We begin with a recap of the match between Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin and the events that unfolded after the match involving Violent By Design, Josh Alexander and Kushida.
Matthew Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan greet audiences at home as Eddie Edwards and Kenny King come to the ring, followed by Ace Austin and Chris Bey.
Ace Austin vs. Eddie Edwards
The bell rings as the crowd rallies behind Austin while he poses. Edwards attacks him from behind and delivers right hands to Austin in the corner. Austin trips him before delivering a kick. He delivers an arm drag to Edwards and pokes Edwards with his card between his fingers. Edwards is sent to the outside and Austin delivers a kick off the apron. Edwards delivers an axe handle to Austin, followed by a brutal chop. He fires down a right hand, then tosses Austin back into the ring.
Austin hits a couple right hands, but Edwards fires back with an atomic drop and an overhead belly to back suplex. He goes for a pin, but Austin kicks out. Edwards delivers a chop, followed by another couple. He sits Austin on the top turn buckle, but Austin escapes and rolls him up. Edwards kicks out and Austin hits a back elbow. Austin delivers a knee, followed by a drop kick. Austin delivers a forearm, but Edwards fires back with another atomic drop.
Edwards spills to the outside as Austin soars over the top rope to take Edwards out. Austin tosses King back in and delivers a leg drop. He goes for a pin but Austin kicks out. The crowd cheers on Austin as Edwards delivers a kick to the face. Edwards hits a backpack stunner, then goes for a pin but Austin kicks out. Edwards looks for the Boston a knee Party, but Austin hits a double stomp. He looks for The Fold, but King hops up on the apron to cause a distraction. Bey takes him out the referee ejects both men. King hits Bey, then hops up on the apron. Austin takes him down with a kick and the two men brawl up the ramp with one another. Edwards tosses Austin into the corner and we head to commercial.
Back from the break, Edwards has the upper hand. He delivers a lariat. He goes for a pin but Austin kicks out. Austin fires back with a forearm, but Edwards delivers a clothesline. Edwards looks for the Boston Knee Party, but Austin hits a kick out of the corner. He goes for a pin but Edwards kicks out. Austin looks for The Fold, but Edwards counters with a power bomb. He hits the Tiger Driver, then goes for a pin but Austin kicks out. Edwards delivers the Die Hard Driver for the win.
Winner: Eddie Edwards
Commentary runs down the card for Emergence, followed by the card for the rest of the show. We head backstage to Heath and Gia Miller. She asks him about his mission to take down Honor No More one by one and he says that he will hit every one of them with a Wake Up Call. He says that they play dirty and he’s looking for revenge for what they did to him and Rhyno to put them on the shelf.
We head to Gia Miller and Josh Alexander. Alexander says there are challengers wanted to knock him down all the time. He lists some of the biggest opponents he’s taken down before Alex Shelley walks in. Shelley says that being the biggest doesn’t mean being the best. He asks Alexander what being the best means and Alexander responds with skill. Shelley says that’s right and he says to do his thing with Shera so he can take on the best.
Laredo Kid comes to the ring, followed by Trey Miguel, Johnny Swinger and Zicky Dice.
Laredo Kid & Trey Miguel vs. Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice
Miguel and Dice start off the action. The bell rings and Miguel sends Dice into Swinger. Miguel trips Dice and hits a reverse 619. He sends Dice’s arm off the ropes, then tags in Kid. The two deliver a double drop kick as Dice rolls to the outside and calls for a time out. The two out on black masks with spikes to mock Kid and hop back up on the apron.
Kid drags Dice back into the ring, then delivers a slap and tags in Miguel. They send Dice out if the ring and Miguel delivers a taupe suicida. Dice gets back in the ring and tags in Swinger. He goes for a pin but Miguel kicks out. Dice tags back in and Miguel hits him with a springboard handspring kicks.
Kid tags in and hits a cutter on Dice. While the referee is distracted, Swinger delivers a cheap kick to Kid. Kid comes back quick and hits a frog splash for the win.
Winners: Laredo Kid and Trey Miguel
We go to a video of Heath attacking Vincent with a Wake Up Call in his match on BTI, allowing his opponent Bhupinder Gujjar to pick up the win. We head to Brian Meyers and Gujjar backstage. Meyers informs Gujjar that he issued an open call in the locker room while Gujjar wasn’t there and Black Taurus answered it. Meyers says that the match isn’t approved, but Scott D’Amore walks by and says the match is approved.
Back at ringside, Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans come to the ring and join commentary. Commentary announce that the next match is a special one because it involves OVW talent and Steelz says she is responsible for bringing them in. Tiffany Nieves comes to the ring, followed by Jada Stone.
Tiffany Nieves vs. Jada Stone
The bell rings and Stone locks in a waist lock. Nieves sends Stone to the mat, followed by a body slam. She goes for a pin but Stone kicks out. Stone delivers a kick, followed by a super kick. She goes for a pin but Nieves kicks out. Stone looks for a spilt legged moonsault, but Nieves moves out of the way. Nieves hits a cannonball, followed by a DDT. She rolls up Stone and grabs the ropes for the win.
Winner: Tiffany Nieves
After the match, Killer Kelly’s music hits and she comes to the ring to make her debut. She slowly makes her way to the ring and faces off with Tiffany Nieves. Nieves gets in her face and pushes Kelly. Kelly delivers a pump kick, then locks in a face submission and outs Nieves to sleep. She looks to Stone and delivers a drop kick to her in the corner. She hits a face buster before displaying a sinister smile.
