Ring of Honor Wrestling on HonorClub kicked off with a recap of last Friday’s Death Before Dishonor pay-per-view.
ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata joins Jerry Lynn and Jimmy Jacobs at ringside as judges for the upcoming Pure Rules match.
Josh Woods (w/ Smart Mark Sterling) defeated Eli Isom in a Pure Rules match
Josh Woods gets Eli Isom in a grapevine ankle lock to win the matchup via submission.
Mark Sterling gets on a microphone after the match and says Josh Woods should be the face of the Ring of Honor Pure Division. He runs down his accolades and tells Shibata that Woods can take his head off whenever he wants. Sterling issues a challenge on Woods’ behalf to face Shibata next week.
Shibata gets in the ring and stares down Woods and raises the title above his head. Ian Riccoboni says he’s being told by Tony Khan if things can be agreed to the match will be sanctioned for next week.
We hear from Trish Adora backstage. When asked about coming up short against Lelya Hirsh on Death Before Dishonor Zero Hour, Adora says a few months ago a loss like that would have destroyed her. But now she doesn’t roll alone, and she has people watching her back. Adora says she woke up today and all she can think about is redemption.
Trish Adora defeated Vita Vonstarr
Trish Adora hit Lariat Tubman on Vita Vonstarr to score the pinfall victory.
Mogul Embassy defeated Iron Savages to retain the Ring of Honor Six-Man Tag Team Titles
Toa Liona hit the Pedigree on Jacked Jameson to score the pinfall victory for his team to retain their titles.
Leyla Hirsch defeated B3CCA
Leyla Hirsch catches B3CCA with a knee to the face to score the pinfall victory.
We hear from Ring of Honor Women’s World Champion Athena backstage. Athena asks if Lexy Nair is finally going to congratulate her on breaking Willow Nightingale. Athena demands better competition or threatens that she’s going to take it out on her instead.
The Renegade Twins defeated Tiara James and JC Storm
The Renagade Twins hit a Slingblade Hart Attack on Tiara James to score the pinfall victory.
Ring of Honor Women’s World Champion Athena defeated Christina Marie in a Proving Ground match
Athena defeated Christina Marie via pinfall.
Athena throws Christina Marie out of the ring and proceeds to attack her around ringside after the match concludes.
The Kingdom defeated Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus
The Kingdom hits The Proton Pack on Rhett Titus, and Matt Taven gets the pinfall victory for his team.
A Ring of Honor World Television Eliminator Tournament is announced
Stokley Hathaway and Samoa Joe are interviewed backstage. Hathaway announces that will be an Eliminator Tournament to crown the new number-one contender for the Ring of Honor World Television Championship. Hathaway is questioned if he is giving Joe special treatment.
Before Hathaway can answer, Samoa Joe cuts him off and says she’s incorrect. Joe says Hathaway is the big boss and makes his own decisions and tells Hathaway to remind everyone who he is. Hathaway says he’s on the Board of Directors and what he says goes. Hathaway calls himself the Ruff Ryder of Ring of Honor.
Christopher Daniels defeated JD Drake in the first round of the Ring of Honor World Television Title Eliminator Tournament
Christopher Daniels hits the Best Moonsault Ever on JD Drake to win the match via pinfall.
Big Bill and Lee Moriarty defeated Primal Fear
Big Bill hit the chokeslam on Adrien Soriano to score the pinfall victory for his team.
Tony Nese (w/ Smart Mark Sterling) defeated Cheeseburger in the first round of the Ring of Honor World Television Title Eliminator Tournament
Tony Nese hits a pump handle driver on Cheeseburger to secure the pinfall victory.
Gravity defeated Anthony Henry in the first round of the Ring of Honor World Television Title Eliminator Tournament
Gravity hits a diving splash on Anthony Henry and gets the victory via pinfall.
Shane Taylor defeated Serpentico in the first round of the Ring of Honor World Television Title Eliminator Tournament
Shane Taylor hits a big splash on Serpentico to secure the final spot in the next round of the TV Title Eliminator Tournament.
Dalton Castle and The Boys defeated The Trustbusters
Dalton Castle hit The Bangarang on Ari Daivari to score the pinfall victory for his team.
Dalton Castle and The Boys celebrate their victory in the ring as Ring of Honor Wrestling goes off the air.