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TNA IMPACT On AXS Tv Live Results (07/18/2024)

Writer: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

This week’s show starts off with an aerial shot of the city of Philadelphia, PA., which settles inside the 2300 Arena with an enthusiastic crowd chanting “TNA! TNA!” as Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt welcome us to the TNA Slammiversary 2024 “go-home” show.

No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne & Tavion Heights) defeated The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) & KUSHIDA

The ring announcer introduces the No Quarter Catch Crew for the opening contest, which is an inter-promotional six-man tag-team match. The WWE NXT three-man team features Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne and Tavion Heights.

After they settle inside the squared circle, KUSHIDA makes his way out as the first of their three opponents. The theme for The Rascalz hits next and the duo of Miguel and Wentz join him in the ring for our first match of the evening.

Following the bell, Dempsey and Wentz kick things off for their respective teams. The two lock up and Dempsey immediately isolates the arm of Wentz and goes to work on bending and stretching it in directions that it is not intended to go.

Fans chant “TNA!” at one point, but seconds later, break out in a “NXT!” chant. Each guy tags out and we see The Rascalz hit some double-team action before Miguel takes over in the offensive lead for his team. Borne slows him down with a big forearm smash.

Heights tags in and he and Borne hit some double-team action in the NQCC corner. KUSHIDA tags in and helps shift the offensive momentum back into his team’s favor. Heights military presses KUSHIDA and just launches him into the air and backs up, Ultimate Warrior and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan-style, only modern and safe.

Wentz tags in and takes over on Borne, who is the legal man for the NQCC team. He gets in some shots and then tags Miguel back in, and the two hit some double-team spots before KUSHIDA joins them for a cool three-man spot in the ring before hitting a stereo dive at the same time to the NQCC guys on the floor at ringside.

The NQCC start to brawl their way into the offensive driver’s seat on the floor. Back inside the ring, Dempsey counters a Hoover-Board Lock attempt by KUSHIUDA into an arm lock. KUSHIDA reverses and while holding Dempsey in a submission, Wentz and Miguel apply submission attempts to Heights and Borne all at the same time.

Fans break out into an enthusiastic “This is Awesome!” chant. KUSHIDA and The Rascalz set up a big three-man spot with two on the top-rope, but before they execute it, they notice Jonathan Gresham emerge from the entrance tunnel.

The distraction leads to the NQCC guys taking over again and bust open Miguel’s mouth. Wentz is hit with a neck-breaker, followed by a dragon suplex from Dempsey for the pin. The NQCC pick up the win in what was a really good opening match. After the match, the show heads into a commercial break.

Wes Lee Reunites With The Rascalz In The Treehouse

When the show returns, we see The Rascalz team of Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz and Wes Lee all together in a talking heads segment, complete with a bad laugh and applause background sound track.

They spend some time joking about whether or not Wes Lee is really there or if it is a hologram. Lee suggests they handle the No Quarter Catch Crew once and for all. They head off to smoke up in The Treehouse as the segment comes to a close.

Xia Brookside defeated Alisha Edwards (w/ Masha Slamovich)

Back inside the Impact Zone, the theme for Alisha Edwards hits and out comes the TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champion accompanied by her tag-team partner, Masha Slamovich, for the second match of the show. They settle in the ring and then the theme for Xia Brookside hits and she makes her way out.

Tom Hannifan confirms Brookside, Gisele Shaw, Tasha Steelz and Faby Apache in a four-way Knockouts showdown for the Countdown To TNA Slammiversary 2024 pre-show at the big pay-per-view event in Montreal on Saturday, July 30.

After the bell gets this one started, Edwards and Brookside jaw back-and-forth at each other before things ultimately graduate to physicality. Brookside slaps a side headlock on The System member, who escapes and snatches up the arm of her opposition.

Edwards hits a big suplex on Brookside that results in Brookside taking a bad landing in the corner. Edwards kicks away at the grounded Brookside before standing on her hair and yanking on her hands as the crowd boos.

Brookside finally gets back to her feet and starts slinging punches, but Brookside snatches her up and hits a powerslam for a two-count. Brookside rallies back and begins building some offensive momentum. She hits a Russian leg-sweep for a two-count.

