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NWA Powerrr Results (08/30/2022) Season Premiere (S10E1)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

NWA Powerrr will begin a new season on August 30, just two days removed from NWA 74.

Matt Cardona will compete on the show. Plus, Bully Ray, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, and other noteworthy names will appear.

The results are as follows:

Matt Taven defeated Mecha Wolf

We Hear From Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat comes to the podium and says being in the NWA is bringing back a lot of memories. Kyle Davis credits him with the idea for the NWA National Title Tournament, which will crown the number one contender for the National Championship at Hard Times 3. Steamboat says tournaments bring the best out of the participants and teases that this one will have a dark horse. He notes that tournaments add a lot to the race for the gold. Davis brings out NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Trevor Murdoch, but Matt Cardona comes out instead. He says he’s almost 100%, but he has a big announcement. He vows to win the world title at NWA Hard Times 3 by beating Murdoch. Steamboat notes that he knows where Cardona is coming from because he never lost the title. He points out that Cardona has been out for three months, so some contenders might have got ahead of him. Steamboat encourages Cardona to heal up so he’s 100%. Chelsea Green steps in and calls Steamboat “the armdrag guy”, and Cardona laughs at him before they leave.

Backstage, Trevor Murdoch says he saw Cardona in the back, and he didn’t want to deal with Cardona while Steamboat was in the building. Murdoch makes it clear that he’ll beat anyone who gets put in front of him. As for his match against Tyrus, he calls it the hoss fight of the century and noted that he was still feeling the effects.

We Hear From Aron Stevens

Aron Stevens is at the podium, and he has a lesson for the fans; he says money makes the world go round, and he has money. He introduces The Question Mark, who’s clearly Rodney Mack under a mask. Stevens says The Question Mark is back, and you can’t prove that’s not him.

The Question Mark (Rodney Mack) defeated De’Vin Graves

Backstage, EC3 says Control Your Narrative is not here to take over. He says they want to awaken the industry, and to do so, they have to awaken those who can carry the load. He calls Thom Latimer a first-round draft pick. EC3 says he’ll make his debut next week on NWA Powerrr and vows to win. He expresses his interest in winning the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship and throwing it into a burning trashcan.

Thom Latimer defeated Chris Sainz

Flip Gordon and Nick Aldis are standing together backstage. Aldis notes that Odinson put a dampener on the situation at NWA 74 by attacking them. Gordon says that he has a problem with Odinson. May Valentine says Odinson has been suspended. Aldis knows Odinson was trying to make a name for himself by attacking him. He gives Odinson credit but says he’ll make him regret the day he tried to step up to Aldis.

Bully Ray is standing backstage. When asked about what’s next for him, he says he’s excited to be in the NWA. He notes that Kamille and KiLynn King both have bright futures. As for what happens next for him, he’ll see what happens. Ray notes that if his match against Mike Knox at NWA 74 was his last with the company, he’s okay with that because he did what he set out to do.

No Disqualification: Rolando Freedman vs. Matt Cardona (with Mike Knox)

The Spectaculars, Knox and VSK interfere during the match. In the end, Trevor Murdoch blindsided Cardona with a bulldog, and Freeman pinned him for the win.


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