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AEW Dynamite Results (03/15/2023)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

The House of Black will put the AEW World Trios Championship on the line in a three-way bout against the Jericho Appreciation Society and The Elite. Plus, Orange Cassidy will defend the AEW International Championship against Jeff Jarrett. Elsewhere on the show, AEW World Champion MJF will hold a Re-Bar Mitzvah.

MJF’s Re-Bar Mitzvah

MJF walks to the ring with some women and kisses one of them. He insults Bret Hart by saying the crowd used to think he was actually entertaining, but Shawn was much better. MJF says Judaism is the only religion that matters, and he’s already had a Bar Mitzvah; he lost his “V-card” there. MJF says, following his win over Bryan Danielson at AEW Revolution, he is Iron Man. He kicks off the Bar Mitzvah with some traditional Jewish celebratory activities.

“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry crashes the party, but before he can say anything, Sammy Guevara comes to the ring. Likewise, Darby Allin joins the fray. They all say they want a title shot. Perry notes how they last faced off in 2020, and their lives went in different directions after that. He says MJF hasn’t had a match on Dark or Dark: Elevation, and he gets to do whatever he wants while everyone else has to scratch and claw for any opportunity.

Perry makes it clear he wants to take the title. MJF says he, unlike everyone else, is actually a star, and the company revolves around him. Guevara says he worked hard to get where he is, and he overcame a number of obstacles, as he was told he was only supposed to be the Inner Circle’s job guy. Guevara vows to be a world champion. MJF responds by referencing Guevara’s past of getting into brawls. Allin takes his turn and recalls how he dropped out of school. He looked back on his road up to this point. He says there will never be a bidding war for him. Allin takes issue with the way other wrestlers, including MJF, threaten to leave because they’re unhappy. He vows to beat MJF’s face in if he doesn’t give him a title shot.

MJF takes a shot at Guevara, saying he’ll propose to someone new in seven months. Guevara brings up MJF ‘s fiancée leaving him. MJF admits that the four pillars, but he’s the only pillar who can hold the place up. MJF refuses to give them a shot at the title because they don’t deserve it. Perry attacks MJF, and the contenders brawl. MJF gets sent crashing through a cake.

A clip shows Chris Jericho getting a street named after him in Winnipeg.

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Hangman Page & Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson)

Uno takes the fight to Yuta, and they trade blows. Moxley tags in and gains the upper hand. Castagnoli tags in, and the BCC maintains the advantage by isolating Uno. Grayson tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. He drops Castagnoli with a DDT and goes for a slam, but Claudio counters and dumps him out of the ring. Castagnoli and the BCC drop Grayson with a spike piledriver on the floor. Moxley grounds Grayson, and the BCC continues to control the action. Castagnoli drills Grayson with a Swiss uppercut. Moxley spikes Grayson with a piledriver.

Grayson stuns Moxley with a knee strike. Yuta and Page tag in, and Hangman turns the momentum in his team’s favor. Page levels Yuta with a lariat. Page powebombs Yuta, and Uno hits a senton. The match breaks down as both teams brawl. Moxley tags in and squares off with Page. They trade strikes. Yuta hits Page with the ring bell. Uno and Grayson take the fight to the BCC. Grayson dives onto Castagnoli, and the Dark Order duo gets a near fall with a double-team move. They hit Moxley with the Fatality for a near fall. BCC yakes control again, and Moxley makes Grayson tap out to a choke.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli)

Moxley keeps the chokehold locked in after the bell. Uno tries to make the save, but the BCC beats him up. John Silver and Alex Reynolds run to the ring, and the BCC walks away.

In a promo, Juice Robinson discusses attacking Ricky Starks and says the former FTW Champion won’t do “jack diddly squat” about it.

TBS Championship Canadian Open Challenge: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Nicole Matthews

Cargill dominates by hitting a pump kick and Jaded for the win in a very short match.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Jade Cargill

Renee Paquette interviews Cargill, who gets in her face and asks Canada if that’s all they have. Taya Valkyrie comes to the ring and confronts Cargill. Leila Grey tries to attack Valkyrie, but the newcomer slams Grey to the mat with the Welcome to Valhalla.

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviews Ricky Starks, who addresses Juice Robinson. He says he deserves attention, but Robinson hasn’t done anything. Starks says the Bullet Club was relevant years ago, but he should do something to stand on his own two feet.

The first episode of QTV airs; QT Marshall promises to deliver the facts. The team shows footage of Wardlow’s car break-in, and Aaron Solo is revealed as the perpetrator. Marshall references Vince McMahon’s “Ruthless Aggression” line, and Solow says whatever’s next for Wardlow will be like Batista, but worse. Marshall notes that they got Wardlow’s passport during the car break-in.

