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AEW Dynamite Results (09/01/2021)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga


September 1, 2021, Chicago, IL

Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Santana & Ortiz vs. FTR (with Tully Blanchard)

Dax Harwood and Santana start the match and feel each other out. They trade chops, and the bout is evenly matched early on. Santana and Ortiz send FTR to the outside and dive onto them. Santana launches himself onto Santana and dives onto FTR. Cas Wheeler gets a blind tag and sends Ortiz shoulder-first into the ring post.

FTR takes control and isolates Ortiz. Dax grinds his arm on the bare steel turnbuckle. Ortiz rallies and drops Harwood with a dropkick and floors Harwood with a clothesline. Santana tags in and clears house. He takes on FTR by himself and drops both men with suplexes. He hits Harwood with the Three Amigos, and a frog splash gets him a two count.

Santana continues to control the bout, and Ortiz rolls Harwood up for a two count. Wheeler gets a cheap shot. and Harwood gets a near fall with a Brain-buster. Santana breaks up a double suplex, and Ortiz nearly steals the win with a roll-up. Wheeler hits the Gory Special and slams Ortiz for a two count.

Ortiz dodges a splash from Wheeler, but FTR hits the Big Rig for a near fall that leaves all four men down. Santana catches Harwood with a cutter and double-teams Wheeler with a flurry of offense that cultivates in the three count.

Winners: Santana and Ortiz

Backstage, 2point0 and Daniel Garcia warn Darby Allin not to overlook the real “Best in the World.” They threaten to cancel his match with CM Punk. Garcia says he’ll hurt Allin so badly, he won’t even make it to AEW All Out.

In-ring segment: CM Punk

Punk asks the fans if they're tired of him, and they tell him they’re not. He says he’ll enjoy this while it lasts and notes that it could end as soon as Sunday at AEW All Out. Punk says he’s nervous, maybe even scared, prompting the fans to chant “You still got it.” He starts to make a promise before Garcia and 2point0 attack him.

Sting and Darby Allin make the save, and Punk fights back to even the odds. Punk hits the GTS while Sting and Allin hit their respective finishers on the assailants.

Punk and Allin get into a heated stared own. Sting says he has “much respect” for Punk and notes that he always wanted to share a ring with him.

“The Icon” says the three of them want to make their the match at the pay-per-view match goes on, and he knows both men are ready for “showtime.” He also states that he won’t be at ringside on Sunday so Allin can face Punk one on one.

A video package hypes up Kenny Omega’s title match with Christian Cage at AEW All Out. Veterans like Paul Wight say Cage has already defeated Omega.

Tony Schiavone interviews MJF ahead of his match with Chris Jericho at AEW All Out. MJF lists Jericho’s nicknames and notes that he’s been a wrestler for four decades. He admits that Jericho will always be one of the greatest, but he makes it clear that he’ll be taking Jericho’s place. MJF compares Jericho to a great like Muhammad Ali, who kept coming back for the spotlight, even as his body fell apart.

MJF says he’ll have the honor of ending of the best careers in wrestling honor.

Orange Cassidy vs. Jack Evans

Matt Hardy attacks Cassidy before the match and gets ejected from ringside. Evans takes the fight to the weakened Cassidy and grounds him. Evans dominates the opening minutes, but “Freshly Squeezed” rallies and hits a DDT for a two count. “OC” dives onto Evans outside of the ring and gets a two count with a crossbody.

The two men go back and forth and battle on the top rope. Evans gets the best of the exchange and hits a corkscrew dive onto Cassidy. “OC” steals the win with an inside cradle, but Hardy attacks him after the match.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Chuck Tayler and Wheeler Yuta try to make the save, but the rest of Hardy Family Office attack them. Jurassic Express rescues “Freshly Squeezed” and friends.

In a promo, Eddie Kingston vows to take the TNT Championship so he won’t be “God’s Favorite Champion” any more. He says they’ll walk through hell together. On the other hand, Miro says he’ll redeem Kingston at the price of agony.

A video package hypes up Jon Moxley’s match with Satoshi Kojima at AEW All Out.

Jim Ross interviews Chris Jericho in the ring ahead of his match with MJF at AEW All Out. Jericho says “Chicago is Jericho” and calls it a good time to look back at the past. He notes how he goes way back with Ross. “JR” asks Jericho why he decided to put his career on the line in his bout. Jericho calls MJF a “piece of s—” , but he’s confident, arrogant, and diabolical, just like him

Jericho notes how MJF has beaten him three times and he can’t let that go, which is why he needed to do whatever it took to get another match with MJF. He says there was never a guarantee that AEW would success, but the company is thriving. He describes how if he didn’t face MJF again, he couldn’t accept how he’d feel if he kept wrestling with that knowledge in his mind.

