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ROH Results (03/13/2025)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

The stars of CMLL will once again be part of Ring of Honor on HonorClub.

Mistico will team with the legendary Atlantis and Esfinge to battle Gran Guerrero, Euforia and Rocky Romero in the night’s featured bout.

Ahead of his AEW International title eliminator bout against Ricochet Saturday, former ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata will take on Lee Johnson.

CMLL’s Dark Panther will go one-on-one with Aaron Solo while Blake Christian will look to run his singles winning streak to eight when he takes on indie star Titus Alexander.

In women’s action, Lady Frost and Leila Grey will do battle while The Frat House (Cole Karter & Preston Vance) will team with the Premier Athletes (Arya Daivari & Tony Nese) against Top Flight and the Gates of Agony.

Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico) defeated Alpha Zo & CSJ

… and it kicked off in style with the return of Spanish Announce Project! In recent months, SAP have been, y’know, chillin.’ Serpentico and Angelico were last seen teaming to pick up a win way back in November of 2024. Angelico has been out of action with injury, but Serpentico has been keeping the porch lights on, picking up wins over the likes of Brandon Cutler, and losses to the likes of Ricochet. They made their return against Zo (a former Hoodslam INTERGALACTIC Tag Team Champion) and the current IZW Heavyweight (but Earthly) Champion, CJS (aka Can’t Stop Jamaal).

Angelico kicked things off against Zo and he looked like he hadn’t missed a step while he was off. The taller Angelico was able to take whatever the beefier Zo threw at him and shake it off with style. He even showed an uncharacteristic aggressive streak, grabbing dreadlocks of Zo to keep him in an arm hold.

Serpentico tagged in for a double team or two (as well as some smoooooth dancing) an d clearly had the veteran’s advantage over Zo. Serpentico’s agility lets him move fast, but stop on a dime. He controlled the pace of the match until Zo caught him with a backbreaker.

Zo tagged in CSJ and of the two, Zo was the more impressive talent. CSJ was a competent brawler, and isolated Serpentico early on, but did not have the speed of his partner to keep up with the luchadores. Serpentico hit a big double DDT and got a hot tag to Angelico who cleared the ring with ease.

Angelico caught Zo with a spinning heel kick, but CSJ broke up the pin. CSJ and Zo tried to double team, but Angelico was able to get the grapevine on CSJ causing him to tap out and give SAP the win in their big return. I’d love to see these guys take on Rhodes and Guevara for the titles.

ROH World Champion Chris Jericho joined us from the past at Revolution and cut a promo about his “match” with Gravity and ongoing feud with Bandito. This was a darker Jericho. During that match he almost assaulted Gravity’s mother and sister, and instead of his usual schtick, Jericho sat in a chair and talked with gravitas, calling Bandito out. There was no cheery “thanks guys!” so maybe this is a bit of a turn for Jericho.

Blake Christian defeated Titus Alexander

Christian has been mean, belligerent, awful and really, really good at wrestling for months now. His newfound attitude has racked up a string of wins, but hasn’t gotten him closer to any kind of ROH gold. Alexander has yet to pick up a win in ROH, but to be fair this is only his second bout in the promotion. His finisher is the “Big Ugly” which I personally don’t get because he’s a handsome man.

Christian had a spiffy new haircut and lured Alexander into some big stomps off the top. What followed was a clinic in how to beat someone up at great speed. Christian flew around the ring, keeping Alexander confused and off his feet.

Eventually though, Alexander got a really stiff shot in that sent Christian to the outside. He was waiting for Alexander though and sent him head first into the barricades. Christian threw Alexander back into the ring and began working him over, stomping his arm and raking his eyes.

Alexander for his part seemed like he was able to keep up with Christian in terms of speed and agility. The problem was, Christian wasn’t giving him enough time to get set, so Alexander was always on defence, trying to recover from all kinds of kicks and holds.

Christian, a killer heel in the traditional style, got under the crowd’s skin so much they were fully, fully behind Alexander, erupting in cheers whenever he managed to get some momentum. Christian turned the tables though and hit a modified curb stomp into Vanilla Choke Zero, forcing a submission to get the win under a chorus of boos.

