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AEW Dynamite Results - Grand Slam (09/22/2021)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Bryan Danielson makes his in-ring debut against the World Heavyweight Champion in Kenny Omega for non-title competition at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY!


September 22, 2021, Arthur Ashe Stadium, Queens, NY

Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny Omega

The bell rings and the crowd erupts. They lock up and Kenny chops him at the ropes. They reset and begin a grapple game. Hard kicks and chops are exchanged. It’s an even match-up but Kenny focuses on the back and spine of Danielson and Bryan is worn down. Danielson’s chest is bright red as he gets a thumb to the eye. Omega goes for his leaping moonsault, but BD gets his knees up. Chops to Kenny in the corner. He hits a leaping lariat. Kenny is worn in teh corner as Danielson hits a calf kick before he delivers a series of “Yes” kicks. Top rope Frankensteiner. 1-2-no,

Kenny hits a hurricanrana and does a leaping senton over the top. The two men trade pin attempts and it’s Danielson with a Cattle Mutilation. Omega puts his foot on the ropes. Kenny rolls to the entryway and Danielson leaps off top with a flying knee. Yes kicks on the entryway. Kenny ducks one and hits a snap dragon. Both men are down. Danielson gathers himself against the ring ropes on the ramp but Kenny charges at him with V-Trigger. He nails it and we head to commercial break.

Back from it, Omega buckle bombs BD and then hits a missile dropkick from up top. 1-2-no. He loooks for another snap dragon, but Danielson rolls him up. 1-2-no. Kenny knees Danielson in the neck. Kenny is going for an avalanche snap dragon. Danielson holds on and crotches Kenny on the turnbuckle. Danielson hits an avalanche back suplex. Both men are down. BD gets up at six and they duke it out. Danielson with some Terry Funk jabs. Knee strike from Kenny. Danielson nails him with a back suplex bridge. Two count.

Crowd is going nuts. Kenny is down. Bryan gets cut off at the pass and BD is set up top. Kenny elbows BD and looks for an avalanche snap dragon. He nails it. Kenny covers, 1-2-nope.

Kenny signals for a V-Trigger and he hits it. He goes for the OWA, but Danielson reverse ranas out of it. Kenny goes for a V-Trigger, but BD evades. Roundhouse kick by Bryan. He’s fired up. He goes for a running kick, Kenny bombs him. V-Trigger. 1-2-kick out.

Kenny goes for the big risk phoenix splash but Danielson rolls out of the way. Bryan is up. He gets a flurry of kicks. Kenny elbows and strikes are traded. Big roundhouse shout by Bryan. He stomps away at Kenny. Danilson goes for the LaBell Lock, but Kenny makes it to the ropes. Danielson hits a knee. V-Trigger. Kicks are traded and both men are down. Time is running out. Both men duke it out on their knees. Kicks from Bryan, Kenny fights back and the bell sounds as they brawl on their feet. Danielson goes for the LaBell lock, but The Elite comes in to make sure of Kenny’s safety.


The Bucks attack Bryan, but Jurassic Express come in to clear the ring.

After the break, out comes CM Punk. He said he’s sure glad he’s not wrestling on Dynamite. “How do you follow that?” He says it’s been a long time since he or pro wrestling have been in NYC. People say they want the old CM Punk. He says be careful what you wish for. He calls out Hobbs and Team Taz. He tried to mean mug, but he can’t help but crack a smile. What does he have to be mad about? Well Team Taz tricked him. Yes it pissed him off and yes, he’s mad about it, but when his music hits and that’s when his anger goes away. Yes, he’s happy. He’s happy to see the fans. Of ocurse, he thinks what they did or attempted to do is take all this away from him. They don’t want to see happy CM Punk. That’s when he gets really pissed off. It’s been so long since he needed wrestling and now he’s pissed off because nobody is going to take this away from him. This is his once again. Punk tells Hobbs should have finished the job. He made a mistake and let him live. He slept on the legend of CM Punk and it’s his job to tuck his ass in. Rampage, Powerhouse Hobbs goes to sleep.

After the promo, CM Punk goes out and hugs Stephen Amell at ringside.

MJF (with Wardlow) vs. Brian Pillman Jr. (with Julia Hart)

MJF goes for a handshake, but Pillman tackles him Bengals style and punches away. As the ref tries to separate them, Max pokes him in the eye. Back body drop by Brian turns the tide briefly until he gets hit with a throat chop. Pillman nails some knife edge chops. Brian feigns a back body drop attempt and tricks Max.He gets slapped, but Pillman fires back with one of his own. MJF begs him off only to drop-toe hold him in the corner. MJF gets control. Brian avoids some attacks. Pillman hits a bckslide for a two count. Short arm clubs by Pillman, but MJF sends him down to the canvas. We go to break.

