Tonight’s edition of Ring of Honor on HonorClub won’t feature any title matches, but will see several former champions in action.
In a clash of former ROH Pure Champions, Katsuyori Shibata will rematch with Josh Woods after they did battle in late-July with Shibata picking up the victory.
Coming off a recent victory over Rachael Ellering, Mina Shirakawa will return to face former AEW title challenger Taya Valkyrie.
Lee Johnson will return to singles action for the first time since losing to then-ROH TV Champion Kyle Fletcher in June as he challenges Nick Comoroto.
Other official matches include Angelo Parker vs. Griff Garrison, John Silver vs. Fuego Del Sol, Rocky Romero vs. Aaron Solo, and the Iron Savages vs. Spanish Announce Project’s Serpentico & Angelico.
Other stars in action but without announced opponents includes Abadon, Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese, The Righteous & Lance Archer in trios action, Anthony Henry & Beef, and the aforementioned Ellering.
Thursday and 7pm EST arrived precisely when they meant to and Episode 80 of Ring of Honor on Honor Club arrived with ’em! And it arrived hot! Kinda…
Rocky Romero defeated Aaron Solo
Rocky Romero is a wrestler who works at ROH/AEW. Aaron Solo is also employed as a wrestler for ROH/AEW. That seemed to be pretty much the only reason that these two locked up. It was a little surprising to see this match kick off such a jam-packed show, but it gave these two a chance to show the kind of workers they are.
Solo was a little lighter on his feet and managed to trade holds with Romero until Romero got a little silly and began tapping the back of Solo’s head. Romero started taking Solo seriously though as Solo was able to get some lighthearted taps of his own in.
According to Ian Riccaboni, Solo is one of the top contenders for the ROH TV Title, so a win over Romero would help his case in the regard. That showed as Solo controlled the pace of the match until Romero caught him in a abdominal stretch. Romero held his own, bringing some energy to the match and going for high-impact offence like hurricanranas and multiple big back elbows in the corner.
Solo hit a double stomp from the top rope, but it wasn’t enough to put Romero down. Romero answered back with a super bulldog off the top rope! That put Solo on his back, and Romero was able to get the pin and win the match.
In the back, Lady Frost cut a promo. She claimed her last match was too easy. She wants a shot at the Women’s World TV Title and called out Red Velvet asking for a Proving Ground match.
Lee Johnson defeated Nick Comoroto (w/Jacoby Watts)
This match was taped prior to Comoroto getting injured and having to step back until well into next year. That said, it was a bittersweet match for the big man, but up against Moriarty, it was going to be a good one. Johnson nearly became ROH TV Champion on two occasions this year, so he was not just going to lay down.
Watts slapped Comoroto to, motivate him? I guess? Johnson took advantage and sent Comoroto out of the ring. The big man fought back though, sending Johnson into the ring post head first, like so many Rey Mysterios being “lawn-darted” by the NWO.
Back in the ring, Comoroto’s size was becoming a problem for Johnson. Comoroto whipped Johnson from post to post, hurting is lower back. Watts got involved to the chagrin of the crowd and Johnson looked like he was about to give up a rare loss. Everytime Johnson would start a comeback, Comoroto clubbed him back down to his feet.
Johnson finally countered a suplex into one of his own, sending Comoroto crashing into the mat. It didn’t last long though as Comoroto regained the momentum. But then Watts got up in the ring apron and distracted Comoroto enough to allow Johnson to get a quick rollup and the win.
After the match, Comoroto and Watts started a beatdown on Johnson, but EJ Nduka arrived from the crowd to make the save and send the heels running.
Afterwards, there was an announcement from Tony Khan: Tonight, Red Velvet would face Lady Frost in a Proving Ground match, just like she asked!
Rachael Ellering defeated Gigi Rey
Ellering lost last week to RevPro Women’s Champion Mina Shirakawa in a hard fought battle, so this week she was looking to get that momentum back on her side. Ellering has also been dealing with a snarky Harley Cameron lurking about, insulting her fashion sense.
Rey actually had Ellering on her heels off the top of the match. Rey worked the arm, but Ellering was able to reverse it, causing Rey to re-reverse it. Rey made a mistake when she tried to outpower Ellering, and found herself on the receiving end of a big shoulder tackle for her trouble.
