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ROH Final Battle Results (12/20/2024)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Ring of Honor returns for its final streaming special of the year with tonight’s Final Battle from the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City.

ROH Women’s World Champion Athena defends against former Women’s TV Champion Billie Starkz while ROH World Champion Chris Jericho defends against Matt Cardona.

Men’s TV Champion Brian Cage will defend his title in a six-way Survival of the Fittest match while Women’s TV Champion Red Velvet defends against Leyla Hirsch.

Pure Champion Lee Moriarty defends in an open challenge while ROH Tag Team Champions Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara defend against The Righteous in a bullrope match.

The main card is rounded out by Katsuyori Shibata vs. Tommy Billington; Mansoor vs. Atlantis Jr.; and Jay Lethal vs. QT Marshall.

The Zero Hour pre-show will feature the Undisputed Kingdom vs. The Infantry; Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Dark Order; Lee Johnson & EJ Nduka vs. Gates of Agony; and Harley Cameron vs. Hanako.

It is the final battle of the year, live from the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC as we kick off the appropriately named FINAL BATTLE 2024! Starting with ZERO HOUR!

The Grizzled Young Veterans (Zack Gibson and James Drake) defeated The Dark Order (John Silver and Alex Reynolds w/Evil Uno)

Kicking off Zero Hour is a match with a little bit of a story to it. A couple of weeks ago, Gibson and Drake noticed that some extras were eating catering before they got a chance to. That resulted in them beating up said extras. John Siver of the Dark Order saw this and didn’t like it, so he stole the Vet’s trademark scarves in retaliation. Then there was an 8-man tag match and now we’re here (Hey, I said it was a “little bit” of a story).

Reynolds and Drake started things off with a standard tie up, but it wasn’t long before Gibson asked for a tag and was granted it. He took the fight to Reynolds, but it Silver quickly tagged in. What Silver lacks in speed he makes up for in strength. Both he and Gibson were able to go toe to toe, because what they both lack in hair, they make up for in talent!

Silver’s strategy seemed to be working for a submission, which was and interesting tactic against two very good technical wrestlers. Drake dragged him to the top rope but Silver flipped things and executed a hurricanrana, opening up hot tags for both Reynolds and Gibson. They flew at each other until Reynolds stacked Gibson up with a powerbomb.

The Dark Order took over with a Reynolds and Silver hitting a spiked spear/suplex on Drake the outside. The Vets followed that a few minutes later with a standing Doomsday device on Reynolds. At this point, Uno got involved (waving papers like the late Brodie Lee). Gibson grabbed the papers and tore them up, distracting everyone enough to allow Silver and Reynolds to land a fully of suplexes, stunners and double kicks on Drake, who was pulled outside at 2 by Gibson.

Silver then seemed to have pulled a hamstring which the Vets took and vantage of to hit a High/Low to get a pin and take the win. No scarves were hurt in this match.

Hanako defeated Harley Cameron

Cameron, a former Outcast, has been hanging around ROH sporadically over the last few months, usually to passive-aggressively take shots at Rachel Ellering for some reason. Hanako is a joshi star in the Stardom promotion and she and her tag partner Maika were runners up in the Goddesses of Stardom Tag League 2024 Final tournament this year.

Cameron started the match by doing some warmup pushups. The very-tall-for-a-Joshi-star Hanako didn’t let it go for long though, using her strength and size to whip Cameron into the ropes for a big shoulder block. Cameron tried to lift Hanako up, but did not have the power. Switching tactics, Cameron punched her in the back instead.

Hanako landed a big stalling suplex to keep momentum in her favour. Cameron was clearly outmatched here and ate strike after strike for her efforts. Cameron lured Hanako to the outside and duped her into running into the steel ring steps. That gave Cameron an opening to finally get some offence in.

Hanako battled back, hanging Cameron up in a Tree of Woe. Cameron countered it though and hit a Backstabber and a shining wizard. Cameron tried a splash from the top rope but Hanako caught her mid air and Torture Rack Slammed her to get the pin.

The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) defeated The Infantry (Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo w/Trish Adora & Shane Taylor)

Since joining up with Shane Taylor Promotions a few weeks ago, the Infantry have shown a newfound aggressive streak and certain, shall we say, morally casual attitude. The Undisputed Kingdom started the year as ROH Tag Team Champions and since then have made impacts elsewhere, most notably Matt Taven’s quest to become the ROH Pure Champion.

