TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth defends against Joe Hendry while Knockouts Champion Masha Slamovich defends against Rosemary in a Clockwork Orange House of Fun match.
Tessa Blanchard will have her first match for TNA in nearly five years when she battles Jordynne Grace.
TNA Tag Team Champions The Hardys defend against The Rascalz while Josh Alexander takes on Mike Santana in an I Quit match.
X-Division Champion Moose defends against Ace Austin with the champion promising a new title tonight.
Knockouts Tag Team Champions Spitfire defends against Ash & Heather by Elegance while The System’s Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers face Eric Young & Steve Maclin.
Moose vs Ace Austin For The TNA X-Division Championship

The “Countdown” pre-show wraps up with brief backstage go-home promos from main-eventers Joe Hendry and TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth. We then see McKenzie Mitchell is back as the ring announcer for TNA.
The national anthem is sung by someone, with the Dallas-based crowd yelling “STARS!” every time the word “star” came up. After that, the cold open for the show airs. Inside the packed Curtis Culwell Center, ABC’s theme hits to bring out Ace Austin for the opening match.
Moose’s bad-ass entrance tune hits next and out comes the TNA X-Division Champion accompanied by JDC and Alisha Edwards. He opens up his ring jacket to unveil his newly designed TNA X-Division Championship title belt.
The bell sounds to get things started, and Austin sprints across the ring and jumps on Moose to get things started hot. Austin uses his fast-paced offense to follow up, however a moment later, Moose’s power helps the champ take over.
On the floor, Moose sends Austin into the unforgiving steel guard rail with authority. And again. He rolls back in the ring to break the referee’s count. Austin fights back and actually hits a suplex on the much larger man on the floor.
From the ring apron, Austin blasts an interfering JDC with a kick. The distraction, however, allows Moose to take over. Moose slams the hell out of Austin onto the ring apron with a chokeslam. Austin bounces awkwardly off the apron before crashing and burning on the floor.
Austin barely beats the referee’s count, leaping back into the ring at the count of nine-and-a-half to keep this match alive. He begins a fired up offensive comeback, but Moose keeps things competitive. The two trade shots, with Austin picking up steam until being blasted with a headbutt from the champ.
Moose tries catching Austin with a Go To Hell chokeslam, but Austin counters with a headscissors. He follows up with a second one on the ring apron, which sends Moose crashing out to the floor at ringside. Moose recovers, but other members of The System hit the ring. Austin takes them out with a high spot.
Back in the ring, Moose runs over Austin with a spear that turns the challenger inside-out. He follows up with an immediate cover, but to the shock of everyone in attendance, Austin manages to kick out. Fans chant “This is Awesome!” Austin rolls up Moose for a two.
He tries a few more quick pin attempts, to no avail. He goes for The Art of Finesse, but Moose counters and hits him with a spear to his back. He follows up with a regular spear out of the corner for the pinfall victory to retain the TNA X-Division Championship in an exciting PPV opener.
Winner: Moose
Steve Maclin & Eric Young vs The System (Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers)

After the X-Division Championship opener wraps up, Moose is joined by The System duo of Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers. They begin a post-match beatdown of Austin, which brings out the team of Eric Young and Steve Maclin.
The scheduled opponents for Edwards and Myers begin a brawl, which brings out more officials to try and restore order. The brawl continues for several minutes, leading into the impromptu start of their scheduled tag-team tilt.
Once Maclin and Edwards enter the ring during the brawl, the referee calls for the bell to get things officially started. Maclin lands a running knee that sends him out to the floor. He goes for a dive, but Alisha Edwards trips him up. Edwards hits a Blue Thunder Bomb to take over.
Maclin ends up on the defensive for the next several minutes, with Edwards and Myers taking turns with consistent tags. Fans chant “F**k The System” as they maintain their firm command of the offense, until finally, Young gets the much-needed hot tag for his team, which shifts the offensive momentum.
Young and Maclin take over again, and Maclin tags back in as the legal man. As he comes close to finishing things off, once again Alisha interferes, leading to The System duo taking back control of the action. They look for the back-pack stunner and elbow drop combo, but it is broken up.
