This week on AEW Dynamite, World Champion Kenny Omega teams up with NJPW’s KENTA to face Jon Moxley & Lance Archer, Darby Allin defends his TNT Championship against Joey Janela and the AEW Women’s World Title Eliminator Tournament begins with Leyla Hirsch taking on Thunder Rosa!
February 10, 2021, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur
AEW TNT Championship
Joey Janela vs. Darby Allin (c)

Darby sits in the corner Raven style as Aubrey Edwards holds up his title. The bell rings and we’re in business. Lock up leads to a standing switch from Joey, but Darby backs him in the corner and there;s a reset. Joey “Scott Hall spookies” him. Hammerlock by Darby. Snapmare by Joey, but Darby downs him. Back to the corner. Joey looks to reset but suddenly back elbows Darby. Flying arm drag and shotgun dropkick by Darby, but Janela drops him face first with a reverse suplex on the aporn. Elbow suicida. Back in the ring, Joey covers and gets a two count.
Hard elbows from Darby, but Janela flings him into the opposite corner sternum first. Cover, two count. Modified body scissors by Janela in the middle of the ring. He fish hooks Darby. Darby frees himself with elbows to the ribs, but Janela hammers him back down to the mat. Double axe handle up top from Janela. He climbs up top again, but Darby grabs his arm and yanks Joey onto the top rope. The two trade shots on the apron. Hard knee to the face of Darby. Belly-to-back attempt by Janela, but a shotgun dropkick takes it back in his favor. He pulls Joey onto the apron and it causes Bad Boy to stumble onto the outside for an elbow suicida by Allin. He takes Joey back in the ring and covers for two. Fujiwa arm bar attempt by Darby, but Janela makes it to the ropes by the skin of his teeth literally. Darby kicks his mouth into the ropes. Janela catches Darby with a German and then a thrust kick for a two count.
Joey admires the TNT Title and Darby makes him pay for it by attacking his arm. The two trade shots and Joey lariats him down. Daby soon counters with a stunner for a two count. Janela goes for a backslide attempt. Mat wrestling ensues until Janela catches him with a piledriver for a near fall.
Joey sets Darby up top and he favors his left arm. Darby seizes that with an avalanche Code Red for a very close fall. Drby does a hammerlock STO. Coffin Drop and it’s all over.
WINNER and STILL TNT Champion: Darby Allin
Cut to Jon Moxley. He says KENTA has been calling him out and now he’s looking like a dork. The time for cheap talk is now over. He’s holding the IWGP US Title and tells him KENTA will have to go after him on February 27 for that, but that’s sanctioned. Tonight’s match isn’t. Tonight is just for fun. Falls count anywhere.
Sammy heads to the Inner Circle locker room and tells his crew he needs a minute alone with MJF. Everyone leaves including Wardlow. Sammy says the camera man stays. He watched last week and he knows exactly what Max is doing – he’s trying to take over the Inner Circle. It’s obvious. MJF initially thinks it was just jealously, but now he realizes it’s more than that: he thinks Sammy hates Chris. He thinks Sammy is upset because he wants to take over the IC. Sammy sarcastically agrees and MJF said “that’s exactly what he wanted to hear.” It seemed like he was recording him with his phone. Sammy grabs it and throws it before punching Max in the gut.
Peter Avalon & Cezar Bononi vs. Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson (with Arn Anderson)

Cody comes out with his Snoop mash-up theme. Brock Anderson, Arn’s son, is ringside and he’s in training to be a wrestler. Cody shakes his hand. It’s Cody and Avalon starting the bout and Cody stomps him in the corner before tagging in Lee. Standing headlock by Peter. Whipped to the ropes is Peter who holds on and Cezar comes behind with an elbow strike.
Lee flips over Peter from the top and then nails him with a dropkick. Peter tags in Cezar. Cezr goes for a powerbomb, but Lee gets free and gives him a jawbreaker. Tag to Cody who hits a falling clothesline. Pump handle suplex to Cody and we go to picture-in-picture.
Back from break, Avalon springboards, but Cody catches him. His shoulder however is bothering him and he tags in Lee. Hot tag fire by Lee. He dumps out Cezar and does a corkscrew dive onto him. He voids Avalon and a fisherman’s neckbreaker. Cover, 1-2-nope. Bononi breaks it up. Bononi tosses Cody. Lee rolls up Avalon and it’s good for the victory. The first of his AEW career.
WINNERS: Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson
Post-match, The Nightmare Family come out to celebrate (Dustin and QT). Tony Schiavone stands at the stage as “Lee” chants ring out. Lee is emotional. He doesn’t have words for Tony. He credits his trainers, Cody, Arn, Dustin and even Brandi. The Rhodes family is his family and they alone did this for him.
We are backstage with The Young Bucks earlier in the day. Dasha brings up their early elimination in the battle royale. In come The Good Brothers. The Bucks confront them about that elimination. They were out their to distract Private Party in advance of IMPACT Wrestling’s No Surrender. They were eliminated by Santana & Ortiz. Matt has the idea to put their titles on the line against them next week. The Good Brothers go for a Too Sweet, but Matt notes Sting is around the corner. Karl reminds them that Sting was in the red & black. They “Too Sweet” and Karl calls for Sting.
Dasha is standing backstage with Hangman. She pitches the idea of him tagging up with Matt, but Hangman is skeptical. Matt walks in and offers an open bar on him tonight. Just the two, by themselves. Hangman accepts since it’s free. As he walks off, he runs into John Silver and The Dark Order. John tries to pitch a hang it seems, but Hangman does have other plans and Silver is shown criticizing himself (“stoopid!”)
PAC (with Rey Fenix) vs. Ryan Nemeth

