In the current COVID-19 pandemic that the entire world is facing, there are just a few shows/sports on TV who are continuing producing new content. WWE, AEW, & now IMPACT Wrestling they are all doing empty arena shows. For several weeks now AEW has broadcasted their shows on a closed set in front of just the camera crew and other personnel. The shows have been extremely entertaining to watch even with the absence of the live crowd. The men and women of AEW continue to put on the best show they can. The matches have less distractions and the wrestlers in-ring work gets to shine more.
Focus On In-Ring Product

With more of a focus on the in-ring action and less on trying to get a reaction from the live crowd the wrestlers get to tell a story but much more efficiently. It also goes to prove that there are fans who still tune in regardless of the wrestlers performing in front of a crowd or not. The overall ratings have been around the same we know that wrestling as a whole has suffered in terms of ratings but AEW is still consistent with its other regular shows.
Pay-Per-View Status?

Considering the landscape of things at the moment, it is starting to look like AEW's next pay-per-view show 'Double or Nothing' will be done in an empty arena. WWE recently had it's biggest pay-per-view 'Wrestlemania' at the performance center in Orlando, FL and also IMPACT Wrestling just had their 'Rebellion' pay-per-view turn into a 2 night TV special on AXS TV. Maybe AEW will consider the same? No matter the route we at Indy Pro Wrestling see no bad decision on going with a TV special or going the pay-per-view route. We are pretty confident that the show will continue as a pay-per-view since we are sure they have an agreement with On-Demand over pay-per-views it must produce. But with the whole COVID-19 pandemic, that might be the exception? I guess we will just have to wait and see.