Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling is the fallout from Turning Point as Jonah makes his presence known in the IMPACT Zone!
December 2, 2021, Nashville, TN
Commentary: Matt Striker & D’Lo Brown
Matt Cardona starts off the show but Moose interrupted him. Moose runs down Matt before he and Morrissey gang up on him. Eddie Kingston comes out for the save.
VBD says to Heath and Rhino that they are what real family looks like, but tonight it’s Rich and Willie who stand in their way. They’re going to be the part of something special. Their is a design and it will be violent.
Scott D’Amore books Matt Cardona to tag with Eddie Edwards against W. Morrissey & Moose tonight. Matt wants a World Title shot and D’Amore says this is a chance for him to prove it.
Enter Jordynne Grace and Rachael Ellering. They want in that Ultimate X match. IN comes Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans. They say they want in two over these two “losers.” Scott senses tension and puts Rachael Ellering against Savannah Evans.
Chris Sabin vs. Matthew Rehwoldt
Deonna Purrazzo joins commentary. There was a segment that occurred last week in which Rehwoldt wants to challenge Sabin which leads us to this. The two battle in the ring with their unique styles until MR elbows Sabin off the apron and we head to break.
The battle continues as Deonna gets attacked by Mickie James on the outside of the ring. Sabin puts Rehwoldt down for the 1-2-3.
WINNER: Chris Sabin
Post-match, Mickie pursues Deonna as Sabin celebrates in the ring.
Scott D’Amore hypes the Ultimate X match to Chelsea Green before Alicia Edwards wants in the match. She’s going to have to wait until next week. Newcomer Jay Vidal comes in and wants D’Amore to book him in the match. Frustrated, D’Amore likes his moxy. Unfortunately, he only has one opportunity. Vidal is willing to take it. Unfortunately it’s against Jonah.
Jay Vidal vs. Jonah
Jonah obviously dominates this match. Shoulder block. Then an avalanche. Jonah eventually splashes onto Vidaal for the finish.
Post-match, Jonah grabs the mic and stakes his claim against Moose and the IMPACT World Title.
Backstage, Steve Maclin attacks Trey Miguel. Trey fights back but when a security guard interferes. it gives Maclin the advantage. He begins to strangle Miguel with a power chord but security breaks it up.
VSK and Zicky Dice are face-timing with Brian Myers. VSK assures that they’re going to make good after Turning Point in facing Fin Juice.
Moose makes something clear to Morrissey: “we have to stop Matt Cardona.” How does that benefit W. Morrissey? If Cardona gets his hand on the title, then Morrissey doesn’t get his. Morrissey thinks this is a moot point. Moose assures him he’ll get the first crack at the title if he helps him stop Cardona.
Savannah Evans (with Tasha Steelz) vs. Rachael Ellering (with Jordynne Grace)
Rachael gets some offense, but it’s Savannah who gains control with suplexes, including a butterfly that gets a two count. Rachael tries to rally back with a suplex of her own, and she manages to hit a TKO on Evans for the 1-2-3.
WINNER: Rachael Ellering
Tenille Dashwood is back and Kaleb with a K & Madison Rayne tell her about IInspiration. She takes exception that they’re Australian and goes to confront them.
Back from break, it seems like Tenille’s gang finds some comradry with Cassie Lee and Jessica McKay. They all walk off together.
Violent By Design (Deaner & Joe Doering) vs. Rich Swann & Willie Mack
Swann and Mack show tag synergy until Joe Doering gets involved and that leads us to a commercial break. Back from break, Willie Mack battles Deaner and it’s Mack who downs Deaner. The hot tag is made to Rich Swann. He flourishes with a neckbreaker and takes Doering off the apron. Eric Young gets on the apron and slides the flag into Swann, but Swann hits his 450 on Deaner for the 1-2-3.
WINNERS: Rich Swann & Willie Mack
Post-match, VBD attacks the victors but Rhino and Heath come in to level the playing field. They take out Doering and then EY to stand tall.
Backstage Rohit Raju is upset he wasn’t invited to WrestleHouse 2 last week. A cologned Larry D challenges him to a match next week.
W. Morrissey & Moose vs. Matt Cardona & Eddie Edwards
Cardona and W start it off. It’s back and forth before Matt tags in Eddie for a quick moment as they try to double team the big man. They end up taking out both men before we head to break.
Eddie Edwards gets the hot tag to Cardona and it’s Matt who ultimately gets the roll up pin against Moose to solidify his chances at a World Title shot.
WINNERS: Eddie Edwards and Matt Cardona
Post-match, W. Morrissey attacks Moose to close the show.