From there, the aggression of Ellering was unleashed. Lots of hard strikes and devastating kicks. Rye tried to use her speed to get one over on Ellering, but Ellering’s experience and strength were too much for her. A spinning Bosswoman slam took out Rey for good, giving Ellering the win.
Anthony Henry & BEEF defeated Jay Lucas & Terry Yaki
Yeah, you read that right: BEEF vs Terry Yaki. But, ridiculous names aside, in his last outing with his cousin Henry, Beef showed some skill that led us to believe he’s not just a wild, sweaty fan at heart.
The crowd chanted “Beef!” as the match began. Henry sent his cousin to the outside and started things off. As soon as the bell rang, Beef hit a blind tag so that he got to start things off against Lucas. Beef’s enthusiasm and strength had him in control, but also caused him to make rookie mistakes when facing Yaki, who double teamed him, isolating him from Henry.
Eventually, Beef powered through and brought Yaki to his and Henry’s corner, tagging in his cousin. Henry worked the neck of Yaki like a horse (see what I did there?) and then the same against Lucas. Beef called for the tag and immediately tried to pin Lucas, which confused Henry who was expecting a double team.
Henry and Beef started to miscommunicate, missing tags and moves. Beef begged for a tag and Henry obliged. Beef climbed the ring post and delivered a big splash on Lucas to get the pin. Henry was happy they won, but a little concerned about Beef’s over-enthusiasm, leaving up the ramp to let him celebrate in the ring.
Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico) defeated Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) (w/Jacked Jameson)
This match pitted some really high-energy and beefy citizens of Titty City against the smooth and laid back jams of the Spanish Announce Project. It was an interesting clash of styles with the winners inching ever closer to a shot at Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara’s ROH Tag Titles.
Jameson did a great Scott Steiner ’99 promo on the way down to the ring that was full of energy and catchphrases, but made no sense whatsoever. Angelico kicked things off against Bronson and right away it was a great juxtaposition of speed and agility vs brawn and brutality.
Angelico had the upper hand, but while he was admiring it, he got punched in the face. Serpentico tagged in and so did Boulder, bringing in the fastest man int he match vs the strongest man in the match. Serpentico managed to avoid the big man at first, but was caught between a Boulder and a Bronson place. he ducked and the two Savaged collided though, dazing themselves. Jameson took the opportunity to throw Serpentico at the barricade on the outside.
Back in the ring, Boulder hit a big splash on Serpentico, but Angelico broke up the pin. Serpentico got a hot tag into Angelico who cleared the ring. Angelico hit a flatliner on Bronson and Serpentico followed it up with a big frog splash, but it only got a two count. Angelico got a toehold on Bronson and flipped him over, causing Bronson to tap out.
PROVING GROUND MATCH: ROH Women’s Television Champion Red Velvet defeated Lady Frost
This surprise match was booked by Tony Khan himself earlier in the evening. If Frost could last 10 minutes or pin the Champion, she would earn a shot at Velvet’s ROH Women’s TV Title. Winning a Proving Ground match would be huge for Frost.
The two were pretty evenly matched with neither women getting the jump on the other off the top and each move being met with a countermove. Frost kept the pace of the match slow, knowing that the clock was on her side. All she had to do was last 10 minutes and she’d get her title shot. Velvet seemed unconcerned with the time, and seemed to be taking her opponent seriously, but meticulously.
Frost began to overpower Velvet with some handspring strikes in the corner. Frost locked in a chinlock with Velvet in the middle of the ring, eating up more time. Velvet reversed it into an abdominal stretch, taking more time off the clock.
Frost landed a standing moonsault, but only got a two count. Frost planted Velvet with a cartwheel powerbomb, but again, only two. Velvet hit a hip-toss neckbreaker out of nowhere and the two rolled around in pinning combinations until Velvet finally got the three-count on Frost, dashing her title hopes.
Taya Valkyrie joined us backstage and hyped up her match later with Mina Shirakawa. Valkyrie was offended by Shirakawa being in ROH. That brought out the RevPro Women’s champ herself who shook her money makers at Valkyrie who walked off in a huff.
