Tonight on AEW Dynamite, we see the fallout from AEW Revolution and it will have a now-aligned Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley going up against The Workhorsemen.
March 9, 2022, Fort Myer, FL
Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur
Chris Jericho kicks off the show. He says the match at Revolution with Eddie Kingston may have been the best he ever had in AEW. He says he didn’t live up to his word and shake his hand. “Shake his hand” chants occur. He said he was frustrated and angry. Eddie beat him and he wants to pay his respect. He asks Eddie to come out. Eddie obliges. He said the Friday night before Revolution, Eddie wanted to run away. He got the courage to show up because people at the Fan Fest said how impacted they were by his Player’s Tribune article. He said that hand shake wasn’t for him, but for Jericho. What kind of hole in his chest does he have that he wouldn’t shake Eddie’s hand. That’s the question he’s gotta ask. Jericho said he was right. He respects Eddie and he thanks him for giving him one of the best matches of his career and the two shake hands. Out comes 2point0 with Daniel Garcia. They gang up on the two. Santana and Ortiz clear house. They give Jericho the bat, but Jericho hits Santana and Ortiz. He’s aligned with 2point0 and Daniel Garcia. Out comes an irate Jake Hager. He screams at Jericho before joining him in attacking his Inner Circle brothers. Jericho stabs Eddie in the head with the head of the bat. 2point0 pull up a table and Hager powerbombs Kingston through it from the apron. He calls his new alliance the “Jericho Appreciation Society.”
AEW World Championship
Dante Martin vs. Hangman Page (c)
The two shake hands after the bell sounds. A sequence occurs until Dante nails a dropkick. Chops are traded. Hangman catches Martin but falls, rolls through and hits a fallaway slam before we head to break.
Back from it, Martin nails a missile dropkick and he covers: 1-2-kick out. Martin shows off his signature athleticism but it’s only a matter of time until Hangman matches him step for step to hit a Buckshot Lariat. 1-2-3.
WINNER and STILL AEW World Champion: Hangman Page
Tony Schiavone heads to the ring to get Hangman’s thoughts. Hangman tells Dante to get back in the ring. He said last year, Page got put in a tough position last year, but he managed to make it all the way to the World Championship. He knows he’ll probably enter the tag division back with his brother, but he’d be more than happy to face him again if it happens. He shakes Martin’s hand. Out comes Adam Cole to say Page won by a fluke at Revolution. He said in a week he wants to face Hangman in a six-man tag and Hangman can pick any two goons he wants. He’s got partners in mind that are his friends. Cole vows to make Page’s life a living hell until he hears the words “And new AEW World Champion…Adam Cole Bay Bay!”
Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson (with William Regal) vs. The Workhorsemen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry)
Mox and JD start it off. Mox hits a snap belly to back to take JD off his feet. Bryan hits some yes kicks. Anthony Henry gets the tag and lays in some kicks himself until Danielson turns him inside out. Mox stomps away at Henry in the corner as “Thank you Regal” chants ring through the arena. Mox takes Henry out on the outside with a tope and Paradigm Shift. Danielson hits his running knee and locks in the LaBelle on Drake. He taps and Regal approves.
WINNERS: Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley
Schiavone is in the ring with Danielson & Mox and Regal. The crowd welcomes Regal back and Regal notes that it has been 29 years since he and Tony were together on TBS. He said he knows the life he lived he’s not long for this world and Regal notes that Schiavone was one of the first people who really helped him in wrestling. He’s a bit emotional. He notes he was no longer at his old job and he was out of wrestling for those two whole months. He then got word Danielson mentioned his name on AEW. He tuned in and saw that Danielson was fighting Mox. People may associate him with Danielson and he says Bryan was the wrestler he should have been. Then 11 years ago he met Mox. He said the physical and psychological problems they put one another through would make the devil cry. He decided what two would make a better combo and that’s why these two are together. He issues a warning to everyone: you’ll either step up or get stepped on.
Alex Marvez is with Dark Ordre. Hangman comes in and apologizes for his actions. Dark Order tells him it’s cool before Silver asks who will he picks for his partners next week. Hangman admits that he ran into Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus next week and they asked about being partners with him to get their hands on the Young Bucks. They looked a little despondent.