Maclin hits a running spear to Myers in the corner, while Young hits a diving splash to Edwards on the floor. Maclin follows up with the K.I.A. on Myers in the ring for the cover. 1-2-3. Maclin and Young win.
Winners: Steve Maclin & Eric Young
TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Championships
Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs. Ash & Heather By Elegance (w/ George Iceman)

The TNA tag-lines “tale of the tape” style graphic flashes on the screen to get the crowd ready for the third match of the pay-per-view card, and fifth overall this evening, which features the TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Championships on-the-line.
George Iceman comes to the ring and does the personal introductions for his team, the “dream team” duo of Ash & Heather by Elegance. With that said, the challengers make their elegant ring entrance for their big title opportunity. They come out dressed like Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders.
Spitfire duo Dani Luna and Jody Threat coming out running in place, full of excitement, wearing TNA’s new BLCKSMTH apparel, giving Hannifan and Rehwoldt the third opportunity to promote their new deal with the clothing company. The referee holds the Knockouts tag titles up high and the bell sounds.
Iceman, Ash and Heather huddle up for a “Go Eagles!” pre-match cheer. Spitfire jumps them and the match starts off hot. Luna and Ash kick things off for their respective teams, with Luna establishing the initial offensive control. Iceman provides a distraction, allowing the Elegance team to take over.
Heather tags in and goes to work on Luna. Ash drags out Luna from the floor under the bottom rope, Randy Orton draping DDT style. Heather leaps and hits a double stomp, Finn Balor Coup de Grace style, on Luna’s back. Back in the ring, Ash tags in and goes for a cover but only gets two.
Iceman grabs the pom-poms at ringside and cheers his elegant team on. Heather provides a distraction from ringside with the pom-poms to help Ash maintain offensive control of the action in the ring. Threat eventually tags in and shifts the momentum before ultimately finishing things off. Spitfire retains.
Winners: Spitfire
Frankie Kazarian Teases Cashing In Call Your Shot Gauntlet Trophy
We see footage of Frankie Kazarian’s victory over Leon Slater in the pre-show. Kazarian says Slater is called the future, but he is the present. He says his focus is now on the main event.
He hopes Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry tear each other apart, because then he’s got a decision to make. He grabs his Call Your Shot Gauntlet trophy and teases tonight possibly being the night he uses it to cash-in.
Jordynne Grace vs Tessa Blanchard

Once the brief Kazarian backstage promo wraps up, the pre-match video package airs to set the stage for the grudge match showdown between Jordynne Grace and Tessa Blanchard.
After the package wraps up, the lights in the building go out. When they come back on, for the first time since returning, Tessa Blanchard makes a regular ring walk down the entrance ramp, with music and the whole sha-bang.
She bites on the tip of a pair of sunglasses as she walks to the ring to a chorus of boos from the Texas crowd. She settles inside the squared circle to Hannifan singing her praises and explaining the significance of her being back in TNA again. “That’ll teach you to never say never,” Rehwoldt adds.
Her music dies down and the familiar sounds of the entrance tune for Jordynne Grace hits. Austin, Texas’ “Juggernaut” heads to the ring to a huge reaction from her near-hometown crowd. As soon as the bell sounds, Grace scoops Blanchard up and runs her into the corner.
The two trade shots until Grace takes over and launches Blanchard out of the corner. She does the same on the other side of the ring. Blanchard heads to the floor for a breather, but Grace dives through the ropes and splashes onto Blanchard. She stands up and hits a Juggernaut Driver to her on the floor.
Fans loudly chant “F**k you, Tessa!” as the clear-cut heel in this equation shifts the offensive into her favor for the first time in the contest. She flips off the crowd. Grace muscles Blanchard up in the powerbomb position and slams her sideways into the guard rail.
She hoists her up but Blanchard escapes and leaps onto the ring apron. Blanchard stomps on the hands of Grace. She wraps her leg around Grace’s head and slams her face-first into the corner of the ring apron. On the floor, she grounds and pounds Grace as the crowd loudly breaks out in a “Let’s go Tessa” and “Tessa sucks” dueling chant.
