It’s New Year’s Smash Night 2 tonight on AEW Dynamite as Darby Allin will defend his TNT Title against Brian Cage while Team Taz most assuredly lies in wait.
AEW Dynamite New Year’s Smash, January 13, 2020 Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur
Eddie Kingston (with Butcher, Blade & Bunny) vs. PAC (with Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix)

Before the match, Eddie vows to bust PAC up and he’s gonna send PAC back home (PAC “packing” if you weeell).
PAC doesn’t waste any time as he attacks Eddie and dives on him immediately on the outside. Back in the ring, PAC delivers pump kick to the face of Kingston. He remains on the offensive. Another pump kick in the corner before PAC ascends. Shotgun dropkick from up top sends Eddie ass over tin cups. Big knees from PAC. Eddie catches PAC with a strike before giving him a knee drop to the head from the second rope. The Bunny gouges the eyes of PC on the outside as referee Bryce Remsburg are distracted. Exploder suplex from Eddie on the outside as Butcher runs interference.
Back in the ring, Eddie crisply delivers a neckbreaker. He wrenches the neck of PAC. Knife edge chops from Eddie before an elbow to the back of PAC’s neck. Soon, the two trade shots and chops. PAC wins out with a flurry of attacks before sending Eddie into the ropes to torpedo him into a snap German. PAC’s chest is beet red. PAC returns the favor to Eddie’s with some leg kicks. Back fist by Eddie followed by an enziguri, followed by a side suplex. Two count.
Both men are down as Remsburg administers the ten count. Both get up at five. Chop from Eddie, he gets his legs up in the corner, but PAC does catch him with an enziguri up top. PAC delivers a solid superplex. Cover, two count.
PAC gets to his feet and boots away at Eddie’s face. Cornered, Eddie takes a running European from PAC. A charging PAC however gets a lifting lariat from Kingston. Two count. Eddie is favoring his left arm. Kingston goes for a DDT, but PAC holds onto the top rope. He downs Eddie and drags him over for a Black Arrow. PAC nails it and gets the pinfall.
Immediately, PAC locks in The Brutalizer on Eddie, but The Blade and Butcher come in and it’s a showdown. Out comes Lance Archer with Jake Roberts. Archer and PAC stare one another down as we can hear Archer say “You better get on the same page.”
Chuck Taylor (with Orange Cassidy) vs. Miro (with Kip Sabian & Penelope Ford)

Chuck fires away at Miro before sending him onto the outside. Miro tries to get back in the ring, but Chuck knocks him off and sends him crashing into the stage wall. He then swanton dives on top of Miro. Miro goes head first into the ring post. A diving foot stomp on the chest of Miro from the apron. Kip attacks Orange, but Chuck delivers a mule kick to him. Big Samoan drop by Miro. Punch flurry in the corner before an overhead belly-to-belly by Miro. Big leg lariat. Miro stomps away and size up Chuck for a thrust kick to Chuck. “Game Over” for Chuck. He submits and Chuck Taylor is butler-ized.
Post-match, Miro locks eyes with Orange Cassidy as he stares on. Orange watches as Miro taunts him with Chuck’s hair in his hands.
Dasha is with Private Party and Matt Hardy. Matt takes hold and tells them to say how they feel. They act excited before Marq Quen mentions how BS the contract is. He says Matt is acting like a carny. He told them they learned a tough lesson about money and demands them to get to moving.
Inner Circle's New Years Resolutions

The Inner Circle are in the ring together. 2021 is going to be a huge year for them, says Jericho. Hager is all about championships. MJF wants to continue strengthen these bonds and wants to get rid of fat people. Ortiz wants to finesse his food expertise. Jericho says that this is the year that he and MJF win the AEW Tag Titles. Santana takes exception. Chris picked him and Ortiz to be “the” tag team in the Inner Circle. Sammy sees what’s going on here. He calls Jericho a tag team slut. Him and MJF get heated. Chris tries to settle everyone down. Sexy hooligans and all that. Any one of them could win the tag titles, but he thinks they need to let off a little steam. A three way tag match next week to decide the official tag team of the Inner Circle. Will it be Jericho & MJF, Santana & Ortiz and…Sammy & Hager.
Alex Marvez is with The Dark Order. Evil Uno said everything they do will be in honor of Brodie Lee and therefore, they have to change their attitudes. They want to team with Hangman next week and in comes Adam. John Silver lets him know how much he admires him. Reynolds asks Adam when he’s gonna let them know if he’s joining The Dark Order. He says next week and The Dark Order look pumped.
After a preview of Cage vs. Allin, we see the new Elite ready to roll as AEW Champion Kenny Omega makes his way to the ring.
Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks (with Don Callis) vs. The Varsity Blondes & Danny Limelight