Kick to Nemeth’s gut by PAC. PAC is on the major offensive with a top rope dropkick across the ring. Savate kicks by PAC and it’s followed up by a harsh calf kick to the mush of Nemeth. Ryan rolls to the outside, but PAC sends him back in the ring. Nemeth catches PAC with a dropkick than a Dolph DDT. PAC to the outside now. Nemeth gets kicked and sent into the barricade. Back in the ring we go. PAC stomps away at him. Nemeth is cornered and is stomped. He looks out. He drags Nemeth over and sends him up for The Black Arrow. He hits it. Brutalizer and Nemeth immediately submits.
Chris is standing backstage awaiting MJF who enters with his ribs taped. He asks Jericho if he saw what happened. He didn’t, but now they have a match to worry about.
Chris Jericho & MJF (with Santana, Ortiz, Wardlow & Jake Hager) vs. The Acclaimed

Max Caster lays some “Sunshine” rhymes on MJF. Caster and Max start it off who takes a shot to the ribs and he quickly bails. Jericho calms him down and Chris gets the tag. Caster shoulder tackles him and tags in Bowens. Big double team elbow by Acclaimed on Chris gets a two count. He boots Bowens and tags in Max. Bowens plants MJF down and covers for a two count. Acclaimed focuses on Max’s ribs. Max does force Caster in the corner and they gouge and poke the eyes of Caster. Crowd boos heavily as they stomp Caster in the corner. Double flapjack and then they both step on Caster. We go to picture-in-picture.
Back from break, Max has Caster in an abdominal stretch and Jericho adds to the torque by grabbing MJF’s hand. Caster turns the tables and then hip tosses MJF off. Tag to Jericho and tag to Bowens. Bowens strikes both fores down and hits a dropkick on Jericho. Bowens drops him with a spinning rack drop. Santana gets leveled on the apron but Caster strikes Jericho with a boombox as he goes for a Lionsault. Bowens covers for a two count. Bowens downs Jericho but falls off the apron. Hager hops up and knocks Caster off the top. Jericho nails him with a Judas Effect for the win.
WINNERS: MJF & Chris Jericho
Post-match, out comes Sammy. He’s got a mic. Jericho asks Sammy what’s the problem. Sammy tells Chris he told him. If one more thing happened with Max, then he’s done. He’s out here to tell Chris, “He’s done.” Jericho asks what he means. He means he quits the Inner Circle. His former members are shocked as Sammy walks off and MJF holds back a grin.
Sammy is rolling his way out of the arena as Marvez catches up with him. Sammy says he needs some time away.
Hangman Adam Page Speaks

Matt Hardy and Hangman are drinking together. Hangman has a lot of empty glasses in front of him and Matt hands him a contract. Hangman gladly accepts as Matt acknowledges the camera man. Hangman throws out Matt contract and presents one of his own to sign. Matt turns back around and signs “his contract.” Hangman asks for another round for himself as Matt walks off.
Tony Schiavone introduces Sting as the snow begins to fall, but Taz suddenly interrupts while he’s in an SUV with Powerhouse Hobbs. We suddenly see Starks and Cage have a knocked out Darby Allin in a body bag as they drive off with him dragging behind. Sting is in pursuit.
Back from break, a khaki’ed Kenny Omega earlier in the day is golfing as Alex Marvez approaches him. He asks Kenny what he’s doing playing golf instead of prepping for his tag match with KENTA tonight. Kenny already has proven he is the best wrestler. Golfing is helping him prepare himself mentally and spiritually. Just like today and just like tonight, he’s not going to lose. Goodbye and goodnight. Kenny cheated at getting that eagle shot, btw. Steely Dan man Alex Marvez asks for a ride and they don’t give it to him.
AEW Women’s Title Eliminator Tournament
Leyla Hirsch vs. Thunder Rosa

