Tonight, All Elite Wrestling presents AEW Beach Break as Jon Moxley tags up with PAC & Rey Fenix to face Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers in the main event. Plus, Thunder Rosa takes on Britt Baker in a bout that has been months in the making and there will be a tag team battle royale to determine who is the number one contender for The Young Bucks and their belts at AEW Revolution. Not to mention Penelope Ford and Kip Sabian finally get hitched as “The Best Man” Miro plans the best wedding possible.
February 3, 2021, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur
Tag Team Battle Royale
(Winner receives #1 contendership for AEW Tag Titles)

Announcers reveal that FTR have been disqualified from the bout due to their actions last week. The Bucks start the action off by diving onto some foes via the stage. All teams get into the ring and the battle royal begins. Dante of Top Flight is eliminated. So is Reynolds. Hager gets dumped by Dark Order (Uno and Stu), saving John Silver. Hager is furious. Matt Jackson is out. Anthony Bowens gets dumped Luchasaurus gets a chance to showcase himself. He chokeslams Nick J. onto Darius. Grayson gets chokeslammed by Luchasaurus onto the outside, eliminating him. Luchasaurus gets dumped out. So does Grayson and so does Uno.
ELIMINATED: Grayson & Uno
Marq Quen gets eliminated. John Silver double suplexes Santana and Ortiz, but then they dump him out.
ELIMINATED: Silver & Reynolds
Nick Jackson takes it to Santana and Ortiz. He eliminates both of them.
ELIMINATED: Santana & Ortiz
The Good Brothers come out to distract Isiah Kassidy. He gets dumped.
ELIMINATED: Private Party
Nick talks to The Good Brothers and MJF dumps him.
All of Inner Circle try to eliminate Jungle Boy, but he holds on. Not long after, MJF dumps him.
ELIMINATED: Jurassic Express
Castor fights with Inner Circle and he even holds MJF for Sammy. Sammy goes to kick MJF, but Max ducks and Castor gets kicked. Castor dumps MJF. Darrius dumps Castor.
ELIMINATED: The Acclaimed
Down to Sammy, Jericho and Darrius. Darrius and Sammy fight at the ropes after Jericho gets poked in the eye. He can’t totally see and goes to dump out Darrius, but out tumbles Sammy.
A little after, Jericho hits the Judas Effect to knock out Darrius.
WINNERS: Chris Jericho & MJF
Video package showcasing Jade Cargill.
After (beach) break, Tony Schiavone introduces Darby Allin to the ring. Then out comes Sting who pats Tony on the back. Tony says next week, Darby has to defend the TNT Title against Joey Janela. Taz interrupts outside of the building. They’re not allowed in due to their attacks on the staff members. Rest assured, they’ll be in full effect for Darby’s match against Janela. Starks gets on the mic and questions if Sting is still “The Icon.” He can’t wait to see Darby too. Sting says no funny business is happening next week and then tells Ricky to take a closer look in his eyes, implying that The Icon is still there.
Video package recounting Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker rivalry.
Britt Baker vs. Thunder Rosa
Thunder immediately comes out to attack Rebel, and Britt goes for the Lock Jaw, but Rosa rolls over for a two count. She corners Britt and chops at her before feeding some elbows. Hard chop in the adjacent corner. Britt knees her and turns it around. Sitting neck wrench by Britt. Rosa gets to her feet and elbows Britt in the corner. Big running dropkick to Britt. Rolling senton into the corner. Cover, two count. Ground and pound by Rosa. She gets caught up in the corner and Britt rips on her hair to level her down. She then pulls Rosa’s body across the ring post. Hard shot to Rosa on the outside. The two continue to brawl it out on the outside and Rosa sends Britt into the barricade. We go picture-in-picture.
Back from break, Rosa nails Britt with a DVD on the stage. She gets her into the ring and corners Britt. Dropkicks and kicks to Britt. Two count. Rosa has a reverse fireman’s on Britt, but Baker counters. Sling blade. Two count. Savate kick and kick by Rosa. Rosa goes to pick Britt up but britt hits a White Noise. Two count.
