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ROH Results (04/25/2024)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Ring of Honor presents its weekly show on HonorClub tonight.

A trios match featuring Blake Christian vs. AR Fox vs. The Beast Mortos is set for the show.

ROH has also announced that we'll hear from Athena and Billie Starkz tonight.

The Outrunners vs. Mike Bennett & Matt Taven and Leila Grey vs. Yuka Sakazaki are also scheduled to air.

After a rundown of the night’s card, the show started off with a party! A Private Party, in fact!

Isaiah Kassidy (of Private Party) defeated Komander

Kassidy had on some Diamond Encrusted Air Force 1’s and wasted no time showing them to Komander up close and personal. The story here is that both of these guys need a win. Kmander to rise in the ranks of ROH, and Kassidy to gain some success as a singles star.

The crowd was behind Komander, chanting his name. That gave Komander some much needed energy and he charged towards Kassidy, but ate a cutter for his trouble. This match moved remarkably slow given that both competitors have great speed.

Komander also seemed to be favoring his left shoulder. There was no announcement regarding an injury though and he seemed to be able to work through it.

Once Komander got some steam, Kassidy seemed to change tactics, resorting to more hard strikes and kicks to offset Komander’s high-flyering. Kassidy distracted the ref and hit Komander right in his (not Dalton Castle’s) boys, and Kassidy was able to put Komander’s shoulders tot he mat for the win.

Top Flight (Darius Martin & Daunte Martin) and Action Andretti defeated The Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Silver and Alex Reynolds)

-Prior to the match, Bullet Club Gold cut a promo after unifying the AEW and ROH 6-man titles. Jay White said that they were running out of space for all this gold. Colton Gunn The Bang Bang Gang run this 6-man stuff, and if you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for you: “Guns up!”

The winning team of this 6-man match would move ever closer to meeting the Bang Bang Gang for those titles, so there was a lot on the line. Both teams had been working together for quite a while, so there was a lot of synergy between both teams.

A triple kick on Duante from all three Dark Order members almost ended things early. Evil Uno isolated Dante in the corner, and Reynolds and Sliver joined him in a triple team. Andretti tagged in and spinning-heel kicked all three of his opponents. At one point, Evil Uno was taking on Top Flight and Andretti solo, but once he had Andretti alone, Reynolds and Silver came in and caused a distraction while Uno hit a big piledriver on Andretti.

With everyone hopping in and out, it was a little hard to keep track of who was legal amongst the chaos. It did add some speed to the match though, with moves being hit one after the other, all over the ring. In the end though, Andretti was able to gat a pin on Reynolds to grab the win.

Anna Jay defeated Allysin Kay

Kay vs Jay started off with a long feeling out process. Jay had the veterans edge, but Kay seemed to be a little stronger than her opponent. Jay scouted this though, and began pulling out some dirty tricks, kicking out Kay’s knee when she was going to a tie up.

Kay fought back though, tossing Kay into the corner for some hard chops. Jay kicked out of a big front slam and caught Kay looking with a blockbuster off the top rope to get a near fall of her own.

Jay caught Kay in a sleeper hold which she tapped out of, giving Jay her third win in a row in ROH.

Johnny TV (with Taya Valkyrie) defeated Will Austin

This was TV’s “comeback” match after his Fight Without Honor against Dalton Castle at Supercard of Honor. TV rehabbed his abs last week and this week he took on a debuting Austin.

Austin was trained by Al Snow in OVW so it was a surprise to see him without a styrofoam head. TV showed he hasn’t lost a step and was all over Austin from the start. TV employed his Brazillian Ju Jitsu skills, keeping Austin off his feet. Austin sent TV to the outside, and Valkyrie jumped up to cause a distraction, allowing TV to circle around and take down Austin from behind.

Austin caught TV with a surprise crossbody, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough. TV landed a picture perfect Starship Pain and got the win.

Brian Cage & The Gates of Agony (Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun) defeated Manders and Beeftank (Calvin Tankman and Beef)

This match had an absolutely ridiculous amount of beef. Literally, there was a guy named Beef. Big E would have killed to be in this battle of meaty men slapping meat.

The match featured a surprising amount of agility and speed. Tankman emerged as an early favourite, taking out both Cage and Liona. The match eventually just devolved to a 6-man brawl while the referee desperately tried to regain control.

In the end, Linona and Kaun hit a Gates of Agony on Tankman and Cage secured the pin. Manders never even made it into the match.

-After the match, a vignette for Aria Diavari, Premier Athlete aired. This was followed by a promo from the Premier Athletes that said pretty much the same thing the vignette did. They are coming for The Infantry and Dalton Castle.

Yuka Sakazaki defeated Leila Grey

Sakazaki is high in the running for a shot at the ROH Women’s World title, but first she had to get past Grey.

This was a perfectly cromulent match. Grey utilized her strength and Sakazaki her speed. Grey tried to get Sakazaki in a sunset bomb, but missed the target, and Sakazaki took control with a big spin.

A smiling Sakazaki got Grey in a hammerlock airplane spin and planted her. She followed that up with a Magical Splash and pinned Grey 1-2-3.

