Tonight on AEW Dynamite, Jake Hager takes on Wardlow in a “MMA Rules Cage Fight,” Darby Allin battles Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page and Andrade will sit down with the Boomer Sooner himself, Jim Ross.
June 18, 2021, Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , Taz & Excalibur
MMA Rules Cage Fight
Jake Hager (with Chris Jericho) vs. Wardlow (with Shawn Spears)

Tony Schiavone makes clear that each competitor was allowed one man in their corner for their fight so Hager chose Jericho and Wardlow picked Shawn Spears. We have a full octagon set up. Justin Roberts make the official introductions and Wardlow disrespectfully has his back turned to Hager. Full MMA vibe going on here, complete with camera angles.
Bell rings and Wardlow evades a speedy set of punches by Hager. Hager goes for an amateur wrestling takedown, but Mr. Mayhem remains vertical. Hager jabs Wardlow and walks off. We tick down to the halfway point as Hager goes for a thigh kick, corners Wardlow, but the big man tosses him off. Double leg takedown by Hager. Another one. He goes for the ground and pound, but Wardlow pushes him back with his legs. Big right hand by Wardlow followed by a takedown but he can’t get the mount for a ground and pound.
Haymakers are being thrown . Hager looks wobbly, Wardlow hits a Superman punch off the cage and Wardlow stays on top of him. Wardlow is looking to end Hager against the cage as the clock ticks down to end round one.
Wardlow goes for that double wrist lock submission and takes Hager down. Wardlow mounts and grounds and pounds before locking in an armbreaker. Hager rolls on top and gains controls. Armbreaker on Wardlow now. Triangle hold almost locked in and Wardlow powerbombs him to loosen the grip. Hager transitions into an ankle lock attempt. He has it in. Wardlow frees himself with an upkick. Wardlow powerbombs Hager into the cage and hits the hurricanrana. Hager suddenly gets a headlock triangle on Wardlow. He fights to his feet after being in dire straits. Hager uranages Wardlow down and locks in the headlock triangle once more. Wardlow gives Jericho a middle finger as he fades and Wardlow passes out.
Post-fight, Hager actually offers Wardlow a fist bump, but Spears comes in to attack him. Jericho comes in and the two gang up on him. MJF comes in and locks in the Salt of The Earth on Jericho’s injured arm. Jericho visibly taps. Dean Malenko comes in to stop him. MJF does briefly, but does punches the Iceman! Out comes Sammy Guevara who sends the bad guys high-tailing.
Frankie Kazarian is with Eddie Kingston and Penta. Kaz cites a verse from The Bible about vengeance and mentions that he doesn’t always agree with The Lord. Eddie tells them to pray to their God, because their asses are theirs. Penta states his catchphrase as Eddie gives a wink.
Team Taz is backstage, and Taz makes it clear to Ricky Starks that this thing between he and Brian Cage needs to end now. Powerhouse Hobbs isn’t a fan of being left high-and-dry last week because of it. Taz agrees and lays down a challenge to Hangman Page next Saturday Night’s Dynamite: Hangman vs. Hobbs.
Handicap Match
Men Of The Year vs. Darby Allin

Bell rings and Darby slaps Ethan. Arm drags and one is even off a springboard that sends Ethan scurrying to the ropes. Tag to Sky who gets rolled up for a two count. Numbers game takes place and MOTY take advantage, but Darby nails them both with a springboard Coffin Drop. Two count on Scorpio.
Page presses Darby, but Darby turns it into a guillotine choke. Page tosses him mighty hard in the corner. Commercial break.
Back from it, Page and Sky remain dominant. Backbreaker by Page. Crowd is booing. Darby fights them off and does a Scorpion Death Drop. He “tags” himself in and nails a Code Red on Sky. Near fall, but Ethan saves it. Ref is distracted by Sky and Darby literally zip ties Ethan’s legs together and tosses him. Coffin Drop on Sky. Ethan pulls Darby out with legs still tied. Page pulls out a toolbox and frees his legs. He sends Darby hard into the ring post.
Page goes for a superplex, but Darby bites the hand of Ethan. Sky interferes and Page hits his Ego Edge for the 1-2-3.
WINNERS: Men Of The Year
Orange Cassidy (with Best Friends & Kris Statlander) vs. Cezar Bononi (with Wingmen)
Bononi grabs Orange by the lapels of his jacket and dominates. He forces OC’s hands in his pockets. Cassidy finds himself on the outside and the Wingmen give him a “makeover” with hair gel and spray tan. Bononi tosses Orange once more for the same effect.
Cassidy has Ryan Nemeth’s jacket on and begins an offensive flurry. BFs assist him with a leaping senton over the top on Wingmen.
Back in the ring, he hits a Stundog Millionaire on Cezar and after clearing out the remaining Wingmen, hits an Orange Punch on Bononi for the W.
WINNER: Orange Cassidy
Alex Marvez is trying to get a word backstage with Jungle Boy, but who pulls up but Kenny Omega, Michael Nakazawa and Don Callis. Omega notes that he is suitless and beltless. He challenges him to a fight. JB wants to wait til next week for the title. Omega offers him a free shot. JB questions it, but takes off his backpack. Nakazawa from behind nails JB with a laptop and Kenny begins an attack. JB fights back which sends Kenny bailing as he throws Nakazawa to the wolves and drives off.
Hardy Family Office is with Marvez after the break. Hardy runs down Christian Cage who comes in and goes to brawl but HFO lock him in an equipment cage. Hardy offers him a check to leave wrestling, but Christian wants a piece of his old adversary.
Cody Rhodes & Brock Anderson (with Arn Anderson) vs. Aaron Solow & QT Marshall