Bravo and Dean jumped Taven and Bennett as they approached the ring, getting the upper hand before the bell. They put Bennett into the barricade and then Taven dove over the top rope to nail both Bravo and Dean. Then the match started, for reals, with Bennett and Bravo as legal.

The Infantry were agressive in this match, with Dean hitting a brutal cutter on Taven on the ring apron (the hardest part of the ring!). Taven and Bennett were separated early and Taven found himself in the middle of a bunch of double teams in the Infantry’s corner. Bravo caused a distraction and Taylor punched Taven square in the face behind the ref’s back.

The Kingdom for their part were trying to find something, anything, to throw at their (seemingly four) opponents. In the end though it was good ol’ kicks to the face that got a hot tag to Bennett who cleaned house and unloaded a series of chops on Dean, and then Bravo. Bennett then used Dean as a weapon, Spiccoli Driver-ing him onto his partner Bravo.

A hot tag to Taven brought him in fresh to clear the Infantry out of the ring with kicks. Bravo was left in the ring to take a Spiccoli Driver and Just the Tip from the Kingdom, but it was only worth a two count. Taylor jumped up on the ring apron to cause a distraction so Adora could hit Taven and set up Bennett for a Boot Camp. But this too was only, uh, two.

Taven wrapped Dean around the ring post, leaving Bravo open for a Rockstar Supernova and a pin from Bennett to get the Undisupted Kingdom the win.

Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona) defeated LEEJ (Lee Johnson and EJ Nduka)

The horribly named LEEJ (Lee Johnson and EJ Nduka) take on the Gates of Agony here in what is kind of a grudge match? Johnson has had singles matches against Liona (lost) and Kaun (won) with Nduka as his backup in case things got out of hand. Liona in particular has it out for Johnson and stopped Kaun from showing respect to him on the last episode of ROH On Honorclub.

Johnson and Liona kicked things off with Johnson having Liona a little more scouted this time and fed him all the speed. Liona was taken aback, allowing Nduka to tag in and assault, I mean, isolate him in the corner. Johnson tagged in and Liona got him with a massive backbreaker on the top turnbuckle, followed up by a devastating dropkick and suplex on the outside.

It was then the Gates’ turn to isolate, dragging Johnson to their corner for repeated cannonballs, chops and stomps. Johnson finally got a tag to Nduka and he faced off against Liona, tow big men swinging big arms in a violent manner until Nduka got Liona off his feet with a big Lariat, followed by a Spear.

Liona got Nduka off his feet and they stomped him in the corner. All four men entered the ring and started hitting finishers. Finally Nduka climbed to the top of the ringpost and hit a massive moonsault on Kaun for a two count. Kaun dragged Nduka outside and Liona drove his head into the steel steps with his knee. Kaun caught Johnson and Slammed him on the same steps.

Kaun dragged Johnson back into the ring and hit two huge double powerbombs on him to get the victory.

After the match, The Gates tried to show respect, but LEEJ beat them down!

And now…. Final Battle! Kicking things off is what’s sure to be a banger:

Atlantis Jr defeated Mansoor (w/ Mason Madden)

The Story So Far: There isn’t one! Mansoor is one half of the crowd-favourite MxM Collection and Atlantis Jr is a CMLL star and former ROH TV Champion. These guys are both excellent in the ring though and have some history.

Tips were touched and the match started with the two similarly sized men wrestling until Mansoor took Atlantis down with a quick rollup. From there, Mansoor controlled the match and the posing. He had a takedown and pose for everything Atlantis threw at him. This earned his respect and the two men shook hands. Really.

Then it was Atlantis’ turn for some offence getting a few quick two counts before putting Mansoor in a Figure-4-like knee hold. Madden got involved, grabbing Atlantis and pulling him to the floor to pose on the ring apron (the sexiest part of the ring!). Mansoor dragged Atlantis back in for a series of suplexes.

Mansoor went for Atlantis’ mask but couldn’t get it off. Atlantis tried to fight out of it, but a big kick put him back down. Atlantis got his second wind and hit a series of backbreakers on Mansoor. Atlantis hit a really impressive trap slam for a two count and then went to the top rope. Madden distracted him, yelling “booga booga booga.” Really.

Mansoor hit a really hard looking slam in the corner that dropped Atlantis square on the head. From there, the two battled back and forth until Atlantis went for a splash, but Mansoor got his knee up. Mansoor played hurt, giving Madden a chance to get involved, slamming Atlantis in the ring. Madden then posed, but who should appear from under the ring?