Don Callis does the honors of introducing The Young Bucks, but instead of that, he introduces The Good Brothers. The Young Bucks didn’t know about it apparently.
Match starts and Kenny goes at it with Danny who gets some offense of his own. Gallows gets involved. Limelight tags in Pillman and he and Garrison double team Kenny. Tag back to Danny who kicks Kenny in the corner. Gallows gets a leg up on Danny at the apron and it allows Kenny to hit a running leg lariat. Tag to Anderson who assaults Limelight. We go to break. During the break, there was a triple splash by The Elite.
Limelight delivers a hurricanrana to Kenny and further avoids his attacks. Pillman gets tagged in and is hot fire against Anderson and Gallows. The Varsity Blondes hit a flipping neckbreaker on Anderson for a very near fall. Omega knocks Pillman off the apron. Garrison gets singled out by The Elite. A three way neckbreaker almost gets the W, but his partners free Garrison. Big time running boot by Karl Anderson. Covers, two count. Anderson goes for the Gun Stun, but Griff gets free and tags in Danny. Danny goes for a DDT, but Anderson turns it into a spinebuster. Magic Killer gets the win.
WINNERS: The Good Brothers & Kenny Omega
The Elite celebrate, but out comes Moxley from the stands. He battles Kenny Omega and then takes it to the Good Brothers, but the numbers game is too much. Penta and Rey Fenix come out and an all out brawl takes place. The locker room pours out. Mox dives on bunch of that locker room. Out comes The Bucks to settle him down, but Penta and Rey superkick the Bucks. Kenny runs off with Callis.
“The Waiting Room” With Britt Baker

Britt tells the audience to look under their seats for a prize (Oprah style), but was just joshing. Nothing. She introduces Cody Rhodes, but before he can get a word in edge wise, she introduces Jade Cargill. Nobody gives a damn about Brandi being pregnant. Jade is a badass mom and if Brandi ever returns, she’s gonna beat her ass. She slaps Cody. In comes Red Velvet. They slap one another HARD. Another all out brawl in the Waiting Room. Britt then begins to air footage of herself attacking Thunder Rosa. Rosa cuts in on the feed. Britt is soon going to have to go in and wrestle. She’s talked to Tony Khan and they are going to do it on a big stage. That will be on February 3 at AEW Beach Break.
Jurassic Express vs. FTR

The teams square off against one another. It’s Dax and Marko. Dax manhandles him into the corner. Marko slaps him and Dax makes him pay with a bullying double-team with Cash. Cash delivers a harsh European style uppercut. Cash catches Marko but Marko turns it around and it’s a flurry of teamwork offense from Jurassic Express. This leads us to break.
All offense is from FTR on Marko as JB is left standing on the apron. Dax is harsh with pin attempts. Dax gives Marko a Gory Special. He wriggles free for a roll-up and a two count. Dax runs interference but JB does get the tag and he hits Dax hard with a back elbow and begins an unrelentless flurry onto FTR. Near fall from JB. Dax is up top but fights JB off with some right hands, only to get a top rope hurricanrana. Very near fall. Brainbuster by JB gets another close one. Marko goes for the sliced bread on Harwood, but he blocks it and launches him. Dax takes off his elbow pad and elbows him. Marko continues to fight and hits a sliced bread. Two count. Marko goes to the outside and as he’s about to get in the ring, Tully sends him into the ring post. JB comes out confront him, but Cash sends him torpedoing into the guardrail. They hit the Big Rig on Marko for the finish.
NWA Women’s Worlds Championship
Tay Conti (with Anna Jay) vs. Serena Deeb

Serena wrenches the arm, Tay Conti turns it into an abdominal stretch, but Serena follows it up with arm drags. Pin attempt by Serena. Tay gets a heel hook in, but Serena rolls over for a chin lock. Good mat based work here. Judo throw from Conti. Test of strength. Serena rolls it free for more focus on the arm. Conti turns it into a triangle sleeper. Side lariat by Serena gets a pin attempt. Big pump kick by Conti dizzies Serena and sends her crashing to the outside. We go to break.
Back from it, Tay turns a full nelson into a stunner. Two count. Serena later counters for a stretch muffler modification. Rope break. Serenity lock attempt by Serena, but another reversal. Rib breaker by Serena. Two count. Up top, Serena does a Gory Special utilizing the ropes. Tay soon hits a big pump kick. She goes for a Tay KO. She reverses and hits the Deeb Tox for the W.
WINNER and STILL NWA Women’s Worlds Champion: Serena Deeb
TNT Championship
Brian Cage (with Ricky Starks) vs. Darby Allin

Official introductions are made. Bell rings and Darby goes quick on the attack. He dives onto Cage on the outside and sends him into the barricade. Darby goes for another tope, but Cage catches him and suplexes him down on the outside. Super impressive.
Bck in the ring, Cage gorilla press throws Darby onto the outside through the medical table on the outside. Just insane. Darby is bleeding and is out. Cage powers him into the ring with a front suplex. He picks Darby up by the pants and slams him down. Cage sizes him up and gives him a running uppercut. Release German suplex. Cage salutes Taz who is on commentary. He vaults Darby into the corner. Closed fist right hands by Cage. Darby is down and out as Cage presents the fallen champ to the crowd. We go to break.
Back from the break, Darby fights his way out of a kick out at one. Repeated powerbombs by Cage. Just crazy. Darby flips off Cage. He vaults Darby over the ropes with a powerbomb onto the stage. Cage drags Darby over for a superplex into the ring. He covers. Only another one count. Cage grabs the steel steps and drags them out. Cage looks to slam Darby down on them, but Darby fights free, bites the hand of Cage and it sends Cage spine first on the steps. Coffin Drop to Cage onto the outside!
Ref begins to count and gets to nine until Cage answers. The men trade shots. Bearhug by Cage, but Darby bites him. He ties Cage with his belt and attacks him. Cage powers free. Code Red gets a near fall for Darby. Darby vaults up and foot stomps Cage. Starks tries to interfere, but the lights go out and appears Sting to smack him with a bat. This allows Cage to hit a crucifix pin bomb from the top for the win for Darby.
WINNER and STILL TNT Champion: Darby Allin
Snow falls as Darby sits with his title and Sting watches Team Taz regroup to end the show.