X-Division Tournament: Kenny King vs. Speedball Mike Bailey
They start off with a lockup and go tit for tat in countering each other. When the action spills out of the ring, King suplexes Bailey onto the ramp. Around the ring, King continues to work Bailey’s leg. Bailey makes a comeback when he moonsaults off the turnbuckle to take King down on the floor. Back inside, Bailey counters Royal Flush with a roll up. King applies a single leg Boston crab. Bailey catches King in cover for the three. Speedball will face Trey Miguel in the semifinals.
Winner: Mike Bailey
Backstage, Josh talks to Motor City about Aussie Open. Sabin shifts to Bully Ray and talks about their experience with him. Sabin even beat Bully for the world title. Sabin wants Josh to trust him that Bully can’t be trusted.
Gisele Shaw is handing out photos backstage when she walks up to VXT. They get in an argument and “break up” with each other. Chelsea will look to retire Mickie James next week.
Savannah Evans vs. Jessicka
They trade forearms to the chest to start before Jessicka unloads with blows. Evans comes back with more punches until Jessicka tosses her in another corner for kicks to the gut. After the break, Evans continues to stomp on Jessicka. Evans hits a leg drop, cover. Jessicka gets back to her feet and they trade headbutts. Jessicka gets Evans down for a roundhouse kick to the head. Tasha and Taya get into at ringside, which leads Rosemary to spear Tasha. Back in the ring, Evans slams Jessicka for the three count.
Winner: Savannah Evans
Steve Maclin cuts a backstage promo on how everyone has “jumped the line” to get a world title shot. He calls out Bully Ray, Bobby Fish, and Kazarian. Maclin declares he’s going to take what he wants.
Out in the woods, Eddie Edwards and PCO brawl. It ends with Eddie burying PCO in a pile of rocks and dirt.
Taylor Wilde offers to be in Mickie’s corner for her match against Chelsea, but Mickie says she wants to do it alone.
Eric Young vs. Sami Callihan
Things start quick as Sami lands a pop up powerbomb. They spill to the outside where Sami picks EY apart. Sami slams EY on the floor and bites his ear. Deaner clotheslines Sami when the ref isn’t looking. Back in the ring, EY stomps on Sami until Sami counters with a back body drop. Sami goes for the Cactus Driver 97 when the yellow sweatshirt men surround the ring and collectively beat him down until the bell is called for.
Winner: Sami Callihan by DQ
Deaner summons two of them to rise. They reveal themselves to be Alan Angels and Big Kon (formerly of The Ascension in WWE). They help hold Sami up while EY stabs his forehead.
Jordynne Grace finds someone working for Gisele Shaw hanging Shaw’s photos in Jordynne’s locker room.
Moose vs. Ace Austin
Moose hits snake eyes to keep Ace off his feet. Ace manages to take Moose down and unloads with a flurry of punches on the mat. He kicks Moose in the head to keep him down to attempt his finisher, but Moose powers out. Moose catches Ace with a standing urinagi. Bey rallies Ace on as Ace works to his feet. Moose charges but Ace boots him. Moose grabs Ace from the top rope and manages an inverted gorilla press of sorts. Bully Ray marches down to the ring. Moose goes for a spear but hits the turnbuckle. Ace rolls him up and stacks the shoulders for the three.
Winner: Ace Austin
Announced for next week:
X-Division Tournament: Trey Miguel vs. Mike Bailey
Digital Media Title: Brian Myers (c) vs. Joe Hendry
Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Gisele Shaw
Mickie James vs. Chelsea Green
Death Dollz vs. Steelz and Evans is made official for Over Drive.
Aussie Open vs. Frankie Kazarian & Josh Alexander
Kyle and Kaz kick things off. They wrestle for a minute before each man tags out. Josh and Mark lock up. Josh drags Mark down as Kaz comes in with a cover. Kazarian takes Fletcher down with a couple flying forearms. Kaz kicks Davis from the apron and launches back into the ring with DDT, cover. Alexander comes in and works both men with chops and blows. Davis hold on to Fletcher to prevent a German. Josh powerbombs Davis, cover. Aussie Open double team Josh but only get a nearfall. Kazarian gets clocked by Davis, Fletcher rolls him up for a two. Josh saves a double team and escapes an attack to apply the ankle lock on Fletcher. Davis is wrapped up by Kaz, but Fletcher rolls through to break it up. All four men scrap in the middle of the ring until Josh suplexes Fletcher out of the ring. Davis is hit with a slingshot cover. Kaz covers for the win.
Winners: Frankie Kazarian & Josh Alexander