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IMPACT On AXS Tv Live Results (06/02/2022)

Writer's picture: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Updated: Jun 6, 2022


June 2, 2022

Commentary: Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt

The show opens with a recap of the tag team main event from last week featuring VBD, Josh Alexander and the Briscoes. Tom Hannifan then greets the audience at home. Deonna Purrazzo comes to the ring and is on commentary with Hannifan instead of Rehwoldt (due to his upcoming match later in the show). Guest commentators will be with Hanifan throughout the show tonight.

Savannah Evans comes to the ring, accompanied by Tasha Steelez. Mia Yim follows.

Mia Yim vs. Savannah Evans

The bell rings and the two lock up. Evans sends him into the corner, then pushes her down to the mat. Yim hits a hurricanrana, then hits her with a bunch of knees and forearms. Yim is sent into the ropes, then hits a DDT. She goes for the pin but Yim kicks out. Evans tosses Yim to the mat, then goes for a shoulder tackle in the corner. She hits an under hook suplex on Yim, then goes for another pin but Yim kicks out again. Evans locks in a neck lock, but Yim escapes. Yim hits a bunch of forearms to the midsection, but Evans counters into a powerbomb. She goes for another pin but Yim kicks out. Evans hits her with some forearms and then chokes her. Evans hits a bodyslam, then goes for a leg drop but Yim moves out of the way. Yim goes for the pin but Evans kicks out. She goes for a roll-up, but Evans kicks out again.

Evans dumped him into the mat, then goes for another pin but Yim kicks out again. She gets him up on her shoulders, but Yim escapes. Evan sends into the corner and then goes for a move, but Yim moves out of the way. Evans hit the ring post instead. Yim hits her with a few chops, followed by a dropkick. She hits another dropkick, then hit a German suplex on Evans. Yim hits a cannonball and goes for a pin, but Evans kicks out.

Evans hits her with a Samoan drop, then goes for the pin but Yim kicks out. She delivers a fisherman suplex, then goes for another pin but Yim kicks out once again. Yim sends Evans to the outside, then delivers a knee. She sends Evans back into the ring, but Tasha Steelz interferes. Jordynne Grace comes to the ring and starts attacking Steelz to make the save. This gives Yim the chance to hit to hit the Eat Defeat and get the win.

Winner: Mia Yim

The commentary then runs down the card for “Slammiversary”. We then go backstage to Eddie Edwards. Shark Boy comes over to Edwards and asks what’s the matter with him. Edwards pushes him into the door and says he wants respect from the company. Edwards says he doesn’t know what it’s become about for Honor No More. Chris Harris appears and Edwards says of course he showed up. Harris says he has no problem throwing Eddie around. He then tells Edwards to release Shark Boy and Edwards complies. Edwards then says that he will put an end to Shark Boy and Harris at “Slammiversary”.

Back from the break, The Influence are looking for Rosemary. They find her and Rosemary tells him to go away. Tenille Dashwood says that they think they need some cheering up after Havok’s match last week and Madison Rayne tells her not to feel bad. Rayne says that she proved that Decay doesn’t deserve to be the knockout tag team champions. They go on to say that they brought Rosemary's makeup to cheer her up. Rosemary takes the makeup and says that they promised to see Decay sooner or later. Rosemary says that Rayne will need to paint her face back on after they bite it off. Rayne says that she should be careful about telling them who they will bite, then Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus appear. The Influence walk away.

Kenny King comes to the ring, followed by Blake Christian. Trey Miguel is on commentary for the match.

Blake Christian vs. Kenny King for King’s spot in the Ultimate X Match at Slammiversary

The bell rings and Christian offers his hand to King. King doesn’t shake it and instead punches him in the face. King delivers a kick to the midsection in the corner. He starts beating up Christian. King sons Christian off the ropes, but Christian reverses and delivers a kick to King’s face. Christian flips off the ropes and delivers another kick to King’s face. Christian flips King to the mat, then dropkicks him to the outside of the ring. Christian does a baseball slide to the outside of the ring, but King moves out of the way. He sends Christian’s head into the apron, then tries to send him on the stairs but Christian counters. He gets sent back into the ring, then delivers a flip-over-the-top rope to the king on the outside. We then go to a commercial break.

