Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling John Skyler takes on Trey Miguel and Rohit Raju fights Josh Alexander.
Rohit Raju vs. Josh Alexander

Rohit gets a bit of offense in to start, but it’s The Walking Weapon in control. Raj Singh eventually pulls Rohit to safety and the distraction helps Raju gain control. Rohit focuses on the ribs of Josh, but Alexander rolls through to plant Rohit. Raj gets involved and it allows Rohit to utilize the turnbuckle and ropes for an offensive attack and a near fall. Rohit maintains control, but Alexander reverses a hold for an ankle lock. He slugs Raj off the apron, but Rohit continues flurry of attacks in the corner to Alexander. He hits a double stomp off the top for a two count. Alexander favors the ribs.
Finish comes when Alexander stomps on the boot of Rohit. He nails the C4 Spike piledriver and gets the win.
WINNER: Josh Alexander
The Good Brothers realize that everyone is gunning for them so when they formed an alliance with VBD. Do they trust them? No. Eric Young makes it clear that this is a business deal tonight when Doc Gallows tags with Joe Doering.
Moose approaches Chelsea Green during an interview and tries to be a skeptic about her marriage to Matt Cardona on New Year’s Eve.
Joe Doering & Doc Gallows vs. Willie Mack & Rich Swann

Swann and Mack exchange tag team synergy and they send Gallows tumbling to the outside. They keep the big men off their game as we head to break. Doc shows control after the break until Willie Mack gets the hot tag. Doc and Doering however get the upper hand and pin Willie.
WINNERS: Joe Doering and Doc Gallows
VBD and The GBs continue the attack on Willie, Rich, Rhino and Heath, but Eddie Edwards comes out with a kendo stick.
VSK and Zicky Dice will be tagging up again as long as Dice promises not to drink anymore. He doesn't (but he also promises not to drink any less).
Jonah tells the story of his dad earning the spot of the Top Dog in prison. Alexander didn’t earn Jonah’s respect. He’s looking at mass destruction.
John Skyler vs. Trey Miguel

Skyler uses his athleticism to get on the offensive, but John Skyler catches him with an impressive slingshot spear to gain the upper hand. The action goes to the corner and Trey gets a flurry of impressive offensive moves from Trey Miguel. He caps it off with a meteora from up top for the 1-2-3.
WINNER: Trey Miguel
Post-match, Steve Maclin attacks Trey on the stage. He grabs hold of the X-Division Title and smacks Trey with it.
Backstage, Maclin has Trey tied up and threatens him.
Chris Bey (with Hikuleo) vs. Laredo Kid

Very athletic bout obviously. Laredo hits a crossbody and then sends Bey to the outside. The fight continues. Bey runs LK’s shoulder into the ring post. Hikuleo grabs LK over the ring ropes as the ref is distracted. A cocky Bey gets a two count.Laredo moves out of the way out of a springboard elbow and hits a senton akin to Eddie Guerrero. LK does a big lucha dive onto Bey that gets cheers from the IMPACT Zone. A high back suplex downs Bey. LK climbs up top but Hikuleo trips him. We go to break.
LK does some offense, but it’s Bey who gets the crazy arsenal in. He catches LK with a cutter from up top for the 1-2-3.
WINNER: Chris Bey
We see highlights from ROH Final Battle with Deonna Purrazzo confronting Rok-C. We then witness a confrontation with Mickie James and Deonna at an autograph signing. Scott D’Amore books a Texas Death match at Hard to Kill in Dallas.
Tenille Dashwood vs. Jessica McKay

McKay gets the upper hand before break with a shoulder tackle and then strikes an IInspiration pose. Both women gets offense in but a Thesz Press downs Tenille. She covers and Brian Hebner gets pulled out. There’s plenty of distraction as Madison Rayne gets involved. Tenille Dashwood hits a Spotlight Kick and secures the W.
WINNER: Tenille Dashwood
IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Contract Signing

Contract signing time. Scott D’Amore introduces W. Morrissey first. Then out comes Matt Cardona and then out comes Moose. W. grabs the mic to make clear he didn’t come here to play games or make friends. Plain and simple: he came to become the IMPACT World Champion. At Hard To Kill that’s exactly what he’s going to do. Morrissey signs and walks off. Matt says Moose tries to kill his passion. He says his passion is Hard To Kill. Moose says Matt is going to fail like he always does. Does he really want him to sign the contract? Matt says sign the damn contract. Moose does. Moose tells Chelsea that Matt is average. Moose calls Chelsea a whore and Matt attacks. He gets arranged through the table and Moose grabs a chair. Chelsea tries to grab the chair from him, but Matt has a chai of his own and accidentally hits his fiance with it. The show ends as Moose is happy with the outcome.