He punched Madden in the junk while Atlantis tossed Mansoor out of the ring. He dove over the top rope onto Madden and Mansoor. Then, he dragged Mansoor back in the ring and hit a big splash to get the pin and the win.

After the match, Madden head butted Atlantis in the ring, beating him up until interrupted by Danhausen. He cursed Madden and poured teeth in his mouth. Danhausen then raised Atlantis’ hand as Madden slunk away.

-Backstage the Nueve, Chris Jericho was interviewed, but the first part was cut off due to technical audio issues. When it was resolved though, Jericho declared New York as his home town and listed a bunch of purposely wrong facts about New York and it’s local sports teams. It was delightfully insulting. He promised to leave the “Grand Apple” as still ROH Champion.

Katsuyori Shibata defeated Tommy Billington

The Story So Far: Tommy Billington is the nephew of the legendary Dynamite Kid. Dynamite was one of the best wrestlers to ever lace them up, so it makes sense that his son is fighting Shibata, a guy who calls himself “The Wrestler.” Yeah, I know that’s a stretch to connect, but it’s really all the reasoning I’ve got for this one. All I know is that this is going to be a very, very good match.

A tie up off the top led to some spectacular technical chain wrestling. Applause broke out. Billington got a solid headlock on Shibata and ground him down to the mat. Shibata literally did a headstand to break a hold and slap an ankle lock on Billington. Billington reversed it and sent Shibata through the ropes, following it up with a dive onto Shibata on the outside.

Back in the ring, Shibata locked in a figure four on Billington in the center of the ring. Billington turned it over, putting the pressure back on Shibata. The two rolled back and forth a few times until a rope break. They then traded suplexes, ending with Shibata planting Billington with a leg sweep.

Shibata got Billington in a triangle choke while Ian Riccaboni shouted Canadian city names. Billington managed to get to the ropes, breaking the hold and sending Shibata to the mat with a clothesline. Billington went to the top rope and hit a huge DDT from the top rope! Shibata bounced back though and locked in a sleeper hold until Billington was forced to tap.

An excellent, excellent match though!

Jay Lethal (w/Karen Jarrett and Sanjay Dutt) defeated QT Marshall (w/Aaron Solo)

The Story So Far: QT Marshall and Jay Lethal were both big deals in ROH at one time or another. Lethal returned to ROH a few weeks ago looking to enter the title picture. For some reason, Marshall took great offense to this, thinking that Lethal should be wrestling him if he wants fame and glory. So… now they’re going to fight. But first, duelling awesome Macho Man entrances for both.

The match exploded to a start with Lethal going high early and knocking Marshall out of the ring. Marshall lured Lethal out and drove him into the barricade before tossing him back in. Lethal seemed to bounce back out with a suicide dive though.

Back in the ring, Marshal landed a tornado DDT but Lethal fought back and the two had a flurry of chain wrestling. Marshall bounced Lethal’s head off the top rope and that slowed things down considerably. Marshall tried to get the upper hand, but Lethal was ready for it and the two exchanged blows until Lethal hit a neckbreaker. He followed that up with a figure four leglock.

Marshall tried a quick rollup but no dice as Lethal resonded with a big bang. Lethal climbed to the top rope but was knocked off by Solo. Solo started harassing the Karen Jarrett and suddenly, music hit. Jeff Jarrett stomped down to the ring and hit him with a guitar.

Back in the ring, Marshall hit Lethal with the CrossRhodes of all things, but it only got a two count. He went for a super diamong cutter, but Lethal dodged it and led him into a cutter off the ropes. Lethal missed a Lethal Injection, and Marshall tried one of his own in response.

The two traded forearms and near falls until Lethal managed to land a picture perfect pair of Lethal Injections to get the win.

For a long time, I’ve been wondering about the point of this match and now it is clear: it was to allow a thousand Macho Man impressions to ring out in one glorious Hammerstein Ballroom chorus!

ROH Women’s World TV Championship: Red Velvet (c ) defeated Leyla Hirsch

The Story So Far: These are two women who are very good at very violent wrestling and they do not like each other. Velvet has been the ROH Women’s TV Champion since Death Before Dishonor when she won it from Billie Starkz. Velvet has successfully defended it against Diamante twice, once in a brutal street fight. Now she takes on Hirsch who got hurt in a Texas Death Match against the aforementioned Diamante, and was out for the latter half of the year, returning a few weeks ago.

Velvet was rapped to the ring by excellent MC, Red, and then she and Hirsch locked up. Velvet had a height advantage on Hirsch, but Hirsch hit hard and hit a lot. Her strength more than evened the odds as she sent Velvet to the mat and attempt an armbar. Velvet squirmed away though, taking a second to reset.