Thunder Rosa has three goals: win the tournament, get her NWA Title back and go after Britt Baker. Bell rings and Leyla and Rosa mat wrestle it up. They go back vertically and Leyla arm drags her down. Rosa trips her up. We reset. Arm drags by Rosa, a kick to the gut and a body slam. Running senton for a one count. Leyla downs Rosa and rolls her on the mat. Rosa turns it into a wrist lock. Leyla leaps up top and gives Rosa a hurricanrana. Tope suicida by Leyla. Back in the ring, Leyla goes for a cross arm breaker, but Rosa gets free and gives her a neckbreaker over the ropes. Leyla is down and we go to picture-in-picture.
Back from break, Rosa catches Leyla in the corner with some lariats and a shotgun dropkick. She covers for a two count. “Leyla” chants as she hits two Germans. She goes for a third, but Rosa elbows free. Back elbow from Leyla who leaps off with spinning cross body. Two count. Rosa is down. Leyla leaps off top with a moonsault, but Rosa gets her knees up. She covers for a two count. Two bicycle knee strikes to Rosa. She drags Rosa over and then leaps off with another moonsault attempt but Rosa avoids and covers for a two. Sho goes for a Rosa Driver, but Leyla gets her in a cross arm breaker. Roses lifts her up and slams her down. She then hits her Rosa Driver for the pinfall finish.
WINNER and ADVANCING in the Eliminator Tournament: Thunder Rosa
Earlier in the day, Schiavone is sitting with Jungle Boy. He notes that Marko Stunt is safe after being kidnapped and Jungle Boy addresses Dax Harwood directly: they didn’t tell on FTR because they want to face them head on, and when Jungle Boy gets hold of Dax, he’s gonna make them his bitch.
KENTA & Kenny Omega vs. Jon Moxley & Lance Archer (with Jake Roberts

Don Callis joins commentary for this. KENTA smacks Mox with his US IWGP briefcase. He does the same to Lance’s back, but that makes him mad. Kenny chop blocks him and then drops Archer down. Moxley fights back, but Kenny and KENTA gang up. They argue a bit between themselves and Mox fights back as Lance tries to recuperate. Kenny and KENTA splash Mox in the corner, but Archer levels KENTA down. The two former NJPW foes work together in unison. Archer goes to bomb Kenny, but Kenny turns it into a hurricanrana. Mox and KENTA trade an immense amount of shot. KENTA goes for a GTS, Mox turns it into a Paradigm Shift attempt but Kenny smashes him with a trash can. Omega sets the can up in the corner. He rolls Mox down, leaps up, grabs the trash can and moonsaults it on top of Mox. Kenny holds the trash can up for KENTA who dropicks it into Mox. Two count. Archer comes in with a ladder and nails Kenny with hit. Jake loves it. Mox dives onto KENTA and Archer vaults Kenny into the ladder. We go to picture-in-picture.
Bac from break, it’s an all-out brawl on the outside. KENTA gives Peter Avalon a GTS. Archer downs KENTA and then tosses Kenny on Avalon’s lounge set up at ringside. He covers but no dice. Mox covers KENTA after a kick to the jaw, but KENTA kicks out. Forearm strikes to KENTA. He and Mox fight up the stairs to the top of Daily’s Place. Archer pursues as Kenny fights his way off the broken lounge bed or whatever the hell it is. Mox and KENTA have found themselves in the kitchen. Mox tosses KENTA on a metal table. Mox gets DDT’ed on top of it. KENTA locks in a crossface, but Archer hits him with a box of russet potatoes. Archer gets thrown aside as Kenny and Mox duke it out. Mox hits him with a spud.
Kenny and Mox are fighting their way back to the ring. Mox jabs Kenny with a chair. The two trade strikes as Jake Roberts watches from the pron. Mox nails Kenny with some kendo strikes. He sends Omega back into the ring. Mox strikes him with the kendo a couple more times before leaping off the top to eat a V-Trigger. KENTA and Archer fight their way through the entryway. Mox is laying on the doctor’s ringside table as Archer looks to powerbomb KENTA on commentary. KENTA fights free. Archer charges him, but KENTA avoids and foot stomps Mox through the table from the stage. Archer sets his sights on Omega in the ring. enny wields a kendo, but Archer catches it and snaps it. He Judo throws Kenny before chokeslamming him. Archer tosses the ladder away before walking the ropes for a Don Jardine flip. Two count.Archer picks him up for the Blackout, but out comes The Good Brothers. KENTA comes back in strike Archer, but Archer disposes of him. Karl Gun stuns Archer. Roberts short-arm clotheslines Karl but Doc Gallows strikes him in the throat. Kenny looks to V-Trigger Jake , but Mox comes in and hits Kenny with a barbed wire bat. Mox gets ganged up on and then so does Archer who gets a Magic Killer. With help from Doc Gallows, Archer gets lifted up for a One-Winged Angel and then get the dirty pinfall.
WINNERS: Kenny Omega & KENTA