NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Nathan Frazer and Axiom (c) vs. The Street Profits
Ford floors Axiom with a shoulder block. Ford slams Axiom repeatedly. Dawkins tags in and runs over Axiom. Frazer tags in and has a flip exchange with Dawkins. Dawkins lands a leaping back elbow. Axiom and Frazer double-team Dawkins with a German suplex into a superkick. Dawkins kicks out. Frazer and Axiom work over Dawkins. Dawkins manages to tag in Ford. Ford clears the ring. Frazer tries a springboard, but Ford catches Frazer with a Bookend. Standing moonsault by Ford. Frazer kicks out. Dawkins pounces Axiom into a suplex by Ford. Frazer kicks out.
Axiom surprises Ford with a frog splash. Frazer follows that with a 450. Ford kicks out. Axiom lands a top rope missile dropkick while Frazer sweeps Ford’s legs. Dawkins breaks up the pin. Frazer and Axiom set up their finish. Ford pushes Axiom off the top. Dawkins and Ford hit the Doomsday Blockbuster. Someone pulls Ford out of the ring during the pin. It’s Tama Tonga! Jacob Fatu and Tanga Loa appear. The Bloodline attacks Ford and Dawkins, causing a disqualification.
Winners- The Street Profits
The Bloodline lays out Axiom and Frazer as well.
Giulia vs. Chelsea Green
Green slaps Giulia. Giulia laughs and headbutts Green in the face. Missile dropkick by Giulia. Green lands a big boot. Giulia lands an elbow strike. Giulia traps Green in the spider’s web. Green tries to get to the ropes. Giulia almost hits a knee strike, but Green rolls out of the ring. Green stuns Giulia on the middle rope. Green escapes an electric chair drop and hits a German suplex.
Bearhug facebuster by Green. Giulia kicks out. Giulia rains down strikes. Leaping sidekick by Giulia. Green rolls out to the apron. Giulia hits a hangman’s neckbreaker off the apron. Green whips Giulia into the commentary desk. Green sends Giulia flying over the commentary desk. Giulia avoids a missile dropkick from Green. Running knee strike by Giulia. Giulia hit the Snow Plow for the win.
Winner- Giulia
Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (9/3/24)
Backstage, Lola Vice gets into it with Jacy Jayne. Jayne jokes that none of the women in the locker room have a chance against TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace. Vice asks Jayne why she isn’t stepping up to Grace since she is supposed to be a locker room leader. Jayne tells Vice she never liked her. Jayne and Vice have to be separated.
NXT Heritage Cup Match: Charlie Dempsey (c) w/NQCC vs. Je’Von Evans w/Cedric Alexander
Round One:
Dempsey and Evans trade submission holds. Dempsey stretches Evans on the mat. Evans fights out of a knuckle lock and lands a ranna.
Dempsey 0 | Evans 0
Round Two:
Evans and Dempsey trade pin attempts. Evans tries a backslide. Dempsey drives Evans into the turnbuckle, neck first. Dragon Suplex by Dempsey. Dempsey gets the pin.
Dempsey 1 | Evans 0
Round Three:
Most of this round took place during the break. Evans lands his double jump corkscrew splash for the next pin.
Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (9/3/24)
Dempsey 1 | Evans 1
Round Four:
Evans blasts Dempsey with a running elbow strike as soon as the bell rings. Dropkick by Evans. Dempsey falls out of the ring. Evans tries to retrieve Dempsey, but Dempsey stuns Evans on the ropes. Dempsey focuses his attack on Evan’s injured neck. Guillotine by Dempsey. Evans breaks the hold with a suplex. Butterfly suplex by Dempsey. Evans kicks out, but Dempsey rolls into another Guillotine. Evans is saved by the bell, but Dempsey doesn’t release the hold. Alexander hits the ring and pulls Dempsey off.
Round Five:
Dempsey 1 | Evans 1
Dempsey works over Evans. Evans fires up and hits a springboard splash. Myles Borne puts Dempsey’s foot on the bottom rope. The referee sees it. Alexander lands a dive, taking out Borne. Evans sends Dempsey over the top. Evans lands a dive. Tavion Heights hops the barricade and blasts Evans with a nasty belly-to-belly suplex. Heights sends Evans back into the ring. Dempsey pins Evans.
Dempsey 2 | Evans 1
Winner and STILL NXT Heritage Cup Champion, Charlie Dempsey!
North American Champion Oba Femi is in the ring to face a Mystery Opponent selected by Tony D’Angelo.
