Billie Starkz defeated Mercedes Martinez (w/ Diamante) in a Women’s World Television Title Tournament Semi-Final Match
Billie Starkz catches Mercedes Martinez with a stacked roll-up to score the pinfall victory.
Queen Aminata defeated Red Velvet in a Women’s World Television Title Tournament Semi-Final Match
Queen Aminata hits Red Velvet with a lunging headbutt to score the pinfall victory.
It will now be Billie Starkz facing off against Queen Aminata in the finals to crown the first-ever Ring of Honor Women’s World Television Champion at Supercard of Honor next month.
Kiera Hogan is backstage. Hogan says no matter who wins the Women’s TV Title at Supercard of Honor, she’s going to be the first challenger. Hogan challenges Diamante to a rematch next week.
Lee Johnson defeated London Lightning
Lee Johnson hits London Lightning with an elevated reverse DDT to score the pinfall victory.
The Boys are missing!
Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie are backstage. Taya says The Boys are being difficult. Johnny says you can’t teach old Boys new tricks. Dalton Castle comes from behind the stage and says they are telling lies and wants to know where they are.
Johnny TV says he lost them when they were out camping when he ran away from a bear. Dalton Castle flips out as Johnny and Taya run away. Castle screams that he has no Boys, but Lexy points at the other Boys that he has, but he doesn’t want them. Nair tells Castle to stop interrupting her interviews.
Hikaru Shida defeated Rachael Ellering
Athena comes out before the match starts and watches the match from a steel chair at the bottom of the ramp. Hikaru Shida hits Rachael Ellering with the Kitana to secure the pinfall victory.
Diamante is backstage. Diamante says Billie Starkz’s win against Mercedes Martinez was a fluke and says she and Mercedes are first in line for shots at whoever wins the title at Supercard of Honor. A match between Kiera Hogan and Diamante is made official for next week.
Matt Sydal defeated TJ Crawford
Matt Sydal hits TJ Crawford with Meteora to win the match via pinfall.
The “old Eddie Kingston” returns to Ring of Honor
Eddie Kingston is backstage. Kingston says he got a call from Homicide last night after his loss to Okada on AEW Dynamite and asks why he’s being such a bitch. Homicide told Kingston he missed the old Kingston and that Kingston would have defeated Okada. Kingston says he’s bringing the old Eddie to Supercard of Honor to make sure he defeats Mark Briscoe to retain his championship. Kingston says he can’t lose and feel that pain again.
Athena, Billie Starkz, and Lexy Nair are backstage. Starkz and Nair are excited about Athena’s match with Hikaru Shida, but Athena is angry about it instead. Athena openly admits that Shida has beaten her in the past before they came to AEW/Ring of Honor, but it won’t happen again.
Mina Shirakawa defeated Anna Jay
Mina Shirakawa hits Anna Jay with a reversal back-pinning attempt to pick up the win.
Shirakawa celebrates her victory as Ring of Honor goes off the air.