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NXT No Mercy Live Results (09/01/2024)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Ethan Page will defend the NXT Championship against TNA’s Joe Hendry on tonight’s WWE NXT No Mercy from Denver, Colorado, with former champion Trick Williams as special guest referee.

This is Hendry’s first shot at the NXT title while Page is looking for his third title defense.

NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez will defend against Jaida Parker who won a gauntlet eliminator match to earn the shot.

Just two weeks after winning the titles, NXT Tag Team Champions Chase U (Andre Chase & Ridge Holland) will defend against former champions Axiom & Nathan Frazier in a rematch.

NXT North American Champion Oba Femi will look to continue his impressive run as titleholder as he defends against Tony D’Angelo, while NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan will defend against Wendy Choo.

Fresh off his win for the TNA X-Division Championship at Friday’s Emergence, Zachary Wentz will cross the line into NXT to battle former partner turned enemy Wes Lee.

Nathan Frazer & Axiom defeated Chase U (Andre Chase & Ridge Holland) to regain the Tag Titles

Chase U worked as subtle heel to start with Chase landing a knee to the stomach and Vic Joseph bringing up that if you played the game, that would have been a kitchen sink. Frazer and Ridge had a killer David vs. Goliath vibe with Frazer flipping to evade and Holland taking him down with a delayed butterfly suplex for 2. Superkick party from Axiom and Frazer led to a standing SSP to Chase by Frazer to get 2.

Holland ran wild on Frazer with a double overhook suplex, an overhead belly to belly and a Yokosuka cutter for 2. Axiom came in and ate a powerslam and diving headbutt before Frazer saved at 2.5. Chase tagged in and hit a Spanish Fly and snap tiger driver for 2.5 on Axiom. Holland wanted a double chokeslam on the floor, but ate offense and double dives to avoid that. Chase tagged in and ate an Axiom frog splash and a Frazer springboard 450 for 2!

Frazer’s superkick is avoided by Chase, but it’s turned into a gamenguri to weaken Chase for a superplex and the brainbuster/Golden Ratio hit for 2.5. Golden Ratio missed Chase and hit Frazer before a Holland Clothesline from Hell and powerbomb/backstabber hit for 2.9! An Axiom flash cradle got 2 before a Spanish Fly from Axiom and Phoenix Splash from Frazer win it! Post-match saw Holland beat up Chase U with Thea Hail pleading for him to stop – and she is perfect in this role given how he looks three times her size. Holland stared at his hands after putting Chase into the announce table with the Redeemer/Rampage.

Pete Dunne hype video sets up him starting in wrestling at 12 and being in the business for 18 years and overcoming everything, including being beaten up on a bus by a group of people who didn’t help him. Trick’s side of it focuses on his hardships and like Dunne, blended his real-life toughness with what his character has gone through. The history of Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz is recapped, largely focusing on their WWE history and not getting into Wentz’s release two years ago.

Zachary Wentz defeated Wes Lee

It started off fast with each man countering everything else because they knew each other so well. Wentz got an edge off a dropdown opening the door for a sliding dropkick. Lee swept the leg on the apron and landed some soft kicks on the floor against the LED apron. Wentz landed a handspring knee and got a nice ovation from the crowd and a TNA chant. A Wentz swanton got 2 before a Lee meteora was turned into a mid-ring Boston Crab! Cardiac kick hit for 2 on Wentz before a blockbuster DDT hit and setup some floor combat.

Wentz was sent into the steps, but avoided a meteora to send Lee into and over the steps. A Wes Lee Black Mess sent Wentz into the announce table and through it, so Wes just did the Swerve Stomp to the floor anyway. Hopefully his ankles wind up okay. Trey Miguel showed up at ringside to open the door for a Destroyer by Wentz off the apron to the floor! UFO cutter hit for the win!

Fatal Influence hype video aired after Choo vs. Jordan is advertised. Oba Femi hype video airs before Hank and Tank appear with an Instagram Live video recapping the show so far.

Kelani Jordan defeated Wendy Choo to retain the Women’s North American Title

Jordan got a quick 2 count off a Tiger Mask feint into a schoolgirl. Jordan landed a tornillo to the floor and landed right on her knees hard. A double-backflip moonsault got 2 for Jordan. Choo locked her in a tree of woe on the apron for a dropkick. Sunset flip into the buckle for Choo leads to a basement flatliner. The crowd is beyond dead here – to the point where the PC’s single ceiling fan made more noise than the fans are here. Jordan landed a Pele kick and a sitout DDT for 2.

Choo landed a powerbomb and full nelson slam for 2. They go up top for a superplex in theory before they each just fall off and Choo locked on the cobra clutch. Jordan doesn’t quite fire up, but responds to avoid losing and landed a frog splash and split-leggedmoonsault to win to no reaction. This was a scary match crowd reaction-wise. After the match, Tatum Paxley jumped Wendy Choo and locked on the dragon sleeper to “stunned silence” according to Vic Joseph – so now he brings up how quiet the fans were.

