All Elite Wrestling will hold its first house show tonight and it has major implications as a shot at the TNT Championship will be earned. Indy Pro Wrestling has the full results tonight as they come in. The show starts at 7 p.m. ET.
All Elite Wrestling Presents The House Always Wins is set to feature the following:
The Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler vs. Death Triangle
Kenny Omega and Michael Nakazawa vs. The Sydal Brothers
Darby Allin vs. TBD – TNT Championship match
12-man battle royal for TNT title shot (Powerhouse Hobbs, Lance Archer, Ricky Starks, Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page, The Butcher, The Blade, Dustin Rhodes, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, 10, and Colt Cabana)
Cody Rhodes vs. Aaron Solow – Street Fight
Hikaru Shida, Tay Conti and Red Velvet vs. Nyla Rose, Britt Baker and Allie
Eddie Kingston vs. Cezar Bononi
The Pinnacle vs. Jurassic Express and Dante Martin of Top Flight
Orange Cassidy vs. TBD
Jade Cargill vs. TBD
The Live Results:
The Butcher wins the 12-man battle royal to earn a title shot for the TNT Championship.
The Pinnacle def. Jurassic Express and Dante Martin of Top Flight
Jade Cargill def. Reka Tahaka.
Britt Baker interview.
Cody Rhodes def. Aaron Solow. After the match, he’s attacked by Anthony Ogogo.
Best Friends def. Max Caster & TH2
Eddie Kingston def. Cezar Bononi
Hikaru Shida, Tay Conti and Red Velvet def. Nyla Rose, Britt Baker and Allie
Death Triangle & The Sydal Brothers def. The Elite and Konosuke Takeshita
Darby Allin def. The Butcher to retain the TNT Championship