North American Champion Oba Femi vs. TNA’s Hammerstone
Hammerstone and Femi lock up. Both men end up tied up in the ropes. Hammerstone mockingly pokes Femi in the chest. Femi decks Hammerstone. Hammerstone lands a missile dropkick. A clothesline by Hammerstone sends Femi reeling to the floor. Hammerstone rolls out to the apron. Femi chops Hammetstone.
Femi suplexes Hammerstone clear across the ring with a suplex. Hammerstone avoids a spear by Femi in the corner. Hammerstone hits a few suplexes and a chokeslam. Hammerstone sets up the Nightmare Pendulum. Femi escapes and hits a tossing suplex. Fall from Grace Powerbomb by Femi. Femi pins Hammerstone.
Winner- Oba Femi
Backstage, D’Angelo looks on from a monitor with the rest of the family. A frustrated D’Angelo walks off.
Duke Hudson w/Riley Osborn nxt and Thea Hail vs. Ridge Holland
Hudson and Holland trade punches. Holland knocks Hudson into the corner. Big boot by Hudson. Holland rolls out. Hudson follows and slams Holland’s head into the commentary desk. Hudson clears the commentary desk. Holland attacks Hudson from behind. Hudson sends Holland flying with a slingshot German suplex. The fight spills out of the ring. Hudson grabs the broken Chase U MVP trophy. Before Hudson can hit Holland, but Hail talks him out of it. Holland takes this chance to spear Hudson into Osborne. Osborne is taken away from ringside due to a leg injury. Holland hits the 187 on Hudson for the win.
Winner- Ridge Holland
After the match, Holland beats down Hudson. Holland launches Hudson into the barricade, breaking it in half. Hail screams for Holland to stop as he pounds on Hudson. Holland hits another 187 on the broken barricade.
TNA Knockout Championship Open Challenge: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Sol Ruca
Ruca flips around to avoid Grace. Grace runs over Ruca. Suplex by Grace. Grace lands another suplex for a near fall. Ruca goes up top. Grace pushes Ruca off the ropes, but Ruca hooks her feet under Grace’s arms. Both women fall to the out of the ring. Ruca lands a splash off the top. After the break, Grace sets up the muscle buster. Ruca flips out of it. Ruca goes up top. Grace trips Ruca, slamming her head into the turnbuckle.
Ruca fires up and hits a few springboards. Ruca tries another dive, but Grace rolls through. Before Grace can capitalize, Ruca reverses it into a DDT. Back fist by Grace. Grace front slams Ruca. Vader Bomb by Grace. Grace sets up the Juggernaught Driver. Ruca escapes. Grace hits the muscle buster. The lights go out. When the lights come back up, Rosemary is in the ring. Grace yells for Rosemary to get out of the ring. Wendy Choo appears behind Grace. Choo locks Grace in a choke. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner- Jordynne Grace
Last Man Standing Number One Contender’s Match: Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne
Williams is all over Dunne. Leaping clothesline by Williams. Dunne clotheslines Williams over the top. Dunne sends Williams into the ring steps. Williams and Dunne trade shots. Williams sets up a piledriver on the apron. Dunne counters with a back body drop. While Williams is down, the referee starts the count. After the break, Dunne hits Williams with a chair. Dunne puts a chair on Williams’ hands and stomps it. Williams hits Dunne with the chair. The referee counts. Dunne gets to his feet. Dunne sends Williams into a chair that was propped up in the corner. Williams rolls out of the ring to break the count. Dunne works over Williams. Dunne pulls the protective covering out on the floor, exposing the concrete below.
After a series of reversals, Dunne DDTs Williams on the concrete floor. Williams breaks the count at 9.5. Wrist clutch head stomps by Dunne. Williams breaks the count and misses a running knee strike. Bitter End by Dunne. The referee counts. Williams gets up by the nine count. Dunne misses a chair shot, and Williams lands a boot that sends a chair into Dunne’s face. Dunne manages to get to his feet to break the count. Williams lands the Trick Knee. Dunne breaks the count at 9.9!
Dunne surprises Williams with a powerbomb on a piece of the commentary desk. Williams breaks the count using the barricade to get to his feet. Dunne pushes Williams into the crowd. Williams and Dunne fight up to the bird’s nest. Dunne hits a Russian leg sweep through a table. As the referee start to count both men out. NXT Champion Ethan Page runs down to ringside and screams at Dunne to get up. Williams starts to stir. Page tries to hit Williams with the championship. Williams back body drops Page on the commentary desk, breaking the count. Dunne is still down, but the referee reaches 10.
Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Trick Williams!