IMPACT Wrestling Hall Of Fame Induction of Ken Shamrock
During the BFG pre-show, we get a special video from The Rock who is inducting Ken Shamrock into the IMPACT Wrestling Hall of Fame. He talks about how he got his first start as The Rock against Shamrock. He said Ken at the time had the pull to turn down working a program with Dwayne at the time (and people did do that), but Shamrock wasn’t one of them. He calls him a pillar of The Attitude Era and congratulates him on the induction.
Matt Striker introduces Shamrock who says he is stuttering for words. He said it is a long journey and there’s a lot of people who took him on this trip. He remembers taking bumps for the first time with Nelson Royal and he wants to thank the late wrestler for that. He thanks Vince McMahon during that time for the opportunity. He remembers Bret Hart told him one time to “just be him.” He thanks Bret for that. He also thanks The Rock for those memorable matches and his speech. He thanks his family. He talks about his time away from home and says how much he loves Tanya. He thanks the fans. Without the fans he couldn’t do it without them. He thanks them and “God bless!”
IMPACT Wrestling Bound For Glory, October 24, 2020
Commentators: Josh Matthews & Don Callis
Six-Person X-Division Scramble
TJP vs. Chris Bey vs. Trey Miguel vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Willie Mack vs. Rohit Raju (c)

Everyone surrounds Rohit. He bails out but gets sent back in the ring. Jordynne and Mack collide into one another. Rohit bails again and it leaves Bey and TJP together in the ring. Some major athleticism shown. Trey climbs up top and missile dropkicks TJP. Trey dropkicks Bey and hits a reverse 619. Kicks from Trey and Bey is the next to bail. Willie Mack and Trey go at it. Big time shoulder block by the big man ends Trey out of the equation. Grace and Mack go back and forth. Shoulder tackle by Grace but Mack kicks out. Mack bodyslams Grace. TJP and Trey back in the ring and he has a double deathlock on Trey and Mack. He then leaves a submission on Bey and Grace. Rohit claps for TJP and then picks his spot to break it up.
Rohit is the lone competitor standing. He yells out “X-Division Champion baby” before downing everybody including a Flatliner on Bey. He begins some offense on Grace. Rohit in control. It gets back to him and Grace until Willie Mack pulls her out and forearms Rohit. He takes out Trey and roundhouse kicks the crown of Chris Bey. Four folks are on the apron as Mack stands middle ring and all take shots at a stumbling Rohit. Standing moonsault by Willie gets two.
Grace dives on top of TJP and Rohit from the outside. Trey gets involved and Mack dives on top, Bey dives on top too.
Back in the ring, Rohit hooks TJP’s tights and gets a two count. A turning crucifix slam for a near fall, but Grace saves the day. Trey and Grace go at it in the corner. She goes for a superplex on Trey, but Bey interferes. So does TJP. Grace is in a tree of woe as Bey and TJP climb on topic. Grace slams them all down still in a tree of woe.
Rohit stomps on her. Cover, but Mack makes the save. Rohit kicks out the leg of Willie, but Mack hits a stunner and then Bey hits a cutter on Mack. Trey dropkicks the back of Bey. Octopus stretch by TJP on Trey but soon turns his attention on Grace and locks her in a leg lock. Trey jumps in and gets a leg lock too for his trouble. Grace saves him. She hits her driver on Trey for a near fall but Rohit breaks it all up. TJP hits a frog splash on Trey. Rohit shoves TJP off and gets the cover and the W.
WINNER and STILL X-Division Champion: Rohit Raju
Josh Matthews is heard asking about the audio issues on the mic.
The wedding party is ready for the ceremony as Bravo is dressed like Two-Face for some reason. Sounds like the wedding is going down in the middle of the ring. Jimmy Jacobs comes in and says “Call Your Shot Gauntlet” starts now.
We cut to Rhino and Heath. They’re about to begin their cutscene, but it gets stopped and restarted. Unbelievable. They try to get amped up and Rhino seems skeptical.
IMPACT Call Your Shot Gauntlet