Velvet came out swinging though, sending Hirsch to the corner for some big stomps. Hirsch fought back though, suplexing Velvet. This managed to make Velvet mad though and she shot up and knocked Hirsch to the mat. Hirsch stomped Velvet’s arm in retaliation and flipped her into the turnbuckles.

Hirsch landed a swingout german suplex from the top rope on Velvet, but it only got a two count. Velvet grabbed at her shoulder and she and Hirsch rose, trading open handed slaps. Hirsch caught Velvet though and got her up for a power bomb followed by a springboard moonsault and then good ol’ kick in the arm.

Hirsch worked the arm while Velvet screamed in pain. Hirsch landed a shining wizard but got cocky on the pin and only got a two. Hirsch then locked an armbar on Velvet’s injured arm. Velvet rose and turned it into a powerbomb to get Hirsch off her. Velvet landed a solid right hand on Hirsch, seemingly knocking her cold. Velvet went for Mama’s Kitchen, but Hirsch was playing possum and fought out of it.

Velvet then dove under the ring and grabbed a spare turnbuckle. The ref rook it away from her, and went to put it to the side. Velvet produced a hidden wrench while his back was turned and hit Hirsch with it, knocking her out and allowing Velvet to get the pin and retain the ROH Women’s TV Title.

ROH Pure Championship Open Challenge: Lee Moriarty (c ) vs ????

The Story So Far: Lee Moriarty has been ROH Pure Champion since July, taking the title from Wheeler Yuta at Death Before Dishonor. He’s successfully defended it three times against the likes of Angelico, Preston Vance and most recently, Matt Taven. Now he wants to take on the “best of the best” and has issued an open challenge.

If this is your first rodeo, a Pure Rules match has a 30-minute time limit. Each competitor gets three rope breaks and one closed fist warning. After that they can be disqualified. Any outside interference is a DQ and can cause a title change. If there is no clear winner by pinfall or submission by the time limit the match will be awarded based on points by a panel of judges. Fun Fact: this has never happened to my knowledge (I didn’t look very hard though). Tonight the judges are: Jerry Lynn, Christopher Daniels and Rocky Romero.

Shane Taylor accompanied Moriarty to the ring and who is the brave soul answering the Open Challenge? Why none other than legendary former ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness!

Moriarty was shocked but pleased to see one of the greatest Pure Champions in ROH history. In fact it was McGuinness that retired the original version of the title before it was revived a few years ago. McGuinness and Moriarty have a long history too as training partners and opponents. This is honestly way better than anyone that had been speculated about!

McGuinness pulled out a Mic and suggested they do this under the “old” Pure title rules. Taylor got a mic and ran down McGuiness as old news. McGuiness goaded Taylor and Moriarty in a very non PG way. Moriarty asked Taylor to let him do this the old way and Taylor reluctantly agreed. So, what are the “old” rules?

No Judges (See? Told you), wins are gotten by pinfall or submission. Three rope breaks are allowed and zero closed fists. Simple, no?

The match started with back and forth wristlocks, which in any other match would be boring, but in a Pure Match they are impossible to look away from. At 2:03, Moriarty accidentally used a rope break when McGuiness got him too close to it. This is a vintage McGuinness strategy.

At 2:54, McGuinness took a shot from Moriarty that the ref deemed a closed fist and docked Moriarty a rope break. That incensed Taylor who demanded a second official to keep the other one honest. A ref came to the ring and the match resumed with duelling waistlocks and open handed palm strikes.

McGuinness began working Moriarty’s elbow and shoulder, pushing him closer and closer to using that third rope break. Moriarty reversed it into a Border City Stretch at 5:40, causing McGuinness to use a rope break. Taylor lured McGuinness to the outside and Moriarty tried to jump him, but McGuinness moved, leading to Moriarty hitting Taylor. The ref counted and Moriarty beat the count by one second, diving back into the ring.

Moriarty delivered a huge Eurpoean uppercut to McGuinness and went up to the turnbuckle. McGuinness popped up and hit a London Bridge to get a two count. The two traded pinning attempts until Moriarty locked in a second Border City Stretch, forcing rope break #2 for McGuinness at 9:56.

Moriarty locked in a third Border City Stretch and McGuinness needed to use his final rope break at 10:44. From here on out, there would be no saving McGuinness on the ropes. Speaking of, Moriarty used the rope as leverage in a pinning attempt, but the second ref caught him. McGuinness hit Moriarty with a big lariat, but he couldn’t get a three count on the champion.

