This week’s show kicks off with a video package recapping last week and how Deaner is replacing Steve Maclin at Slammiversary.
Zachary Wentz vs. Chris Bey
Wentz takes Bey to the corner to start but then retreats for a moment. Bey applies a headlock. The pace quickens as they try countering each other with a flurry of offense until Bey stomps on Wentz’s back. Wentz rolls out and regroups with Trey. Ace walks up to intervene before Wentz boots Bey. Back inside, Wentz keeps Bey grounded with an arm stretch and elbows to the collar bone.
Bey manages to roll out and chops Wentz. Bey connects with a lariat and goes for a cover. They trade another flurry of moves until Bey hits Code Red for a nearfall. Ace and Trey get into it at ringside, which leads to Bey kicking Trey. Bey turns around into a headlock DDT from Wentz, who covers for the three.
Winner: Zachary Wentz
We see footage of Dango vs. Heath from BTI with Santino on commentary. Dango made comments about Santino’s daughter, which prompted the DOA to leave commentary and Dango punched him. We cut to backstage where Trey and Wentz confront Santino and D’Amore. Santino never said he would allow them in the Slammiversary tag team title match, especially after they cheated. Trey said he’ll regret that.
We see a video package highlighting Alex Shelley vs. Nick Aldis ahead of Slammiversary this Saturday.
Mike Bailey vs. Kevin Knight
Bailey starts things off by running the ropes and taking Knight down with a shoulder tackle. An arm drag grounds Knight for a beat, but then Knight comes back with a big arm drag off the ropes and a powerslam. After a splash, Knight covers. Bailey pump kicks Knight out of the ring and then flattens him with a moonsault to the floor. After the break, they trade offense in the center of the ring. Bailey follows it with a boot in the corner.
Bailey drops his knees on Knight’s back, but Knight kicks out at one. Knight splashes in the corner and then dropkicks Bailey off the top rope, sending him crashing to the floor. Knight follows by leaping out onto him. Back inside, Bailey kicks Knight in the ropes before nailing a huge knee drop to the spine, cover. Knight ducks a superkick and hits one of his own. Bailey does the tornado kick, but Knight flips him off the top rope.
A “this is awesome” chant breaks out while both men are down. They trade blows while rising to their feet again. Knight dropkicks Bailey, but he quickly bounces back with another knee drop. Knight chases Bailey up top and connects with a superplex. Bailey rolls Knight back for a cover. Knight drops Bailey with a spinebuster for another nearfall. Bailey drops Knight into the turnbuckle and lands the whirlwind kick. Bailey goes up and hits Ultimo Weapon for the win.
Winner: Mike Bailey
We see a vignette for Masha Slamovich and Killer Kelly as they warn The Coven ahead of Slammiversary.
Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura vs. Kenny King & Sheldon Jean
King teases starting the match with Hendry but tags in Sheldon. Hendry tags out to Yuya. Yuya takes Jean down with an arm drag and headlock. The ref gets distracted by Hendry, so Jean and King double team Yuya in the heel corner. Jean stomps away on Yuya. King comes in and the crowd chants for him to take off his jacket. King attempts a cover. Yuya manages to roll through and tag Hendry.
Hendry delivers uppercuts and a big clothesline. Hendry dumps King with a huge fallaway slam. The champ hypes up the crowd and clobbers King in the corner. Hendry hits a cutter, but Jean snuck in a tag and boots Hendry. Yuya runs in and dropkicks Jean. King hits Yuya with a Tiger Driver. Hendry pulls King’s jacket off of him to a pop. Hendry throws it at him and clotheslines. King crawls up the ramp as Jean strikes Hendry. But Hendry fires back with Standing Ovation on Jean for the win.
Winners: Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura
Flashback Moment of the Week shows Sabin winning Ultimate X for the X-Division title at Slammiversary 2013.
We see a vignette from Lio Rush as he issues a message to Sabin.
Gia Miller speaks to Sabin, who says Lio is one of the most talented wrestlers he’s every seen. He now realizes, though, why no locker room wants him because he’s cocky and arrogant. Sabin promises to humble Rush on Saturday.
Moose & Brian Myers vs. Sami Callihan & Rich Swann
Myers shoves Swann down to start. Swann fires back with a takedown and dropkick. Moose knocks Swann off the ropes and gets in a cheap shot on Sami in his corner. After the break, Myers maintains control of Swann with a headlock. Moose comes back in, but Swann manages to take him down for a cover. Moose comes back with a standing urinagi to take control again.
Swann can’t get past Moose at first but kicks him in the head for some separation. Swann finally rolls through and tags Sami, who takes both Moose and Myers down at the same time. Sami hits Moose with a bulldog while clotheslining Myers. Moose counters Sami’s Cactus Driver and then they double clothesline each other. Myers and Swann are legal as Swann delivers kicks to both men.
Myers accidentally kicks Moose, then Swann knocks him down. Sami and Swann double team Myers to lead up to the cutter, but Moose shoves Sami into the pinfall attempt. Moose tags back in, but Swann kicks him up top and flips him down to the mat. Sami drops Moose with a DVD so Swann can hit the 450, but Moose kicks out. Myers pulls Swann out and Moose low blows Sami. Moose spears Sami for the win.
Winners: Moose & Brian Myers
A vignette for Subculture airs as they promise to win the tag titles on Saturday.
Alan Angels says he’s more than just a guy. He’s a celestial and plans to make his mark in Ultimate X at Slammiversary.
In two weeks, Darren McCarty & Tommy Dreamer will face Champagne Singh and Shera.
A vignette airs for Nick Aldis’ journey back to the World title picture in Impact.
Deonna Purrazzo is in the ring, reminding everyone that she is a 3-time champ who is issuing an open challenge. Jody Threat comes out to step up.
Knockouts World Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Jody Threat
Deonna locks up the left wrist to start until Threat reverses it. Deonna rolls through and remains confident. Threat knocks the champ down and shows her confidence. They lock up again, Deonna with a headlock takedown. Threat rolls Deonna up out of the corner. Deonna gets booted into the corner where Threat throws clotheslines. Threat tosses Deonna across the ring and then hits a Codebreaker, cover. Deonna stands tall going into the break.
We come back to Threat working her way back up, but Deonna grounds her with a Side Russian Legsweep into a Fujiwara armbar. Threat reaches the bottom rope to break. Threat takes the champ down with a German suplex. Threat with double knees in the ropes, followed by a German suplex and cover. Deonna tries for Queen’s Gambit, but Threat powers away and headbutts her. Threat cannonballs off the top and clotheslines, cover.
Threat tried for the F Bomb, but Deonna landed on her feet and hit a pump kick. Deonna takes Threat down into another armbar, but she rolls through. Threat drops Purrazzo with a driver, cover. Deonna counters Threat again and applies Venus de Milo for the win.
Winner: Deonna Purrazzo (c)
Threat and Deonna raise hands, but then Gisele, Savannah, and Jai attack both of them. The Death Dollz run down to make the save, but then The Coven run in and join the mayhem. Kelly and Masha eventually run down but get beat up. Trinity runs out and takes out woman by woman as referees and security follow.
It all comes down to Deonna and Trinity as they bump backs. Both women stare at the Knockouts title on the mat. They both pick the title up and Deonna shoves first. They trade punches until refs break them up. Deonna retreats up the ramp as the crowd chants “let them fight.”
After a Slammiversary hype video, Scott D’Amore is shown on the phone. He says, “PCO can’t come back to life, can you?” The camera pans to a Team Canada jacket.