Entry 1: Rhino
Entry 2: Shawn Daivari
Rhino takes it to the returning Daivari. They fight on the outside and take it back to the ring.
Entry 3: Larry D
Larry D splashes on top of Rhino and he and Daivari work together.
Entry 4: Crazzy Steve
Steve immediately goes after Larry and bites his head. He tries to eliminate him.
Entry 5: Acey Romero
Rhino and Steve focuses on Larry as Acey takes it to Steve
Entry 6: Tenille Dashwood
Tenille takes her time to the ring (Matthews states she doesn’t care about this match – WTF).
Entry 7: Havok
Havok tosses out Kaleb with a K (who never was officially in the match.
Entry 8: Brian Myers
Myers dumps Steve out.
ELIMINATED: Crazzy Steve
Entry 9: Swoggle
Brian Myers and Swoggle join to boot Daivari out and then Myers tosses Swoggle
Entry 10: Tommy Dreamer
Dreamer is face painted and hair buzzed up like the late Animal and does a mini Doomsday Device with the eliminated Swoggle.
Entry 11: Alisha Edwards
Myers dumps out Dreamer and then Alisha
ELIMINATED: Tommy Dreamer
ELIMINATED: Alisha Edwards
Entry 12: Kiera Hogan
Myers tosses out Tenille.
ELIMINATED: Tenille Dashwood
Entry 13: Taya Valkyrie
Taya shows plenty of offense.
Entry 14: Fallah Bahh
Kiera Hogan gets dumped out by Taya and so does Havok
Entry 15: James Storm
Big return for IMPACT is Storm as he eliminates Larry D.
Entry 16: Adam Thornstowe
Entry 17: Luster The Legend
Entry 18: Heath
Heath and Acey trade shots before Heath clotheslines Acey out. He then tosses Myers out.
Entry 19: Sami Callihan
Callihan goes for Rhino and tries dumping out Storm, but Storm hangs on.
Entry 20: Hernandez
Hernandez works with Reno Scum and try going after Fallah. Hernandez goes for the wad of cash around his neck which gets tossed out and then Hernandez does the same to Bahh. Hernandez also goes after the cash
Rhino tosses Thornstowe out.
ELIMINATED: Thornstowe
Rhino soon after takes out Luster
It’s down to Sami, Storm, Heath and Rhino. Sami soon takes out Storm and then takes out Heath who then tells Heath he doesn’t care about his kids.
Rhino vs. Sami Callihan
Sami hits a piledriver on Rhino for a near fall. He goes to the outside and slides a chair into the ring. Rhino slowly gets to his feet and the ref demands him to get rid of it. Sami surprisingly obliges and Rhino gores the guts out of Sami for the win.
Backstage Gia is with The North. Ethan Page brings some fire as he says that MCMG has held the titles for 94 days which means The North hasn’t. Tonight that changes.
We cut to a preview for EC3 vs. Moose. It is capped off with EC3 kicking the crap out of some dude in a ring as his minions slap the ring in unison while he locks in a crossface. Out comes Moose into this warehouse and Moose demands that EC3 shows his face. He gets in the ring with the TNA Title and asks him where the hell he is. We see EC3 stand up and he gets in the ring too.
EC3 vs. Moose

The two duke it out back and forth. Moose enrages him down as music is played in the background. EC3 hits an exploder suplex.
The minions pound the mat. He knees Moose in the gut. Moose field goal kicks EC3 in the boys. Minions still pounding the mat but Moose yells and they stop. Music does too briefly as Moose takes control. Very mood setting with the music. More shots by Moose. EC3 is down but grinning to himself. He once more is a bloody pulp. Moose brings in a chair and has some questions. Question 1: Why have you been tormenting him? EC3 won’t say anything. Moose goes to beat the shit out of him with the chair but EC3 fights back. Moose charges and punts EC3. He’s got blood all over his white duds. They fight on the outside. EC3 slams Moose’s head against the steps. He asks Moose if he feels that? That’s enlightenment, that’s purpose. He tosses Moose on a leaning guardrail.
EC3 feeds Moose into the ring post several times as he says he’s becoming who he’s supposed to be. Moose has allowed people to oppress him. EC3 says this TNA Title is meant to be held by people who deserved to hold it. He tells Moose to become who he’s supposed to be and then he’ll be worthy of holding it. We cut to brief snips of EC3’s past and Moose spears him. Moose stands up with the title and hits EC3 with it repeatedly asking him if he wants Moose to become a monster. Brief snips of Moose’s past. He he continues to bloody EC3 between some camera cuts. Blood all over Moose as EC3 lays out bloody. He tells EC3 to answer him if this is what he wants. Finally EC3 rises up and screams yes. The minions start chanting “Moose” as EC3 tells him to “control his narrative” and offers himself. Moose thanks him and slugs him with the belt. The minions drag EC3 out of the ring as Moose watches on.
Eddie Edwards vs. Ken Shamrock (with Sami Callihan)

