This week on IMPACT Wrestling, Matt Hardy and Private Party will be in the house as Jordynne Grace takes on “Don’t Call Her Su” Susan and the massive Madman Fulton goes one-on-one with Josh Alexander.
IMPACT Wrestling, February 2, 2020
Commentators: Matt Striker & D’Lo Brown
Tasha Steelz (with Kiera Hogan) vs. Havok (w/ Nevaeh)

Tasha fires away at Havok, but she shoves her of. Steelz goes right back at it, talks some smack and gets another shove from Havok again. Steelz takes out the right leg and delivers an array of kick. Super kick for two. Steelz stomps away at her and then wrenches the leg. Havok gets to the ropes for a break. Running elbows and uppercuts to Havok, but Havok levels her and feeds her a knee. Big hair toss by Havok gets followed up with a face wash with a boot.Havok goes for a roundhouse. Steelz goes to Irish whip Havok, but the woman stands her ground. Steelz goes for a crossbody but Havok catches her with a side effect. Two count. Havok runs to the ropes, but Kiera grabs her leg. Havok fights her off and delivers a tombstone on Steelz for the 1-2-3.
IMPACT cuts to post-show footage of Shamrock locking in an ankle lock to a referee. Shamrock however, doesn’t just isolate his focus on the official and hits his enabler Sami Callihan. He then continues to attack officials.
We then cut to Callihan with D’Amore who suspends Shamrock indefinitely. Sami agrees with with him and D’Amore seems a wee bit disgusted.
Tommy appreciates Rich’s title offer last week and recalls when he gave up his title shot for Terry Funk in ECW. Swann offers to handle most of the workload tonight, but Tommy wants to assure Swann that he’ll still be at the ready in case Rich finds a little trouble.
The Good Brothers hype up their match tomorrow at AEW Beach Break where they “BEAT UP JON MOXLEY!” They talk about potentially sabotaging Private Party. Enter James Storm and Chris Sabin. Storm states he doesn’t appreciate kicking his partner when he’s down and Sabin questions if they’re a couple of “balless wonders.” Good Brothers are unwilling to give them a title shot. Storm says they should give them a shot next week. Gallows and Anderson at the very least, agree to meet them face to face in the ring next week.
Madman Fulton (with Ace Austin) vs. Josh Alexander

Alexander goes to attack the base of Fulton but Madman strikes him off. Alexander doesn’t change his game plan and gets picked up for a release suplex slam. Madman beats Josh down in the corner and feeds his face into the turnbuckle before choking him with his boot in the corner. Madman then climbs the turnbuckle and grabs Alexander by the arms and pulls on him, forcing his face into the bottom turnbuckle. Alexander shows his resiliency and German suplexes Fulton who pops right back up.
He goes to lock the leg of Fulton but Josh gets booted out of the ring. Chokeslam onto the apron and then a chokeslam in the ring gets Madman a two count. Up top on the turnbuckle, Alexander and Madman fight it out. Alexander shows his strength with a powerbomb. Double underhook piledriver gets Alexander the hard-fought W.
WINNER: Josh Alexander
Brian Myers walks out with an eye patch on over his left eye. Very “Snake” Plissken. He feels somewhat responsible for the shape he’s currently in. The Most Professional Wrestler Brian Myers vs. The Most “Unprofessional” Wrestler Eddie Edwards. Eddie used to be different. After all, he was trained by Killer Kowalski who now is rolling in his grave. He wants to challenge Eddie to a match at No Surrender, but because of his condition, he can’t do that. Eddie comes in to attack Myers, but out comes Hernandez for the save. Myers said he can’t face Eddie, but Hernandez can. Out comes Cardona and clears the ring for Eddie.
Blackjack is going down backstage as the Swingerellas watch on and Fallah Bahh loses his shirt (not literally). Johnny Swinger himself comes in and counts the cash as Alisha advocates for John E. Bravo to get paid more. Swinger seems content with keeping the dough.
After the break, Eddie Edwards thanks Cardona for the save. Matt says he doesn’t know what Bitter Brian’s deal is. Eddie pitches tagging up to face Myers and Hernandez at No Surrender and Matt is “Alwayz ready.”
Crazzy Steve (with Rosemary) vs. Larry D (with Acey Romero)

Bell rings and the two men immediately slug it out. Steve corners him and give Larry an elbow before getting shoved off. Steve crossface strikes D in the middle of the ring, but Larry tosses him outside to Acey. He gets a shot in before sending Steve back in for a pin attempt. Belly to belly to Steve. Two count.
Rosemary tries to coach Steve who gets chopped down by D. Larry strikes him in the corner, snap mares and kicks CS in the mush for a two count. Neck wrench. Back arm strike by D before hoisting Steve up for a bomb attempt. Steve shakes free only to get more strikes from Larry which is punctuated by a running splash. Two count. Larry goes to strike Steve, but gets bitten. He goes to dive on Acey, but gets caught by the big man. Steve gets let loose and Acey gets struck. Steve gets back up on the apron and goes to bite Larry D once more, but D slugs him hard and gets the pinfall.
Post-match, Rosemary stares down XXXL who cautiously walk off.
Gia Miller is backstage with Trey Miguel. Since he’s been in IMPACT Wrestling, he had two crutches and that’s the only way everyone’s seen him walk. Now there’s no better time to show him that he can stand on his own two feet. A brief glitch allows Sami Callihan to enter the picture. He tells Trey to calm down and he’s not going to attack him. The Rascalz aren’t even a month removed and he’s already throwing him under the bus. Sami talks some trash, telling Trey to reassess himself. That fires Trey up and Sami still walks off.
There was no hesitation when it came to confronting Rosemary and Crazzy Steve to XXXL. Doesn’t matter how scary Rosemary is, they aren’t afraid of her. Enter Tenille. She offers her services to hit Rosemary. Larry D is game for the alliance.
Susan (with Deonna Purrazzo & Kimber Lee) vs. Jordynne Grace (with Jazz)