Leila Grey defeated Lady Frost

Before the match, a vignette for Grey aired, seemingly revealing her new “Baddie” persona. Grey has put together a decent 4-2 record in ROH since last fall. Her only singles losses coming at the hands (and feet and knees and elbows, etc) of ROH Wormen’s World Champion Athena in a Proving Ground Match, and ROH Women’s TV Champion Red Velvet. Frost, on the other hand, has not won a televised singles match in ROH since July of 2024. She is currently on a 7-match losing streak, but hey, maybe this will be different?

Frost was looking absolutely jacked as she entered the ring, but Grey was able to keep up with her, trading strength for control in the way of a very long headlock. Grey put Frost in a backslide for a 2-count, and that seemed to empower Grey who took it to her in the corner.

Frost for her part showed what she always shows: That she’s a very very good wrestler who tends to make a single mistake that her opponents can capitalize on. It’s not so much that she loses, as mich as she just doesn’t win.

Grey put a knee into Frost’s face and locked in a Dragon Sleeper. Frost struggled for the ropes, but Grey didn’t let up. Frost sent Grey to the mat with a backdrop, and Grey caught her in a rollup to get the pin and continue Frost’s impressive losing streak.

Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) & Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) defeated The Frat House (Cole Karter & Preston Vance) & The Premier Athletes (Ari Daivari & Tony Nese) (w/Jacked Jameson & Mark Sterling)

This week’s Traditional ROH “Everybody Into the Pool” match comes to us with two tag team duos of… duos. Gates of Agony recently ate up and spat out challengers such as Terry Yaki and Bad Dude Tito, but Top Flight have been grounded as of late with their Flight Attendant (are we still calling her that?) Leila Grey picking up more wins than they have, one as recently as this show. On the other side The Frat House and Premier Athletes share a certain amount of douchebaggery between the four of them. They teamed together in Feb in a 12-man match, but lost, so perhaps this scaled-down version of that teaming will yield better results.

The Frat House have a bunch of new gear with their logos prominently displayed on their crotches. For that alone, they deserve what they got in this match. Gates of Agony were met with a huge ovation and went straight for the Frat House, beating up Vance and Karter on the outside. In the Ring, Top Flight took it to the Athletes and somewhere in there a bell rang and the match was on.

Nese and Dante battled in the ring with the dust had settled and it was a great matchup. Nese has always been excellent in the ring with both strength and speed. Dante sent him to the corner though which brought in Karter to face off against Kaun who flattened him.

It was hard to keep track of who was legal because people kept jumping in and out and there were multiple assaults on the outside by Sterling and Jameson. Toa grabbed a chair though and ran them off while Daivari and Darius fought in the ring.

No matter how much momentum the Frat-thletes got though, all it took was 10 seconds in the ring with either Liona or Kaun and the momentum would shift back to Top Gates. Kaun sent Karter over the top rope and it looked like he smashed his knee on the ring apron on the way down (the hardest part of the ring!). Kaun then used Dante as a weapon, throwing him out of the ring onto all four members of the Frat-thletes, much to the crowd’s delight.

Jameson tried to cause a distraction for Vance, but ended up distracting Vance himself. That let the Gates of Agony hit, well, the Gates of Agony and Liona sat down squarely on Vance’s chest for the win.

Honestly, the tag scene in ROH is HOT right now and there are about half a dozen teams that could line up for a shot at the titles.

Dark Panther defeated Aaron Solo

The great CMLL/ROH: Crisis of Infinite Luchadores crossover continues with Dark Panther taking on workhorse Aaron Solo. Panther has a TV title match next week and was in a Panther, Panther, Panther match last week which his team won (probably because of all the panthers) and Solo lost to Adam Page on Dynamite two weeks ago in :54 seconds. So he’s got that going for him.

ROH TV Champion Komander was at ringside to scout Panther for their match next week and was probably a little nervous watching Panther absolutely manhandle Solo. Solo was not ready for Panther’s speed and ended up eating a big chunk of the ring apron (the most delicious part of the ring!)

Solo had a one high spot (literally) with a double stomp off the top rope that seemed to slow Panther down. Panther wasn’t out though, responding with a bit tilt-o-whirl backbreacker. The two traded chops after that, which was not a great decision on Solo’s part, given he was giving up about 50lbs to Panther.