MJF is in control until Pillman hits a leaping cross body. Brian favors his arm, but Pillman nails a thrust kick before repeatedly slamming Max’s head into the corner. Brian nails a powerslam for a two count. Brian goes to leap onto Max from the outside, but MJF pulls Julia Hart in the way. MJF soon grabs hold of Julia and Brian dropkicks him. Brian goes for his Air Pillman back in the ring, but Max catches him for his Salt of The Earth center ring and Pillman is forced to submit.


We see Jericho and Hager with Alex Marvez. They’re ready to snack on some meatheads in the Big Apple, baby!

Malakai Black vs. Cody Rhodes (with Arn Anderson & Brandi Rhodes)

Cody starts off hot but Black does cear the ring of him. Brandi rolls in and sits cross-legged across from Black, mirroring him. SHe flips him off and tells him “fuck you.” Black soon gets sent to the outside. Cody climbs up top to leap at Black from the turnbuckle to the stage, but Malakai catches him with a knee and we head to picture in picture. Back from break, Malakai catches Cody with a Black Mass but Cody falls to the outside. Cody is down and Black tries to pull him back in. No dice. Cody answers at eight and hits a chop block on Black. Cody goes for a dragon screw, but Black frees himself until Malakai gets caught with one over the ropes. Crowd is booing Cody. He continues to work the leg of Black. Black hits a bck elbow. Had kicks and Cody goes for a Cross Rhodes, but nothing doing. Malakai catches Cody for a pop-up slam. Soon after Cody goes and hits a Cody Cutter. Cross Rhodes. Two count. Arn Anderson is on the apron and Arn slips. He gets back on the apron and Cody runs into Arn. Cody checks on him and Arn yells at him to get back in.

Cody gets Black back in the ring. He slugs away at Malakai in the corner, Paul Turner tries to pull Cody off who elbows Turner. Black sprays him with a mist and rolls Cody up: 1-2-3.

WINNER: Malakai Black

We cut to a video exchange between Miro and Sammy Guevara. Sammy will challenge Miro for the TNT Title next week and when he wins, Sami will buy Fuego Del Sol a new car.

FTR (with Tully Blanchard) vs. Sting & Darby Allin

FTR come out in nWo-themed trunks as a mind game for Sting. Sting and Darby come out with new facepaint. Farby starts it off, but gets the tag to Sting for a big pop. Stinger gets attacked but lariates FTR down before delivering a series of bodyslams. FTR corner Sting after he misses a Stinger Splash and attack him. Snap leg drop by Dax for a one count. Sting downs Dax as he dazedly headbutts Harwood in the groin. Darby gets the hot tag for a series of Coffin splashes. Darby goes to leap onto the outside but FTR catches him and sends him hard into the ring post. We go to break.

Back from break, Tully is aiming to wipe the facepaint off Darby, but Darby evades. He makes the hot tag to Sting. He nails a spinebuster on Dax. Gets a near fall. Dax hits a hard shot that Stings to the entryway. They go for a top rope double team driver on Darby. Sting stops him and hits top rope cross body. Two count. Lots of back and forth going on with some exciting spots for the game Sting. The finish comes when Sting gets the Scorpion Deathlock on Dax. Cash tries to pull Dax to the ropes, but Darby nails him on the apron with a Coffin Drop. Dax taps.

WINNERS: Sting & Darby Allin

AEW Women’s World Championship

Ruby Soho vs. Britt Baker (c) (with Jamie Hayter & Rebel)

The two women trade momentum until Britt goes to the outside. Hayter and Rebel try to play interference, but Ruby leaps off the top onto the two. Britt comes from behind and attacks Ruby. We go to the final picture in picture.

Back from break, Britt had a focus on Ruby’s shoulder, but Ruby turned the tide with a crisp thrust kick.Punches are traded between the two fighters. Britt goes for a Lock Jaw, but Ruby rolls free. She gets a sling blade for her efforts. Rebel puts the glove on Britt. She went for a curb stomp, but Ruby grabs hold of her knee. Britt tries to free herself. Ruby catapults her into the corner. Ruby hits an enziguri. Soho climbs up top and nails a senton. 1-2-no!

Soon, Britt hits a rolling neckbreaker and thrust kick for a near fall. Ruby is down as Hayter looks frustrated. Ruby catches Britt up top. They battle on the ring ropes for a suplex attempt. Britt hits an avalanche air raid crash. Two count.

Britt is standing on the steps and goes to kick Ruby. Ruby catches the leg, but Britt slams her head off the steps. Britt nails a curb stomp on Soho. Kick out at two. Ruby rolls up Britt. Kick out. Ruby hits her Pele finisher, but Rebel and Jamie Hayter interfere. This allows Britt to recover and she locks in the Lock Jaw. Ruby taps.

WINNER and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion: Britt Baker


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