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IMPACT On AXS Tv Live Results (06/17/2021)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Welcome to Indy Pro Wrestling's live coverage of Impact Wrestling, which airs every Thursday on AXS TV, as well as on Impact Wrestling’s own Twitch channel at 8 pm EST! Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight’s show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up-to-date coverage. Above and below is what’s on tonight’s agenda for Impact:

Tonight’s episode is the fallout from Against All Odds.

D’Lo Brown and Josh Mathews welcome fans to Impact Wrestling! We kick things off with backstage correspondent Gia Miller standing outside the door of Scott D’Amore’s office. As she’s about to knock, Moose barges in and pounds on D’Amore’s door. Moose wants another World Championship match. D’Amore says that someone from Anthem is coming in to discuss everything that happened this past Saturday in regards to Sami Callihan’s firing. He informs Moose he doesn’t have time to discuss his frustrations.

After, the opening match begins!

TJP (w/Fallah Bahh) vs. Black Taurus (w/Crazzy Steve)

Both men go for a collar and elbow tie-up. Black Taurus changes it into a waistlock, followed by a tight wrist grab. TJP tries to escape but falls victim to a body scissors hold. TJP handstands out and hits a low dropkick. Black Taurus sends TJP flying with a deep arm drag. Both men exchange fascinating high-flying exchanges before resetting. TJP puts Black Taurus in the corner and applies a foot chokehold. Black Taurus escapes by hitting a nasty headbutt.

Black Taurus lands a pumphandle/backbreaker combination for a near-fall count! TJP hoists Black Taurus up in the fireman’s carry. Black Taurus sends TJP out of the ring. Black Taurus climbs out of the ring and hits a massive shot before rolling TJP back into the ring. Black Taurus looks for another cover. TJP kicks out. TJP folds in half after a torture rack/backbreaker.

TJP plants an inverted atomic drop to create some space. TJP puts Black Taurus in the corner again as he connects sever boot washes. TJP goes up and over, sending Black Taurus, Crazzy Steve and Fallah Bahh off their feet. TJP brings Black Taurus back into the ring. He heads to the top and lands his Mamba Splash for the pinfall victory.

Winner: TJP

Post-Match: Moose runs down to the ring and throws both TJP and Black Taurus out. Moose grabs a chair and calls out Scott D’Amore for not having time to talk to him. He threatens that he’s going to hijack this show until he gets some answers. Three guys from security come out. Moose tells them he’ll leave the ring, but he’s going to wait for D’Amore in the back. Out of nowhere, Chris Sabin soars in and sends Moose out of the ring. Sabin even throws his shoe at him! Sabin is out for revenge, and his target is Moose.

Backstage: Rohit Raju is talking to Ace Austin and Madman Fulton. Raju is upset Fulton’s interference in their X-Division match on Saturday caused it to end in a No Contest. Austin wants Raju and him to get on the same page heading into Slammiversary.

Backstage: Gia Miller welcomes Chris Sabin back. Sabin is more focused on taking Moose out. He challenges him to a match at Slammiversary.

D’Lo Brown and Josh Mathews run through the matches still to come on tonight’s show!

Non-Title Match: Josh Alexander vs. Madman Fulton (w/Ace Austin)

Both men start with a knuckle lockup. Madman Fulton drags Josh Alexander up towards the corner. Alexander sends Fulton over the ropes with a nice lariat. Fulton slithers back in and tosses Alexander after hoisting him up in the vertical suplex position. Alexander creates some space with a flurry of forearm shots. Fulton drags Alexander to the outside and drops Alexander face-first onto the apron before nailing the champion with a big boot.

Back from the commercial break, Alexander tries to put Fulton in the suplex position. Fulton counters with snake eyes. Fulton applies a claw on the champ before raining down jackhammer shots. Ace Austin lands a cheap shot on Alexander while the referee’s back is turned. Fulton throws several more fists on Alexander in the corner. Alexander escapes out of Fulton’s hold and shoves him towards another corner.