Blanchard enjoys some time in the offensive spotlight in the ring, with the crowd on her case the entire time. Grace takes back over, and hits a wild cradle piledriver turned into a powerbomb spot for a close two-count. Blanchard fights back with a modified Canadian destroyer for a close pin attempt of her own.
Grace hits a spinebuster and goes for the cover, but only gets two. Blanchard slaps up a triangle off her back on the mat. She throws some elbows up at Grace’s dome, but Grace blasts her back with a big shot. She muscles Grace up into a suplex position, but Blanchard sails over into a neckbreaker for two.
Blanchard hops off the bottom rope and hits a twisting cross-body splash onto Grace at ringside. Grace fights back and hoists Blanchard up over her shoulders. She climbs up to the ring steps and hits a rolling DDT, or sideways death valley driver slam. Fans break out in a very appropriate “This is Awesome!” chant.
Grace looks for the Juggernaut Driver inside the ring, but Blanchard avoids it. The two fight up onto the ropes. Grace hoists Blanchard onto her shoulders again. They leap but Blanchard rolls and lands on top after a crucifix driver for a close two-count.
This match is hitting early Match of the Year contender status already. Fans randomly chant “She’s a racist!” at Blanchard. Blanchard locks up the legs of Grace on the mat and rolls. She stands and goes to drop back with Grace’s legs tied up, but Grace escapes.
Off the ropes, Grace picks Blanchard up, who ties up “The Juggernaut” in an octopus. She yanks on the fingers of Grace from the hold. Grace hoists Blanchard up and bounces her off the ropes for a backwards slam. Blanchard holds onto the turnbuckle pad while her legs are wrapped around Grace’s head.
Grace hits an airplane spin type of move before Donkey Kong’ing Blanchard on the mat for another close two-count. Grace is extremely frustrated after her inability to put Blanchard away that time. Grace runs into a back elbow from Blanchard, who then struggles to try and finish removing the turnbuckle padding.
She fails to do so and gives up. Grace gets Blanchard up for a Muscle Buster but Blanchard avoids it. Blanchard hits a Buzzsaw into the not-exposed turnbuckle in the corner. Blanchard goes for the cover, but Grace gets to the ropes before the count of three.
Blanchard pops up and this time removes the padding off the middle turnbuckle, which was the one she initially tried to expose, before changing to the bottom one afterwards. She does so this time, and after driving Grace into it and leaps off the ropes with a big Codebreaker for the finish. Unbelievably good match. Unfortunate situation with the turnbuckle padding at the very end. Still very good stuff.
Winner: Tessa Blanchard
Mike Santana vs Josh Alexander in an “I Quit” match

The pre-match video package airs to set the stage for the next match of the evening, which features Mike Santana going one-on-one against Josh Alexander in an “I Quit” match. The commentators inform the viewing audience that The Northern Armory have been banned from ringside.
After the package wraps up, we return inside the building where Josh Alexander’s theme hits. “The Walking Weapon” heads to the ring, walking by a fan holding a sign that reads, “Josh Alexander’s hair already said ‘I Quit.'” The fan gets the close-up treatment on-camera afterwards. Nice.
Mike Santana is shown backstage kneeling in prayer as his hip-hop theme hits to give him his cue. He stands up and walks the halls into the crowd, making his usual custom ring entrance through the people. The bell sounds to get things started.
The two glare at each other from opposing corners before charging and meeting in the middle. The fight is on. Alexander gets Santana down in a crossface, but Santana rolls, escapes and returns to his feet. Alexander heads to the floor.
Santana heads out after him, but Alexander dives back into the ring and waves Santana back in. Fans break out in a “We want tables!” chant. Santana responds to them by quickly heading out to the floor and pulling a table out from under the ring. He sets it up but Alexander takes back over.
Fans get on Alexander’s case with multiple chants, including “Walking Weiner!” and “You’re still bald!” Santana rights back and goes for the rolling buck-50 in the ring, but Alexander avoids it. Santana hits a running cannonball onto a seated Alexander in the corner.
