go down, spun into La Magistral for a close two. Ospreay sprung up for an Oscutter, but Allin side stepped into a springboard Coffin Drop for two. They climb the ropes, as Allin wanted a superplex to the outside, but Ospreay held on, kicked out Allin’s legs and hit a Styles Clash from the apron onto the floor. Ospreay sold his knee and rolled in the ring, opting for the count-out, as the crowd chanted You Killed Darby. Allin broke the count at 9, but rolled right into an Oscutter for two. Ospreay wanted Storm Breaker, but Allin spun out into the Scorpion Death Drop. Allin limped to the corner up the ropes for a Coffin Drop, wanted another and hit it for the win in an amazing match.
DeathRiders make their entrance right after Allin was declared victor and they’re out for the main event, as Claudio Castagnoli stared down Allin, as they’ll face each other next in the Gold League.
Jon Moxley, PAC & Wheeler Yuta (w/Marina Shafir & Claudio Castagnoli) defeated Orange Cassidy, Switchblade Jay White & Hangman Adam Page
(Big party match to close the show, as the story here was Page turned into Bad News Brown and bailed on his team when things didn’t go his way. Page was only about getting his hands on Moxley and it ultimately cost his team the match, with he & White bickering. This didn’t really make any of the challengers look like any bigger of a threat to win the title at the PPV before this show, but I liked how commentary put over how they need to get their act together if they want any shot at winning the World Title.)
Page demanded Moxley, but when he saw Yuta was starting, he opted out and it was Cassidy who slugged it out with Yuta at the start. Cassidy wiped out PAC & Yuta on a dive before Moxley met him with a thrust chop right to the throat. Moxley made the tag, wanted a Gotch Piledriver, but Cassidy escaped into Beach Break. White & Page both begged for tags, as White ultimately pulled the tag and Page made it, running wild. Page stalked Moxley, as Shafir stood in his way, allowing Yuta to attack from behind. Back inside, Page leveled Yuta with a discus lariat before sending him to the corner, demanding Moxley make the tag. White made the blind tag, which pissed Page off so much he went to the back. Moxley tried to attack from behind, White nearly got Blade Runner, but Moxley escaped and hit a piledriver into commercial, as it’s now become a 3-2 handicap match.
White managed to battle back on his own, as Cassidy is still down. PAC cut off the momentum with a spinning neckbreaker off the ropes, as he followed with sole butts before White side-stepped a dropkick and turned PAC inside out with a lariat and cutthroat suplex. Castagnoli ran brief distraction, allowing PAC to hit the bounce back German suplex. Moxley made the tag, as White flattened him with a cutthroat suplex before falling back into a Cassidy tag. Little kicks ramped up, as Moxley swung and missed lariat attempts with Cassidy spiking him with a spinning DDT. Yuta was in, blocked Stundog Millionaire into a German suplex. White back in with another cutthroat suplex on Yuta, as Cassidy hit PAC with a superplex.
Cassidy wanted the Orange Punch, but Moxley was there to dodge it into a Cutter. Hangman Adam Page sprinted back to the ring, wanted a Buckshot, but Cassidy instead hit a Orange Punch before. Yuta was in and ate a Stundog Millionaire, as it looked like Page wanted a Buckshot on Cassidy, who ducked and Yuta took the blow. PAC in, but White took him out with Blade Runner, as he & Page started arguing, as Cassidy went to join them, but Moxley stole the pin off a school boy. Commentary said they have no one to blame but themselves, as if they want any chance of winning the AEW Title at World’s End, they need to shape up.
Post-match, Page, White & Cassidy all kept arguing until DeathRiders surrounded them with chairs, so they put the arguing aside and started to fight with them all, except Moxley, who bailed with Shafir. Yuta, Castagnoli & PAC were left to get their asses kicked to end the show, as they all stared Moxley & Shafir down.