McGuinness hit another London Bridge and the Ref counted to three, but the second official saw Moriarty’s foot on the rope and since he had one rope break left, the pin didn’t count. That meant that all rope breaks had been exhausted as the two men traded blows in the center of the ring.

The time hit 15:09 as Moriarty tried a quick pin attempt that McGuinness kicked out of. Yet another Border City Stretch was applied, but McGuinness had no more rope breaks. He struggled until he could flip the hold. Moriarty hit a massive DDT, but again only got a two count. Back to the Border City Stretch and Moriarty used the ropes (which was now legal) as leverage and McGuinness was forced to tap out.

The crowd and Moriarty gave McGuinness his flowers, the champion raising the challenger’s hand.

ROH Tag Team Championship Texas Bull Rope Match: The Sons of Texas (Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara) (c ) defeated The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch)

The Story So Far: Ok, I’ll try to tell this story as succinctly as possible. Sammy Guevara and Dustin Rhodes won the ROH Tag titles from the Undisputed Kingdom back in August. Since then they’ve defeated the Dark Order, a couple of low-tier teams and the Undisputed Kindom in a Bunkhouse Brawl Match. The Righteous, Dutch and Vincent, decided they were done just hurting people and want some gold to go with said hurting. They turned their attention to Rhodes and Guevara (now going by the name Sons of Texas). Dutch was trained in part by Rhodes’ father, the incomparable Dusty Rhodes and has a special bullrope and cowbell that the American Dream gifted him.

Dutch has used that to get under Rhodes’ skin, saying the Dusty wished he was his sin instead of Dustin! The two teams have jumped each other in the back, played mind games and on the last episode of ROH on Honorclub, The Righteous jumped Rhodes at his training facility and left him in a pool of his own blood. This is a bitter, bitter feud that will be settled in a double Bull Rope match which means, essentially there are no rules and they will be linked to each other by the wrist by a bullrope.

Before the ropes could be applied though, Rhodes and Guevara attacked Dutch and Vincent, battling in, out and around the ring with the Righteous getting the better result. They thew Rhodes and Guevara back in the ring as the ref tried to attach the ropes. Vincent and Dutch kicked those ropes away and the brawl continued.

Guevara and Rhodes got the advantage and beat down Dutch and Vincent. They grabbed the ropes and Rhodes attached himself to Dutch, and Guevara tied himself to Vincent. The bell rang and the “match” “officially” “began.”

Rhodes and Guevara set the Righteous up on opposite corners and hit tandem Shattered Dreams. The Righteous used the bells on the ropes to re-arrange Rhodes and Guevara’s faces. The ropes at this point were becoming a bit of an issue as well. The pairs kept getting tangled with each other in the ring. So Rhodes, brought Dutch to the outside and hit him with a chair. Meanwhile, in the ring, Vincent used his rope to wrench Guevara’s arm.

Rhodes and Dutch fought up the ramp with Rhodes using the bell to punish Dutch. Dutch responded with a Bossman slam, knocking the wind out of him. Dutch then produced a table covered in barbed wire. He dragged the table and Rhodes to ringside and dragged him to the top of the ringpost. Rhodes blocked it though and sent Ditch flying backwards through his own barbed wire table!

The two pairs were close to each other on the outside, so Vincent knocked Rhodes silly. That fired up Guevara, but Vincent used the rope to send him into the ring post and hit an Orange Sunshine. Vincent then pulled a pair of scissors from under the ring and cut himself out of the bullrope. Now loose, and with Guevara out, Vincent used the rope to choke Rhodes against the ring post.

Rhodes held on until his arms went limp and just before the ref called the match, Guevara jumped in and took out Vincent. Guevara hit a cutter off the barricade on Vincent and went under the ring. He brought out a table (no barbed wire on this one) and set it up. He then went back for a ladder and set it up next to the table. Guevara placed Vincent on the table via kick to the face and climbed the ladder.

Guevara paused at the top of the ladder and then launched himself down onto Vincent, but Guevara took too much time and Vincent rolled off the table, sending Guevara plummeting through it. Vincent then faced off against Rhodes in the middle of the ring. Rhodes had him on his heels, but was still tied to Dutch, hampering his movements. Dustin went to remedy this and Dutch smashed the cowbell over his head.