Panther caught him with a really vicious armbar until the ref yelled at him in Spanish to break the hold. The crowd was on Panther’s side as he set Solo up for a Suicide Dive on the outside and throwing him into the barricade in front of Komander before tossing him back in the ring.

Panther hit a big missile dropkick from the top rope and followed it up with another one for good measure. That put Solo away, giving Panther the win and impressing Komander, who he faces next week for the ROH TV Title.

After the match, Panther unwrapped his wrist tape and threw it at Komander who hopped the rail. The Ref stepped in though and kept the two separated.

Katsuyori Shibata defeated Lee Johnson

Shibata makes his return to ROH here against the “Lee” in LEEJ, Lee Johnson. Shibata was last seen back in January defeating Shane Taylor and has since made a play for the AEW International Title then held by Konosuke Takeshita, but came up empty. Johnson has been hanging out with EJ Nduka and is fresh off a rest after losing to ROH World Television Champion Komander about a month ago.

This was a first-time matchup for these two and a test of strength was in order off the top. I never know who actually wins those things, so we’ll say it was Shibata because Johnson ended up in a headlock. Shibata began working Johnson’s right arm as the two went through a really technical series, ending up with Johnson in a Figure Four.

Johnson managed to get free but Shibata began chopping him in the corner. At this point, Johnson was limping from the figure four, had a dangling arm and a swollen chest. He rolled out of the ring and Shibata followed, but Johnson was able to get the advantage and throw him into the barricades.

Back in the ring, Johnson talked a lot of trash and even went for Shibata’s eye, nearly causing a DQ. Switching to running chops, Johnson woke the beast in Shibata who began no-selling them and getting right into Johnson’s face before throwing a dozen chops of his own, knocking Johnson silly.

Johnson fought back though, saying that Shibata had “nothing” and then hit a really scary looking driver on Shibata’s head. Shibata was ok though and popped up to lick in an Iron Claw followe dbut a back suplex and big kick to the jaw. That was it for Johnson and Shibata got the pin.

Lexy Nair interviewed the Frat House in the back. Jameson arrived with red solo cups allegedly containing beers and they chugged them. Vance declared that “win or lose, they booze!” That conjured 2/3rds of the Dark Order. Evil Uno confronted Vance and told him to grow up. Life is about more than partying. Vance thew his solo cup at Alex Reynolds and Uno assured him that the Frat House would get theirs.

Atlantis, Esfinge & Mistico defeated Euforia, Rocky Romero & Valiente

The Main Event of the night featured another CMLL/ROH: Crisis of Infinite Luchadores crossover match, but, like, with more of them. Atlantis (A legend, who once held the NWA Light Heavyweight Championship for a staggering 1353 days) teams with current Mexican National Light Heavyweight Champion, Esfinge and Mistico who is the current MLW Middleweight Champion. Across the ring is 1/3rd of the CMLL Trios Champions, Euforia and Valienta who held that very same title with a few different teammates for over 1500 collective days. Also, Rocky Romero was there.

This match was under Luchadore Rules, which meant that if someone rolled out under the bottom rope, it counted as a tag and a new team member could jump in. Euforia, taking a break form playing drums for Carlos Santana, started it off against Mistico, with a helping hand from Romero.

To try and keep up with who was legal when was a fools errand, but the match was full of amazing spots. Euforia hit a big splash from the top rope on Atlantis. Romero and Valiente double teamed Mistico until he hit a headscissor on Euforia. Esfinge and Valiente had a spirited exchange until Romero jumped in and Esfinge cleared the ring of them both.

Esfinge tagged in Atlantis to the crowd’s joy but Euforia tooke their breath away by knocking him silly. Atlantis fought back and landed a big backbreaker on Euforia, then dished out a couple to his teammates as well. Mistico and Valiente faced off next, with the former facing a lot of boos from the crowd.

A twisting wristlock takedown sent Valiente to the ouside and brought in Euforia. Mistico dispatched him the same way and then catapulted onto Euforia over the top rope on the outside. From there all six men brawled, with Esfinge left legal against…. one of the other guys. Everyone was simply choosing the opposing luchadore nearest to them and fighting them. In the ring, Mistico and Euforia battled until Mistico caught Euforia with an armbar, forcing the lucha legend to tap out.


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