Santana works Alexander over in the corner some more and fans break out in another “We want tables!” chant. Santana again immediately reacts in typical babyface fashion, stopping his attack to look at the crowd and acknowledge the chants by pointing down to the table set up on the floor.
The referee gets the microphone and holds it in Santana’s face after Alexander hits a big spot. Santana, in thug fashion, tells him to “get that damn microphone out of his face.” Alexander locks Santana in the ankle lock. The ref again asks him. Again Santana says, “No!” He then says “No god damn*t!”
Santana’s boot comes off. Santana charges at Alexander, who ducks and Santana crashes through the table down below. The ref asks him almost immediately after he goes through the table. Santana replies, “I don’t quit!” He then yells, “Get that damn mic outta my face.” Next time he says, “Referee, get out of my damn face!”
Alexander pulls out another table and throws the steel ring steps in the ring, along with a steel chair. Alexander blasts Santana with the chair. The ref asks him. Santana says “No! You’re gonna have to kill me, Josh!” Santana hits him again and he begins laughing and saying “there ain’t no quit in my blood.”
Alexander pulls out zip-ties and goes to lock up the hands and wrists of Santana. Santana punches from his back, but Alexander beats on him and begins pounding him with vicious looking elbows, Brock Lesnar-Randy Orton style. Santana starts bleeding but seems to be enjoying it, asking for more. Alexander obliges, hitting his C4 Spike on Santana.
Santana no-sells it and stands up and slaps his own face. He unloads on Alexander with a barrage of strikes. He goes for a buckle bomb in the corner, but Alexander’s back misses and the top of his head hits the turnbuckle on the way down. Santana hits a leaping hurricanrana to bring Alexander off the top.
He follows up with a big frog splash. Santana lands Spin the Block so hard it knocks Alexander’s mouth piece out and his head gear off. The ref asks Alexander if he quits, but he does not. Santana gets the zip ties and locks Alexander’s hands behind his back. He hits him with another Spin the Block.
The ref asks him again. Alexander again yells no. Santana brings a table in the ring and hits Alexander with it while leaning it against the corner over his body. He pulls the ring steps over in front of it. Santana runs and leaps off the steps, hitting a cannonball through the table onto Alexander in the corner.
The ref asks him and again Alexander refuses to quit. Santana pulls out a slapjack, cue-balls stuffed inside a sock. He uses it to beat the living crap out of Alexander with it over-and-over while his hands remain cuffed behind his back.
Alexander’s mouth fills up with blood as he says, “You’ll never be the guy, Mike!” when prompted by the ref to quit. Santana puts his boot on the back of Alexander’s head with his hands cuffed behind him. He threatens with a curb stomp onto the steel steps. Alexander quits before he does it.
Winner: Mike Santana
Josh Alexander Quits TNA Wrestling
Santana gets on the mic after and demands Alexander keep his word and shake his hand. Fans chant “Shake his hand!” Santana extends his hand. Alexander reaches out and obliges. While still holding Santana’s hand he asks for the mic.
“I’m a man of my word. I said ‘I Quit.’ I’ll look you eye-to-eye and admit, you’re the new standard of TNA. I quit tonight, but I quit TNA, too.” He drops the mic, yanks his singlet straps down and walks off.
TNA World Tag-Team Championships
The Hardys (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy) (c) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)

The pre-match video package airs to set the stage for the “Dream Match” for the TNA World Tag-Team Championships, with the legendary Hardys duo of Matt and Jeff Hardy defending against their modern-day counterparts, The Rascalz team of Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz.
The TNA Tag-lines “tale of the tape” style graphic flashes on the screen. The theme for The Rascalz hits and out comes Miguel and Wentz to a big crowd reaction. They are wearing ring gear paying homage to their opponents, with Wentz even dying his hair like Jeff Hardy and wearing green smeared face paint.
The iconic sounds of The Hardys’ theme hits and the crowd explodes inside the Curtis Culwell Center as the legendary duo of Jeff and Matt Hardy emerge and head to the ring to easily the loudest reaction of the night. By far, too. They settle inside the squared circle and the sustained roar grows.