She heads over to the corner and connects with a middle rope cross body splash for another close pin attempt. Edwards knocks Brookside out to the floor where Slamovich hoists her up, but before she can do anything, the Spitfire duo of Jody Threat and Dani Luna make the save and take her out.

Back in the ring, Brookside hits her finisher off the ropes for the victory, scoring a pin over one-half of the TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champions. After the Knockouts one-on-one contest wraps up, the show heads back into another commercial break.

Mike Santana With A Message For JDC

When the show returns, we see a well-produced segment featuring Mike Santana talking about how JDC has forced him to release the rabid dog side of himself that he has been trying to keep caged to promote their match later tonight.

“Speedball” Mike Bailey Runs Mustafa Ali’s Secret Service Gauntlet

Hannifan and Rehwoldt show “earlier today” footage of “Speedball” Mike Bailey trying to attack TNA X-Division Champion and his opponent for TNA Slammiversary 2024 on Saturday in Montreal, Mustafa Ali. Back inside the Impact Zone, Bailey calls out Ali.

Ali doesn’t come out but appears on the big screen to respond to Bailey’s challenge to fight him tonight. Ali says he will fight him tonight if Bailey can get through the Secret Service Gauntlet. He tells him he’ll see him real soon. Out comes four members of Ali’s Secret Service in suits with sunglasses on.

One of the four nameless security guys hits the ring and within seconds is kicked into oblivion by one-half of Speedball Mountain for a quick pin. The second one hits the ring and suffers the same fate in about the same amount of time.

The third one is hesitant to get into the ring. He decides against it and hops off the apron and onto the floor at ringside, giving the “Nah, I’m out of here” hand gesture, only for Bailey to come flying into the camera shot to take him out anyways. We head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.

When the show returns, we see Bailey has just finished off the third and fourth secret service security guys, so it’s time for the impromptu fight against Ali. Instead, out comes Campaign Singh, who reveals that now he has gotten through the secret service guys, to complete the gauntlet, he must beat him as well.

He ends up in the ring and within a minute or two, Bailey has him down and out for the pinfall victory. He awaits the arrival of the TNA X-Division Champion for the fight he originally came out to challenge him to.. Two guys in riot gear come out instead and each go in different directions around the ring.

Bailey gets distracted and one of the guys hits the ring and attacks Bailey from behind with a club. He takes his riot gear helmet off to reveal he is, in fact, Mustafa Ali.

He continues to beat down Bailey some more and then bullies the referee into counting three on this non-match while Bailey is down and out. He gloats afterwards and then the show heads into another commercial time out.

When the show returns, Ali is backstage with his Secret Service crew gloating some more about “beating” Bailey. He claims because of the “win,” his title defense against Bailey at Slammiversary is no longer taking place.

Up comes a rare serious Santino Marella who warns Ali to never put his hands on an official again before informing him that his title defense against Bailey at Slammiversary is still very much on as planned.

Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy defeated Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards via Disqualification in TNA World Tag-Team Championship match, when JDC interferes.

Back inside the Impact Zone, the theme for The System duo of Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards hits, and out comes the reigning and defending TNA World Tag-Team Champions for our next match of the evening.

As they settle in the ring, Hannifan and Rehwoldt talk about how the winner of this match will go on to defend the tag-team titles against ABC at Slammiversary on Saturday. The theme for The Hardys hits next and out comes Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy.

The legendary duo head down for the first time in seven years to compete together in a match inside a TNA Wrestling ring. The fans give them a rock star reaction coming out and as they settle into the ring, Matt leads them in the first of what will likely be many “DELETE! DELETE!” chants.

The fans break into their own organic “Hardy! Hardy!” chant and then the ring announcer handles the final formal pre-match ring introductions for both teams to get this championship contest officially off-and-running.

After the bell sounds to get this one started, Matt Hardy and Brian Myers kick things off for their respective teams. The two lock-up and Myers muscles Hardy into a corner. He gives him a clean break but then forcefully pushes him for no reason.

