The Fixers vs. Alex Caytal & Shepherd Lutz
Wrecking Ball Legursky attacks Shepherd Lutz with a nerf gun before the bell rings. Bradley with a running sledge to Caytal. Lutz applies The Sleeper Hold. Bradley punches Caytal in the back. Legursky pulls Lutz off Bradley’s back. Legursky dumps Lutz out of the ring. Bradley with another sledge to Caytal’s back. Bradley repeatedly drives Caytal face first into the right arm-pit of Legursky. Legursky and Lutz are tagged in. Lutz with rapid fire bodyshots. Lutz dropkicks Legursky. Legursky HeadButts Lutz. Lutz tags in Caytal.
Caytal with The Rolling Elbow. Legursky clotheslines Caytal. Legursky tags in Bradley. Double Irish Whip. Double Shoulder Tackle. The Fixers poses for the crowd. Caytal decks Bradley with a JawBreaker. Caytal tags in Lutz. Lutz with a Shotgun Dropkick. Bradley swats Lutz out of mid-air. Bradley tags in Legursky. Bradley slingshots Lutz face first into Legursky’s backside. Legursky tags in Bradley. Bradley kicks Caytal off the ring apron. Bradley tags in Legursky. The Fixers connects with The Double Chokeslam to pickup the victory.
Winner: The Fixers via Pinfall
Erick Jackson vs. Sodapop Hendrix
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Hendrix with a waist lock go-behind. Hendrix with two arm-drags. Hendrix sweeps out the legs of Jackson for a two count. Strong lockup. Jackson with a waist lock takedown. Jackson applies a front face lock. Standing Switch Exchange. Hendrix with a double leg takedown. Hendrix grapevines the legs of Jackson. Hendrix goes into the lateral press for a one count. Back to the collar and elbow tie up. Jackson with the fireman’s carry takeover. Jackson applies an arm-bar. Jackson goes for a Bodyslam, but Hendrix lands back on his feet. Hendrix rolls Jackson over for a two count. Hendrix with an inside cradle for a two count. Hendrix dropkicks Jackson. Hendrix with a Leg Drop for a two count.
Hendrix goes for another Leg Drop, but Jackson ducks out of the way. Jackson scores the elbow knockdown. Jackson with The Delayed Bodyslam for a two count. Jackson goes for The Boston Crab, but Hendrix rolls him over for a two count. Jackson kicks Hendrix in the gut. Jackson slams Hendrix’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Jackson kicks Hendrix in the gut. Jackson transitions into a corner mount. Hendrix with a back chop. Hendrix with The Avalanche Side Russian Leg Sweep. Forearm Exchange. Hendrix with a chop/forearm combination. Jackson reverses out of the irish whip from Hendrix. Hendrix ducks a clothesline from Jackson. Standing Switch Exchange. Jackson connects with The Bridging German Suplex to pickup the victory.
Winner: Erick Jackson via Pinfall
The Spectaculars vs. The Country Gentlemen
Rush Freeman and AJ Cazana will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Cazana backs Rush into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Strong lockup. Cazana applies an arm-bar. Andrews tags himself in. Andrews hammers down on the left shoulder of Rush. Rush applies a side headlock. Rush with a side headlock takeover. Andrews transitions into a wrist lock. Rush with two arm-drags. Rush tags in Rolando. The Spectaculars poses for the crowd. Rush with a drop toe hold. Rolando with a Senton Splash. Andrews tags in Cazana. Rush sweeps out the legs of Andrews. Rolando stomps on Cazana’s chest. Assisted GourdBuster. Rolando with a forearm smash. Rolando tags in Rush. Wrist Lock Exchange. Cazana applies an arm-bar. Rush with an arm-bar takedown. Cazana sends Rush to the corner. Rush side steps Cazana into the turnbuckles. Rush tags in Rolando. Cazana dumps Rush out of the ring. Rolando ducks a clothesline from Cazana. Cazana blocks The Tilt-A-Whirl Side Russian Leg Sweep. Cazana drops Rolando with The Big Boot. Cazana tags in Andrews.
Country Gentlemen puts Rolando on the top turnbuckle. Andrews knocks Rush off the ring apron. Rolando kicks Andrews in the face. Cazana punches Rolando in the back. Andrews launches Rolando off the top turnbuckle. Andrews kicks Rolando in the gut. Andrews tags in Cazana. Cazana stomps on Rolando’s back. Cazana bodyslams Rolando. Cazana applies a rear chin lock. Rolando stomps on the left foot of Cazana. Rolando with a JawBreaker. Cazana stops Rolando in his tracks. Cazana goes for a Leg Drop, but Rolando ducks out of the way. Rush and Andrews are tagged in. Rush ducks a clothesline from Andrews. Rush with a flying sledge. Rush with two dropkicks. Rush follows that with two leaping back elbow smashes. Rush throws Rolando into Country Gentlemen. Meeting Of The Minds. Cazana dumps Rolando out of the ring. Rush rolls Andrews over for a two count. Andrews reverses out of the irish whip from Rush. Country Gentlemen connects with their Lariat/SpineBuster Combination to pickup the victory.