Before things get started, the WWE NXT Tag-Team Championship duo of Fraxiom, Nathan Frazer and Axiom, make their way out to loud “Holy sh*t!” chants. They pull up chairs and take a seat at ringside to get a closer look. The bell sounds and off we go.
Miguel and Matt Hardy kick things off for their respective teams. The two reach a stalemate. Matt leads fans in a “DELETE! DELETE!” chant. Jeff tags in. Wentz does as well. The two start with a bit of a stalemate as well, and then Jeff begins to take over. Matt tags in and the two hit a double-team spot.
After some more back-and-forth action, things build to a spot where Miguel is thrown and crashes onto Fraxiom in their seats at ringside. He knocks them out of their chairs, prompting Fraxiom to pop up and get in the faces of The Rascalz.
They are ejected from ringside so the match can continue. The Hardys then go on to hit a Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb off the ropes for the pinfall victory to retain their TNA World Tag-Team Championships.
Winners: The Hardy's
TNA Impact & Upcoming PPV Announcements

A TNA Rebellion 2025 trailer airs for the pay-per-view scheduled for April 27 in Los Angeles, California. After that, we learn that Santino Marella will address Josh Alexander quitting TNA on Thursday’s Impact.
Additionally, NXT Tag-Team titles will be on-the-line on the first live TNA Impact in eight years, as Fraxiom defend against The Rascalz on the January 23 episode.
A graphic flashes on the screen to announce TNA Sacrifice will take place in El Paso, TX. on March 14, with a follow-up TNA Impact taping the next night on March 15 in the same El Paso County Coliseum venue. TNA Slammiversary is announced for July 20.
TNA Knockouts Championship (Clockwork Orange House of Fun)
Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Rosemary

The pre-match video package airs to tell the story leading up to the first-ever women’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun match for the TNA Knockouts Championship, with Masha Slamovich defending against Rosemary.
Inside the arena, the TNA Tag-lines “tale of the tape” style graphic flashes on the screen, as Hannifan and Rehwoldt point out how this is history in the making, with the first-ever women’s version of the Clockwork Orange House of Fun match. Rosemary’s theme hits and out comes the challenger.
She settles in the ring and the lights come back on. Masha Slamovich’s entrance tune hits next and out comes the reigning, defending TNA Knockouts Champion. The ring has a chain going around above the top rope, with various weapons hanging from it. There are weapons in each corner as well.
As soon as the bell sounds, Masha takes the early offensive lead and beats down Rosemary with a chair. She heads to the corner and brings down a staple gun. Before she can use it, Rosemary stops her, kicks her and takes it. She grabs the staple gun from behind Masha and tries stapling her face.
Masha ends up stapling Rosemary’s hand to break free. She holds a kneeling Rosemary and staples her in the arm pit. Masha climbs another weapon corner and pulls down a cane. Before she can use it, however, she is misted in the eyes by Rosemary. She cleans her eyes out and the fights continues.
A table is pulled out and set up. With Rosemary on the apron outside of the ring ropes, Masha charges at her, builds up a full head of steam and splashes onto her, putting her through the table down below. Rosemary recovers, however, and begins beating down Slamovich with a chair at ringside.
Rosemary reaches under the ring and sees something that makes her stop in her tracks and react to the crowd. She pulls out Janice. The calling card of TNA Hall of Fame legend Abyss, who mentored Rosemary within Decay many moons ago. She goes to hit Masha, who moves, and she breaks it on the steps.
She takes a shard of it and uses it to beat up Slamovich, who was toting a cane at the time. She breaks the cane and beats down Slamovich with a piece of Janice on the entrance ramp. Rosemary disappears to the back and returns with a red sack in her hands. She holds it up high and unties it.
She dumps out a ton of thumbtacks on the top of the entrance stage. Rosemary slams her onto them and drags her by her hair down the entrance ramp to the ring as fans chant “That was epic!” A barbed wire board is brought into the ring. Slamovich fights back and slams Rosemary on it for a two-count.
Slamovich hits a stomp onto Rosemary on the barbed wire board for another two-count. Slamovich brings a ladder into the ring and whacks Rosemary with a trash can lid. She then sets the ladder up near the middle of the ring. She begins climbing but Rosemary pushes it over.
