* The list is organized by date, then alphabetized by U.S. State/Canadian province/Country.** Visit promotion websites before travelling as weather and other circumstances may impact events.
** Follow Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok @TrustInPhil. Send events to stamper@wrestlereality.com.
Wednesday, 9/21/2022 7:00 PM - Pro Wrestling Phoenix - Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple ST, Omaha, NE - facebook.com/PWPLive Thursday, 9/22/2022 8:00 PM - Violence X Suffering (VXS) - American Legion, 4725 Maine Ave, Baldwin Park, CA - facebook.com/VxSWrestling Thursday, 9/22/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 9/22/2022 6:00 PM - TNT Extreme Wrestling - 17-21 Fleet ST, Liverpool, England, UK - facebook.com/tntextremewres Thursday, 9/22/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 9/22/2022 ?, Rugged Pro - Oktemberfest, Main ST, Marshalltown, IA - facebook.com/RuggedProWrestling Thursday, 9/22/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 9/22/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 9/22/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Thursday, 9/22/2022 7:00 PM - New Texas Pro Wrestling - Houston Premier Arena, 7122 Avenue B, Houston, TX - facebook.com/NewTexasPro Friday, 9/23/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 9/23/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 9/23/2022 7:30 PM - APW - 1055 GA 24 E, Statesboro, GA - APWonline.net Friday, 9/23/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 9/23/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 9/23/2022 7:05 PM - Homegrown Wrestling - Pecatonica Tap House, 136 E Main ST, Warren, IL - facebook.com/HomeGrownRasslin Friday, 9/23/2022 7:00 PM - Hybrid Championship Wrestling (HCW) - 4510 N 13th ST, Terre Haute, IN - facebook.com/HybridChampionshipWrestling Friday, 9/23/2022 6:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - Brooklynn Pizza Company, 753 W 2nd ST, Seymour, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Events-104958325383162 Friday, 9/23/2022 5:00 PM - New Japan Pro Wrestling - Takamastu City General Gymnasium #1, 1917-1 Kawahigashishimo, Kagawa-cho, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, Japan - njpw1972.com Friday, 9/23/2022 7:00 PM - Triple Crown Wrestling (TCW) - Casey County Apple Festival, Near City Hall, Liberty, KY - facebook.com/TripleCrownWrestlingTCW Friday, 9/23/2022 8:30 PM - North Atlantic Wrestling Association - Geno's Rock Club, 625 Congress ST, Portland, ME - facebook.com/nawcamp.15 Friday, 9/23/2022 8:00 PM - American Championship Entertainment (ACE) - 829 Windsor RD, Teaneck, NJ - facebook.com/acewrestling Friday, 9/23/2022 7:30 PM - ISPW - Totowa PAL, 150 Chamberlain Ave, Totowa, NJ - facebook.com/ISPWWrestling Friday, 9/23/2022 7:00 PM - Monster Factory Pro Wrestling - Monster Factory, 541 Mantua Ave, Paulsboro, NJ - MonsterFactory.org Friday, 9/23/2022 6:00 PM - Live Pro Wrestling - Morrinsville RSA, 27 Studholme ST, Hamilton - New Zealand - Friday, 9/23/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 9/23/2022 7:30 PM - Hamilton Pro Wrestling - Germania Club, 863 King ST E, Hamilton, ON, Canada - facebook.com/HamiltonProWrestling Friday, 9/23/2022 8:00 PM - Superkick'd Pro Wrestling - Great Hall, 1087 Queen ST W, Toronto, ON - facebook.com/superkickd Friday, 9/23/2022 8:00 PM - Main Event Wrestling - Le Studio TD, 305 St-Catherine ST W, Montreal, QC - facebook.com/maineventwrestling2020 Friday, 9/23/2022 8:00 PM - Action Packed Wrestling(APW) - 110 Helen ST, Chester, SC - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075188126637 Friday, 9/23/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 9/23/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 9/23/2022 7:00 PM - Welsh Wrestling - The Met, Mitre ST, Abertillery, Wales, UK - Saturday, 9/24/2022 8:30 PM - Bad Boy Pro - 8142 US-31, Hanceville, AL - facebook.com/badboyprowrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:30 PM - Diamond Championship Wrestling - The Temple, 351 St. Francis ST, Mobile, AL - facebook.com/DCW2017 Saturday, 9/24/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:30 PM - Venom Pro Wrestling - Lonestar Travern, Sunshine Blvd, Mermaid Waters, Queensland, Australia - facebook.com/venomprowrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 2:00 PM - Empire Wrestling Federation (EWF) - Corona Elks, 912 E 8th ST, Corona, CA - EmpireWrestlingFederation.com Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - West Coast Pro Wrestling - 846 Front ST, Santa Cruz, CA - facebook.com/WestCoastProWrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - Independent Wrestling Universe - Weekley Glebe RD, Kettering, England, UK - facebook.com/IWUWrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - New British Promotions - Electric Theatre, Falcon ST, Barnsley, England, UK - facebook.com/NBPWrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling (SICW) - Holy Rosary Church, 2716 N 42nd ST, Fairmond City, IL - facebook.com/WrestlingExplosion Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:30 PM - RCW - Goodson Event Center, 1905 Goodson CT, South Bend, IN - facebook.com/JoinTheRevolutionRCW Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:30 PM - Worlds Finest Wrestling (WFW) - National Guard Armory, 3000 Waterloo RD, Connersville, IN - facebook.com/WFWrestlingIndy Saturday, 9/24/2022 8:00 PM - Absolute Pro Wrestling - Fort Frenzy, 3232 1st Ave S, Fort Dodge, IA - facebook.com/AbsoluteProWrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 8:00 PM - New Japan Pro Wrestling - The Vermont Hollywood, 1020 N Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA - njpw1972.com Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:30 PM - Limitless - Yarmouth Amvets, 148 North RD, Yarmouth, ME - facebook.com/LimitlessWrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - Pioneer Valley Pro Wrestling (PVP) - Pulaski Club, 79 Maple ST, Easthampton, MA - facebook.com/PioneerValleyPro Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:30 PM - WAW, (Christian Saint Memorial), Newton Elks Lodge, 429 Centre ST, Newton, MA - Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - American Wrestling Experience (AWE) - Polish National Alliance Hall, 638 Page Ave, Jackson, MI - facebook.com/americanwrestlingexperience Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - American Wrestling Federation (AWF) - Cambridge-Isanti High School, 430 8th Ave NW, Cambridge, MN - ProAWF.com Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - Magnum Wrestling - Stocks N Bonds, 8528 Park DR, Omaha, NE - facebook.com/MAGNUMWRESTLING Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - Atlantic All-Star Wrestling - American Legion, 1018 Washington Ave, Woodbury, NJ - facebook.com/AtlanticAllStarWrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - East Coast Pro Wrestling (ECPW) - Flemington Elks Lodge, 165 State RT 31, Flemington, NJ - Saturday, 9/24/2022 8:00 PM - Hardcore Hustle Organization (H20) - 1041 Glassboro Rd, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/HardcoreHustleOrg Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - New England Ring Gladiators - VFW, 109 Middle ST, Fairhaven, MA - facebook.com/NERingGladiators Saturday, 9/24/2022 8:30 PM - EPW - 1714 Hwy 145 N 2nd ST, Boonesville, MS - facebook.com/epwwrestlingms Saturday, 9/24/2022 ? PM - Pro Wrestling Magic - 106 Bergen Ave, Ridgefield Park, NJ - twitter.com/WrestlingMagic Saturday, 9/24/2022 3:00 PM - GOUGE - Clouds Brewery and Taproom, 1233 Front ST, Raleigh, NC - facebook.com/groups/40658852410 Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - NAWA - American Legion Hall, 401 Main ST NW, Lenoir, NC - facebook.com/NAWAprowrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:30 PM - Ascend Pro Wrestling - 6630 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH - Saturday, 9/24/2022 ? PM - Buckeye Wrestling Alliance - River View Jr. High School, 26546 OH-60, Warsaw, OH - facebook.com/buckeyewrestlingalliance Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - Empire Pro Wrestling - 400 SW 66th ST, Oklahoma City, OK - facebook.com/EmpireProWrestlingOKC Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - World Class Pro Wrestling - 2002 S 13th ST, Duncan, OK - facebook.com/worldclassprowrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 8:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Fairborn Phoenix, 34 S Broad ST, Fairborn, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - Keystoone State Wrestling Alliance (KSWA) - MJ's Steel City, 682 Cliff Mine RD, Coraopolis, PA - kswa.net Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - Prospect Pro Wrestling - Worthington Civic Center, 214 E Main ST, Worthington, PA - ProspectProWrestling.com Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:15 PM - Fight Life - Linesider Brewing Co, 1485 S County TR, East Greenwich, RI - facebook.com/FIGHTLIFEWRESTLING Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:30 PM - New World Wrestling-Extreme - Post 85, 870 River ST, Woonsocket, RI - facebook.com/nwwprowrestlingextreme Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - Chaotic