Vincent and Dutch wailed on Rhodes in the ring while the crowd booed. Rhodes wouldn’t quit though and took shots from both until Vincent hit Orange Sunshine. The ref began to count and Guevera popped up and broke up the pin. Guevara hit a cutter on Dutch and sent Vincent to the outside.

Rhodes and Dutch faced off in the ring with Rhodes hitting the biggest Texas Destroyer in the Lone Star State. Guevara slipped him the Rhodes Family Cowbell and an emotional Rhodes pointed to the sky in a touching gesture. Then he smashed Dutch in the face with the bell and got the pin to retain the titles for his team.

ROH World TV Championship Survival of The Fittest Match: Komander defeated Brian Cage (c ), AR Fox, Blake Christian, Willie Mack and Mark Davis

The Story So Far: Brian Cage is the ROH World TV Champion. That’s it. He won the belt from Atlantis Jr on the Zero Hour of AEW Wrestledream 2024 and don’t think about why ROH titles change hands on non-ROH shosw too hard, it will hurt. Speaking of hurt, Cage has successfully defended the title against AR Fox while working a double as part of the Callis Family in AEW and ROH. Now he must defend against five other worthy competitors in Fox, Komander, Mack, Davis and for some reason Blake Christian. Christian is totally worthy as well, but I don’t really understand how he got here.

Cage entered last as the Champion is known to do and did so in his Callis Family black gear. A shame as Cage’s ring attire has been awesome in the past, but this new subdued Cage is equally scary. The bell rang and immediately, Christian dragged Komander out of the ring and someone shoved Mack. they didn’t show who, but he flew through the ropes none the less.

After the opening brawl, Cage and Davis faced off. Davis seems to be a cross between JBL and what Cage would look like if he didn’t work out. He tossed Cage out of the ring, just in time for Mack to jump back in. The always underestimated-ly fast Mack sent Davis out of the ring with a high knee. Fox jumped in then and immediately jumped back out onto Christian, then inand out again onto Cage and Mack. Then just a plain ol’ kick to Komander as he pulled him back in the ring.

Komander did his superhero thing which confused the heck out of Fox. Komander threw him out of the ring with in what was rapidly becoming a reverse-battle-royal of a match. Komander went high and tried a 450, but Fox was gone and Christian was in the ring to catch him. As was becoming a theme, Christian then dove back out of the ring.

In the ring, Cage fought off Davis, Fox and Komander. He then suplexed Komander and Fox AT THE SAME TIME. Grabbing Komander, Cage lifted him above his head with only one hand! In case it isn’t obvious, Cage is very strong. Mack got into the ring and stacked Fox and Komander on his shoulders for a fall away slam x2. He then delivered a standing moonsault to Davis and Cage came back in to get a stunner. Fox, Davis and Christian thought that looked fun, so they both took a stunner each from Mack. Komander got a special Super Stunner, and then Cage jumped back in and pinned Mack.

It was here that we discovered that this was an Elimination match.

Fox took advantage and DDT’d both Cage and Davis. He then hit a stunner on Christian followed by a sit-down Powerbomb. Fox DDT’d Komander on the ring apron and then did a cannonball flip onto the crowd gathering outside the ring. Fox hit a spanish fly and a 450 on Komander but it was only a 2-count. Cage then got involved and powerbombed Fox from the top rope to pin him for elimination.

Davis and Cage faced off next, with big fists being thrown at big heads. Unfortunately, Christian got too close and caught a punch in the face for his trouble. Davis and Cage traded about a dozen German suplexes and Komander hit a high flying move on Davis, sending him to the outside. Komander almost eliminated Cage, but Cage caught him midair and slammed him. Christian tried to use the distraction to roll up the champion and Cage threw him from the ring.

Davis took control with a big lariat to Cage followed by a piledriver. Davis then pinned Cage, eliminating him and guaranteeing a new ROH TV Champion! Christian took advantage of the shock and eliminated Davis with a rollup, leaving Komander and Christian as the final two!

Komander went high with a big crossbody and Christian returned a kick for it. The two battled in the ring, trading suplexes and high flying move attempts. Christian dropkicked Komander from the top rope, and locked in a half-surfboard to jam Komander’s knees into the mat. Komander slithered around Christian and locked in an abdominal stretch, but Christian backed him into the turnbuckle.

Komander went to the top rope and Christian shoved him off of it, diving through the ropes and driving Komander into the barricade. Christian put him back in the ring and went up for a splash. Komander moved though and the two traded super- and dropkicks.

