Tonight on AEW Dynamite, Darby Allin will defend his TNT Championship against John Silver and Kenny Omega will face Matt Sydal in singles competition in an AEW World Title Eliminator Match. Plus, the Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler battle The Lucha Brothers and a returning Laredo Kid!
March 24, 2021, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur
AEW World Title Eliminator Match
Kenny Omega vs. Matt Sydal
The two trade trash talk before trading headlocks and arm wrenches. Don Callis joins commentary. Kenny downs Matt, but Matt continues to fight. Back elbow by Kenny. Boos occur. Hammer throws to Matt’s back followed by a body slam and a snap elbow. Two count. Chops by Kenny but Matt escapes with a head scissors. That sends Kenny bailing and Matt celebrates.
Test of strength. Omega kicks Matt in the gut and twists the hands, keeping Sydal down. Big shoulder thrust followed by an arm lift and then stomps on the left arm. He tries it again, but Matt fires back with kicks. He then does a standing moonsault senton. Matt gets a near fall. Vicious knee strike in the corner. Matt climbs up to and Kenny catches him, but Matt head scissors. Kenny lariats him inside out. Belly to back by Kenny. Then a belly to back on the side of the apron.
Kenny sends Matt back in the ring. Rib breaker by Kenny. Two count. Kenny goes for a bomb attempt but Matt sandbags him. Open hand chops to the back of Matt. Rolling savate kick by Matt and then follows up with a leg lariat. Sydal catches Kenny up top with a hurricanrana. Brainbuster by Sydal. Two count.
Matt goes for a top rope Frankensteiner, but Kenny pops him up for an escape and Matt goes ass over tin cups back to the canvas. Snapdragon suplex by Kenny. Soon Kenny goes for a V-Trigger, but Sydal catches him with a roll-up for two. Matt hits Kenny with a harsh kick and gets another near fall.
Matt goes for a meteroa, but Kenny catches him. Powerbomb. Driving knee strike by Kenny. 1-2-no. Kenny hits a V-Trigger and hoists him up for a One-Winged Angel, but Matt reverse ranas. Matt climbs up top for his shooting star but Kenny crotches him. V-Trigger. Matt gets set up for a OWA, but he rolls Kenny for another pin attempt. Another V-Trigger and then Kenny successfully hits the OWA for the W.
WINNER: Kenny Omega
Alex Marvez is with John Silver and Dark Order. Johnny’s ready and shows how he’s able to avoid Coffin Drops by avoiding trust falls. Hangman Page wishes Silver good luck and Johnny is definitely hungee.
Cezar Bononi vs. Hangman Page
The two go back and forth until Hangman boots Cezar badly before dumping him out. Cezar catches Hangman before bouncing him off the apron.
Back in the ring, Page absorbs a shot from Cezar and tries lifting him. No dice, but Bononi does it for him. Hangman takes Cezar with a high collar suplex and then a Buckshot Lariat for the pinfall victory.
WINNER: Hangman Page
Earlier today, Lance Archer says he looked up to Sting. Everybody has. Without Sting, there is no Lance Archer. Does he know why he interrupted his time? Because that’s supposed to his time. People are going to be remembering his name and assures Sting that soon it is gonna be “showtime.”
Britt isn’t pleased with the reaction she gets from Jacksonville. Thunder Rosa should forever be thanking her for the history she got to be a part of. She had the audacity to stand here in her company, her division, and say that she put them on the map. She doesn’t need adulation. She calls out Mick Foley and says thanks for the thumbs up, but it took him 20 years to become a Hardcore Legend. She did it in one night. She says Tony Khan is always searching for legends when he has one right here. The letters AEW pale in comparison to the three biggest letters in pro wrestling: “DMD.”
Christian is chatting with Dante Martin and The Varsity Blonds. Dasha approaches him and he says he’s giving a few tag team advice. In enters a patronizing Kazarian. Very aggressive. He asks when the “work” part of “Out Work Everyone” is gonna happen. Christian Cage says next week and he doesn’t have an opponent. How about you, Frankie? Kaz accepts and invites him to watch Elevation next week.