Hardy fights back and takes Myers to his corner where he isolates his arm before tagging in Jeff Hardy. Jeff heads to the top-rope as the fans inside the 2300 Arena come to life. Jeff picks up where Matt left off, taking it to Myers and Edwards.

He sends both retreating on the floor at ringside to recover and regroup. Myers hits Jeff with a big shot upon returning to the ring. He backs Hardy into the corner and tags Edwards back in. Edwards works over Jeff in the corner for a few seconds.

He then tags Myers right back in to do the same. The two utilize frequent tags while keeping Jeff isolated on their half of the ring, with a fresh guy working him over at all times. The crowd loudly boos and continues to do so for what feels like forever.

Think boring second or third round of a five round UFC main event, when a crowd starts to think it’s gonna go this way the rest of the time and quickly grow restless. Matt Hardy finally gets the much-needed hot tag.

The crowd comes to life as he helps shift the offensive momentum back into the favor of The Hardy Boys. While he works over Myers in the ring, Edwards takes out Jeff with a cheap shot on the floor. He then heads into the ring where he and Myers hit Matt with a big double-team spot.

The high impact two-on-one move helps The System duo settle back into the offensive driver’s seats. As they go to work on Matt, the show heads into a mid-match commercial break. When the show returns, we see Matt still on the wrong end of a one-sided beatdown.

He eventually hits a Side Effect that buys him some much-needed tag and then he makes a sorely-needed hot tag to his brother. Jeff Hardy hits the ring with a ton of energy as the crowd comes to life. He hits any-and-everything that moves and then comes off the top-rope with a Whisper in the Wind on Myers.

He goes for the cover but Edwards breaks it up just in time. He hits a Twist of Fate and heads to the top-rope for a Swanton Bomb. Johnny Dango Curtis hits the ring, however, and knocks him off, sending him crashing and burning way down below on the floor. The referee calls for the bell.

As The System duo beat down Matt in the ring, JDC puts Jeff’s head through a steel folding chair and then slams it throat-first into the steel ring post. The System hold Matt and force him to watch as they continue to beat down Jeff at ringside with the chair still around his neck.

Officials and doctors and security rush to the scene to check on Jeff and try and get The System out of there. They put a brace around the neck of Jeff and load him up on a stretcher as Hannifan puts his serious / somber voice on and sends the broadcast into a commercial break.

JDC defeated Mike Santana via Disqualification

When the show returns, Mike Santana and JDC are in the ring for the next match of the evening. As the match gets underway, we see something unfold backstage. Rebecca Hardy is down and screaming in pain in the back when Matt Hardy finds her. She tells him that JDC attacked her.

Jeff Hardy, meanwhile, is shown being loaded into an ambulance on a stretcher following the savage attack moments ago by JDC. Back inside the Impact Zone, we see JDC doing much of the same. His viciousness is on full display.

JDC bites at the bandaged head of Santana and trying to attack him with a steel chair on the floor. Santana’s head is bandaged as a result of another in-match attack by JDC when he assaulted Santana during his Road To Slammiversary Qualifier bout on Impact a couple of weeks ago.

Back in the ring, Santana starts to show signs of life and begins fighting back into competitive form. He hits a big death valley driver for a close two-count. Santana looks for Spin The Block, but JDC avoids it and hits a big slam of his own for a two-count.

Hannifan and Rehwoldt point out on commentary that both guys are busted open. JDC’s nose is bleeding, while Santana’s head is opened up. JDC hits a big high spot off the middle rope for a super close pin attempt, however Santana kicks out before the count of three.

Back on the floor, JDC charges at Santana with a chair. Santana dodges it and sends JDC into the steel ring post. Santana grabs the chair that JDC tried to use on him. He raises it high in the air to show it off and then in blatant fashion, right in front of the referee, begins beating the crap out of JDC with it.

The referee calls for the bell, giving JDC the win via DQ, however Santana clearly doesn’t care. He continues to beat down JDC with the chair and then connects with his Spin The Block finisher, leaving JDC laid out on the floor as the show heads into another commercial break.

