X-Division Championship: Trey Miguel (c) vs. Mike Jackson
Jackson hit a flurry of offense before they spilled to the outside briefly. Jackson walks the ropes doing Old School around most of the ring until Miguel pulls him down. Miguel hits Lightning Spiral on the 73-year-old to retain.
Winner: Trey Miguel (c)
Miguel goes to pull out spray paint from under the ring, but Crazzy Steve was there. He chases Trey up the ramp, but runs into Black Taurus. Miguel retreats through the crowd.
Josh Alexander is interviewed about the Golden Six Shooter tonight. Steve Maclin interrupts and makes his claim for why he should be next.
Good Hands vs. Kushida & Kevin Knight
Knight and Skyler lock up to start. Knight works the arm before tagging Kushida in. Skyler turns Kushida around, allowing Hotch to attack from behind. Kushida ends up scoring the submission victory.
Winners: Kushida & Kevin Knight
Santino shows Gisele and Jai who the mystery partner is. They’re in shock.
Mickie James confronts Jordynne Grace backstage. Jordynne reassures that she was only protecting her investment last week – the title. Mickie looks forward to a rematch after she faces Masha.
Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: Death Dollz (c) vs. Gisele Shaw & Tara
Tara returns and is emotional. She shakes hands with Taya to start, but Gisele tags in. Jessicka comes in with a Sick Kick, but Shaw avoids the leg drop. Tara begs the tag, but Shaw resists and gets run over by Jessicka. Shaw uses Tara’s own moves against Taya, but it isn’t enough. Shaw refuses to tag again. Tara gets in Shaw’s face, and Shaw gently taps her jaw as they argue. Death Dollz eat popcorn as Tara hits shaw with Widow’s Peak. Jessicka connects with the Sick Driver on Shaw for the win.
Winners: Death Dollz (c)
A Taylor Wilde tarot reading vignette airs. She says she’ll be seeing more of Killer Kelly in her future.
Santino talks to Dave LaGreca backstage as Bully Ray walks up. Bully warns Santino over not booking him in the Golden Six Shooter.
Gia Miller interviews Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans about their recent tension. Evans points it out, which leads to Tasha saying she’s sick of “all of it” and then she walked away.
Major Players vs. Ace Austin & Chris Bey
Bey and Cardona tangle up to start. Ace comes in for the double team. Myers comes in but Ace knocks him off his feet. Cardona and Bey meet again, slugging it out in the middle. Bey hits a clothesline and dropkicks Myers off the apron. Myers lands an elbow drop, nearfall. Ace kicks Cardona, allowing Bey to plant him on the mat. Ace pivots into the cover for the win.
Winners: Ace Austin & Chris Bey
Joe Hendry comes out after and plays a new song for Cardona and Myers, calling them Edge’s bitch.
Major Players confront Moose backstage and declare that Impact has a “Joe Hendry problem.”
Jonathan Gresham vs. Sheldon Jean
Gresham controls the pace with headlocks to start. Jean separates, but Gresham applies an ankle lock until Jean reaches the bottom rope. Jean rakes the face and gets in a couple kicks. Gresham dropkicks the left knee. In the end, Gresham picks up the pinfall victory.
Winner: Jonathan Gresham
Set for next week:
Ace Austin & Chris Bey vs. Kushida & Kevin Knight
Gisele Shaw vs. Savannah Evans
Golden Six Shooter – #1 Contender’s Elimination Match: Eddie Edwards vs. Moose vs. Callihan vs. Rich Swann vs. Chris Sabin vs. Rhino
Swann and Callihan briefly reignite their feud in the early minutes. Swann flips out of the ring to level Edwards and Moose. Rhino uppercuts and chops Callihan. Moose spears Rhino, but Callihan covers him for the elimination. Moose places Swann and Sabin on the top turnbuckle for a double dropkick. Sabin takes Moose down with a tornado DDT, nearfall. Swann splashes Callihan for a two count. Eddie targets Sabin, but Sabin backslides him. Eddie lands the Tiger Driver for a two. PCO makes his way out, as do security. Sabin kicks Eddie and tornado DDT’s him into a cover for the elimination.
Moose boots Sabin, but Sabin fights back with punches until he’s flattened with a urinagi and eventually eliminated with a Spear. Swann battles both Moose and Callihan at the same time, planting Callihan with a cutter. Moose targets Swann’s right knee for several minutes. Swann flips Moose over into a small package for the surprise elimination.
The Design come out to watch the final two. Callihan applies a stretch muffler on Swann’s injured leg. Swann fires back with multiple forearm clubs to the head. Callihan powerbombs, kickout, transition into an ankle hook. Swann gets free and nails the 450 Splash for the three-count.
Callihan eliminates Rhino
Sabin eliminates Edwards
Moose eliminates Sabin
Swann eliminates Moose
Swann eliminates Callihan
Winner and new #1 Contender: Rich Swann
Rich Swann will now challenge Josh Alexander for the Impact World Championship on February 24 at No Surrender.
Post-match, Callihan and The Design beat down Swann until Yuya Uemera runs out. Yuya gets beaten down too. Alexander and Kazarian run out to even the odds and clear the ring to end the show.