Rebel hands Britt her glove. Rosa is down in the middle of the ring. She goes for the Lock Jaw, but Rosa gets her foot on the ropes. Britt covers, two count. Britt does a curb stomp to Rosa, Kick out, but Britt goes for the Lock Jaw. Rosa rolls her over for a pin attempt. Some real mat wrestling going down. Back suplex and then a DVD by Rosa. Two count. Rosa has Britt locked into a unique hammerlock. Rebel comes in and unties the turnbuckle. Rosa kicks her, but the hold is broken. Britt rolls her up for a pin, but kick out. Soon, Britt drop toe holds Rosa into the open turnbuckle. She drags Rosa over for the Lock Jaw and she’s out. Ref calls for the bell.
WINNER: Britt Baker
Post-match, officials help Rosa out of the ring.
Footage from last week shows Tony talking to Matt Hardy and Hangman in the locker room. Hangman makes clear that he doesn’t want to form a team with anyone. Hardy pitches tagging up against Chaos Project to get vengeance on them for spoiling Brodie Lee Jr.’s birthday party. Hangman seems game for that at least…and that’s happening now.
Hangman Page & Matt Hardy vs. Chaos Project
Matt starts it off with Serpentico and is asserting his will on him. Tag to Page. Running shooting star to him. Two count. Snap floatover suplex to Serpentico. Two count. Tag to Matt. Hangman holds him as Matt drops an elbow on the arm. Side effect to Serpentico. In comes Luther and he stomps on Matt. Tag to Serpentico. Luther mashes Serpentico into Matt and then drops him on Matt for a pin attempt. Two count.
Serpentico goes for a Swanton, but he misses. Tag to Hangman. Fallaway slam. Hangman catches Serpentico for a spinebuster, two count. Hard shot by Hangman who goes for the Buckshot, but Luther trips him off. Cannonball off the apron to Luther. Hangman hits the Buckshot. Matt tags himself in and covers, 1-2-3. Hangman is astonished.
WINNERS: Hangman Page & Matt Hardy
Tony Schiavone announces the participants to the AEW Women’s Eliminator Tournament.
Matches will emanate from the US and Japan
Aja Kong
Yuka Sakazaki
Emi Sakura
Ryo Mizunami
Mei Suruga
Rin Kadokura
Maki Itoh
Serena Deeb
Britt Baker
Tay Conti
Thunder Rosa
Nyla Rose
Anna Jay
Leyla Hirsch
MJF and Jericho go into Inner Circle locker room with a box of goods to celebrate. No everybody else seems ecstatic, especially Sammy. He exits and Jericho follows him as MJF says he needs to have a word with all of them.
Kip Sabian & Penelope Wedding

Sinister Minister James Mitchell is the ordained Minister! Vickie Guerrero is a part of the wedding party. Jerry Lynn walks Penelope out. Kip has a toothpick in like a true groom. James Mitchell makes note of the unholy matrimony before they exchange personal vows. Kip’s vows are a bit sleazy. James Mitchell like a gentleman, lowers the mic for her. Penelope seems to almost make a phallic reference before Kip stops her. Butler Charles presents the rings and Mitchell begins the ceremony, but does include the word “grope” and “kayfabing others for so long as you both shall live.” Kip does. He calls Kip a dashing rapscallion before asking Penelope the same thing. She does too. They place the rings on their hands. Mitchell is about to ask “forever hold their peace” but Miro stops it.
James finishes off the familiar words and the two kiss. Mitchell tells them all to join Miro in a toast. They get champagne glasses (Miro drinks Chuck’s). Miro has had his share of weddings and he may not have done too much, but his presence is what matters. There’s a gigantic gift that Miro points out, asking what the hell it is. Miro suspiciously destroys the box and there’s nothing in it. Miro stops for the crowd to sing “Night At The Roxbury” after he asks “what is love.” Miro suddenly finds himself handcuffed to the ropes and Chuck strikes Kip who falls into Penelope who falls into the cake. Kip and Miro attack Chuck. Kip accidently hits Miro. Out from the cake comes Orange Cassidy and he gives Kip his finisher. Chuck celebrates with champagne.