Shamrock has his fists up as the bell rings. He hits some punches and a knee or two before the two reset. A knee out of nowhere knocks Eddie down. Belly to belly takedown on Eddie. Shamrock rolls on top of Eddie before locking him in a front chancery. He traps the arm of Eddie with the leg and feeds Edwards some punches. Crucifix cradle gets a two count.
Ken locks in a headlock from behind and then has a guillotine on him. Eddie strengthens himself out of it hand gives Ken some punches. Very much an MMA vibe to this match. Leg lock by Ken but Eddie rolls to the ropes. Punches in the corner by Shamrock until the ref breaks it up with a four count. Eddie spills onto the outside favoring his left leg.
Ken charges in with a big kick to the back on the outside and hits him with several knees that slumps Eddie on the guardrail. Another hard knee into the head of Eddie followed by some jabs on top of him. Ken throws Eddie back onto the canvas. More knees by Shamrock. Eddie paws away at Sami at ringside as Ken is in complete control. Eddie goes for a liver shot but a boot frees him from the corner. Shamrock goes for a belly-to-belly but Eddie tangles himself in the ropes. Eddie does hit a blue thunder bomb and it gives him time to gather himself. Eddie does a ground dragon screw whip on the mat and ground dropkicks Ken out of the ring. Eddie tope dives on top of Sami and Ken.
Back in the ring. Eddie climbs up top and hits a flying front dropkick that’s good enough for two. Ken gets picked up and Eddie feeds him some knees into the chest. Eddie hits a sit out double under hook bomb but at two Ken turns it into a cross arm breaker. Eddie breaks the hold with a pin attempt. Jumping kick to shoulder of Ken Shamrock. He follows up with a running elbow. Shamrock and Eddie are both down but Eddie takes him to the corner. Ken fights back but Eddie hits his backpack stunner. Shamrock does sit up Taker style and locks in a guillotine choke.
Eddie head butts free. He gets up and sizes Ken up in the corner for the Boston Knee Party. He hits it and goes for a single leg crab. Ken is on the verge of tapping and Sami turns out the lights with his phone. Lights come back on and Sami has his baseball bat. Eddie however has his kendo and takes out Sami. Belly-to-belly followed by an ankle lock gets the submission win.
WINNER: Ken Shamrock
IMPACT World Tag Team Championships
The North vs. Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs. The Good Brothers vs. Motor City Machine Guns (c)

As MCMG make their entrance, Josh Alexander pile drives Shelley out on the stage. Josh Matthews uses his serious voice as officials tend to Alex. Ethan Page claps for Shelley. Sabin is conflicted as if he should go at it alone. He decides to do so and t Fulton tages himself he bell rings. Sabin fights agains The North. Dropkick by Page downs Sabin after some double-teaming.
Fulton tags himself in and he stomps away at Sabin. Alexander tags himself in via Fulton and he takes Chris to The North’s corner. Page grabs the hair of Sabin and then Alexander gives him some knees mid-ring before Page comes in. He grounds Chris and corners him to tag in Alexander once more. Snap-mare to knee drop by Josh. Double team work by The North. Page stomps away at Sabin. North splashes into him and Alexander goes for a moonsault but Sabin rolls out of the way. Fulton tags himself in. He beats up Sabin further and then Ace gets the tag foursome offense before tagging back in Madman. He rolls on top of Sabin. Leg drop by Ace and splash by Fulton get a two count.
Delayed vert suplex by Sabin. Sabin tries to fight back but Madman vaults him into his corner. He tags in Ace. Madman tries to Snake Eyes Sabin into Ace’s knees, but Sabin fights out and delivers from offense. Anderson gets the tag from Sabin and he and Ace duke it out. It’s punctuated by a spine buster from Karl. Big LG gets a tag. Belly-to-back neckbreaker double team. Pinfall gets broken up. Doc clotheslines Madman out of the ring. North double teams Gallows but he lariats the two down. Sabin tags himself in and takes out the North with a tornado DDT. Anderson tags himself in and Sabin takes it to Karl. He cross bodies on top of Anderson but Anderson rolls it over for a two count.
Sabin and Karl trade shots. Anderson hits a European uppercut and gets a spinning kick from Sabin. Ace tags himself in, but Sabin still continues to get on a roll as he senton rolls onto Alexander on the outside. Back in the ring, Sabin gives Ace a running kick for a spinning falcon arrow, but Ethan Page breaks it up at two. Sabin tosses out Page. Sabin climbs up top, but Ace hits a forearm while he is up high. Ace goes for a superplex, but Sabin head butts himself free. Page tages himself in and The North double cross armbreaker him down and then slams him down. Sabin gets a shoulder up at two. Sabin frees himself rom a double team and it allows Chris to tag in Anderson. The Brothers clear it all until Ace kicks away Gallows. He and Fulton corner Karl and they look for a double top rope vert on Anderson, but The North punch out Fulton and Ace. They go for Anderson but Karl hits a neckbreaker and the Brothers go for a Magic Killer on Josh. Alexander frees himself and fights off Gallows and Anderson. Ethan Page hits Anderson with a belt and they get the pinfall.
WINNERS and NEW IMPACT Tag Team Champions: The North
Taya and Rosemary are backstage as a controlling John E. Bravo says once he and Rosemary are married, she’s gonna do what he says. Whoa. Rosemary was also with Havok who looked unsure about the whole sha-bang.
IMPACT Knockouts Championship
Deonna Purrazzo (c) (with Kimber Lee) vs. Kylie Rae

