We start with a video recap of Josh Alexander and Mike Bailey’s hour-long World title match the ended with Josh retaining right before they hit a time limit draw. Eddie Edwards comes out for his first match since Bound For Glory.
Eddie Edwards vs. Delirious
This first-time match starts with a lockup. They take turns chopping each other down for pinfall attempts. Eddie delivers several chops to the chests until Delirious counters with a suplex. Edwards takes Delirious down with clotheslines and a Tiger Driver, but Delirious transitions into a Cobra Stretch. Eddie rolls back onto him and the ref counts three.
Winner: Eddie Edwards
They shake hands after and Edwards raises his hand, but it’s all for show. Eddie drops him with the Tiger Driver and continues laying in punches util Yuya Uemera tries to make the save. Yuya gets taken out and then Eddie unties Delirious’ mask. Before he can pull it off, Jonathan Gresham comes down to confront him. Eddie retreats.
Backstage, Scott D’Amore talks to Alexander about the hour-long match. Josh reassures him he’s fully ready to take on Bully Ray at Hard to Kill. Scott says Hard to Kill will still be the fight of his life. Scott says Josh has to stay backstage during Bully’s match tonight. Tommy Dreamer interrupts. He wants to apologize face to face to Josh. Josh doesn’t accept the handshake. Scott says Tommy isn’t a liar despite what happened. Josh leaves as he has a hard time trusting either of them.
Bully Ray vs. John Skyler
We cut to the ring where Bully’s Call Your Shot trophy is in pieces before the bell rings. Bully body slams Skyler three times in row before hitting the piledriver for the quick win.
Winner: Bully Ray
Dreamer comes out to confront Bully over his actions. Dreamer calls himself gullible because he thought he could trust Bully for once in his life. Dreamer says their friendship is over despite having to work together. Dreamer leaves the ring and Bully gets on the mic. He tells Dreamer to keep walking because Bully has learned Tommy is nothing but a jealous nobody. Bully says he was a bigger star in ECW, WWE, and here in IMPACT. Dreamer tries to get back in the ring as Bully continues to berate him. Bully finally admits he was the one who attacked Ace Austin months ago. Dreamer gets emotional as Bully admits he used him. Dreamer unleashes his emotions as he talks about how his career affected his mental health. Dreamer’s ready to fight right now. Bully laughs and leaves.
Major Players vs. Decay
Major Players attack Crazzy Steve during Decay’s entrance. He struggles to get up and the match starts with Taurus and Cardona. Myers tags in to lock up with Taurus. Taurus flips around before flattening Myers with a clothesline. Major Players are down outside the ring before the commercial break. We come back to Myers working Taurus and attempting pinfalls. Steve and Cardona tag in as Steve takes Cardona down with a flurry of offense. Steve covers after a Flatliner, but Myers breaks the cover. Cardona takes Steve down for the pinfall win.
Winners: Major Players
Contract Signing
Scott D’Amore sits down with Mickie James and Jordynne Grace for a contract signing backstage. Jordynne says she knows what this match means to her and will say her piece in the ring. Jordynne signs. Mickie says Jordynne shouldn’t assume anything. Mickie continues on about all the moments she’s had long before Jordynne was even thinking about wrestling. Mickie says she will have her moment again at Hard to Kill. Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans interrupt. Tasha says Mickie needs to go through everyone, and she hasn’t beaten her. In fact, Steelz beat Mickie twice this year with the title on the line. Steelz says she’ll end Mickie. Mickie says she has plenty of time to kick Tasha’s ass before Hard to Kill. Jordynne interjects and says the papers are signed and she wants Mickie at Hard to Kill. Scott interrupts and books Mickie and Jordynne vs. Tasha and Savannah for next week.
We see footage from last week where Kenny King spit water in Speedball’s face backstage after his title match. Speedball tells Gia Miller that if he wants a match, he’s ready, otherwise he’s moving on.
Angels vs. Sami Callihan
Sami hits a pop up powerbomb to start. Angels comes back with corner clotheslines until he gets hit with a suplex. Outside, Sami chops Angels while eyeing Deaner and Kon. Angels unloads with punches back in the ring. Angels maintains control and hits a frog splash for a two count. Callihan lands the Cactus Driver 97 for the win.
Winner: Sami Callihan
Kon beats Sami down after the bout until Deaner commands him to stop. Deaner lets him continue as Angels delivers a spin kick to take Sami down again.
Gisele Shaw (with Jai Vidal) confronted Deonna Purrazzo. Gisele pitches teaming up again and they argue about who broke up the band to begin with. After some back and forth, Deonna gives in and agrees to team up.
A vignette for Taylor Wilde’s witch character airs.
Bhupinder Gujjar & Joe Hendry vs. Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice
Hendry body slams Dice to start. After a few minutes of action, Moose gets involved and tries to take Hendry out at ringside. Inside the ring, Gujjar hits Swinger with the Gargoyle Spear to score the win.
Winners: Bhupinder Gujjar & Joe Hendry
John Skyler sits down next to Jason Hotch in the locker room. They form a bond over lack of respect from others. Elsewhere, Steve Maclin cuts a promo and targets Rich Swann.
Set for next week:
Deonna Purrazzo & Gisele Shaw vs. Death Dollz (Rosemary & Jessicka)
Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans vs. Jordynne Grace & Mickie James
Edwards vs. Gresham has been added to Hard to Kill.
IMPACT World Tag Team Championship: Heath & Rhino (c) vs. Motor City Machine Guns
Heath lets Rhino start out against Shelley. They lock up but Rhino shoves Shelley down. Shelley works the arm briefly. Heath and Sabin tag in as Heath maintains control with a headlock. Machine Guns double team Heath as Shelley becomes legal again. Rhino dominates Shelley with a number of holds and body blows. Shelley manages to slip through to make the tag to Sabin as Heath comes back in. Sabin kicks Rhino on the apron and flies back in with a crossbody on Heath. Rhino goes for Gore, but Sabin leaps over and rolls him up for the three. New champs!
Winners AND NEW: Motor City Machine Guns