Komadner hit a super-poisonrana and Christian staggerd from the ring. Komander hit a massive flipping splash on him outside the ring and dragged him back in. Komander walked the ropes, but Christian knocked the ref into the ropes, sending him off. Christian then hit a curb stomp, but it only got a two-count.

Christan hit a side slam from the second rope on Komander, but Komander responded with a Mexican Destroyer. He then hit Christian with a 619 and a Shooting Star press to get the pin, eliminate Christian and become the new ROH Television Champion!

-Kanemaru and Sho were announced as the opponents for the Sons of Texas in a match for the ROH Tag Team Titles at Wrestledream. Neat.

ROH World Championship: Chris Jericho (c ) defeated Matt Cardona

The Story So Far: Mark Briscoe was a wildly popular ROH World Champion, but met his match when he ran up against “The Nueve” Chris Jericho in a Ladder War. Jericho walked away with the title and has successfully defended it against Tomohiro Ishii on (checks notes) AEW Dynamite. Aside from that, the Champion has cut a few promos but has barely been shown on ROH TV, except in pre-taped footage. Somehow, the challenger has had even less to do with ROH in the same period.

Matt Cardona has become one of the top Indie stars in the world in the last few years, winning titles and matches in just about every promotion with three ropes and some turnbuckles. He arrived in ROH a few weeks ago to take this shot at Jericho’s title. So, to recap: The ROH Champion who is never on ROH is taking on a worthy challenger who has also not been on ROH. Regardless of how little sense it makes though, these two haven’t met since 2016 where Cardona got a win over Jericho and should put on one hell of a match!

Cardona entered from outside the building on the frigid streets of New York. He walked through the front doors of the Hammerstein all the way to the ring. His Ghostbusters-themed gear was looking fantastic and he gave his parents at ringside a hug.

Jericho entered with the “Nuev-ettes” to the dulcet tones of Frank Sinatra singing “New York, New York.” He also had a foam Statue of Liberty hat that only a tourist would wear on his head.

Cardona had Jericho on his heels early in the match, coming at him aggressive and fast. He dragged Jericho over to where his father was sitting and Cardona Sr. pie-faced him. Cardona Jr. then threw Jericho into the steel ringsteps.

Cardona picked up the ROH Title belt and brought it into the ring as Jericho staggerd to his feet. Cardona whipped Jericho with with the belt. Bryan Keith tried to help on Jericho’s behalf, but Cardona dispatched him and leapt onto Keith and Jericho on the outside. Finally, Jericho managed to get a backdrop onto the ramp to stop Cardona’s rampage.

Jericho waited in the ring, urging the Ref to count Cardona out. Cardona made it back at 19 though to avoid ending the match and Jericho chopped him in the corner. Jericho battled back and sent Cardona to the outside where Keith stomped him while the count started again. Cardona made it back faster this time though and Jericho took control of the match, jeering at the crowd.

Jericho exited the ring and confronted Cordona’s Dad, returning the pie face. That brought out the rage in Cardona and he charged Jericho, who dodged and sent him into the ringsteps. Jericho then grabbed a camera, played with it for a second, then put it down and slammed Cardona into the steps again, followed by sending him face-first into the ringpost.

Jericho, cocky now, got Cardona back in the ring and began toying with him. Chops, light kicks, soft covers. It was enough to wake up Cordona who began trading chops with Jericho. Jericho came out on top and set Cardona up for a frankensteiner.

Cardona recovered and drop-kicked Jericho, looking for a surprise pin. It was only a two count through and Jericho executed a Lionsault to get his own two-count. He went for the Lion Tamer, but Cardona reversed it into a spine buster. The crowd began to “Woo” as Cardona went to the top rope. Jericho climbed the ladder though and and superplexed him. Cardona no-sold it though and hit a tiger driver. Jericho responded with a Codebreaker, but it only got a two.

Jericho finally got Cardona in the Liontamer, but Cardona wriggled out and Keith climbed up on the apron with the ROH Title belt. Cardona shoved Jericho into him, knocking him off. Jericho battled back and locked in a second Liontamer. Cardona was able to get to the rope this time, where Big Bill was waiting! He kicked Cardona in the face and Jericho went for a pin but Cardona wasn’t done yet!

Cardona hit a codebreaker of his own and came within a hair of winning the title before Jericho kicked out. Cardona hit a Ruff Ryder from the tope rope and went fort a pin, but Bill distracted the ref and Kieth jumped in to hit Cardona with the belt. Jericho rolled over him and got the pin to retain the ROH World Championship.

After the match, Big Bill and Kieth beat up Cardona in the ring. They choked him out until the one and only Bandito made his return and ran to the ring to clear it out and save Cardona.

ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena (c ) defeated Billie Starkz

The Story So Far: Athena and Starkz may be destined to do this forever. Last year at Final Battle 2023, these two had a violent barnburner of a match. Since then, Stakz and Athena grew close, with Athena making Starkz one of her Minions along with Lexy Nair. Starkz won the inaugural ROH Women’s TV Title Tournament, but lost the belt to Red Velvet, disappointing the Minion Overlord (Athena).

Since then, Athena has demoted Starkz to Minion-in-Training and generally treated her like an afterthought. That frustrated Starkz who got mopier and mopier until it all boiled over during a tag match on the most recent ROH on HonorClub. After Athena used her as a weapon to get a victory (like literally threw her at her opponents several times), Starkz snapped and destroyed Athena’s custom ROH Women’s World Title. That brought about a brutal brawl (wow, lotta “b’s” there) that left Starkz unconscious after Athena sent her face into the title belt.

Starkz arrived with a big smile in Wonder-Woman gear in tribute to Sumie Sakai. Athena entered in full Two-Face cosplay! I think I read this comic…

After introductions, the bell rang and the rematch was on! Athena began laying in the shots, driving Starkz face into the turnbuckle. Starkz scrambled and started throwing her own ‘bows and chops to the champion. The frustration that had been boiling for months was on full display as Starkz rained down blows on Athena.

These two know each other so well, that it was a virtual seesaw of momentum. One always had the counter or response to whatever the other threw at them. Athena tried to keep the pace slow while Starkz leaned into speed to keep Athena guessing.

Athena knocked Stakz over with a back elbow and Starkz popped back up to lay in some lariats. Athena sent her to the corner and Starkz kicked her way out. Athena caught Starkz’ leg when she attempted a big kick and wrapped it into a standing submission lock. Starkz twisted her way into an armbar, but Athena reversed THAT into a big slam.

Athena went back to working Starkz’ leg, raining down the kicks and stomps and wrapping Starkz up in the ropes to hang from it. Athena dragged Starkz from the ring and walked her around it by the hair like a dog. She jawed at Starkz’ Mom in the audience and went to send Starkz into the steps, but she didged it and Athena hit the steel. Starkz then hit a flatliner onto the steps, bouncing Athena’s head off of them.

Starkz tried to get Athena up in an Electric Chair but her knee gave out. She charged Athena who grabbed her in a powerbomb on the floor at ringside. Dragging Starkz back into the ring, Athena wrapped her injured knee around the ringpost. But Starkz jerked back and knocked Athena’s head against the post. Athena staggered back into the ring and Starkz met her with a DDT.

Starkz hit a Smash Mouth on Athena, but only got a two-count. Starkz began kicking Athena in the face, trying to stun her into submission. Starkz drove her knee into Athena’s spine, pulling back on her arms and chin. Athena fought out of it, but Starkz was able to set her up for a brainbuster on her own knee. Starkz climbed to the top rope, but Athena kicked her and pulled her into a fallaway slam from the top rope.

Athena caught a blast of energy and sent Starkz to the corner for some kicking. She followed that up with a springboard on a dazed Starkz to get a two-count. Athena looked like she was running out of ideas as Starkz rose and hoisted Athena on her shoulders. Athena rolled through it though and hit a codebreaker.

Athena went up for the O-Face, but Starkz caught her mid air and slammed her. The two began exchanging kicks and punches back and forth. Athena caught Starkz in the face with a kick and went up for a pile driver. Starkz reversed it though and landed a pile driver of her own. Athena kicked out at two though.

The two battled on the outside until Starkz hit an Alabama Slam on the ring apron. Athena rolled off and Starkz climbed up and hit an amazing Swanton onto her on the floor. Starkz dragged Athena back into the ring, but she kicked out once again. Fighting back to standing.

Athena picked up Starkz and threw her over the top rope. The ref checked on Starkz and Athena hit a suicide dive that got both of them. Athena pulled Starkz back into the ring, but there was no one to count! Lexy Nair appeared from under the ring and handed Athena a mic. She tried to hit Starkz with it, but missed, letting Starkz get her into an Electric Chair and a two-count.

Athena exposed the turnbuckle as Starkz hit a poison rana. Starkz charged and hit her head on the exposed turnbuckle. Athena climbed up and hit a perfect O-Face from the top rope. She pinned Starkz and won the match, retaining her title and continuing her reign as “Forever Champion!”

What a great night of wrestling!


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