This weeks special edition of Destino: A New Japan Pro Wrestling Podcast is a very special reset episode. Jargo sits down with Pro Wrestling Talk Now & Then's Denny Fedor to discuss Stardom's 10th anniversary show, and give you the potential new viewer a layout of the landscape as we head into 2021.
Then for segment two, Jargo is joined by Jimmy T from the PWC to discuss New Japan's New Years Dash, and give you the layout of what to expect for the first quarter of 2021.
Direct Link:
Host: Michael Jargo @NotJargo
Co-Host: Denny Fedor https://www.facebook.com/groups/1555784261329987
Social Media @DestinoPod
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Hamin Media: hackerhamin.podbean.com PWHustle: pwhustlenetworks.podbean.com HTM Podcast Network: hittingthemarks.com Last Word On Pro Wrestling: lastwordonprowrestling.com Indy Pro Wrestling: IndyProWrestling.com Pandora: pandora.com iHeart Radio: iHeart.com