IMPACT Wrestling! We kick things off with a video package highlighting Deonna Purrazzo vs. Taylor Wilde tonight, plus Steve Maclin’s changing of the guard last week.
Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich
Masha kicks away Grace’s offered handshake. They lock up and Grace tries a wrist lock. Masha escapes but meets a shoulder block anyway. Grace locks up the left wrist again and keeps Masha grounded. Masha tries for offense again but Jordynne cuts her off in the corner and follows it with double knees followed by a Vader Bomb for a cover. Masha finally comes back with a kick across the chest, cover. Grace hits a snap suplex.
Masha does a backfist and a couple more kicks to the head. Masha rakes the nose before trying a modified camel clutch. Grace powers up and backs Masha into the corner twice before dropping her to the mat. Masha yanks Jordynne into the rope throat-first. Back inside, Masha runs into an elbow but then wipes Grace’s legs out. They counter each other in the corner before Masha goes up top. Grace cuts her off and eventually hits a Muscle Buster for a nearfall.
Grace power slams Masha but then Masha comes back with strike. Masha runs into a package driver for a nearfall. Masha elbows Jordynne off and rolls her up. Grace reverses it into a sleeper, Masha covers. Masha turns it into her own sleeper. Masha hits a big slam, nearfall. Graces places Masha up top and goes for another Muscle Buster, but she evades. They trade pinfall attempts until Grace gets more momentum and stacks on top for the three.
Winner: Jordynne Grace
We see a special look at Nick Aldis’ career and return.
IMPACT World Champion Steve Maclin comes down to the ring. He wastes no time in calling out PCO to fight now instead of waiting until Under Siege. Shera and Singh then attack PCO from behind on the ramp. Once the attack moves to the ring, Maclin retreats to the back. PCO double clotheslines them before Santino Marella comes out. He announces that Singh just bought himself a match with PCO tonight, and Shera is banned from ringside.
PCO vs. Champagne Singh
PCO clobbers Singh off the bat before clotheslining him out of the ring. Singh delivers a sliding kick and dropkick back in the ring. Singh hits a flatliner, PCO kicks out at one. Singh shoves money in his mouth and PCO powers up to deliver punches and a corner clothesline. PCO hits a lungbblower assisted by the ropes. PCO goes up top and hits a big legdrop. PCO hits the backdrop on the apron. Outside, Singh shoves PCO into the ring post. Back in, PCO drops Singh with a reverse DDT. PCO goes up top again and hits a PCOsault for the win.
Winner: PCO
The Design are backstage where Deaner cuts a promo on trusting Sami Callihan.
A vignette for The Coven airs ahead of Wilde vs. Purrazzo later.
Johnny Swinger vs. El Dineroco
Zicky Dice reminds fans that they were on their quest for 50 victories to get a title shot. Dice says there’s a language barrier with the competitor, so he’s going to go get him. El Dineroco comes out, who is not at all Dice under a mask. Dineroco rolls around before Swinger hits a drop toehold. Swinger rolls him up for the three.
Winner: Johnny Swinger
Backstage, Swinger and Dice snicker about it until Santino walks up and busts them. Santino declares that Swinger’s victory is nullified.
We see footage of Kenny King beating Channing Decker on BTI. King runs into Decker in the locker room. Decker thanks him for the match, but King thanks him for the win in Decker’s hometown. King then sits by Sheldon Jean and hypes him up.
The Design vs. ABC
Angels and Bey start. Angels hits a neckbreaker, cover. Ace comes with a Side Russian Legsweep with assist from Bey. Kon tags in and battles both champs. Kon dumps Bey out and then smashes Ace in the corner. Angels hits a dropkick from the top, cover. Meanwhile, Santino Marella is shown to have been attacked backstage. Kon grasps onto Ace’s collar bone before Angels stomps on him. Ace and Angels then trade clubbing shots on the mat.
Angels continues to dominate Ace until Ace manages to kick him in the jaw. Bey hits Code Red on Angels, kickout. Kon intervenes and tosses bodies around. Ace manages to send him out, followed by Angels. Bey dropkicks Kon bbefore Ace dives out. Bey does a dive to get Kon knocked onto the apron. Deaner steps up on the apron, allowing The Design to attack from behind. Sami attacks Deaner at ringside. Ace and Bey tackle Kon with a dive. ABC double kicks Kon before hitting their double finisher on Angels for the win.
Winners: ABC
Dango checks on Santino backstage. The doc says Santino needs to go home after back to back attacks. Meanwhile, Dango says he’s going to be the new detective of authority to find out who attacked Santino.
Jessicka and Rosemary discuss their recent roadblock in finding Taya. Crazzy Steve walks up and bumps heads with Rosemary. It appears Steve may be able to pull something off with the undead realm.
Jody Threat vs. Sparx
Lockup starts. Threat powers Sparx into the corner before breaking. Sparx does a waist lock and Threat reverses it before a takedown. Sparx breaks free for a moment but then gets hit with a shoulder takedown. Sparx gets tossed face-first into the top turnbuckle. Threat jumps back into the ring with a big seated senton. Threat throws clotheslines in the corner and then a pump kick. Threat hits F416 for the win.
Winner: Jody Threat
A vignette for Killer Kelly airs.
Gia Miller does a sit down with Frankie Kazarian. He recalls how he got signed in 2003 and went on to face a number of top names. Kaz then talks about how he felt disrespected after several years when management kept turning over. He decided to walk away when his contract came up. To be continued…
Set for next week:
Frankie Kazarian interview Part 2
Steve Maclin, Champagne Singh & Shera vs. PCO & two partners of his choosing
Moose & Brian Myers vs. Yuya Uemura & Bhupinder Gujjar
Alisha Edwards vs. Jody Threat
A major surprise revealed
Knockouts World Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Taylor Wilde
They start with a lock up and then break. Lock up again, Deonna switches it for a moment until Wilde does a left arm lock. Deonna reverses it again and then Wilde takes the champ to the mat as they continue trading holds. They get to their feet before Wilde throws a few strikes. Purrazzo slides under Wilde and tries a roll up. Deonna does an arm drag and applies another hold to slow the pace. Wilde eventually escapes and rolls out to regather with King.
After the break, Deonna hits a pair of arm drags and then a hurricanrana to send Wilde back out. Deonna tries a baseball slide and then runs Wilde into King. Back inside, Deonna stomps on the left arm from the top but then KiLynn pulls her into the ropes. Wilde takes Deonna down and then places her in the ropes to choke her. Wilde takes her to the corner for more stomps and then tosses her across to the other side. Wilde steps on Deonna’s hair while pulling her arms.
Wilde hits a big headscissor takedown into a crossface. Deonna reverses to a fujiwara for a split second before Wilde slips under the ropes. Deonna does a backslide and then pivots to a headlock. They run into each other with double crossbodies. Deonna hits a couple clotheslines and running knees before a side Russian legsweep into a fujiwara armbar. Wilde tries a roll up, but Deonna tries to tie up the arms again. Wilde reaches the bottom rope. Deonna gets flipped over and then dropped with a German suplex and cover. Deonna drops her down into Venus Demilo for the win.
Winner: Deonna Purrazzo (c)
King attacks Deonna and Wilde joins in on the beatdown until Jordynne Grace runs down to make the save. Grace and Purrazzo stand tall to end the show as Jordynne eyes the title. Deonna offers a handshake before Grace leaves.