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AEW Dynamite Results (09/29/2021)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

AEW Dynamite is in Rochester, NY, the hometown of the late great Brodie Lee as Miro defends the TNT Championship against Sammy Guevara.


September 29, 2021, Rochester, NY

Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, CM Punk & Excalibur

The show starts off with a tribute to Brodie Lee before the show kicks off. Out comes CM Punk to join commentary who goes around to ringside and celebrate with the crowd before hitting the booth. Out comes Adam Cole to a major pop.

Adam Cole vs. Jungle Boy

The two lock up and the grapple game begins. The two go back and forth as JB gets the better of the duel by dropkicking Cole to the outside. Cole soon does the same to Jungle Boy. The focus seems to be on JB’s left knee. Neckbreaker by Cole. Tony Schiavone makes it clear he doesn’t like Adam Cole. Jungle Boy stays in control. Elbow by Cole who turns his back on JB. Hammer throw to the corner. JB soon gets the better with a low dropkick and then a lariat.

Crowd begins to sing JB’s song. JB soon nails a German for a two count. JB puts Cole in a tree of woe and baseball slides into him. Two count. JB picks Cole up in a torture rack but gets rolled up. Cole nails a backstabber, follows up with a move and a pin attempt for two. “Adam Cole” chants. Cole talks trash to JB and gets a reverse rana for a receipt. Big shot to the back of the head for a two count. He tries another pin attempt after a modified Samoan Drop but nothing doing. Big kick from Cole.

JB finds himself on the outside, but slides in the ring for an outside attack and Cole catches him with kick. Despite that, JB hits a step-up hurricanrana to the outside. Back in the ring, JB gets hit with a Panama Sunrise. He covers: 1-2-no!

Cole goes to lower the Boom, but JB ducks and locks in a Snare Trap! Cole fights for the ropes, but Cole kicks him out of the ring. This opens Cole up to hit a low blow on JB and he hits the Boom. 1-2-3.

WINNER: Adam Cole

Post-match, out come The Elite. Punk rips on the BTE theme. We go to commercial.

Back from it, Karl Anderson plays hype man. Cole gets on the mic. He told the world he was gonna be Jungle Boy and that’s just what he did. He’s Elite and he’s undefeated. Brandon Cutler tries to chime in and Nick tells him to shut his yapper. They give the mic to Nakazawa. “CM Punk” chants. Kenny Omega gets on the mic. He says all sorts of utilities are blowing him up about last week’s match being the greatest match they’ve ever seen. So what? He says Bryan Danielson took him to the limit, but the problem was he couldn’t get the job done. He has a zero record and he’ll never get another shot. That cues The American Dragon. He polls the fans if they want to see a rematch. Bryan wants one, the fans want one, but does Kenny have the balls to give him one. Bryan presents to us Kenny “No Balls” Omega. “Kenny No Balls” chants. Bryan challenges any of The Elite members to a match on Rampage. Kenny says why not right now? Danielson is down, but calls in some back-up. Kaz, Christian Cage and Jurassic Express come in. The Elite bail as “Kenny No Balls” rocks Rochester.

Lee Johnson & Cody Rhodes vs. Dante Martin & Matt Sydal

CM Punk notes the evident conflict with fans and Cody. Cody and Dante start it off. It’s only brief as Lee gets tagged. Matt hits some snapmares. Arn coaches Lee and Tony makes clear that Anderson is upset that Cody started the match. Dante and Lee go toe-to-toe before getting face to face. The other contestants get in the match and a brawl begins as we head to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Lee hits a dropkick. tag to Cody and the boos begin. CM Punk compares Dante to Tiger Mask. Punches are traded between Cody and Dante. Disaster Kick to Matt, taking him off the apron. Vertebreaker on Dante. 1-2-kickout.

Dante nails Cody with a missile dropkick and covers for a two count. Dante hits a double jump moonsault to Cody. Lee harshly tags himself in. Dante gets a near roll-up on Lee. Fisherman’s neckbreaker by Lee on Dante gets the W.

WINNERS: Lee Johnson & Cody Rhodes

Post-match, Schiavone gets in the ring for an interview. Cody wants Malakai Black right now. Arn tells Cody to stop talking. Black systematically destroyed every one of them. He recounts all that happened with him and Black. He’s an assassin and a predator. Ask Lee. Ask Brock. Arn says Cody’s the type of man that if his car got jacked, he’d give it up. If it happened to Arn, he’d pull out a glock and spill the perp’s brains out. Arn doesn’t coach losers, especially ones that don’t listen to him. He tells Lee to come with him and walks off. “Arn” chants occur.

Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston & Darby Allin (with Sting) vs. Anthony Greene & Bear Country

Mox starts it with Bear Bronson, Darby battles it out with Anthony Greene. BC go for a double team on Mox, but Eddie saves him. They clear the ring of BC and Greene goes for a springboard cross body, but hits the wall of Mox and Eddie. The duo hits a Violent Crown double team for the finish.