Lance Archer & The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) defeated Lights. Camera. Faction.
When last we saw Archer, he was beating up someone named “Ozzy” for reasons known only to him. Tonight, he re-joins his compatriots Dutch and Vincent. These three haven’t exactly been known to follow rules and seem more interested in hurting their opponents, so who knows what we would get here.
No one bothered to mention the names of the members of Lights Camera Faction, so the one I’ll call Lights* kicked things off against Vincent. He didn’t last long though as Archer tagged in, terrifying his opponents. He no sold some strikes from Camera** before absolutely levelling him. That brought in Dutch and Faction*** who dutch laid out and setup Orange Sunshine. Archer delivered a Black out to Faction and scored the pin.
Another great match for this trio, even though it was somewhat pointless and chaotic.
*His name was Watson. **Real name Ice Williams. ***They never said his real name.
Diamante defeated Tiara James
In another unannounced matchup, Diamante took on James in a singles bout. Diamante planted James on her fast about thirty seconds into the match to get the pin in a textbook squash.
Diamante beat up James a bit after the match, but Red Velvet made a triumphant return from 15 minutes ago to break it up and run Diamante off.
Lee Johnson was interviewed backstage about EJ Nduka saving him from Comoroto and Watts. Johnson called him a friend and NDuka joined him in a sweet Kylo Ren t-shirt. Nduka said that he was The Judge and Johnson getting jumped after matches was over because he was here to protect his back.
Griff Garrison (w/Maria) defeated Angelo Parker
Two men without their tag team partners went head to head in this singles bout. The wild(est) card would of course be Maria. She no longer has Serpentico’s mask to keep her company, so she pushed Garrison hard to win this match and give them a reason to keep going.
Garrison tried to mock Parker for being short (which was kind of laughable as he only had about an inch of height on him) and Parker took that opportunity to kick him in the shins. Garrison responded with some stiff uppercuts, driving Parker into the corner while Maria chirped on the outside.
Garrison seemed to have everything under control, peppering Parker with suplexes and chops, as well as taking some pinning liberties. Parker managed to dodge Garrison and deliver a big clothesline and running neckbreaker. Parker hit a big elbow on Garrison and Maria jumped up on the apron. She pretended to toss her boot in the ring, and while the ref was distracted she hit Parker with the other one.
Garrison capitalized and pinned the dazed Parker, 1-2-3.
The Premier Athletes (Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese) (w/Mark Sterling) defeated Joe Alonzo & Josiah Jean
Mark Sterling has been pushing the Premier Athletes down our throats the last few weeks. Singles matches, Tag matches, anything to get his team some airtime. Unfortunately, this hasn’t led to a lot of wins, with Nese losing to Lio Rush and Daivari taking a pin from The Conglomeration’s Tomohiro Ishii last week.
Nese started thing off by throwing Alonzo to the mat as if he was a bag of feathers. Nese dragged him to Daivari in the corner and the two double teamed Alonzo. Nese and Daivari had the advantage of being teammates and their cohesion was hard for Alonzo and Jean to get around.
Jean tried to help his partner but was clothselined to the outside for his trouble. A lawn dart cutter combo led to a big splash from Daivari and a pin to get the Premier Athletes the win.
John Silver (w/Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno) defeated Fuego Del Sol
The Dark Order has been cranky as heck the last few weeks, furious that Dustin Rhodes and the Von Erichs have been able to hold on to their ROH Six-Man tag titles. With Del Sol working “Del Solo” (sorry, I had to), it was pretty much three on one before the match even started.
After a very tender Code of Honor, the two locked up with Del Sol coming out on top and Silver sliding out of the ring to get some advice from Uno and Reynolds. Del Sol hit a big moonsault on Uno and Reynolds to break up the party and brought things back into the ring with Silver.
Silver got the momentum on his side with a series of kicks, but Del Sol wasn’t done yet. He fought back until Silver silenced him with a suplex. He then locked in a chinlock to try and get Del Sol to tap, but no dice as the luchadore fought out and delivered some European uppercuts in the corner.