Back from the break, we head to a video of Violent By Desgin. He tells Deaner and Doering that they failed to eliminate the sickness and they say they’ve learned to always be prepared for the unexpected. Young tells them to take out the Motor City Machine Guns, followed by Kushida.
We get another video hyping up Alex Shelley ahead of his World Championship Match against Josh Alexander at Emergence. His fellow Impact co-workers compliment him, including Johnny Gargano.
We head back to ringside, where Shera comes down alongside Raj Singh. Josh Alexander follows.
Josh Alexander vs. Shera
The bell rings and Shera shoves Alexander. Alexander shoves him back and locks in an abdominal stretch. Shera escapes and tosses Alexander across the ring. Alexander delivers a kick, followed by a clothesline out of the ring. Alexander follows him and delivers an elbow to the back of Shera’s neck. He delivers a chop to Shera before Shera counters and sends him back into the ring. Alexander sends Shera off the ropes, then sits him on the apron and delivers a cross body to Shera’s back.
Alexander tosses Shera back into the ring before Singh pulls him off the apron while the referee is distracted. Shera delivers several right hands to Alexander’s midsection before Alexander locks in an ankle lock for the win.
Winner: Josh Alexander
We head backstage to Gia Miller and Moose. Miller asks about Moose’s alliance with Steve Maclin and Moses denies that there is one. He says that he doesn’t know why Maclin was in his locker room and he doesn’t need him. He says he is upset at Maclin for interfering in his match with Callihan and says again he is not aligned with Maclin.
We head over to Honor No More who say Impact is still trying to screw them. They approach Scott D’Amore and Vincent asks him what he’s going to do about Heath attacking them. D’Amore says that it’s their problem as Matt Taven demands a tag team title shot. Maria Kanellis calls them away and they walk off.
We then go to VXT who are looking at photos of themselves and talking about a party. Jessicka walks in and says she loves to party. Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie walk in and ask where she’s been. Rosemary says she isn’t partying with VXT and tells her it’s time to go.
Back at ringside, Raj Singh has a mic. He calls Shera’s loss an “injustice” and says that he should be disqualified. He says he isn’t leaving until there is justice jar the lights go out. When they come back on, Sami Callihan is in the ring. He hits Singh with his bat, then delivers a Cactus Driver 97.
He picks up Singh’s mic and says he heard what Moose says. He says he doesn’t care if him and Maclin are working together. He says they both have a date with the Death Machine.
We then head to the Ric Flair Moment of the Week. We head to Gia Miller and Mia Yim. Miller asks Yim what it would mean to her to win the Impact Knockouts Title and says she came back to prove herself and show she can go with the best. She addresses Jordynne Grace and says she will become the new champion.
Miller asks about her loss last week and there are “technical glitches”. We head back to commentary where there is a loss of video message. We cut to Honor No More at the technical trailer. Scott D’Amore comes in and says they have gone to far. Bennett says that they are blamed for everything and says they deserve the tag team title shot. D’Amore makes Honor No More vs. Bullet Club official for Emergence and says that if they win, they get their title shot but if they lose, then they have to disband forever.
Commentary runs down the card for Emergence and next week’s Impact card. Rich Swann comes to the ring, followed by Kushida.
Kushida vs. Rich Swann
The bell rings and the two shake hands. The pair lock up and exchange submissions before Kushida gains the upper hand and delivers a shoulder tackle. The two deliver mirror drop kicks to one another before Swann delivers a chop. Kushida delivers a couple open palm strikes and poses in the ring.
Back from the break, Kipushida has the upper hand. He delivers a rake to Swann’s eye, then locks in an arm submission. The referee breaks it up and Swann fires back with a drop kick. Swann delivers a chop to Kushida’s chest, followed by a couple slaps and a kick to his midsection. Swann delivers a kick to Kushida’s chest, followed by a baseball slide drop kick that sends him to the outside. The two exchange chops before Swann goes for one and hits his hand on the ring post.
The two men slide back into the ring and Swann continues his beat down. He delivers a kick, followed by 10 right hands in the corner to Kushida’s head. Kushida delivers a series of kicks to Swann’s leg before two hit one another with a double crossbody. Kushida hits three massive kicks to Swann, followed by a crossbody and a Pele kick. He locks in an arm bar on Swann, but Swann gets his boot on the bottom rope to break the submission.
Swann delivers a forearm, but Kushida fires back with a drop kick. Kushida sends Swann to the mat, but Swann fires back with a couple kicks and a neck breaker. He delivers a kick back, then goes for a pin but Kushida kicks out. Swann looks for a Phoenix Splash, but Kushida moves out of the way and delivers a kick. Swann delivers a German suplex, but Kushida delivers a boot to his face. Swann delivers a hurricanrana off the top, but Kushida delivers a handspring kick. The two climb to the top turn buckle and Kushida locks in the Hoverboard Lock off the top. Swann taps out.
Winner: Kushida
“Impact” airs every Thursday at 8 PM ET/7 PM CT/5 PM PT on AXS TV and at 8:30 PM ET/7:30 PM CT/5:30 PM PT for members of their official YouTube channel!