Jaida Parker hype video airs and we see Thea Hail leave with Andre Chase in an ambulance. Backstage, Ridge Holland offered no explanation for what he did. In a strange move given how many video packages have aired, Oba Femi vs. D’Angelo got none to actually build it up – but just the one to showcase Femi with Booker saying that Oba Femi passes the airport test.

Oba Femi defeated Tony D’Angelo to retain the North American Title

Collar and elbow to start with Femi turning it into a headlock and then sending the Don down with a tackle. D’Angelo hits a Cactus Jack-style clothesline sending Femi and himself to the floor before landing a flying forearm mid-ring. Femi snap suplexed him down for 2 before a Bob Roop-style shoulderbreaker got 2.5. Femi boxed the ears with D’Angelo going for a belly to belly before they work to the floor for an apron DDT from D’Angelo.

Femi recovered and landed an overhead belly to belly before a Ken Shamrock-style standing side belly to belly got 2. They go back and forth on forearms before D’Angelo landed a powerslam and an electric chair drop got 2. D’Angelo got 2 off a spear, but ate a tossing back suplex and a Cactus clothesline from Femi. Femi hit the pop-up powerbomb for 2.9! D’Angelo hit a Ron Simmons-style spinebuster, but couldn’t follow up. Femi landed a powerbomb and then rolled him into a Batista bomb to win it. This was one of D’Angelo’s best singles matches yet and showed a powerhouse side that is rarely-seen while Femi sold more than usual and looked good doing so – an excellent showcase for both men who saw their stocks rise here.

Backstage, Trick Williams told Ethan Page to abide by his rules or he’ll whoop that Trick. Backstage, Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz chat and Wentz says he’s got one brother left and they want the new tag champs. Roxanne Perez vs. Jaida Parker is hyped up once again before Parker gets the now-traditional one-shot big entrance.

Roxanne Perez defeated Jaida Parker to retain the NXT Women’s Title

Parker and Perez got into a game of one upsmanship with escaping ground moves – with Perez flipping out of a headscissor before returning the slap from the TV interview. Perez dove to the floor and almost ate a DVD on the floor before escaping and slamming Parker’s injured ribs into the steps and then arm-trapping her before stomping her ribs into the steps again. Perez brought her in for a trio of stomps to the stomach. Roxanne reminds me a lot of a female Bret Hart here – using every part of the environment to logically take advantage of an opportunity.

A kneeling abdominal stretch keeps the edge going for Perez. The top rope tear drop that worked against Parker earlier and opened the door for Perez’s advantage finally paid off and got 2 for Parker. Parker hit a slick inverted suplex, but Perez locked on the crossface before turning it into a Rings of Saturn with elbows to the ribs before Parker powered up and Samoan dropped her. Sole butt hit for Perez but Pop Rocks is avoided and sends her to the floor where Parker missed a hip attack through the timekeeper’s barricade. Pop Rocks on the fallen barricade on the floor leads to another in the ring and a title retention for The Prodigy. Match of the Night so far. Giulia walked out to staredown Roxanne and boy does she just fit in right away from second one. That will probably be the Halloween Havoc women’s title match.

Ava announces that Hank and Tank, Gallus and the Rascalz fight Tuesday for a no. 1 contender’s tag title triple threat and the winner of the NXT Title match will have an NXT CW show debut title match. Trick came out for the main event and Booker T is on fire for this and for anything involving Roxanne. Joe Hendry went from working any job he could during the pandemic-era of ROH to make ends meet to now main eventing a WWE PLE.

Ethan Page defeated Joe Hendry to retain the NXT Title

Hendry kipped up after a headlock takeover from Page as “We Believe” chants break out. Hendry walked around with Page in a slam position before delivering a suplex for 2. Page got a front choke that Hendry turned into another suplex for 2. Page wanted a superplex, but it’s almost turned into an avalanche Standing Ovation before Page turned that into an avalanche powerslam for 2.5. Hendry hit a superplex and an Air Sabut to the floor.

Page recovers with an Ego’s Edge on the floor. Hendry landed an Ego’s Edge mid-ring for 2.5! Hendry got a fallaway slam and a huge “We Believe” chant for stomping his foot before hitting the Standing Ovation, but Page got his foot under the rope to break the count. Page shoved Hendry into Trick and hit a Standing Ovation and got 2.5 with a replacement ref counting. Page hit a DDT on the belt before Trick slid in to prevent the new ref from counting three. Page hit a low blow and a standing Ego’s Edge ala Hernandez’s Border Toss to win it.

Pete Dunne jumped Trick on the floor and landed the Bitter End on the floor to further cement their match for Tuesday.


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