Brock starts the bout off against Solow. Brock heel trips him down after some coaching from Cody. Solow keeps pulling the hair of Brock, but Brock frees himself and stomps on the arm of Aaron. QT gets the tag. Brock arm wrenches QT and tags in Cody. That causes QT to tag in Solow.
Soon, QT and Solow isolate Cody in their corner. Cody flips free and tags in Brock as he lights QT up in the same corner with some fast-paced shoulder thrusts. Gut wrench to Solow, but QT is malicious with an Arn-like spinebuster on the man’s son. We go to break.
Back from break, the heels are trying to hold off Brock from making a tag to Cody. Brock tags but the ref doesn’t see it. Factory double team neckbreaker Brock, but he kicks out. He catches QT with a DDT and then soon, Cody gets the hot tag on Solow. Cody flips in Marshall. Headscissors to QT before dumping him outside. Figure four on Solow. He grabs the ropes.
Rhodes places him up top and goes for a superplex. COdy gets interfered with by QT who gets a Canadian destroyer for his efforts. Brock plays a big-tim equalizer and becomes the legal man. Brock gets get kicked, but Brock flips him over in a jackknife pin attempt for the 1-2-3.
WINNERS: Brock Anderson & Cody Rhodes
Jake Roberts and Lance Archer are in a beat-up warehouse. Lance is irate as Jake mentions having to reconnect with him, but Archer has run out of patience. What is going to do? Bitch slap him? Lance storms off.

Time for the sit-down with Andrade El Idolo. Why did he choose AEW now? Many talent, many stars in AEW, but he is a superstar. JR mentions AEW World Title and TNT Title. Andrade says he deserves the opportunity of both titles. He deserves respect. JR brings up his relationship with Vickie Guerrero. He talks about their bond and says that Vickie and he have a surprise.
Marvez gets an answer from Hangman. Of course he accepts. Now he’s with friends (Dark Order) and has some beers. Marvez asks him about the World Title match next week, but Hangman dodges and decides to put over members of the DO instead.
Penelope Ford vs. Julia Hart (with Varsity Blonds)

The two women get down to business on the mat with some technical work. Penelope controls a good deal of it, but a dropkick takes Penelope off her game. Ford uses the side of the ring to control matters once again as she drops her knees on Hart on the apron.
Back from it, the two women are going back and forth. The two women kind of struggle a bit in the corner with some roll throughs, but Penelope clotheslines Hart down. Soon Ford hits a gutbuster and she climbs up top . She attempts a moonsault and misses as Julia rolls away. Ford soon locks in an Indian Deathlock and Ford has no option but to tap.
WINNER: Penelope Ford
Ford won’t release the hold which causes the Blonds to come in and stop her from doing so. Out comes Miro and he asks Penelope where’s Kip. He understands Kip is injured, but it being three against one doesn’t make it fair. He suddenly attacks Griff Garrison and it’s Brian Pillman who begins scuffling with THe Best Man. Officials have to break it up not once but twice.
Britt Baker is about to be interviewed by Schiavone, but Vickie Guerrero comes in to note that it will be her and Nyla Rose fighting her and Nyla Rose on June 30.
Video package featuring FTR and Santana & Ortiz airs hyping themselves as the best tag team in the world and the struggles each have been through. Good stuff.
Jade Cargill and Mark Sterling reveal they made a deal with Toronto hotels. High class sponsorships only are welcome, but Sterling notes that wrestling is her focus.
Frankie Kazarian, Penta El Zero M & Eddie Kingston vs. The Good Brothers and Matt Jackson

Don Callis joins commentary. Kaz starts off hot against Karl Anderson. Penta gets the tag and continues that and does the same to Matt Jackson. Eddie Kingston follows up with all that with some headbutts. “Eddie” chants. Doc Gallows gets the tag and the match begins to spill out to the outside. Matt dives on top of Eddie from the stage and we head to break.
Eddie is being isolated by The Elite when we return. He gets fired up when Matt gives him shots to the head and Eddie fires back. Matt gouges Eddie’s eyes, but he does deliver a belly-to-belly. Tag to Kaz and Karl gets the tag as well. Flying forearm by Kaz. He guillotines the arm of Doc. Good offensive flurry by Kaz gets a near pin on Karl.
Anderson goes for his spinebuster, but Kazarian locks a crossface chicken wing that has to get broken up. Anderson does hit a spinebuster on Kaz. Soon, Penta and Matt get tagged and Penta is on fire. He flips on top of GBs before focusing back on Matt. DDT off the bottom rope for a two count. All three babyfaces take it to Matt. Double underhook Angel’s Wings by Frankie for a near win, but his Elite allies break it up.
Penta kicks away at Anderson and a thrust kick against Karl’s jaw gets a near win. Anderson counters soon with a crisp neckbreaker. Tag to Doc. He and Karl attack Penta in a neutral corner. Gallows gets a close W on Penta, but no dice. The GBs go for a Magic Killer on Penta, but Kaz breaks it up and Eddie nails a half-and-half. Anderson clears the ring only to allow Penta to nail a backstabber. Penta climbs up top, but Nick Jackson runs in and blinds Penta with their spray. Karl Anderson hits a super cutter for the 1-2-3.
WINNERS: The Elite