Jericho says he doesn’t want to stop; he wants to keep wrestling, but if he loses on Sunday, “so be it.” If he loses, he’ll move to commentary and he’ll do the best he can. Jericho warns MJF that he will not take this away from him; to beat him, MJF will have to be at this absolute best. But he says he’s Chris Jericho, MJF doesn’t have what it takes, and he doesn’t have the balls to get rid of him.

In a video package/promo, Darby Allin previews his match with CM Punk. He says he should have been the last on the list, and he’ll have to do the impossible to beat Punk on Sunday.

Brian Cage vs. Powerhouse Hobbs (with Hook)

Cage attacks Hobbs during his entrance, and they brawl at ringside. Hook distracts Cage and allows Hobbs to gain the upper hand in the ring. Hobbs floors Cage with a shoulder tackle. They continue to go back and forth, and Hobbs floors Cage with a spinebuster.

Cage gains the upper hand, but Ricky Starks blasts him with the FTW Championship when the referee isn’t looking. Hobbs capitalizes and pins Cage for the tainted win.

Winner: Powerhouse Cage

In a promo, Malakai Black says he left the ring last week because he dictates when he fights. He says he gave Lee Johnson seven days to atone, and he’ll make him suffer for his sins. He vows to put coins on Johnson’s eyes when he sends him to Hades.

QT Marshall, with the Factory, calls out Paul Wight, and he comes to the ring. Wight takes down The Factory by dishing out punches and slams, and The Gunn Club runs to the ring, seemingly to protect Wight. But suddenly, Billy Gunn hits Wight in the surgically repaired hip with a chair. Wight struggles to get up, and Gunn blasts him in the head.

Aided by The Factory and the Gunn Club, Marshall beats down Wight.

Backstage, after she teased a major free agent signing, AEW Women’s World Champion Britt Baker announces that she has re-signed with AEW; she also states that Rebel and Jamie Hayter will compete in the Casino Battle Royale at AEW All Out.

Penelope Ford (with The Bunny- vs. Tay Conti

Conti dives onto Ford outside the ring to kick off the match. She controls the bout early on, but Ford hits an athletic shoulder block in the corner.

Conti hits a diving crossbody and plants Ford with a spinning slam for a two count. Ford locks in an Indian Death Lock, but Conti escapes and locks in a calf slicer. Ford reaches the ropes, and Conti nails Ford with three pump kicks. A gut-buster earns Ford a two count.

The Bunny distracts Conti, but an accidental collision between Ford and the Bunny helps Conti get the three count with a roll up.

Winner: Tay Conti

Ford and The Bunny attack Conti after the match, and Anna Jay makes the save.

Jade Cargill, Nyla Rose and Vicki Guerrero confront Thunder Rosa and attack her backstage.

Another video package hypes up Jericho’s match with MJF at AEW All Out.

Jurassic Express and Lucha Brothers (with Marko Stunt and Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Elite (with Brandon Cutler)

Luchasaurus starts the bout with Doc Gallows, and the big men trade blows. The dinosaur suplexes “LG” and tags Rey Fenix, who squares off with Nick Jackson. The Young Bucks square off with the Lucha Brothers in an All Out preview, and the Good Brothers attack the babyfaces from behind.

The Young Bucks and the Good Brothers take control by isolating Jungle Boy for a few minutes. Matt and Nick Jackson take cheap shots at the Lucha Brothers. Jungle Boy rallies, and Rey Fenix gets the hot tag. He takes Nick Jackson down with an athletic arm drag.

Penta blasts Nick with a superkick and hits a diving stomp to his rear end. Jackson takes down the Luca Brothers; the champions and their challengers take each other down with superkicks. Luchasaurus tags in and clears house. The dinosaur throws Jackson onto everyone at ringside, and Jungle Boy dives on to the pile. Luchasaurus hits a moonsault for a two count.

A distraction from Brandon Cutler helps the Good Brothers plant Fenix with the Magic Killer. Fenix takes down both Bucks with a handspring cutter. The Young Bucks drop Fenix with the Meltzer Driver for the win.

Winners: The Elite

AEW World Champion Kenny Omega comes to the ring, and The Elite beats down the babyfaces. The Good Brothers slam Luchasaurus through a table with the Magic Killer.

Christian Cage comes to the ring, and The Elite beats him down, too.

Omega says he had a meeting with Tony Khan and warned him not to misplace his personal items. Omega says Callis has the controls and orders him to lower the cage that’s hanging above the arena. The cage comes down, and The Elite continues to attack Cage and the Lucha Brothers. Frankie Kazarian, Orange Cassidy, and Jungle Boy try to make the save.

The Young Bucks cuff the Lucha Brothers to the ropes and blast them with superkicks. Omega tells his buddies to focus on Christian, and they drop him with the BTE Trigger.


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