Susan takes off her specs and hands them to Deonna. She then goes to take off her sports jacket, but Jordynne runs out of patience. She begins to fling Susan around and covers for a two count. Grace corners Susan who pulls the official in front of herself. Susan takes the moment for a cheap shot and to toss Jordynne out of the ring. Lee and Deonna attack Grace and send her back in to Susan for a one count.
Susan chokes Grace over the ropes with her knee and then talks trash to Jazz. Ref goes to admonish Jazz and this allows Lee and Deonna to attack Grace further. Grace gets back in the ring, but soon gets tossed by Susan once more. Chaos breaks out at ringside and Grace finds herself back in the ring to trade strikes. Three slams by Grace gets a near fall on Susan. Grace hits a running elbow in the corner to Susan. Jazz takes out Deonna and Lee and this allows Grace to hit her driver finisher for the three count.
WINNER: Jordynne Grace
Post-match, Deonna and Lee go after Jazz and Grace, but who comes out but ODB! She takes out Susan, Lee and Deonna to send the trio running.

Big Money Matt is with Private Party. He always has a plan. Private Party could win the tag team battle royal tomorrow on AEW Beach Break. He hates to use the word “bounty”, but there is an incentive for Private Party to secure both the AEW and IMPACT tag belts. Matt has everything under control, he just needs Marq and Isiah to “show up.” They reassure him before we cut to break.
The two Tonys appear to give you the most exciting three minutes of the entire show. The Tony that is Khan states that he let Jon Moxley fight in NJPW after he said he wouldn’t let it happen. He’s riding on emotion and is making decisions based on that. He’s also liked the stuffed shark on Tony Schiavone’s head.
ODB celebrates with Jazz and Jordynne backstage. She’s not against an alliance.
Rohit Raju vs. TJP

Rohit starts off with the offense as he stomps TJP in the corner. TJP however comes back with a dropkick and a crucifix/octopus hold. Rohit makes it to the ropes. Rohit kicks TJP in the mush and he’s in control. TJP does a unique pin attempt, but Rohit shotgun dropkicks TJP from the tranquilo. We go to break.
Back from break, Rohit whips TJP in the opposite corner. The two go back and forth and Rohit gives TJP a leaping flatliner. Two count. He kicks away at TJP. Steve Austin elbow by Rohit. Belly to back suplex gets a two count for Rohit. He tries to pin again, but nothing doing. Rohit stomps on him once more before wrenching down the arm of TJP who strikes himself free. Springboard cross-body by TJP gets him back on the offensive and he delivers a hurricanrana. TJP climbs up top, goes for a swanton but Rohit rolls free. A flurry of running strikes in the corner by Rohit. He leaps off but TJP gets his boots up to dizzy Raju. TJP tumbles out of the ring and out comes Mahabali Shera to attack him. He sends him back in the ring to Rohit who makes the most of it and gets the pinfall.
WINNER: Rohit Raju
We see a video package of Violent By Design as Eric Young pitches a conversion to Cousin Jake.
Moose & Chris Bey vs. Tommy Dreamer & Rich Swann

Dreamer and Bey start it off. Bey has a headlock takedown before a stand off. Leaping strike by Bey and we go to a break.
Back from it, Dreamer voids a splash by Moose to tag in Swann, but Moose corners the champ to tag in Bey. Backslide pin attempt by Bey who cinches in a side headlock on Rich Swann. Such a wild sequence of athleticism by Bey and Swann. Dreamer gets the tag and locks in an ab stretch. Double team attack by the two gets a near fall on Bey. Swann strikes at Moose on the apron but gets his arm wrenched over the ropes. Bey strikes away at Swann and gets a pin attempt. Moose gets the tag who rakes the face of Swann and talks trash at him. Ab stretch with cross strikes by Moose. He stomps on the champion. Moose whips Swann in the corner hard and then tags in Bey. Bey stomps on Rich’s arm. Sunset flip by Swann gets a two count. Sit-down body stretch by Bey. Swann tries to get to Dreamer but Bey holds his leg. Enziguri frees him and hot tag to Dreamer who strikes at Bey and takes Moose off the apron. Jabs by Dreamer to Bey and does a modified gut wrench for a two count.
Dreamer DDT on Bey, but Bey made the blind tag to Moose who sends Dreamer into Rich and a tag seems to be made. Moose aimed for Tommy who moves, but Moose connects with Swann and gets the pinfall.
WINNERS: Moose & Chris Bey
Post-match, Moose makes sure both Swann and Dreamer stay down as he hoists up both his TNA Title and the IMPACT World Title. End of show.