Back from the break, King has the upper hand. He hits a boot on Christian, then goes for the pin but Christian kicks out. King whips him into the corner, then delivers a forearm to his face. He hits a suplex on Christian, then goes for the pin but Christian kicks out. King locks in a modified abdominal stretch, but Christian manages to escape. Christian hit a step-up kick, then he hits a dropkick to the back of King. He goes for a 619 through the bottom rope, then delivers a backbreaker. He hates the full Nelson half and half combo, then goes for a pin but King kicks out. Christian hit a splash and then goes for a pin, but King kicks out.

King hits a blockbuster off the top rope, then goes for the pin but Christian kicks out. He gets Christian up on his shoulders, but Christian escapes. King hits a spine buster, then goes for another pin but Christian kicks out. Christian hits an elbow on King, then hits a kick to his head. He goes off the ropes, but King sends him to the apron. King tries to flip Christian into the ring, but Christian counters. He goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a splash to the back of King who is hanging off the ropes. The two men are sent to the outside. Christian sends King back into the ring and goes for a pin, but King gets his hand on the bottom rope. Christian hits an uppercut on King then goes for a 450 splash off the top turnbuckle, but King counters. Christian manages to get the backslide but King kicks out. Christian hits a kick to the back of his head then goes to the top turnbuckle and goes for the 450 splash. King gets his knees up, then hit his finishing move for the win.

Winner: Kenny King

Jack Evans is been revealed as the fifth competitor in the Ultimate X match at “Slammiversary”.

Back from the commercial break, Morrissey is backstage. Bhupinder Gujjar comes up to him and thank him for helping him last week. He says that if he needs help in his match tonight or with anything in the future, he will be there to help him. Morrissey thanks him but says he will be all right tonight.

Matthew Rehwoldt comes to the ring, followed by Rich Swann.

Matthew Rehwoldt vs. Rich Swann

The bell rings and the two lock up. Rehwoldt sends Swann into the mat. The crowd is divided between the two of them. Swann gets Rehwoldt to do his dance by making him raise alternating hands in the ring to tease locking up with him. Swann gets sent to the outside, and the two and up on the apron. Rehwoldt pushes Swann into the ring post and sent him off the apron to the outside. Rehwoldt sends him into the ring, then delivers a stomp off the ropes. He goes for a pin but Swann kicks out. Swann hit a swinging neck breaker, then goes for a pin but Rehwoldt kicks out.

Swann manages to hit a cutter in the middle of the ring off the ropes, then hits a Phoenix Splash to get the win.

Winner: Rich Swann

Back from the break, there is a video showing what happened on BTI. After Alisha Edwards won her match, Masha Slamovich comes to the ring and gave Edwards something mysterious. Gia Miller is backstage with Alisha Edwards and asks her what it was. Edwards reveals that it was a photo of her with her face crossed out with a big red X. Gisele Shaw walks in and reassures her everything will be OK.

We then head back to the ring where the Good Brothers are entering. Karl Anderson says he has a PSA. He says that the Good Brothers get their title match at “Slamiversary” against the Briscoes. Doc Gallows says that the Good Brothers are in “Impact” because they are seven-time world tag team champions. He says they’ve sold out arenas all over the world. He says that the title shot at “Slamiversary” wasn’t earned, but it was deserved. Anderson lists a bunch of famous arenas all over the world where they have won tag team champions. Anderson says that the Briscoes have accomplished a lot in their careers, but their accomplishments are nothing compared to theirs. Gallows also says that nobody has the legacy and lineage that the Good Brothers do.

Anderson says he has put together a package of the top 10 things that they have done in their careers during their time in Impact”, and the two of them count them down. All of the clips shown are all of the times that they have beat the Briscoes. When they get to number one, The Briscoe's music hits, and they come to the ring.

The Briscoes call the good brothers funny dudes and calls them soft. Jay says that the two of them grind every day. Mark says that not only do they work hard in the wrestling business, but they also work hard on their farm. Anderson tells them that they interrupted their number one moment and Anderson says that it was the time that they beat the Briscoes. Jay says that the reason that they have the titles and the Good Brothers don’t is because the Good Brothers act like comedians. The two teams square up and start beating down one another. The Briscoes send Gallows to the outside of the ring, but he pulls out Anderson before he gets tossed out as well. The Briscoes stand on the top turnbuckles holding up the titles.

We then go backstage with Gia Miller and Josh Alexander. Miller asks Alexander if he is more concerned going into his title match now after losing last week. Alexander says that he doesn’t have time to be concerned about young. He says he needs to prepare for the biggest match of his career. He says that he also needs to prepare for Doering and Deaner. Deaner walks onto the screen and tells Alexander he should be very concerned. Doering then walks onto the screen and VBD surround him. They start beating down one another, but security pulls them apart.

