Havok and Neveah used their power to control the match early on but Tasha and Hogan gained control. They tagged in and out, double teaming Havok. Steelz climbed her back and locked on a sleeper but Havok drove herself backwards into the corner. Steelz caught Havok with a back elbow and came off the ropes but was caught during a bodypress and was hit with a Fallaway Slam, hurtled into Hogan, who was rushing in to help.
Havok made the hot tag and nailed several big clotheslines. She lifted and slammed them both. She drilled Kiera with a big DDT but Hogan rolled out of the way. Steelz avoided a Havok powerslam and nailed a kick to the face. Steelz nailed a springboard into a neckbreaker for a two count. Neveah dumped Steelz to the floor, leaving Hogan to be double-teamed. Hogan fought off Havok and nailed a stunner, then kicked Havok to the floor.
Steelz used a rolling armdrag to take down Neveah and Kiera nailed a rolling Perfect Plex to score the pin.
Your winners, the new Impact Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz!
Madison Rayne and Gail Kim came to the ring to present them with the Knockouts Tag Team belts. Steelz was overcome for a moment but being the pro she is, went right back into her boasting character. They picked the right team here.