Alexander connects a well-executed knee from off the middle rope. The champion drops Fulton with a semi-delayed vertical suplex. Alexander is having a hard time hoisting Fulton up for Divine Intervention. Instead, he looks for an ankle lock. Nothing comes from that. Alexander hits a rolling elbow before finally connecting his Divine Intervention. Cover. Alexander prevails!

Winner: Josh Alexander

Post-Match: Just seconds after Alexander gets the pinfall, Ace Austin runs in and goes for a beatdown on the champ. One by one, Petey Williams, Rohit Raju, Trey Miguel and Shera come out. Shera stands tall over everyone. Alexander slides back into the ring. Both Shera and Alexander have a stare down before Shera puts Alexander away. It looks like Shera, Austin, Raju and Shera are allying.

Backstage: The Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo is having a tiff with Kimber Lee and Susan. She is sick and tired of seeing them fail. At this point, Purrazzo is done with both of them.

Backstage: Gia Miller wants to know how W. Morrissey feels after picking up a monumental victory over Rich Swann this past Saturday. Morrissey says ever since he’s joined Impact, he’s noticed everyone relies on their friends to help them out. He says it reminds him of a spell. He feels good being on his own, and he wants to keep it that way.

Up next, Steve Maclin makes his Impact debut!

Steve Maclin vs. Jason Page

Steve Maclin wastes little time hitting a shotgun elbow on Jason Page just seconds after the bell rings. Maclin lands a heavy shot towards the shoulder blades of Page. Page fires back with a big slap. Maclin turns Page inside out before reigning down a flurry of elbows. Maclin drops Page onto the mat with a massive slam for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Steve Maclin

Backstage: Rachael Ellering is talking to Jordynne Grace. Grace is still upset over her loss to Tenille Dashwood. She’s also mad that people in the back think Grace’s progress lately came from Ellering’s partnership with her. Ellering tries to calm her down, but Grace walks away. Ellering will face Dashwood later on tonight.

Backstage: Gia Miller is standing outside of the Impact World Champion Kenny Omega’s door. She wants to see if she could get a word from either Omega or Don Callis. She knocks on the door, and Callis answers. Miller changes her question by asking Callis what happened at Against All Odds between him and Sami Callihan. Callis, being the EVP, says, unlike D’Amore, he doesn’t attach himself to the roster. He prefers to keep everything business-like, not personal. Callis is not too worried about what this representative from Anthem is going to say or do. He thinks they’re coming to applaud him for his efforts and give him a gift basket.

Tenille Dashwood (w/Kaleb) vs. Rachael Ellering

Both women lock up with a collar and elbow tie-up. Rachael Ellering backs Tenille Dashwood up against the corner. They rest. Ellering does the same thing again. Dashwood puts Ellering in a side headlock. Ellering turns it around with a wristlock. Ellering drops down with a leg drop on the arm of Dashwood. Ellering looks for a cover. Dashwood kicks out. Ellering holds Dashwood down with a front facelock. Dashwood rises to her feet and turns it into a standing armbar.

Ellering rolls through and begins manipulating Dashwood’s arm. Dashwood’s shoulders hit the mat, but she pops out at two. Dashwood switches the hold into a body scissors. Ellering tries to lock Dashwood up again. Dashwood fights free with two forearm strikes. Dashwood hits the ropes and meets a shoulder tackle in the center of the ring. Ellering sends Dashwood for a ride with an Irish Whip, followed by a flying forearm. Kaleb grabs hold of Ellering’s leg, helping Dashwood lay a shot on Ellering for just a near-fall count.

Dashwood wraps Ellering in the ropes and yanks down on her hair before applying a foot chokehold. Ellering rolls out of the ring in time before getting hit with a low crossbody. Their fight spills to the outside. Dashwood slams Ellering’s face into the apron. Ellering and Dashwood reverse each other’s Irish Whips. Dashwood gets the better half of that exchange as Ellering goes flying toward the guardrail. Ellering makes her way back into the ring by the 8th count. Dashwood jumps off the top with a high crossbody. Dashwood goes for a cover. Ellering stays alive at two!