Tom Hannifan One-On-One Sit-Down Interview With Jordynne Grace

When the show returns, we see Tom Hannifan seated with Jordynne Grace in a pre-recorded one-on-one sit-down interview with the TNA Knockouts Champion. They talk about her title defense against Ash By Elegance at TNA Slammiversary on Saturday in Montreal.

She talks about winning the title from Trinity, who is now working as Naomi in WWE, and being on the run of her life since then. They talk about her appearance in the Women’s Royal Rumble match for WWE.

The talk shifts to her later appearing on WWE NXT on the USA Network and challenging for the NXT Women’s Championship at NXT Battleground, with her loss being blamed on Ash By Elegance’s interference.

They wrap up by talking about Ash being on vacation while Jordynne has been defending her Knockouts title against additional NXT Superstars in recent weeks on TNA Impact. She vows to show Ash on Saturday that despite her belief, she is not untouchable.

After it wraps up, we see George Iceman on the phone kissing Ash By Elegance’s butt, telling her he’s got manicure and pedicure appointments, etc. set up for her in Montreal. All the while he is talking to her on the phone, Rosemary is behind him making weird faces and gestures.

TNA Slammiversary 2024 Main Event Contract Signing

Back inside the Impact Zone at the 2300 Arena, Santino Marella is shown in the ring. He says it’s time for the contract signing for the six-man elimination match for the TNA World Championship at the TNA Slammiversary 2024 pay-per-view this Saturday in Montreal.

He introduces the first of the five men who will be challenging Moose for his world title at the PPV on 7/20, Josh Alexander. As “The Walking Weapon” settles inside the squared circle, the show heads into a mid-segment commercial break.

When the show returns, we see Joe Hendry make his way out to a big crowd reaction, with the Philly crowd loudly singing along with his catchy-ass entrance tune. He settles inside the ring, which is decked out for the contract signing with a table and chairs.

Also in the ring now are Alexander, Steve Maclin, Frankie Kazarian and noticably absent is Nic Nemeth. The theme for the reigning, defending TNA World Champion Moose hits and out comes the leader of The System dressed to the nines in a suit and tie.

Santino sets the stage as the guys take their respective seats. He introduces Nic Nemeth on Zoom. He reveals he suffered a partially torn labrum as a result of his back-alley brawl last week. He says he will be at Slammiversary, however, as he will be medically cleared in two days.

He vows he will leave Montreal as the new TNA World Champion. Santino gives the guys a pen to sign the contract and reminds them that he wants no shenanigans or malarkey. Most pen their respective John Hancock’s, however Frankie Kazarian hesitates. Santino tells him they don’t have all night.

He finally signs as well. Hendry goes last and soaks up the big crowd reaction and “We Believe” chant he gets. Moose yanks the contract from him. He says he’s gonna sign it first. He does and slams it back down. Santino tells him to take it easy.

The theme for AJ Francis hits and out he comes with his Rich “Homie” Swann. The First Class duo head to the ring with Francis yapping away on the microphone about the contract signing for the main event, when in all actuality, First Class is the “real” main event of TNA Slammiversary.

Francis tells Moose he respects him because they were former NFL brothers, but points out he is the only double-champion in the room. “Lou Thesz ain’t got nothin’ on me!” he says. He heads into the ring with Swann and says there’s five guys he respects in the ring and then there’s Joe Hendry.

He must be included Santino on his respect list, unless he forgot Nemeth isn’t in the ring as well. He tells them all they need to shake his hand and look him in the eyes and say “thank you for the house” when they’re at the sold out TNA Slammiversary pay-per-view this weekend.

Santino says Francis spit in his mouth and says this isn’t the time or place for this. He tells him to get out of the ring. Francis gets in Santino’s face and asks who he is talking to. Out from under the ring pops “The French-Canadian Frankenstein” PCO.

PCO hits the ring and the brawl is on between he and First Class. All of the guys involved in the TNA World Championship main event at Slammiversary end up involved in a brawl of their own, which culminates with Hendry hitting his Standing Ovation chokeslam to TNA World Champion Moose to put him through the table.

He picks up the contract he had yet to sign due to Moose yanking it out of his hands, signs it, and plays to the crowd as his theme hits once again. That’s how this week’s show goes off the air.


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