Kingdom Wrestling (CKW) - Broaddus High School, 16405 State Hwy 147, Broaddus, TX - facebook.com/ChaoticKingdomWrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:30 PM - Source Wrestling - Lochwinnoch Community Annexe, Pavillion Ha, Lochlip Road, Lochwinnoch, Scotland, UK - facebook.com/SourceWrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - Alternative Wrestling Showcase - 1742 Neeses Hwy, Orangeburg, SC - facebook.com/AWSwrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:30 PM - Classic Pro Wrestling (CPW) - Wellford Pavilion, 302 Lonesome Pine LN, Wellford, SC - facebook.com/ClassicProWrestlingSC Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 9/24/2022 7:00 PM - Advanced Pro Wrestling (APW) - 777 Reunion DR, Alvarado, TX - AdvancedProWrestling.com Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - Christian Wrestling Federation - Hope Farms Gym, 865 E Ramsey Ave, Ft. Worth, TX - ChristianWrestling.com Saturday, 9/24/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 9/24/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - Eastern Shore Pro Wrestling - Chincoteague Fire House, 5052 Deep Hole RD, Chincoteague, VA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071208824301 Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - World Domination Wrestling Alliance (WDWA) - Kuztom Kreationz, 605B Winchester Ave, Martinsburg, WV - facebook.com/wdwawrestling Saturday, 9/24/2022 6:00 PM - Frontline Pro, (Tyler Manthe Memorial Scholarship Benefit), Bakerville Sports Bar & Grill, 10631 Country RD B, Marshfield, WI - facebook.com/frontlineproentertainment Sunday, 9/25/2022 2:00 PM - Paradise Alley Pro Wrestling - Cadillac Ranch, 45 Jude LN, Southington, CT - facebook.com/OfficialPAPW Sunday, 9/25/2022 2:00 PM - American Wrestling EPW - Birtley Leisure Centre, Durham RD, Birtley, England, UK - facebook.com/EPWAMERICANWRESTLING Sunday, 9/25/2022 2:00 PM - TNT Extreme Wrestling - 17-21 Fleet ST, Liverpool, England, UK - facebook.com/tntextremewres Sunday, 9/25/2022 3:00 PM - Grindhouse Pro Wrestling - The arenA, 1416 Spring ST, Jeffersonville, IN - facebook.com/GrindhouseProWrestling Sunday, 9/25/2022 3:00 PM - Hoosier Wrestling Alliance (HWA) - Hendricks Power Expo Hall, Hendricks Co. 4H Fairgrounds, 1900 E Main ST, Danville, IN - facebook.com/Forthefansbythefans317 Sunday, 9/25/2022 4:00 PM - New Japan Pro Wrestling - Kobe World Hall, 6-12-2 Minatojimanakamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo, Japan - njpw1972.com Sunday, 9/25/2022 3:00 PM - Invictus Pro Wrestling - 106 Bergen Ave, Ridgefield Park, NJ - facebook.com/InvictusProWrestling Sunday, 9/25/2022 6:00 PM - Urban Combat Wrestling (UCW) - Gateway River Bar, 790 Riverside DR, Asheville, NC - Sunday, 9/25/2022 1:00 PM - Paradigm Pro Wrestling - King of Clubs, 6252 Busch Blvd, Columbus, OH - facebook.com/ParadigmProWrestling Sunday, 9/25/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 9/25/2022 8:00 PM - Prestige Wrestling - Hawthorne Theatre, 1507 SE 39th Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/WrestlePrestige Sunday, 9/25/2022 1:00 PM - Smash Master Wrasslin' - Throop Civic Center, 500 Sanderson ST, Throop, PA - facebook.com/smashmasterwrasslin Sunday, 9/25/2022 2:00 PM - Beyond Wrestling - Paddy's Beach Club, 159 Atlantic Ave, Westerly, RI - facebook.com/beyondwrestling Sunday, 9/25/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Sunday, 9/25/2022 8:00 PM - ACTION Wrestling, TWE Chattanooga - The Dark Roast, 208 Frazier Ave, Chattanooga, TN - facebook.com/ACTIONWrestling1, facebook.com/TWEofChattanooga Monday, 9/26/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Tuesday, 9/27/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Wednesday, 9/28/2022 7:00 PM - Atlantic Pro Wrestling (APW) - 29 Spring ST, Nashua, NH - atlanticprowrestling.com Thursday, 9/29/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 9/29/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 9/29/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 9/29/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 9/29/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 9/30/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 9/30/2022 6:00 PM - Empire Wrestling Federation (EWF) - Los Angeles Southwest College, 1600 W Imperial Hwy, Los Angeles, CA - EmpireWrestlingFederation.com Friday, 9/30/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 9/30/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 9/30/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 