Lumberjack Match
Eddie Kingston vs. Lance Archer
Lance immediately charges and attacks Eddie. Just complete chaos on the outside and Archer eventually dives onto everybody we go to picture in picture.
Back from it, Eddie tosses Lance out of the ring and the heels gang up on Archer as the faces interfere. Full nelson slam back in the ring by Archer. Shoulder tackles by Lance. Suplex. Archer splashes on top of Eddie for a two count. Hard slap from Archer, but the Bunny hops on top of Archer. Archer teases a Blackout on her and Eddie just hits his backfist on Archer. Archer rolls out and Jake Roberts decks Angelico. Archer gets back in the ring and the two battle it out. Blade brings a table in the ring. Bear Country spears Blade through the table and clears Butcher and he out of the ring. Uranage by Archer on Eddie. Two count. Archer blocks a spinning backfist, hard shot to Eddie up top. Blackout. 1-2-3.
WINNER: Lance Archer
We see FTR. Cash is hoping Jurassic Express didn’t tattle on them for last week. Tully Blanchard goes over their injustices. All they want is a championship match. What does it take. They’re not bad men, Dax says, but they do ask, “what do bad men do?” They pull in Marko Stunt who is tied to a chair.
Joey Janela says next week the stakes have never been so high for the two. The TNT Champion is going to be a “Bad, bad boy.”
Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers (with Don Callis) vs. PAC, Rey Fenix & Jon Moxley

PAC and Karl start it off by trading harsh shots. Running hurricanrana by PAC. Tag to Gallows (Don Callis is on commentary BTW). Mox asks PAC for the tag and he obliges. Mox goes right after the big man. Mox takes it to Gallows. Regal knee strike and follows with an elbow. Anderson gets a tag and so does Fenix who soon tags in PAC. Standing moonsault from PAC gets a two count. PAC however, gets isolated. Kenny gets a tag and attacks away at PAC. Tags are quickly exchanged by the bad men. Rolling German by PAC gives him the chance to tag in Mox. He takes it to Karl. Anderson gets a boot up, but Mox flings him with a suplex drop. Mox dives on top of Gallows. Tope to The Good Brothers by Mox. Mox sends Kenny into the barricade and we go to break.
Gallows is teeing off on Mox after break, but Mox counters in a figure four. Anderson immediately breaks it up and the Good Brothers stomp away at him. They go for the Magic Killer but Mox fights free and disposes of the IMPACT champs. Omega gets the tag and so does Rey Fenix. Flurry of wild kicks to Gallows. Diving reverse headbutt from Rey and then a thrust kick to Kenny. PAC leaps off with a shotgun dropkick to Kenny. Diving moonsaults to the baddies on the outside. Rey gets a near fall on Kenny. The two trade hard shots. Kenny kicks Rey while he’s up top and hits a high-angle snap dragon on Rey. Gallows comes in win a cover and Fenxi just gets a shoulder up. PAC blind tags and chops Gallows down. Bullet Club soon triple teams PAC and Mox comes into play interference. Liger Bomb from Kenny gets a two count. Omega hits a V-Trigger on PAC and then goes for a One-Winged Angel Mox and Fenix go after Kenny and then PAC hits a deadlift German for a near fall. Mox becomes the legal man who knocks Karl off the apron. Slugfest between Mox and Kenny. Knee strike by Kenny, but a lariat by Mox. Fenix dropkicks Gallows and hook kicks Karl. big senton dive to Karl on the outside.Kenny hits a Paradigm Shift on Mox. Covers, PAC breaks it up with a 450. Amazing. Mox hits Gun Stun on Anderson. Rey Fenix hits a moonsault press on Karl for a two count. Rey goes up top by Anderson hits an Arn spinebuster. Magic Killer on Rey and we get the 1-2-3.
WINNERS: Anderson, Gallows & Omega
Good Brothers and Kenny go to attack Mox and Rey, but out comes Lance Archer to run off the Good Brothers. Mox has his sights set on Kenny but in comes a masked man to attack from behind. It’s KENTA. He hits a GTS and Kenny stands tall.