FTR & Shawn Spears (with Tully Blanchard) vs. The Varsity Blonds & Dante Martin
Spears and Griff start it off. Spears eventually downs Griff who fights to his feet and wrenches the arm before tagging in PIllman who swiftly tags in Darius to work the arm. They show chemistry before Spears tags in Dax and begins taking it to Brian. Pillman fights off Spears and Dax. Blind tag to Dante who does a moonsault and lands on his feet! Impressive. Spear by Griff to both men. The three faces go to dive on top but all of Pinnacle is waiting on the outside. That stops them and we go to break.
Back from break, Dax hits a brainbuster on Dante. Spears hits a C4 DVD for the victory.
WINNERS: Pinnacle
Pinnacle takes it to Pillman post-match. Cash gets on the mic and says Pinnacle is his family. Dax forces Tony to hold the mic and he talks trash to Santana & Ortiz. This ain’t no rom-com. He’s all for his Pinnacle family. MJF begins to run down Jericho and challenges them to come out. Schiavone takes exception but MJF forces him into silence.
Team Taz is backstage and Taz makes certain that all is clear between them. Cage actually apologized to Team Taz and apologized to Ricky Starks for singling him out last week. Cage doesn’t exactly look on the same page with them although everybody says that they are (Ricky says “absolutely”). Cage just says “Who betta?”
Tony Schiavone is standing with QT Marshall. He knows he’s called Cody’s friend and sure it does come with perks, but he works his ass off. Fans soon start chanting “Cody’s Friend.” He says he is, but he issues a challenge to Cody next week. He doesn’t have any control of what can happen but he can control what he can do. He doesn’t want to take any unnecessary bumps, but if he has to prove himself against Cody. Outcomes Rhode in a sling. He will accommodate QT. He will take him on and he’ll even appoint Arn as a referee. He does make one thing clear: he won’t hurt him. Friend to friend. QT thanks him, that’s all he wanted.
Lucha Bros. & Laredo Kid vs. The Young Bucks & Brandon Cutler
LB & Laredo cut a promo with Alex before the match earlier in the day. Nick and Rey start it off. Arm wrenches. The two roll it out on the mat. Pin attempts followed by dropkick attempts. The two stare one another down after a kip-up. Straight away tag to Matt and Penta. Penta goes to taunt but Matt attacks. Arm drag reversed to a crucifix pin attempt for a near fall. Matt puts Penta in a sharpshooter, but Penta gets to the ropes. A pin attempt to Matt, but the two pop up and stare each other down. Tag to Laredo and tag to Cutler.
They go back and forth as LK has a savte kick to Cutler. Brandon soon goes to the outside as Bucks handle LK. Double arm drag to THe Bucks. Cutler has a diving elbow to Laredo. He dives onto Lucha Bros and Bucks on the outside. Laredo Kid follows up with a top rope moonsault onto the competitors. Top rope Osaka Cutter to LK by Matt & Nick. Two count. We go to break.
Back from break, The Lucha Bros and The Bucks battle it out. Penta vaults Rey up for a splash who gets a near fall. Fenix sets Penta up for a top rope foot stomp and Rey hits a senton for a two count. Nick blocks a cutter from Rey, but Rey fires back with a thrust kick. Big heel hook kick by Rey, but Nick turns him inside out with a lariat. Both men are down and the crowd chants “AE-Dub!”
LK and Matt are going at it. Matt begins his Northern Lights series against him but Penta tries to interfere. He gets caught in that. Bucks hit Risky Business on LK. Brandon springboard elbow drops. He gets a cocky cover but it is broken up. The three California boys hit an Indy Taker on Rey. Soon, however, Laredo Kid hits a Spanish Fly from up top on Cutler gets the win.
WINNERS: Lucha Bros and Laredo Kid
Post-match, Kenny comes charging out and attacks LK. Kenny cuts a promo stating that he recalls all these men at Fyter Fest. He recalls three years ago when he called these men his family. He had a choice. Where did he choose? He never chose AEW. He chose The Young Bucks. He chose to make this the best wrestling promotion on the planet. Rather than sit with the cool kids, they chose Brandon Cutler. They never chose him. Kenny will give The Bucks one more chance. He wants them to toss up a “Too Sweet.” It’s now or never. The Young Bucks walk away and Kenny says “we are done!” The Lucha Bros. Superkick Kenny. Don Callis walks out cowardly as Kenny lays out with a bloody mouth. The Good Brothers come out to tend to Kenny.
