X Division Championship – Mustafa Ali (c) (w/ Campaign Singh vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey
Bailey uses his speed to ground Ali early, but Campaign Singh’s interference turns the tide in Ali’s favor. Ali chops Bailey and whips him into the ropes, but Bailey rebounds with some kicks. Ali bell claps Bailey, then showboats as he sidesteps Bailey on the floor. Bailey takes him out with a dive that pops the crowd, then he gives his wife, Veda Scott, a kiss at ringside. The Secret Service distracts Bailey long enough for Ali to regain control, and he talks trash to the rowdy ground as he puts Speedball in a chinlock.
Ali then heads up top, but Bailey connects with a kick on the way down that stuns Ali. Bailey connects with a spin kick and axe kick, then calls for a running Shooting Star Press. Ali rolls away, but Bailey hits a Falcon Arrow and heads up top. Bailey hits a top rope Shooting Star Press for two. Bailey goes for a double knee smash but Ali avoids it and heads up top. Bailey cuts him off and hits an amazing Spanish Fly onto Singh and Ali’s security detail. The ref starts his count as Bailey re-enters the ring, but Bailey runs out and pulls Ali into the ring.
Ali stuns him with a kick, then they trade forearm shots in the middle of the ring. Ali and Bailey trade roll-up attempts, and Ali tries to steal it by hooking his feet on the ropes. The ref catches him and stops the count, then Ali slides under Bailey on the apron. Bailey immediately springboards up and hits a moonsault on the floor, then gets Ali back inside and goes up top. Bailey looks for a somersault stomp, but Ali catches him with a knee on the way down. He hits a spinning knee smash for two, then Ali attempts a 450, only to have Bailey roll away. Bailey heads up top but Ali rolls over and trips him up, but Bailey fires back with a kick to the head. He hits a Poisonrana off the top, then follows with Ultima Weapon for a very close two count.
Bailey believes he’s won, and his music even starts playing, but the ref says Ali had his foot on the rope. The ref inadvertently ends up getting knocked out, then Singh and the security detail rush out and beat Bailey up. Ali hits two 450 splashes while the security holds Bailey down. They try to revive the ref, who starts counting, but he’s pulled out of the ring by a masked man in riot gear. Trent Seven reveals himself as the masked man, then he beats up the security detail. Ali dives on Seven and hits his knee with a chair. Ali smashes the chair over Bailey’s back, then calls for someone in the back.
Earl Hebner walks to the ring, getting huge heat from the Montreal crowd. The crowd is chanting “You Screwed Bret” at him as Ali puts Bailey in the Sharpshooter. Hebner won’t make the fast count (as he did during the Montreal Screwjob in WWE) and Ali gets pissed. Bailey avoids another chairshot and takes out Ali, and Bailey makes Ali tap to the Sharpshooter.
Winner and NEW X Division Champion – “Speedball” Mike Bailey