Slamovich goes sailing over the ropes and crashing onto two tables. Unfortunately, only one breaks and Slamovich’s noggin bounces onto the side of the other table in violent fashion. Ouch. Rosemary covers her on the floor, but only gets two.
Four steel chairs are unfolded and set up facing each other. Rosemary climbs to the top, but Slamovich stops her and climbs up after her. She hits Requiem into the steel chairs and covers her for the pinfall victory to retain her TNA Knockouts Championship in a violent spectacle.
Winner: Masha Slamovich
Cora Jade Arrives, Confronts Masha Slamovich
Once the first-ever women’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun match wraps up, Slamovich holds her TNA Knockouts Championship up high in the air in celebration. Her music cuts off. The theme for Cora Jade hits.
Out comes the WWE NXT Superstar. She gets in the ring and confronts Slamovich, who simply smiles and raises her title high in the air in front of her. The two exchange stares mere inches from each other’s faces. The brief post-match scene wraps up on that note.
Nic Nemeth (c) vs Joe Hendry for the TNA World Championship

It’s main event time!
The Busted Open Radio pre-show hosts come out on the stage to give their predictions for the main event for the TNA World Championship between Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry. Ryan Nemeth comes out and babbles about his brother until Santino Marella comes out and announces he is banned from ringside.
The pre-match video package airs now to tell the story leading up to the highly-anticipated title tilt between Nemeth and Hendry. The TNA Tag-line “tale of the tape” style graphic flashes on the screen as the fans in Garland already start up with “We believe!” chants.
The lights in the Curtis Culwell Center go out. A dramatic pre-theme song beat plays and grows more intense. McKenzie Mitchell is shown in the ring. “It’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for! It’s time for your main event!”
The intense beat peaks, stops and we hear the familiar sounds of the viral smash hit, “I believe in Joe Hendry!” Nic Nemeth’s theme hits next and out comes “The Wanted Man” for his latest title defense. Following the formal pre-match ring introductions, the bell sounds.
Nemeth and Hendry go nose-to-nose in the middle of the ring and then start getting after it. Loud dueling chants break out, with half of the crowd chanting “Let’s go Nemeth!” and the other-half chanting “We Believe!”
After some back-and-forth action, Nemeth begins to settle into the offensive lead. As he does, the crowd loudly boos. The camera shoots over and Ryan Nemeth is shown with a ticket in his hand and a smirk on his face as he takes a seat close to the ring despite being banned from ringside.
Hendry begins fighting back. He hits a fall away slam and kips up. Fans chant “We believe!” He hits a big Attitude Adjustment for another close two-count. Hendry goes for another AA, but this time Nemeth counters in mid-air with a FameAsser for a close two-count of his own.
Nemeth calls for a high spot and heads to the top-rope. Hendry cuts him off, climbs up after him and hits a big super fall-away slam. The two are both down and out. Frankie Kazarian comes out with his Call Your Shot Gauntlet trophy in-hand.
He hits the ring, but before he can cash-in, JBL appears and takes him out with a Clothesline from Hell at ringside. Fans loudly chant “JBL! JBL!” He then walks over and punches out Nemeth’s brother, Ryan Nemeth, just like he did at TNA Bound For Glory.
And just that fast JBL disappears through the crowd out of the camera shot. Fans chant “This is Awesome!” as Nemeth and Hendry return to their feet. Nemeth goes for his finisher, but Hendry avoids it and hits a Standing Ovation. He goes for the cover, but somehow only gets a two-count.
Fans loudly chant “One more time! One more time!” Hendry looks around and plays to the crowd before amping up and stomping the mat, leading the fans in a “We will rock you!” singing chant of “We believe!” Nemeth hits a super kick and a Danger Zone on Hendry. He goes for the cover, but Hendry kicks out.
Nemeth measures Hendry, setting up another super kick, but he walks into yet another fall away slam from Hendry, who follows up with another Standing Ovation. 1-2-3. We have a new TNA World Champion, and his name is Joe Hendry.
Winner: New TNA Champion Joe Hendry