WINNERS: Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley & Darby Allin

Eddie goes out to ringside and grabs a Brodie Lee sign. Sting gets offered Anthony Greene who delivers a Scorpion Death Drop.

Ruby Soho promises the next time Britt sees her, she’ll make her pay for costing her the shot at the Women’s World Championship.

HFO are standing in the ring. Matt Hardy states that he was supposed to make his AEW debut in Rochester, but they didn’t deserve Big Money Matt. Out comes Orange Cassidy and then The Dark Order.

HFO vs. Orange Cassidy & The Dark Order

Tension already occurs with Dark Order as Alan Vangels gets his mask thrown at Evil Uno. Crowd is very much supporting Brodie as his friend Chris Harrington is shown at ringside. Jack Evans blindsides Orange Cassidy and we go to break.

Back from break, some cohesiveness is shown between Uno and Alex Reynolds. Suddenly, Evil Uno walks out on his team. Orange Cassidy almost gets pinned. Sudddenly, -1, Tay Conti, Anna Jay and Amanda Huber comes out to demand Uno gets back in the ring. He gets the papers thrown at him by -1 and goes back in. Dark Order takes control for a crazy amount of offense. the end comes after a Fatality is hit.

WINNERS: The Dark Order & Orange Cassidy

Post-match, all of Dark Order hug it out to a huge ovation.

We see a vignette for Lio Rush talking money and making it on the stock market. It’s evident he’s un-retired.

FTR makes it clear they are revitalized. That’s great news for them and The Pinnacle. Bad news for everybody else.

Dan Lambert is in the ring. He mocks Jericho before putting him over as the cowbell star to save a floundering company like AEW. He states that they ended Chris’ career. Lambert gets the crowd heated up. Scorpio Sky tells the crowd to shut up. He was one of the first champions here. He’s had one of the best winning percentages since day one. He grabbed the Sonic ring to become the face of the Revolution, but nothing happened. Dan Lambert saw it in him and Ethan Page. Page gets on the mic to say he’s got it all (including “top tits in the game”). Best watch out for Men of The Year.

Hikaru Shida is about to get her 50th win in AEW, but she’ll have to go through Serena Deeb to get it. We see a video package promoting that.

The Bunny & Penelope Ford vs. Tay Jay

The match goes back and forth before we head to picture in picture, but afterwards Tay Conti gets the hot tag. Double suplex to Bunny gets a near fall but Penelope Ford breaks it up. Stunner by Ford to Jay. Ford delivers a backbreaker for a near fall. Ford misses a moonsault. Tay hits a Tay-KO on The Bunny on the outside. Anna Jay catches Ford with her Queenslayer submission and she passes out.


A massive three-way match between Nyla Rose, Thunder Rosa and Jade Cargill is announced for AEW Rampage.

MJF comes out and rips on Rochester. He says there are four pillars of AEW pure grown talent. Jungle Boy, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin and MJF. He brings this up because without him AEW ain’t shit. He says he deserves to be the AEW World Champion. He tells Tony Khan that he’s got Bruce Prichard on speed dial due to his MLW days. Out comes Darby Allin. He tells Darby he’s number two, just like Sting. MJF is the real #1. Darby tells Max to go if he keeps talking it up. Max gets dirty and brings up Darby’s uncle dying in a drunken car crash with Darby in the car. He said the wrong man died. Darby doesn’t get phased by it. MJF leaves to a chorus of boos.

Bryan Danielson vs. Nick Jackson is booked for Rampage as well.

TNT Championship

Sammy Guevara vs. Miro (c)

Miro takes it Sammy with kicks and knees. Big suplex to Miro for some jeers. Sammy gets some offense in before Miro catches him mid-moonsault for a suplex. We go to picture-in-picture. Back from it, Miro feeds elbows into the neck of Sammy. Miro soon catches him for a German suplex. Sammy soon makes an epic counter with a standing Spanish Fly mid-ring. Knee strikes form Sammy. Miro soon charges after missing a suplex and topples over the top. Sammy leaps over the ring post to land on Miro. Sammy heads up top. Miro rolls through and Miro downs him with a swinging uranage. Two count.

Miro signaks for a thrust kick, but Sammy gives him knees. Sammy ascends but Miro rocks him up top. He goes for the superplex but Sammy leaps off and nails a cutter. Miro gets right up. And Sammy goes for the GTH. Big kick from Miro. 1-2-kick out!

He signals for a Game Over, but Sammy rolls out of the ring. Miro rips the buckle off one corner, he then rips off another, but Fuego del Sol gets on the apron. Sammy knees him, Miro goes into the open turnbuckle and Sammy hits a GTH. He climbs up top and hits a 630 senton. 1-2-3!

WINNER and NEW TNT Champion: Sammy Guevara


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