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jeff Jarrett (with Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Sing)

Cassidy swaps out the All-Atlantic Championship for the International Championship. Jarrett feel each other out. Jarrett mocks Cassidy’s classic “kicks”. Cassidy fires up with a series of strikes. Jarret gains the upper hand, and they fight into the crowd. They go back and forth as they brawl throughout the arena. They return to ringside, and when the referee is distracted, Singh picks Cassidy up and puts him back in the ring.

Jarrett targets Cassidy’s leg and locks in a Sharpshooter. Cassidy reverses it and locks in one of his own, but Jarrett reaches the ropes. Jarrett traps Cassidy in a sleeper hold, and Cassidy draws power from his pockets. Singh interferes, and Jarrett drops Cassidy with a knee-breaker. Jarrett traps Cassidy in a Figure-Four. Jarrett shoves Cassidy into the referee.

Dutt slides Jarrett’s guitar into the ring, but referee Aubrey Edwards comes to the ring and stops him from using it. Edwards gets in Jarrett’s face. Singh takes the guitar from Cassidy, who pretends the big man hit him. Edwards ejects Singh and Dutt from ringside. Jarrett is distracted, and Cassidy plants him with a DDT. Jay Lethal sneaks into the ring and blasts Cassidy with the Golden Globe award. Cassidy kicks out, and Trent Beretta comes to the ring to level the playing field. Cassidy counters the Stroke and gets the win with the Orange Punch.

Winner and still AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy

House of Black and the Jericho Appreciation Society discuss the trios title match.

The Acclaimed (Max Caster and Anthony Bowens) released a new video in which Caster rapped about their recent run.

The Outcasts (Saraya, Toni Storm & Ruby Soho) In-Ring Segment

Saraya tells the fans to shut up. Soho says the grass used to be greener, but now some “bitches” peed on the grass. She asks Saraya what they do with dogs who aren’t housebroken, and Saraya says they show them that it’s their house. Saraya says there wouldn’t be a division without them, and she is a miracle. She calls the fans “neckbeards” and “stinky twats.” Storm says the fans don’t know what they want, but they’re not going anywhere. Storm mocks Britt Baker and names Jamie Hayter. Baker and Hayter come to the ring and attack The Outcasts. Saraya, Storm, and Soho gain the upper hand, but Riho makes the save with Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale.

Backstage, Angelo Parker and Matt Menard address The Acclaimed; Menard says their video made his nipples hard, and while they like rap music, that’s where the compliments stop. Parker says The Acclaimed need a reminder that they should respect the Jericho Appreciation Society, and they’ll get it on Rampage.

AEW World Trios Championship: The House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) vs. The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs. Jericho Appreciation Society (Chris Jericho, Daniel Garcia & Sammy Guevara)

Brody King controls the action early on. Jericho tags in, and Omega enters the match as well. The Jericho/Omega faceoff gets a big pop from the crowd, but the House of Black attacks them. The champions gain the upper hand. Black dodges a Judas Effect, but Jericho drops him with a back-breaker. The JAS double-teams Black. He tries to rally, but they continue to gang up on him. The Young Bucks take control and drop Black with a face-buster. Black drills Nick Jackson with a knee strike. Omega turns the tables with a flurry of offense and faces off with Jericho again as they’re left by themselves.

Onega drills Jericho with a knee. Bodies are flying as the match breaks down in chaos. Omega dumps Matthews with a snap dragon suplex. Jericho traps Omega in the Walls of Jericho, but the Young Bucks break it up and dish out superkicks to everyone. King drops the duo with a lariat. Omega dives onto Jericho at ringside. Sammy Guevara hits a Spanish Fly. Jericho and Omega team up to drop King with a double suplex. Omega blocks a Lionsault and tags Matt Jackson. Matt suplexes Garcia twice and dumps Garcia and Guevara with a double Northern Lights Suplex. Guevara hits a Shooting Star Press, but King breaks it up. King squashes Guevara in the corner. King single-handedly takes control. Jericho tags in, and the House of Black gangs up on him. King hits the Dante’s Inferno, but Omega breaks it up. Jericho hits King with a bat, and Guevara dives onto The Elite at ringside. Garcia takes in, and the House of Black pins him with Dante’s Inferno for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Trios Champions: The House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews)

Jake Hager attacks the House of Black, and they gang up on him. The Jericho Appreciation Society fights the champions. The brawl between Hangman Page & Dark Order and the Blackpool Combat Club spills into the arena. Hangman Page gets into the ring, and the BCC gets ready to fight him, but The Elite gives Page back-up as the show comes to a close, with Page clearly confused by this outcome.


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