Bubba Ray Dudley will be competing in his first match in a WWE ring since he and D-Von Dudley came up short against Sami Zayn and Neville on the SummerSlam 2016 Pre-Show as he joins forces with Trick Williams to go head-to-head with Ethan Page and Ridge Holland. Holland had some choice words about Bubba Ray's radio show "Busted Open" at "NXT" Halloween Havoc and last week's edition of "NXT", and Page has been looking for some retribution against Williams after being unable to dethrone him as NXT Champion at Halloween Havoc. Tensions between the four men culminated last week in both exchanges of words and a physical brawl between them.
NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez will be joining forces with Cora Jade, Jacy Jayne, Jazmyn Nyx, and North American Women's Champion Fallon Henley to take on TNA Wrestling star Jordynne Grace, Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer, Zaria, and Kelani Jordan. The ten women encountered one another last week when Jordan, Jade, and the Fatal Influence members looked to attack Zaria following her win against Brinley Reece last week until Giulia, Vaquer, Jordan, and Grace came to her aid.
Lola Vice looks to settle her differences with Jaida Parker once and for all tonight as the two collide in a Hardcore Match with former ECW star Dawn Marie serving as special guest referee. The issues between Vice and Parker have remained no secret over the course of the past few weeks, with the pair finding themselves in various physical and verbal altercations.
Je'Von Evans will be returning to action tonight after he and Cedric Alexander were unable to dethrone Nathan Frazer and Axiom as NXT Tag Team Champions as he squares off with Wes Lee. Lee and Evans are no strangers to one another in the ring, having faced off in the ring in a handful of singles and tag team matches dating back to a "NXT" live event on May 18.
Additionally, "NXT" General Manager Ava will be sharing an announcement with the "NXT" Universe. Former ECW star Francine will also be making an appearance on tonight's show, as will reigning North American Champion Tony D'Angelo along with Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo, Adriana Rizzo, and Luca Crusifino.
We are live! Vic Joseph and Booker T greet audiences at home as Dawn Marie waits inside the ring Lola Vice and Jaida Parker follow.
Lola Vice vs. Jaida Parker in a Hardcore Match - Dawn Marie Serves As Special Guest Referee
The bell rings and Parker wastes no time going after Vice. She fires off shoulders on her midsection in the corner, then grabs a chair from under the ring and looks to clock Vice with it. Vice catches her with the 305 using the chair, then send her crashing into the ring apron spine first and grabs a table from under the ring. Parker stops her and puts the table back under the ring, then sets up the chair on the ropes and looks to send Vice crashing into it. Vice stops her momentum, then sends Parker crashing into the chair.
Vice looks to pull the table back out from under the ring, but Parker stops Vice once again and puts it back under the ring. Parker dumps Vice in the ring and slides the chair inside, then grabs five more chairs from under the ring. Parker sets up a chair in the corner, and Vice follows suit. Vice then sends Parker crashing into the chair she set up in the corner as she looks to clock Parker. She follows it up with a trio of suplexes onto the other chairs in the ring and a DDT on top of one of them, then goes for a pin but Parker kicks out. Vice then tackles Parker out of the ring.
Back from the break, Parker and Vice set up ladders in opposite corners of the ring. Parker sends Vice crashing into the mat with a spinebuster, then lays Vice on the ladder she set up in the corner and ascends up a second ladder. She lands a Hip Attack on Vice through the ladder, then goes for a pin but Vice kicks out.
Vice locks in a Sleeper on Parker, but Parker rolls under the bottom rope. Vice keeps the hold locked in, but Parker breaks the hold by sending Vice crashing into the ring steps spine first. Parker sends Vice crashing out the other side with a Hip Attack, then looks to land a second one. Vice moves out of the way, and Parker is sent crashing into the ring steps. Vice places a garbage can on Parker back in the ring, then lands three roundhouse kicks on her and connects with a fourth one without the garbage can. She places the garbage can back on Parker's head, then delivers a Hip Attack and goes for a pin. Parker kicks out.
Parker throws a garbage can on Vice, then repeatedly hits her with a kendo stick. Vice returns the favor, but Parker hits her with the lid of the garbage can and sends her crashing into a chair with a Sidewalk Slam. She then sends her crashing into a ladder with a Hip Attack and goes for a pin, but Vice kicks out.
Vice locks in a Sleeper on Parker, but Parker grabs a brick and cracks it across Vice's head. She then goes for a pin, but Vice kicks out. Parker then runs the ropes and connects with a Hip Attack for the win.