Winner: The Country Gentlemen via Pinfall
Rhett Titus vs. Gaagz The Gimp w/Father James Mitchell
Titus wants Gimp to shake his hand. Gimp is playing mind games with Titus. Chain grappling exchange. Titus applies a front face lock. Gimp starts spanking Titus. Titus shoves Gimp. Titus with a single leg takedown. Gimp blocks the single leg crab. Titus applies a hammerlock. Titus whips Gimp across the ring. Titus scores the elbow knockdown. Gimp with a double throat thrust. Gimp applies a side headlock. Titus whips Gimp across the ring. Titus drops down on the canvas. Gimp HeadButts Titus. Gimp with clubbing shoulder blocks. Gimp rocks Titus with a forearm smash. Gimp slams Titus head on the top turnbuckle pad. Titus launches Gimp to the corner. Titus unloads two knife edge chops. Titus with a Hip Toss.
Gimp drives Titus face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Gimp backs Titus into the ropes. Gimp with a gut punch. Gimp rakes the eyes of Titus. Gimp puts his leg on the back of Titus neck. Gimp goes into the lateral press for a one count. Gimp continues to rake the eyes of Titus. Gimp with clubbing blows to Titus back. Titus with a Pendulum BackBreaker. Titus repeatedly whips Gimp into the turnbuckles. Titus with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Titus with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Titus follows that with The Helluva Kick. Mitchell pushes Gimp out of harms way. Titus blocks The Slice Bread #2. Gimp taunts Titus. Titus dropkicks Gimp. Titus connects with The Side Belly to Belly Suplex to pickup the victory.
Winner: Rhett Titus via Pinfall
Pretty Empowered vs. The Renegade Twins
Ella Envy and Robyn Renegade will start things off. Envy talks smack to Robyn after the bell rings. Envy yells at Roxy and tags her in. Robyn applies a side headlock. Roxy whips Robyn across the ring. Robyn drops Roxy with a shoulder tackle. Roxy drops down on the canvas. Roxy goes for a Hip Toss, but Robyn counters with a deep arm-drag. Robyn dropkicks Roxy into the turnbuckles. Robyn with a running forearm smash. Robyn tags in Charlette. Charlette with a running elbow smash. Robyn with a Corner Meteora. Following a snap mare takeover, Charlette hooks the outside leg for a two count. Charlette sends Roxy face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Charlette tags in Robyn. Robyn unloads two knife edge chops. Envy attacks Robyn behind the referee’s back. The referee tells Envy to hold the tag rope. Roxy SuperKicks Robyn. Roxy tags in Envy. Envy hooks the outside leg for a two count. Envy sends Robyn to the corner. Envy with a Running Hip Attack.
Envy repeatedly stomps on Robyn’s chest. Envy is choking Robyn with her boot. Envy tags in Roxy. Roxy punches Robyn in the back. Following a snap mare takeover, Roxy kicks Robyn in the back. Roxy with a knee lift. Roxy sends Robyn face first into the middle rope. Roxy with a Running Meteora. Roxy uses the middle rope to choke Robyn. Roxy goes into the cover for a two count. Roxy applies the cravate. Robyn with elbows into the midsection of Roxy. Robyn with a JawBreaker. Roxy blocks a boot from Robyn. Robyn with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Robyn tags in Charlette. Charlette with two clotheslines. Charlette with a Flapjack to Envy. Roxy reverses out of the irish whip from Charlette. Charlette with The Lou Thez Press. Charlette transitions into a ground and pound attack. Charlette hits The Bridging Fisherman’s Suplex for a two count. Robyn dumps Envy out of the ring. Renegade Twins goes for a Double Vertical Suplex, but Envy gets in the way. Stereo Pump Kicks. The referee gets distracted by Kenzie Paige. Envy connects with The Belt Shot behind the referee’s back to pickup the victory.
Winner: Pretty Empowered via Pinfall
JR Kratos vs. Blake Troop w/Chris Silvio
Chain Grappling Exchange. Troop with a Back Heel Trip. Kratos with a Hip Toss. Troop uppercuts Kratos. Troop talks smack to Kratos. Forearm Exchange. Kratos transitions into a ground and pound attack. Kratos with a Deadlift Vertical Suplex for a two count. Troop side steps Kratos into the turnbuckles. Troop bodyslams Kratos for a two count. Troop stomps on Kratos chest. Troop with two sharp knee strikes. Troop is choking Kratos with his boot. Troop with more knee strikes. Troop brings Kratos down to the mat. Troop with a ground and pound attack of his own. The referee admonishes Troop. Troop with heavy bodyshots in the corner. Troop decks Kratos with a back elbow smash. Troop with a corner clothesline.
Troop drops Kratos with a Running Knee Strike for a two count. Troop applies The Guillotine Choke. Kratos refuses to quit. Kratos goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Troop lands back on his feet. Kratos ducks a clothesline from Troop. Kratos is throwing haymakers at Troop. Troop reverses out of the irish whip from Kratos. Kratos side steps Troop into the turnbuckles. Kratos with a Leaping Lariat. Kratos with a flying forearm smash. Kratos with a forearm smash. Silvio runs interference. Troop delivers the low blow behind the referee’s back. Troop hits The GutWrench Suplex for a two count. Troop argues with the referee. Kratos with a Pop Up Powerslam. Kratos connects with The Rising Knee Strike to pickup the victory.
Winner: JR Kratos via Pinfall
Text transcript courtesy of Josh Lopez of https://wrestlingheadlines.com/