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ROH Results (03/28/2024)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Ring of Honor Women’s World Champion Athena defeated Nikita in a Proving Ground Match

Athena locks Nikita in a modified Cobra Clutch to win the match via submission.

Athena attacks Nikita after the match before Hikaru Shida makes the save and sends Athena running. The champion was too afraid to return to the ring to retrieve her championship.

Lee Johnson is backstage. Johnson says he’s not here to take part; he’s here to take over, and he’s here to take titles. Johnson challenges the winner of tonight’s TV Championship match between Kyle Fletcher and Blake Christian for a match at Supercard of Honor. So we guess we’re supposed to forget that the Ethan Page storyline ever happened.

Cole Karter and Griff Garrison (w/ Maria Kanellis) defeated Kaz Jordan and Victor Castella

This was a quick squash match which saw Cole Karter scoring the pinfall for his team.

Dalton Castle (w/ The Boys?) defeated Nick Comoroto

Dalton Castle hits Nick Comoroto with the Bangarang to score the pinfall victory.

Taya Valkyrie comes out and says that, yes, she and Johnny TV lost The Boys. But they were rude and disrespectful so she’s glad they lost those bad boys. With Castle distracted, Johnny TV attacks him in the ring from behind. Johnny and Taya stand over Castle and make out.

Mark Briscoe knows it’s time to man up at Supercard of Honor

A video package plays featuring Mark Briscoe, hyping the match between himself and Eddie Kingston for the Ring of Honor World Championship at Supercard of Honor.

Brandon Cutler and Colt Cabana defeated Rex Lawless and Bryce Donovan

Colt Cabana and Brandon Cutler hit an assisted Boom Drop on Bryce Donavan to score the pinfall victory.

Top Flight and Action Andretti defeated KPK

Action Andretti scored the pinfall for his team.

Kiera Hogan defeated Diamante

Kiera Hogan hits Diamante with Face the Music to score the pinfall victory.

Evil Uno defeated JD Drake

Evil Uno hits JD Drake with a rolling cradle to secure the win via pinfall.

A special STARDOM showcase match has been added to Supercard of Honor.

Hikaru Shida is backstage. Shida says she is a former three-time AEW Women’s World Champion. Shida says she’s very excited to get in the ring with Athena again so she can beat up the “Forever Champion.”

Kyle Fletcher defeated Blake Christian to retain the Ring of Honor World Television Championship

Kyle Fletcher hits Blake Christian with a kneeling piledriver to score the pinfall victory.

Lee Johnson comes out on the stage to stare down Fletcher as Ring of Honor goes off the air.


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