-Garrison and Karter cut a promo (while holding Serpentico’s green mask) in the back with Lexi Nair, lamenting their recent losses. Maria arrived and said that she was disappointed, but every loss is an opportunity. Maria thinks they’ve learned a lot and everyone else is just jealous. Eventually she knows that they will get “her” ROH Tag Championships back.

The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) defeated The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) in a Proving Ground Match.

This was a Proving Ground Match with a 10-minute time limit. If the Outrunners could score a pin or last to the limit, they would get a Tag Team Title shot at a future date.

With their throwback look and moves, The Outrunners were crowd favorites. However, a confident Bennett and Taven sauntered to the ring as if the match was already won.

Floyd and Bennett started things off but a quick tag brought in Magnum. This switch up backfired though as Bennett used it to take control of the match. Taven tripped Floyd on the outside, and Bennett hit a solid dropkick. Taven tagged in and caught a taste of his own medicine when Magnum pulled the rope down and dumped Taven to the outside.

Bennett and Taven started to work to their opponent’s style, employing classic moves and holds, almost out-throwbacking The Outrunners. A hot tag from Magnum to Floyd let to some scoop body slams as the clock ticked closer to the 10-minute limit. Bennett, panicking, nicked Magnum to the ground and grabbed a handful of tights to get the pin and dash the hopes of the Outrunners.

-Later, the Outrunners interrupted an interview with The Infantry. They challenged the Outrunners to a match next week!

-Earlier in the show, ROH Women’s World Champion Athena and ROH Women’s TV Champion Billie Starkz along with fellow minion Lexi Nair joined us backstage. On Collision, Queen Aminata had left Athena laying, and Athena wasn’t happy about it. Athena challenged Animata and Red Velvet to face her and Starkz. Aminata and Red Velvet appeared and accepted the challenge, with Aminata saying they don’t have honor, and Velvet declaring that it was time for them to take out the trash!

Taya Valkyrie (with Johnny TV) defeated Laynie Luck

Joining us for the second time in the show, Valkyrie was confident as she and Luck locked up. Both had quick feet and fast movement, but Luck caught Valkyrie with a big boot, and Valkryie returned the favor with a massive lariat.

From there, Valkyrie dominated (and TV flexed). She choked Luck on the ropes, pounded her to the mat and crushed her against the turnbuckles. Luck held on though through a few near falls.

Valkyrie caught Luck in a modified STF and Luck gave up, giving the TV Ready Couple a perfect night.

Lance Archer & The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch) defeated Jon Cruz, GPA and Ren Jones.

Archer and the Righteous had some great success last week and were looking to make it two in a row against a, frankly, unproven team.

Vincent and GPA kicked things off with Vincent dragging GPA to the corner for Drake top tag in and decimate him. Archer and Jones were next up and Jones got in a few chops, but Archer no-sold them and introduced Jones to a full nelson slam.

Cruz tagged in and managed to get a little bit of offense in for his team. Fast tags from Vincent to Dutch quashed that though, and Vincent hit an Orange Sunshine. Archer grabbed GPA and hit a blackout, throwing GPA on top of Cruz. Dutch then stood on the men, getting the pin.

Abadon defeated Nova

This match pitting a zombie against an exploding star, started off fast with Nova getting the drop on Abadon, hitting a bulldog and going for a quick cover. Abandon kicked out though, and reversed the fates with a, well, a reverse bulldog.

Abandon hit a massive meteora in the corner and followed it up with a senton. Abandon hit a Black Dahlia and that was it. Abadon then screamed. A lot.

-Backstage, Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie joined us for a third time to talk about their hit web series, Johnny Loves Taya. Aaron Solo joined them, thinking that he should be featured on the nest season of the show. They said that he didn't have enough cache to be on the show, so Solo promised a win next week to prove that he's TV Ready too!

The Beast Mortos defeated Blake Christian and AR Fox

This triple threat main event was an excellent mish-mash of styles. The high-flying Christian, the hard-hitting Fox, and a literal beast, Mortos. Mortos already had a win over Christian, so adding Fox to the mix promised to be very entertaining.

Christian and Fox formed an early alliance and tried to take out Mortos. Individually, and together, Mortos repelled them both. Christian has been talking with Missy Hyatt which explained his villainous mustache. It didn’t do much against Mortos though, who tossed Christian outside and focused on Fox.

Mortos moved way faster than a man his size should be able to and it kept both Fox and Christian back on their heels. Mortos tried a standing grapevine submission on Fox, but Fox was saved by a Suddenly Blake Christian who stomped Mortos from the top rope out of nowhere.

Fox took a rest and Mortos turned his horns to Christian, knocking him from post to post. Christian’s quickness got Mortos off his feet, but Fox crawled back in to cut off a pin attempt.

Christian and Fox double teamed Mortos in the corner, but once he was down, Christian turned on Fox. All three men climbed up to the top rope and went off of it in a suplex move, but it was honestly hard to tell who initiated it, or who it helped.

Mortos caught Fox in a devastating reverse driver and managed to keep his undefeated streak in ROH alive.


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