Back from the break, Honor No More comes to the ring. Eddie Edwards joins Hannifan on commentary. Heath and Rhino then come down to the ring.

Honor No More (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Heath & Rhino

Bennett and Rhino start off the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Bennett delivers a kick to the midsection, then sends Rhino into the corner. Rhino escapes and delivers a shoulder tackle to Bennett. Rhino sends him into the corner and delivers some fists to the midsection. He tags in Heath. The two deliver a double tackle.

Bennett tags and Taven. Heath delivers a body drop to Taven, then sends him off the ropes and into the mat. Heath tags in Rhino. Rhino delivers a shoulder tackle to the midsection of Taven. We then go to a commercial break.

Back from the break, Heath has the upper hand. Taven manages to make the bling tag to Bennett. Bennett hits Heath with some forearms, then delivers a thumb to the eye. Bennett goes for a pin, but Heath kicks out. rhino gets knocked off the apron. Bennett has a headlock locked in on Heath, but he manages to escape. He sends Bennett through the ropes, but Bennett tags in Taven. He hits a drop kick on Taven, then hit him with some forearms. Taven sent him to the mat, but Heath hits a clothesline.

Heath makes the heart tag right now. Rhino knocks Taven down to the mats, then hits a shoulder tackle to the midsection. He delivers a clothesline to Taven, then goes for the pin but Bennett breaks it up. Taven hits the Climax on right now for the win.

Winners: Matt Taven & Mike Bennett

After the match, Honor No More starts to beat down Rhino and Heath. They bring in chairs and attack Rhino’s ankle. Motor City Machine Guns and Frankie Kazarian make the save.

Back from the break, Rhino is being loaded into an ambulance after the attack that happened before the break. Kaz asks when enough is enough and the Motor City Machine Guns ask for Honour No More. Scott D’Amore it tells them that if they can find two people, they can have a Honor No More.

Tom Hannifan then runs down the card for “Slamiversary” once again, followed by the card for next week’s “Impact”.

Moose and Steve Maclin come to the ring, followed by PCO and W. Morrissey. Rehwoldt is back on commentary for this match.

Moose and Steve Maclin vs. PCO & W. Morrissey

PCO and Maclin start off the action. The bell rings and two lock up. PCO hits a shoulder tackle, followed by a slam to the mats. He tags in Morrissey and Macklin tags in Moose.

The two lock up and deliver chops to one another in the corner. Morrissey gains the upper hand, hits a big boot on Moose, then tags in PCO. PCO sends Moose into the corner, then delivers a chop. He delivers a splash in the corner. Moose tries to interfere, but they stack them on top of Maclin in the corner and both Morrissey and PCO deliver splashes to the two.

PCO tags in Morrissey. Morrissey delivers a kick to the neck of Moose, then tries to go off the ropes. Maclin hits Morrissey in the back, giving Moose the chance to go after his knee. Moose tags in Maclin who continues to work on his knee. He hit a DDT to Morrisey’s leg. He then sends his leg into the apron, then delivers a stomp to his knee. Maclin tags in. He slams Morrisey’s leg into the mat, then Maclin tags back in.

Morrissey manages to send Maclin out of the ring, but he gets back in right away and tags in Moose. Morrissey manages to make the hot tag to PCO. PCO knocks down Moose and Maclin, then delivers a swinging neck breaker to Macklin. He hits Moose with a DDT. He hits a cannonball on Maclin. PCO hits the De-Animator off of the top turnbuckle on Maclin. He gets back into the ring and hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Moose. He delivers a headbutt off the middle rope, then pins Moose. Maclin breaks the pin.

PCO sends the two out of the ring. he hits a cannonball through the middle rope. PCO climbs to the top rope, then goes for the PCO-salut on Moose. Moose rolls out of the way. The two hit one another with a double clothesline.

PCO tags and Morrissey. He hits Moose with some right hands and goes for a splash in the corner, but Maclin pulls Moose out of the way. Maclin tags himself in. Maclin hits Morrissey with a DDT, then pins him for the win.

Winners: Moose and Steve Maclin

After the match, Maclin goes after PCO. PCO manages to reverse the attack, but Moose hits him with a spear. The lights go out and Sami Callahan hits Moose with his bat.


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