There is no Kylie Rae. Deonna gets on the mic and issues a challenge to anybody in the back. Out somes (not Suzie) but Su Yung. Deonna looks concerned. The belt is raised and the match is underway. Hard forearms by Su. Su throws her back and forth. Su fires away at Deonna in the corner. They trade punches on the apron. Spinning sidewalk slam on the apron by Su.
Deonna and Su get back in the ring and the two try to roll one another up for some two counts. Back elbow by Deonna. Su hits a top rope hurricanrana on Deonna. Two count. Deonna manages to stomp at her in the corner.
Three German suplexes by Deonna. DDT by Su. The trade shots as they get to their feet. Back and forth they go. Hard shots by Su followed by a clothesline in the corner. Back elbow. Thesz press and punches by Su Stone Cold style. Splash in the corner followed by a bulldog by Su. Deonna rolls out of the ring. Shoulder in the steel post and Deonna gets set up on a chair. Su sentons on top of her off the apron. Su pedigrees Deonna down. Two count. Su shoves on her rotted glove. And she looks for her claw, but Deonna fights free. She accidently bicycle kicks the ref. Su backpack piledrives her down for the visual pinfall but no ref to administer the fall. Kimber Lee hits Su with a chair and then wedges the chairon Su’s arm. Deonna goes to dive on top of Su’s arm but Su rolls free. She locks in the mandible on Deonna. Kimber tries to interfere but gets Misted for her efforts. Crossface by Deonna and Su locks in her mandible for a stalemate. Su soon hits her Panic Button finish and gets the surprise win.
WINNER and NEW Knockouts Women Champion: Su Yung
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: The Knockouts Tag Team Titles are returning in January 16, 2021 at IMPACT Hard To Kill.
IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship
Rich Swann vs. Eric Young (c)

Official introductions are made. Bell rings and Swann has bulked up a bit. EY goes for the knees but Swann avoids. He tries it again, but the same happens. EY tells Swann that this is on him. Plenty of athleticism. Head-scissors followed by two dropkicks on EY. Champ goes for a powder.
EY catches Swann on the outside and goes for a leg wrench, but Swann uses his leg to shove EY into the ring post. Hard chop by Swann and he slams Young on the apron. Another hard chop before rolling him back in the ring. EY bails out. Swann senton dives onto EY off the apron.
Rich has hurt his shoulder and EY gets in the ring to compose himself. Swann slowly gets back in the ring. EY crotches Swann on the ropes and climbs on the turnbuckle. He pancake slaps Swann down on the canvas for a near fall. Repeated cover attempts on EY. EY focuses on the neck of Swann. Ref checks on Swann. EY wrenches the neck further.
Swann fights to his feet and EY shoulders him down for a two count.
Pace is slowed down as EY eventually stomps on Swann in the corner. He yells at Rich to stay down. Swann chops back Ey catches him for one hard looking DVD. Two count. Young is fuming. He says “this world belongs to me.” Hard shot to Swann and Eric Young stomps on the face of Swann. EY stomps on the body of Swann further. He tells Scott D’Amore and IMPACT that this is their fault. EY hits him in the corner. He continues to yell at Rich to go away.
Chop in the corner downs Swann. Pace is further slowed down as Eric continues to trash talk. More shots from him, still yelling at Swann to stay down.
Swann finally gets fired up and goes on a quick flurry. Big arm drag from the top. Swann is bleeding from the mouth. Clothesline and standing back kick from Rich. He flips the champ down for a hurricanrana from the top. Big frog splash and EY kicks out.
Rich and EY meet up top, and EY bites the forehead of Rich. He falls off and and EY drops the elbow. A two count for Young but he capitalizes for a crossface. Rope break.
The two methodically trade punches. Roundhouse kick by Swann. He goes for a handspring maneuver but EY catches him with a burning hammer neckbreaker for two. EY has a spinning leg lock on Swann. Swann is soon able to grab the bottom rope and Young doesn’t break the hold until five.
EY goes for a piledriver, but Rich rolls into a pin attempt. Crisp kicks from Swann. Air raid splash from Swann. Two count. EY is down and Swann ascends to the top. EY crotches him on the corner and gets him in the tree of woe. Young wrenches Swann’s leg until 5. Swann hits a cutter, then a handspring cutter. He climbs the top rope and hits his Phoenix splash for the 1-2-3 victory!
WINNER and NEW IMPACT World Champion: Rich Swann
Post-match, the babyface locker room empties to celebrate with Swann as The Rascalz raise the new champ up in the air.