Winner: Jaida Parker
We then head backstage and see Rob Van Dam talking with Kelani Jordan. A person then attacks Van Dam and the cameraman, and reveals themselves to be Wes Lee.
Back at ringside, Je'Von Evans makes his way out. Wes Lee follows.
Je'Von Evans vs. Wes Lee
The bell rings and the two lock up. Lee looks to land a hurricanrana on Evans, but Evans avoids it and sets up for a springboard cutter. He rolls up Lee, but Lee kicks out and lands a hurricanrana of his own. Lee sends Evans crashing into the ring apron, then sends him crashing on top of the ring steps with a Brainbuster.
Back from the break, Lee and Evans teeter on the top rope. Evans levels Lee with an avalanche hurricanrana, and the pair exchange right hands with one another before Evans levels Lee with a pair of clotheslines and a kick to his head. Lee rocks Evans with a boot to his face, then lands a kick and sets up for the Kardiak Kick. Evans catches him, but Lee rocks him with a superkick and a poisionrana. He follows it up with a Kardiak Kick and goes for a pin, but Evans kicks out.
Lee grabs a chair from under the ring, then slides in the ring with it. The referee grabs the chair from Lee, and Evans rolls Lee up. Lee kicks out, but Evans delivers a cutter to Lee and lands a second one off the top. He looks to pin Lee, but Lee rolls out of the ring before he can.
Evans looks to land a tope suicida on Lee, but Lee moves out of the way and Evans is sent crashing over the announce desk. Lee dumps Evans back in the ring and grabs the chair again, then looks to hit Evans with the chair. Rob Van Dam's music hits and he makes his way down. Lee looks to hit Van Dam with a chair, but Van Dam moves out of the way. Evans takes advantage and lands a tope suicida on him, then lands a cutter off the top. He follows it up with a Frog Splash off the top for the win.
Winner: Je'Von Evans
We then head backstage and see Eddy Thorpe look to have a word with Ava. Ava promises him that they'll talk, but not right now and makes her way down to the ring alongside Mr. Stone and Stevie Turner.
Ava Has An Announcement
Ava says it's been an exciting night so far and says it's an honor to hold "NXT" in the 2300 Arena. She says the energy is electric and says Philadelphia fans are the most hardcore, then says the Men's and Women's Iron Survivor Challenge will return in Minneapolis, Minnesota at "NXT" Deadline. Mr. Stone then disagrees with Ava saying that Philadelphia fans are the most hardcore because Boston fans are, but the lights go out. When they come back on, Rhyno is standing behind Stone. He then delivers a Gore to him as Stevie Turner cheers on.
Ethan Page and Ridge Holland then make their way out to the ring. Trick Williams and Bubba Ray Dudley follow.
Trick Williams and Bubba Ray Dudley vs. Ethan Page and Ridge Holland
Williams and Holland begin the action. The bell rings and Holland clocks him on the apron. Bubba Ray stares him down, and Williams extends his hand to him in an effort to tag him in. Bubba Ray does so and locks up with Holland, but Holland lands a bodyslam on him and locks back up with him. Bubba Ray lands a shoulder tackle and a back elbow on Holland, then tags in Williams. Williams delivers a double ax handle to Holland off the middle rope as Bubba Ray holds him in place, but Page tags in and rains down right hands on Williams.
Back from the break, Page sends Bubba Ray crashing into the ring post groin first and tags in Holland. Holland wears Bubba Ray down with a submission, but Bubba Ray responds with right hands and left hands. Page tags in and fires off right hands on Bubba Ray.
Williams and Holland tag in, and Williams fires off strikes on Holland. He follows it up with a Flapjack and a uranage, then goes for a pin but Holland kicks out. Page gets Williams up for Ego's Edge, but Bubba Ray saves Williams. Williams lands a neckbreaker on Page, but Holland rolls up Williams for the win.
Winners: Ethan Page and Ridge Holland
After the match, Holland and Page continue beating down Williams. Bubba Ray comes to the aid of Williams and lands a bodyslam on Page, then holds Page in place as Williams ascends to the top. Williams delivers a diving headbutt to Page, then looks for a table under the ring. Williams isn't able to find it, but D-Von Dudley makes his way out to the ring with a table in hand. Bubba Ray and Williams set up the table, then land a double chokeslam on Page through the table.
Back from the break, Nunzio and Tony Mamaluke make their way out to the ring. The Family follows.
Tony D'Angelo (w/ The Family) (c) vs. Nunzio (w/ Tony Mamaluke) for the North American Championship
The bell rings and Nunzio gets in D'Angelo's face. D'Angelo shoves him, but Mamaluke hops up on the apron. D'Angelo then looks to chase Nunzio back in the ring, but Nunzio pulls Mamaluke in the ring. D'Angelo then levels Mamaluke and Nunzio before he dumps Nunzio back inside the ring.
