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IMPACT On AXS Tv Live Results (05/26/2022)

Writer's picture: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling Violent By Design takes on the Briscoes and Josh Alexander in six-man tag action.


May 26, 2022

Commentary: Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt

Ultimate X Qualifier

Alex Shelley vs. Trey Miguel

Miguel shake hands with Shelley before the bout begins. The fight goes to the outside adn athleticism is shown as Miguel moonsaults onto Alex.

Back in the ring the two fight further in what turns out to be a very good match. Modified dragon sleeper by Miguel keeps Shelley grounded. Shelley later turns the tide with a flatliner in the corner. Both battle it out in the ring with forearm elbows. That turns to chops. Shelley maintains control with a consistent arm wrench. A flurry of kicks turn the tide as both men reverse one another Shelley avoids a Meteroa atttempt. Shelley lays out some moves but it’s Trey who catches the W with a crucifix roll up.

WINNER: Trey Miguel

The Briscoes cut a promo on VBD before being approached by the Good Brothers. Matters seem cordial enough, but GBs say Briscoes aren’t the champs until they beat them. “Let’s make it count!” says Jay.

Masha Slamovich vs. Havok (with Rosemary)

These two slug it out. Havok nails a running avalanche into Masha. Masha nails a spinning wheel kick to Havok before a bevvy of strikes and an axe kick to the back of the neck. Big kick to head of Havok. Masha nails a Snow Plow. 1-2-3.

WINNER: Masha Slamovich

Backstage, Alex Shelley gives his props to Trey Miguel. Suddenly Kenny King who qualified for Ultimate X talks down to Trey and Blake Christian. Blake challenges him for his spot.

Rich Swann says he’s going to get his revenge at Matthew Rehwoldt. After that, Matthew says he’ll be happy to oblige.

Chelsea Green vs. Jordynne Grace

Green tries to evade, but Grace shows her power and hits a modified neckbreaker out of the corner. We head to break, and after thatGrace continues her speed and strenght to outduel Chelsea until Green hits an elvated flatliner for a ner fall. Grace kicks out. It turns into a slugfest. Grace gets Green up for an electric chair drop, but she turns it into an electric chair drop for the W.

WINNER: Jordynne Grace

Honor No More confront Scott D’Amore. They want him to make it right after what happened to Maria last week. Unfortunately the Good Brothers’ dance card is already full for Slammiversary as they’re facing the Briscoe Brothers at Slammiversary. Eddie Edwards warns D’Amore that if they don’t get what they deserve, nobody does.

Anytime someone comes into IMPACT, they want to come after Deonna Purrazzo. She says at Queen of the Mountain, she’ll make history, but Tasha Steelz enters. The only one that made history is her. She is first to win the Knockouts Ultimate X match.

Chris Sabin vs. Frankie Kazarian

The two fist bump and lock up. The fight goes to the outside but goes back in as Sabin’s chest appears bright red due to the effects of Frankie’s assault. Sabin hits a beautiful superplex before Sabin puts him up on his shoulders, but both men crash ribs first into one another. The match gets thrown out after Honor No More attacks both competitors and stand tall.

After the break, Honor No More said they made their statement clear. If they don’t get what’s theirs, nobody does.

Raj Singh & Shera vs. Bhupinder Gujjar & W. Morrissey

Gujjar and Morrissey show some tag team synergy. Shera hits Gujjar in the back and it becomes a 2-on-1 attack to Bhupinder. Morrisey gets the hot tag and he lays it in knocking Shera out of the ring. Bhupinder dives on top of Shera as Morrissey nails a chokeslam to Singh. Tag to Gujjar. He hits the Gargoyle Spear for the 1-2-3.

Moose expresses his issues with Sami Callihan as Steve Maclin enters the backstage area as the lights flicker.

VBD vs. Josh Alexander & The Briscoes

Alexander works on Deaner after the break takes place. Deaner manages to turn it into a headlock as both men square off. Big hip toss to Alexander as he takes Deaner down with an arm drag. Tag to Jay Briscoe. He stomps a mudhole in Deaner. Mark Briscoe gets in and trades slaps with Deaner. Deaner turns it into a guillotine choke and it allows him to tag in Eric Young who gets isolated. Big double shoulder tackle by the Briscoes. Jay Briscoe nails a senton to take out everyone on the outside. Mark follows suit with a top rope dive to the outside as well and we head to break.

Back from it, Deaner gets a near fall on Alexander, but Mark Briscoe breaks it up. Alexander fights his way out of the corner and hits a knee to the back of Deaner’s neck. Mark gets tagged and EY gets tagged. He takes out Deaner during a VBD double team attempt and the Briscoes show that brotherly love by having each other’s back. Despite that, EY corners Jay, but it’s Jay who finds the fire with a hurricanrana.Big doubleteam powerbomb neckbreaker to Deaner who kicks out just in time. The babyfaces fight on with a near-fall attempt. Mark Briscoe gets smashed with Eric’s Casey Jones’ mask and it allows EY to hit the piledriver and the 1-2-3.



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