Silver used his power to catch Del Sol and suplex him. Del Sol fought back with a stomp to the head though and set up a tornado DDT. Reynolds got involved, distracting everyone so Uno could attack from behind unnoticed. Once the ring cleared, Silver hit a spinning backbreaker and pinned Del Sol for the win.
Abadon defeated Rache Chanel
Abadon has had her spooky sights on the ROH Women’s Championship, and the woman who forever-holds it, Athena. She’s driven legit fear into the heart of the champion on more than one occasion, so the notion of Athena looking to spread some fear of her own was on everyone’s mind as the match kicked off.
Chanel, a Reality of Wrestling regular, had a ton of experience, but had never faced anything quite like Abadon. Right off the tip, Abadon rained down big punches. Chanel wasn’t able to get any kind of momentum in against Abadon, with the Living Dead Girl no-selling all of Chanel’s offense.
Abadon hit a devastating cutter and a Black Dahlia to pin Chanel and get the win.
Katsuyori Shibata defeated Josh Woods (w/Mark Sterling)
Last week, Woods, the lone singles winner amongst the Premier Athletes lately, easily defeated Barrett Brown. Tonight though, he’d be looking down the barrel of a former ROH Pure Champion in Shibata. “The Wrestler” was a specifically boring create-a-wrestler I used to make in Wrestlemania 2000, but in this case the name means action, speed and much more when applied to Shibata.
The two locked up and Woods’ strategy seemed to be to keep Shibata off his feet. The two engaged in a really fun technical swapping of holds and moves, with Shibata coming out on top, locking in an arm hold on Woods. A frustrated Woods knocked Shibata to the outside, where Sterling contributed a stomp or two.
Woods tossed the smaller Shibata back into the ring and began stomping a Texas-sized mudhole on him in the corner. Shibata switched on the aggression and managed to reverse Woods into the corner and hit a big dropkick. Shibata went for a suplex, but Woods reversed it, regaining control of the action.
Woods tried to overpower Shibata, landing a big backbreker. Shibata reversed a suplex into a sleeper though and Sterling jumped up to cause a distraction. Shibata ran him off and hit an STO on Woods followed by a cross armbreaker, causing Woods to tap out.
Mina Shirakawa defeated Taya Valkyrie (w/Johnny TV)
This Main Event match was a grudge match, the grudge of which started last week. As Shirakawa was celebrating her win over Rachael Ellering, Valkyrie attached the Stardom star, leaving her lying in the ring. Tonight, Shirakawa was looking for revenge, but the fly in the ointment was Valkyrie’s husband, the one and only Johnny TV.
Shirakawa’s dancing seemed to enrage Valkyrie, which in her defense, there was a lot of it. Valkyrie sent Shirakawa to the corner for some big stomps, putting her on her heels right from the start. Valkyrie dig into her bag of dirty tricks early, biting the arm of Shirakawa, who fought back with some big spine kicks.
Putting her Stardom experience to use, Shirakawa worked the knee of Valkyrie, leaving her hobbling and trying to get a quick pin. Moving from leg to leg, Shirakawa locked in a figure four on Valkyrie who pulled herself to the ropes to break it.
Valkyrie took control of the match, clubbing and pounding on Shirakawa while TV cheered her on. Stopping for a quick makeout on the outside with TV, Valkyrie tried to throw Shirakawa into the barricade, but Shirakawa ducked it and headed back to the ring.
Valkyrie slowed the pace right down, hanging Shirakawa on the ropes, bit it was a possum play as Shirakawa was able to grab Valkyrie’s leg when she came in for a kick. On the outside a miscommunication between husband and wife saw TV and Valkyrie crash into each other, giving Shiarakawa a chance to hit a big splash on them both from the top rope.
Back in the ring, Shirakawa hit a massive kick on Valkyrie’s jaw, but Valkyrie, favouring her leg, responded with a big lariat. Shirakawa set up Valkyrie for a big splash from the top of the ringpost, but only got a two count. Valkyrie poppe dup and hit a spear, followed by a blue thunder bomb for a two-count.
Valkyrie tried to get Shirakawa up for a surfboard, but Shirakawa reversed it into a second Figure Four. She held it on Valkyrie in the middle of the ring until Valkyrie was forced to tap. As the TV family slunk away Shirakawa celebrated with the crowd as the show when off the air.