Nunzio delivers a missile dropkick off the middle rope, then follows it up with a Famouser off the middle and goes for a pin. D'Angelo kicks out. Mamaluke pulls out a pair of brass knuckles as Luca Crusifino distracts the referee. Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo hands D'Angelo a crowbar, and D'Angelo tosses it over to Nunzio pretending he was the one to hold it. The referee takes the crowbar from Nunzio, opening the door for D'Angelo to deliver a delayed chokeslam for the win.
Winner (and still): Tony D'Angelo
After the match, D'Angelo and Nunzio hug each other while the rest of The Family and Mamaluke show their respect for one another.
Roxanne Perez, Cora Jade, and Fatal Influence then make their way down to the ring as we see Francine in the audience. Jordynne Grace, Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer, Zaria, and Kelani Jordan follows.
Roxanne Perez, Cora Jade, and Fatal Influence vs. Jordynne Grace, Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer, Zaria, and Kelani Jordan
Jordan and Fallon Henley begin the action. The bell rings and Jordan dropkicks Henley. Henley lands a boot on Jordan's midsection, then follows it up with a chop. Jordan respond with an arm drag and a dropkick, then delivers a handspring back elbow and a low crossbody.
Vaquer tags in and rolls up Henley, but Henley kicks out. Jazmyn Nyx tags in and trips Vaquer, but Vaquer lands a knee on Nyx's midsection and sends her head repeatedly bouncing off the mat. She goes for a pin, but Nyx kicks out. Giulia tags in and double teams on Nyx. Vaquer dials it up for a 619 and Giulia follows it up with a dropkick. The two then deliver a double elbow drop to Nyx.
Perez tags in and shoves Giulia, but Giulia snaps her fingers and sends her crashing into the mat with a variation of a belly-to-belly suplex. Jade tags in and double teams on Giulia with Perez. Perez lands a dropkick on Giulia and Jade pins her, but Giulia kicks out and rolls up Jade. Jade kicks out, but Giulia rocks her with a kick and tags in Zaria.
Zaria steps on Jade's ankle to keep her from tagging out, then sends her crashing into the mat with a back suplex. Jacy Jayne tags in, but Zaria rocks her with a headbutt. Jayne looks to land a hurricanrana on Zaria, but Zaria prevents her from landing it. Everyone else then gets in the ring and begins brawling with each other, but Grace, Zaria, Jordan, Vaquer, and Giulia dump them all out of the ring and send Perez crashing into her stablemates. Jordan then delivers a moonsault off the top rope to take down Perez, Jade, and Fatal Influence.
Back from the break, Jordan rolls up Jayne but Jayne kicks out and sends Jordan crashing out of the ring. She gets her back inside and connects with a senton, then whips her into the corner and looks to land a cannonball. Jordan rolls out of the way, then levels Jayne with a Pele Kick.
Jade tags in and looks to double team on Jordan with Jayne. Jordan makes the tag to Grace, and Grace levels both Jade and jayne with German suplexes. Henley and Nyx intercept her, but Grace takes them both down with a double suplex and delivers a Vader Bomb to Jade. She goes for a pin, but Jade kicks out.
Perez dropkicks Zaria out of the ring, but Giulia takes her down. Jayne levels Giulia with a neckbreaker, but Vaquer connects with a package backbreaker on her. Henley levels Vaquer with a Bulldog, but Jordan takes down Henley with an Angle Slam. Nyx connects with a Pele Kick on Jordan, but Grace levels her with a Death Valley Driver. She turns around into an enzuigiri from Jade.
Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson appear at ringside, but Giulia clocks Jackson and Vaquer levels Legend with a crossbody off the top. Perez then tags in and delivers a tope suicida to Zaria. Jade delivers a cannonball off the top to take down her, Grace, and Jordan. Perez dumps Zaria back in the ring, but Zaria gets Perez up on her shoulders. Perez escapes, but Grace intercepts her. Zaria sets up for a spear on Perez, but Perez moves out of the way and Zaria accidentally spears Grace. Perez sets up for Pop Rox, but Zaria avoids the maneuver and connects with a F5 on her for the win.
Winners: Jordynne Grace, Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer, Zaria, and Kelani Jordan
Jordynne Grace, Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer, Zaria, and Kelani Jordan stand tall in the ring as an irate Perez, Jade, and Fatal Influence watch from the entrance ramp and the show goes off the air.