Dashwood continues the onslaught with several kidney shots. Ellering finds her footing with a suplex and slingblade. Ellering continues with a forearm shot and two knife edge chops. Dashwood is down on the mat. Ellering lands on top of her with a senton. Cover. Dashwood kicks out again. Dashwood meets Ellering with a big clothesline. Cover. Ellering kicks out. Ellering spins out of a butterfly suplex and hits a powerbomb. Will this be enough? No! Dashwood is still in this. Dashwood finally hits her low crossbody for another near-fall count.

Both women trade blows. Ellering drops Dashwood with a DDT and flies off the middle rope with a corkscrew senton. Dashwood catches Ellering and stacks her up. 1-2-3. Dashwood, with the help of Kaleb, gets the pinfall victory.

Winner: Tenille Dashwood

Backstage: Decay finds TJP and Fallah Bahh standing outside Scott D’Amore’s door. Since they have some unfinished business, both teams agree to settle the score between each other soon.

After retaining the Knockouts Tag Team Championship this past Saturday, Fire ‘N Flava is going around the building, informing everyone just how great they are! Rosemary and Havok just happen to come out and interrupt their fun. As Kiera Hogan is thrown into the dumpster, she notices there’s a garbage bag that says “Mickie” on the bottom of it…

Up next, the Impact Plus Moment of the Week is shown. It’s Bully Ray vs. Chris Sabin for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

And now, the main event match! If Satoshi Kojima wins against Rhino, he and Eddie Edwards will earn an opportunity to challenge for the Impact World Tag Team Championship!

Satoshi Kojima (w/Eddie Edwards) vs. Rhino (w/Violent By Design)

Rhino shoves Satoshi Kojima off after their lockup. Rhino knocks Kojima off his feet with a shoulder block. Kojima fires back with some elbow smashes, but Rhino knocks down the Japanese sensation again. Kojima finds his footing with another heavy back elbow shot. Rhino heads out of the ring just before the commercial break.

Back from the break, Rhino has Kojima cornered. Kojima fights out of the corner with several back elbow shots towards the ribs. Rhino drops Kojima and looks for the first pin in the match. Kojima kicks out at two. Rhino torques Kojima’s neck and face. Kojima begins to build momentum with his machine gun chops in the corner, followed by a flying elbow to the heart!

Rhino stops Kojima in his tracks with a spear in the corner. Back in the center of the ring, Kojima hits a DDT. Rhino lands a belly-to-belly suplex. Kojima catches Rhino with his legendary Koji Cutter! Both men are down. Koji comes flying off the ropes with a devastating lariat, turning Rhino inside out! Cover. 1-2-3. Satoshi Kojima is victorious! He and Eddie Edwards will get their World Tag Team Title opportunity next!

Winner: Satoshi Kojima

Out in the Ring: Sami Callihan is here, and he wants answers!

The Future of Sami Callihan’s Career in Impact Revealed:

A flock of security is out in the ring, trying to calm Sami Callihan down. Scott D’Amore runs out and tells the guards to leave. D’Amore reveals he is on Callihan’s side and does not agree that Callihan shouldn’t have been fired. D’Amore wants Callihan to calm down before the representative of Anthem shows up. Callihan doesn’t give a damn what D’Amore has to say. But for once, he’s going to do things D’Amore’s way. Callihan vacates out of the ring. That’s when Don Callis makes his way down to the ring.

Callis tells D’Amore he was doing him a favor by firing Callihan. Callis thinks D’Amore has gone soft. As they bicker amongst themselves, Tommy Dreamer’s music hits, and he makes his way down to the ring. Dreamer reveals that Anthem wants him to represent their decision. Dreamer announces Callihan’s job is reinstated, but effective immediately, Don Callis is fired from his position as Executive Vice President!

Furious over this decision, Callis runs right into Callihan in the back. Callihan promises to “bash Kenny Omega’s brains in,” and he is going to make Callis watch!

That concludes this week’s episode of Impact Wrestling. Thanks for watching!


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