This week's Super Power edition of NWA's weekly TV show saw World Champion Tyrus in action.
NWA Television Champion Jordan Clearwater (w/ Austin Idol) defeated Mercurio to retain
The heel vs. heel dynamic is always a detriment to these matches despite the action being decent in the ring.
The show opened with a TV title match and continued the tradition of NWA booking heel vs. heel matches for some reason, leaving the wrestlers who are making up the fans this week largely silent, even though they are paid to be there.
Outside of the booking, this was actually a decent match. Clearwater sold a fair bit for Mercurio in the four minutes this match lasted. Mercurio was able to show more of his offense then usual, including hitting a nice brainbuster onto his own knee. Austin Idol grabbed Mercurio’s feet to distract him, leading to Clearwater hitting the Midas Touch for the pinfall.
The Mortons (Ricky & Kerry Morton) defeated NWA U.S. Tag Team Champions The Fixers (Jay Bradley & Wrecking Ball Legursky) in a non-title match
In a direct opposite of the first match, this was a classic babyfaces vs. heels match here with the Mortons winning to (hopefully) setup a U.S. tag title match down the line. I suspect it will be on NWA USA, but nonetheless, this was a decent little match to set up a TV title match for later.
Ricky Morton and Jay Bradley started and Ricky was able to get an arm wringer and tag out to Kerry quickly. Bradley fought out of it and slammed Kerry, but missed a knee drop and got hit with a headscissors. I’m not sure if that was a mistake, but Bradley stood right up, hit a knee, and tagged out to Legursky.
Joe Galli claimed Legursky ate seven pizzas in catering earlier and that was just a warmup. Legursky caught Kerry on a crossbody and the Fixers sandwiched him. Bradley beat up on Kerry in front of a cheering Colby Corino as babyface Rush Freeman cheered their tactics. No wonder why I’m confused about who the babyfaces and heels are in this company.
Bradley went for a back body drop, but Kerry tried a cradle. Bradley blocked it and hit a suplex, and the Fixers continued to get the heat on the younger Morton. Legursky missed sitting down on the sunset flip and Kerry was able to tag out to his dad. The Fixers hit a double shoulder tackle on Ricky, though. However, they missed a corner charge and Morton rolled up Legursky for the pin.
Jeremiah Plunkett (w/ Danny Dealz) defeated Traxx & Garrison Creed in a three-way
I really like Plunkett’s work, but his gear is some of the worst in wrestling as a cheetah print singlet does not suit him well.
Plunkett and Creed worked together for parts of this, trying to keep the babyface Traxx at bay. Plunkett and Creed played the dumb heels, accidentally punching each other until they started fighting, leaving Traxx in position to clothesline both men and hit a runaway train (shoulder attacks in the corner.) Creed took out Traxx with a knee but ate a piledriver from Plunkett after a Saito suplex for the pin.
Damage (w/ Aron Stevens) defeated Question Mark II
Stevens distracted Question Mark, leading to Question Mac, I mean Damage, attacking and getting the heat on Question Mark. Damage used a nerve hold~! on Question Mark about 30 seconds into the match and then returned to it again after about a minute. Question Mark hit a throat thrust and a forearm before hitting a kick to the head after powering up his chi. Stevens threw his roll of paper in the ring and hit a loaded glove shot to the back of Mark's head, leading to the pin.
NWA Women's Champion Kamille defeated Kenzie Paige by DQ
This match was awesome, and I understand why they didn’t want to beat either one as they are both champions, but holy cow, what a terrible finish. This match was honestly great until the end and I don’t think Paige would have been hurt losing clean to Kamille here.
With Kamille spearing both members of Pretty Empowered after the match, Kamille gets one up on them despite not actually winning, which indicates there is going to be no follow up to this, making the finish even more baffling.
Paige, one half of the NWA Women's Tag Team Champions, ducked under a lockup and posed in a ridiculous way that was perfect for her heel character. Kamille was not impressed. Kamille threw the Pretty Empowered member around the ring in the early going, including sending Paige flying into the turnbuckle in a way that would make Bret Hart proud.
Paige was able to snap Kamille's arm over the ropes after rolling to the apron to escape, and Paige did not waste time, attacking the arm and shoulder. Trevor Murdoch, a member of Team Pretty in the Champions Series, was seen encouraging Paige despite this not being a Champions Series match. Murdoch is supposed to be a babyface (I think) and Paige is a heel, so it is a bit confusing again, but at least the team aspect gives it some logic.
Paige yelled “I’m the champ!” as Kamille kept fighting out of her arm attacks. Paige missed a corner charge and Kamille hit an Oklahoma stampede for a two count. Paige went right back to the arm but Kamille fought out of a fireman’s carry and got her in a torture rack before hitting a torture rack bomb for another two count. Murdoch was legitimately marking out for this in the crowd.
Paige blocked a spear by hitting a knee and locked in a crossface. Kamille got the ropes and pushed off them with her feet to roll into a Samoan drop on Paige for another two count. Kamille missed a pump kick, but Kamille countered a wheelbarrow with a rear naked choke.
As Kamille was putting Paige to sleep, Ella Envy jumped into the ring and the referee immediately DQ’d her...even though they have not DQ’d people for simply entering the ring before. Kamille speared Paige and Envy after the match.
Idolmania Sports Management (NWA World Champion Tyrus, NWA TV Champion Jordan Clearwater & NWA National Champion Cyon) defeated NWA Tag Team Champions La Rebelion & Joe Alonzo
Well, they did a good job burying La Rebelion in this match even if it wasn’t intentional. Zlonzo, who they decked out in matching gear, was beat on for the majority of the match, and after a brief 30-second comeback, they lost after Alonzo tagged back in. What a geek.
This was Clearwater's second match tonight and I’m not sure if the editor noticed as the commentary team wasn’t talking like he wrestled earlier in the night. This was another heel vs. heel match, though Alonzo has been a babyface in other matches, so maybe he is the only babyface in the match.
Idolmania Sports Management got the heat on Alonzo for several minutes with slams with Tyrus trying to do one thing and tagging out before he got gassed. Thankfully, Cyon and Clearwater took the bulk of the work in this match for their team.
Idolmania’s team got the heat for over six of the eight minutes of the match, but Alonzo finally tagged out to Mecha Wolf after a superkick to Clearwater. Mecha Wolf took Tyrus off the apron, who stepped down to the floor slowly before throwing himself into the lap of Aron Stevens who fell out of his chair. This was hilarious at how bad Tyrus was.
Alonzo quickly tagged himself back in and somehow Tyrus got back in the ring and hit the Tongan death grip for the win.
The wrestling on this episode was fine with Paige and Kamille being easily the best match of the night. The rest of it was rather inconsequential other then the Mortons presumably getting a US tag title match down the line.