Jade Cargill calls out Red Velvet that she’s just a pit stop on her journey. She’s gonna get mixed up with “That Bitch!”
Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley are in a dressing room. Eddie has a broken “something” on his left foot. Eddie isn’t pleased and Mox asks if The Good Brothers are ready to get blood under their fingernails like they are. Mox doesn’t know The Young Bucks, but he guesses after last week he owes them one. He doesn’t like owing anybody anything, but they better be willing to get their hands dirty.
Nyla Rose (with Vickie Guerrero) vs. Tay Conti
Rose immediately goes on the attack when the bell rings. Big bodyslam by Rose. Tay, however, gets her in an octopus stretch that she sits down on. Roll up for a pin attempt. Nyla charges but Tay avoids and Judo throws her several times. Nyla powers her down for a two-count. She wrenches the arm of Tay and Vickie loves it.
She attacks Tay in the corner. Conti rolls her up for a quick pin attempt. Nyla hangs Tay over the rope for her diving knee strike. She nails it. 1-2-kick out! We go to picture-in-picture.
Tay is showing some fire after the commercial break. Conti hits a DD-Tay and then a unique running kick on the apron. She covers for a two count. Big pump kick by Tay but Rose nails her for a two count. She goes for Beast Bomb, but Tay escapes. Strikes are traded. Tay hits a running knee strike in the corn. Tay hits a hammerlock DD-Tay for the win.
WINNER: Tay Conti
Post-match, Vickie grabs the leg of Tay and helps Nyla set Conti up for a Beast Bomb, but Hikaru Shida comes out and hits her with a Kendo stick. SHe attacks Nyla but The Bunny comes out as Matt Hardy, The Butcher, and The Blade walks out. Matt gets on the mic and says the Women’s Eliminator Tournament was terrible because The Bunny wasn’t in it. His clients have been overlooked but not anymore.
We see promos for Arcade Anarchy next week between Orange Cassidy & Chuck Taylor vs. Miro & Kip Sabian.
An intense Scorpio Sky promotes his match against Mike Sydal next week on Elevation.
TNT Championship
John Silver vs. Darby Allin (c)
Bell rings and Darby points to the sky to honor Brodie Lee. The two men lock up. Silver shoves Darby and they continue. They lock hands and Silver powers, Darby, down. Darby comes back up and side headlock downs Silver. Darby cinches this in for a while. Silver regains control with a massive shoulder tackle by Silver who sends Allin to the outside.
Back in the ring, massive toss by Silver. He then sends Darby crashing like crazy in the corner several times. Giant knee strikes, followed by a brainbuster gets a two. Picture-in-picture we go.
Back from break, John and Darby battle on the outside as Silver shows pain in his right arm. The ref’s count gets to eight, but Darby dives at Silver. 5 pushes him out of the way to take the bullet. Sting comes out to make sure there’s no funny business.
Back in the ring, the two trade punches. Hard kicks by Silver. Darby goes for a backslide pin but Silver catches him with a flurry of kicks. Darby soon comes back with a flip stunner attempt, but Silver cinches in a Queen Slayer submission. Darby struggles but gets it turned into a pin attempt. Tornado DDT by Silver. Two count.
Sting keeps Dark Order at bay with his bat. On the outside, Silver kicks Darby at the medical table and stares down Sting. He continues that in the ring, but Darby fires himself off. The two go back and forth and Silver nearly gets the W with a sit-down pin attempt.
Darby almost gets a big move off but a pump kick thwarts that. Silver puts him top, but Darby knocks him off, and Silver lands on his arm. Instead of Coffin Dropping onto him, Darby vaults himself onto Dark Order.
SIlver nails Darby with a super Burning Hammer for a pin attempt, but he wrenches too far back on the pin and Darby’s foot is on the ropes. Silver goes to pay homage to Lee with a Brodie Bomb, but Darby reverses it into a Code Red for the 1-2-3 title retain.
WINNER and STILL AEW TNT Champion: Darby Allin
Post-match, Darby and Silver fist pound, but Matt Hardy pulls Darby out of the ring and begins to attack him. Hardy’s Empire and the babyfaces brawl it out as Darby dives onto Matt to end the show.