Wheeler Yuta (with Orange Cassidy) vs. PAC
We go to break soon after the bell rings. PAC shows his offensive prowess against Yuta as The Bastard is steady in offense. He hits a superplex and then locks in a Brutalizer. Yuta submits.
We cut to the Cutler cam with Cole, ReDRagon and The Bucks. RD and Bucks bicker over their tag match at AEW Revolution.
FTR shockingly fires Tully Blanchard.
In the ring, AHFO have a vote to fire Matt Hardy. Everyone votes yes except Private Party until they turn their thumbs upside down Batista style. They assault Matt in the ring. Andrade boots him down and a a chair is introduced until Darby Allin and Sting come out. They both walk down to the ring. They get ganged up on until Jeff Hardy’s music hits. Out he comes and he hits all his signatures on AFO. He nails a Swanton bomb to cap off the surprise return! He and Matt embrace as the Hardy Boyz are back.
Swerve Strickland is backstage and gets interrupted by Tony Nese. It will be Swerve vs. Tony on Rampage for his debut match.
We get Wardlow in the ring. He talks about his hardships growing up and Max was his hard way of getting his foot in the door and he thanks MJF for that, but it doesn’t give him the right to disrespect them. Last week, when MJF slapped him, he made his choice. He may still be under contract, but he doesn’t give a damn. He’s no longer his bodyguard, he’s no longer a part of the Pinnacle and he is finally free. If MJF lets him go of his contract, he’ll go his separate ways. He wants to put the past behind him and now he wants everyone to know that AEW is now “Wardlow’s World.”
QT Marshall wants a word with Keith Lee. Marshall says he and Lee have a common enemy in Team Taz. QT lets Lee know that the Factory has his back. “I’m good,” says Lee and Marshall is not pleased.
AEW World Tag Team Championship
The Acclaimed vs. Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (c)
The teams fight into a commercial break and do nail a Mic Drop on JB, but Luchasaurus makes the save. They hit Luchasaurus with the boom box and the Acclaimed hits a modified Magic Killer. Impressive, but JB kicks out. Christian Cage pulls Caster out of the ring and it allows the champs to hit a springboard lariat on Bowens for the 1-2-3.
WINNERS and STILL AEW World Tag Team Champions: Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus
Jade Cargill has her 30th match coming up and she wants to give someone the kiss of death on “That Bitch Show.”
AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator
Leyla Hirsch vs. Thunder Rosa
The two do some mat-based work. TR hits some arm drags before a dropkick delivered to Leyla. Hirsch does a Judo throw and stomps on TR’s elbow. We go to break, but back from it, TR hits a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. She hits a running lariat in the corner, but Leyla hits a German suplex for a near fall. Leyla climbs up top, but TR elbows Leyla’s back. She hits a superplex and hoists Leyla up for a twisting neckbreaker. Low lariat for a near fall again.
Red Velvet comes down to ringside. She tries to get an armbreaker in, but Rosa nails her Thunder Driver and we get the 1-2-3.
WINNER: Thunder Rosa
Post-match Schiavone reveals to TR that her World Title match will be in a steel cage. She’s elated. Backstage, Britt Baker calls her out noting that their Lights Out match from last year, Rosa may have got the win, but she was the real winner.
TNT Championship
Scorpio Sky vs. Sammy Guevara (c)
Sammy sets up a table and goes for a 450 on Scorpio but Guevara goes through the table on his own. After break, Tay Conti is checking on her boyfriend Sammy but it’s Sky who sends Sammy back in the ring. Paige Van Zandt talks trash to Tay on the outside. Sky hits an emphatic backbreaker on Sammy for a two count. Camel clutch by Sky. Sammy hits a back heel kick and then a big time springboard cutter. Sammy soon nails a GTH, but Sky rolls under the ropes. Sammy drags Sky over and Sammy goes for a shooting star. Sky gets his knees up. On the outside, Paige nails Tay Conti from behind. Distracted, Sammy gets hit by Sky’s TKO. He covers: 1-2-3. New champion.
WINNER and NEW TNT Champion: Scorpio Sky
Post match, Paige throws Tay onto Sammy before signing her AEW contract. The show ends.