NWA 74 Results from Night One included Matt Cardona’s NWA in-ring return, two titles changed hands including the tag titles, Kamille vs. Taya Valkyrie in the main event and more.
The Country Gentlemen (AJ Cazana and Anthony Andrews) (with Joe Cazana) defeated Gold Rushhh (Jordan Clearwater and Marshe Rockett) (with Austin Idol)
Rhett Titus defeated VSK
Titus subbed in as VSK’s opponent. Luke Hawx was pulled from the match due to moving into a tag title match (He and PJ Hawx will face La Rebelion for the titles since Commonwealth Connection was pulled due to illness)
Rodney Mack (with Aron Stevens) defeated The Pope
Stevens and Mack beat up Pope after the match, but JR Kratos comes out and attacks Stevens
EC3 defeated Mims
EC3 hit the One Percenter before making Mims tap out to The Purpose. EC3 cut a promo after the match and spoke about paying homage to the legends of the past, but the past is just a story. He says they are all so fixated on nostalgia that they can’t see the future in front of them. Nostalgia is a curse and a crutch, a painful reminder of the present, but as long as he’s in the ring, nostalgia is dead.
Thom Latimer comes to the ring and confronts EC3, who knows that Latimer is standing behind him. EC3 says the one good thing to come from NWA is Latimer getting clean and finding his wife, and finding purpose and happiness. EC3 says he still knows the man Thom used to be and he knows his demons, so he’ll pull each and every one of them out before he leaves… you’ve been warned.
Beelzebub’s Bedlam
The Miserably Faithful (Judais, Sal The Pal, and Gaagz The Gymp) (with Father James Mitchell) defeated The Ill Begotten (Alex Taylor, Jeremiah Plunkett, and Danny Dealz)
Madusa comes out and throws powder in Dealz’s face. Mitchell throws him in the ring and Judais chokeslams him for the win.
Chris Adonis defeated Odinson via disqualification
Adonis tried putting Odinson out with the Master Lock, but Odinson sprayed an atomizer in his face. The ref called for the bell and Odinson hit Adonis with it on the way out.
NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship
Homicide (c) defeated Kerry Morton to retain
Morton nearly wins it with a running knee to the head, but Homicide gets his foot on the bottom rope. Homicide heads outside, but Morton rolls him back in and heads up top. Homicide rolls away from a splash and gets a near fall, then he goes for a Cop Killa but Morton counters. Morton with a superkick, then a punch to the face gets a two count. Morton lifts Homicide up in a waistlock, but Homicide kicks Morton in the balls. He tries to tell the ref that it was unintentional, then Morton knocks him down and goes for a Finlay roll. Homicide hits a Koji Cutter and makes the cover. Morton gets in Homicide’s face after the bell, but Homicide shoves him and heads to the back.
Cardona’s Choice
Matt Cardona vs. Rolando Freeman
Cardona asks for a handshake but he ends up kicking Freeman in the stomach. Cardona extends his hand once more, and Freeman shoves him away. Cardona ties up with him in the corner before getting on his knees and asking for a test of strength. Freeman punches Cardona in the face and tackles him, then charges the corner. Cardona jumps up with the double knees, then connects with some mounted punches before choking Freeman on the middle rope. Freeman comes back with a dropkick and a DDT for two. Freeman lands some punches, but Cardona drops him with a double forearm smash and elbows him in the corner. Broski Boot in the corner, but Cardona stops his own cover at two. The referee asks what he’s doing, and Cardona says he can do what he wants and shoots a snot rocket at Freeman. He goes for a cover and flips off the ref, but Freeman schoolboys him and steals the win.
Winner – Rolando Freeman
Burke Invitational Gauntlet
Max The Impaler wins the Burke Invitational and they will challenge Kamille/Taya Valkyrie at night two of NWA 74 for the NWA Women’s Championship
Order of entry
KiLynn King
Samantha Starr
Natalia Markova
Missa Kate
Madi (Wrenkowski)
Taryn Terrell
Max The Impaler
Tootie Lynn
Angelina Love
Order of elimination
Missa Kate (via KiLynn King)
Madi (eliminated herself to run from Max)
Tootie Lynn (via Max The Impaler)
Angelina Love (via Max The Impaler)
Taryn Terrell (via Max The Impaler)
Samantha Starr (via tapout to Jennacide)
KiLynn King (via pinfall by Natalia Markova)
Jennacide (via pinfall by Max The Impaler)
Natalia Markova (via pinfall by Max The Impaler)
NWA National Heavyweight Championship
Cyon (with Austin Idol) defeated Jax Dane (with Chris Silvio, Esq.) (c) to WIN the National Heavyweight title
Tables Match
Bully Ray defeated Mike Knox
The final moments of the match saw Knox go through a table, but it was due to Bully sidestepping him to avoid a boot to the face. Knox hit the table in the corner and went through it, but the ref noted that Bully didn’t get credit for the table breaking. Bully lifted Knox up and chokeslammed him through a second table to win the match. Bully picked up a piece of the table after the match and gave it to a fan. Knox got right out of the ring while Bully played to the crowd.
NWA World Tag Team Championship
La Rebelión (Bestia 666 and Mecha Wolf 450) (with Damián 666) defeated Hawx Aerie to WIN the titles
NWA World Women’s Championship
Kamille (c) defeated Taya Valkyrie to retain
The ref took a bump, then Taya slammed Kamille face on the mat three times. Taya then got the belt and hit Kamille in the face with it and threw it back outside. The ref was revived, but Taya only got two. Taya goes for Road To Valhalla, but Kamille counters with a spear to retain.