9/30/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Friday, 9/30/2022 7:00 PM - Rugged Pro (RPW) - Midnight Ballroom, 1700 S Center ST, #2, Marshalltown, IA - facebook.com/RuggedProWrestling Friday, 9/30/2022 7:15 PM - Lucky Pro Wrestling (LPW) - Hudson-Concord Elks Lodge, 99 Park ST, Hudson, MA - facebook.com/LuckyProWrestling Friday, 9/30/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 9/30/2022 7:30 PM - Independent Wrestling League (IWL) - Stone Hollow Farm, 16937 Great Cove RD, McConnellsburg, PA - facebook.com/theiwl Friday, 9/30/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 9/30/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 9/30/2022 8:00 PM - VIP Wrestling - Haltom Theater, 5601 Belknap ST, Haltom City, TX - facebook.com/VIPWrestlingDallas Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:00 PM - Revolt Pro Wrestling - Alabama Gulf Coast Music Hall, 12615-A Foley Beach Express, Foley, AL - facebook.com/revoltprowrestling1 Saturday, 10/1/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 10/1/2022 6:30 PM - Empire Wrestling Federation (EWF), (Veterans Benefit), Redlands Elks, 663 New York ST, Redlands, CA - EmpireWrestlingFederation.com Saturday, 10/1/2022 5:30 PM - New Japan Pro Wrestling - Crystal Palace National Sports Center, Ledrington RD, London, England, UK - njpw1972.com Saturday, 10/1/2022 6:30 PM - Detiny Combat Championship Wrestling (DCCW) - Baker County Fairgrounds, 5567 Lauramore RD, MacClenny, FL - facebook.com/DCCWWrestlingInc Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:30 PM - KLT Promotions - KLT Arena, 2561 Shorter Ave, Rome, GA - KLTPromotions.com Saturday, 10/1/2022 8:00 PM - Renegade Championship Wrestling (RCW) - 806 N 2nd Ave, Chatsworth, GA - facebook.com/RCWWrestling Saturday, 10/1/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Turbinenhale Oberhausen, Im Lipperfeld 23, Oberhausen, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Saturday, 10/1/2022 5:00 PM - Rocket Pro Wrestling (RPW) - St. Joseph Park, 700 Theodore ST, Joliet, IL - RocketProWrestling.com Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:00 PM - LDN Wrestling - Belvoir Studio Theatre, 94 Belvoir DR, Belfast, Ireland, UK - facebook.com/LDNwrestling Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:00 PM - Titan Championship Wrestling (TCW) - VFW Post 8867, 373 Adamston RD, Brick Township, NJ - Titan-ChampionshipWrestling.com Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:00 PM - United Wrestling Coalition - Bordentown Elks Lodge, 11 Amboy RD, Bordentown, NJ - faceboook.com/UWCFanCave Saturday, 10/1/2022 6:00 PM - Unsanctioned Pro - Hannon's Camp America, 8501 Camden College Corner RD, College Corner, OH - UnsanctionedPro.com Saturday, 10/1/2022 6:30 PM - Great Canadian Wrestling (GCW) - Harmony Creek Community Center, 15 Harmony RD, Oshawa, ON - facebook.com/GCWE.CA Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:30 PM - DOA Pro Wrestling - North Portland Eagles Lodge, 7611 N Exeter Ave, Portland, OR - DOAProWrestling.com Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:00 PM - Frontier Pro Wrestling - Big Wheel Roller Skating Rink, 3226 N 5th ST, East Stroudsburg, PA - facebook.com/FrontierProWrestlingPA Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 10/1/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 10/1/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Saturday, 10/1/2022 8:00 PM - Bruiser Wrestling Federation - 209 Fairgrounds Ave, Farmville, VA - Saturday, 10/1/2022 7:30 PM - Virginia Championship Wrestling (VCW) - Salvation Army, 1401 Ballentine Blvd, Norfolk, VA - VCWProWrestling.com Sunday, 10/2/2022 4:30 PM - New Japan Pro Wrestling - Crystal Palace National Sports Center, Ledrington RD, London, England, UK - njpw1972.com Sunday, 10/2/2022 6:30 PM - Pro Wrestling Action - Eastmonte Civic Center, 830 Magnolia DR, Altamonte Springs, FL - facebook.com/ProWrestlingAction Sunday, 10/2/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Turbinenhale Oberhausen, Im Lipperfeld 23, Oberhausen, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Sunday, 10/2/2022 1:30 PM - Warrior Wrestling - Marian Catholic, 700 Ashland Ave, Chicago Heights, IL - warriorwrestling.net Sunday, 10/2/2022 6:30 PM - Great Canadian Wrestling (GCW) - 286 George ST N, Peterborough, ON - facebook.com/GCWE.CA Sunday, 10/2/2022 1:00 PM - Pro Wrestling Eclipse - General Sikorski Hall, 1551 Stevenson RD N, Oshawa, ON - facebook.com/Pro-Wrestling-Eclipse-633966616641335 Sunday, 10/2/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 10/2/2022 5:00 PM - WrestleForce - 10005 Two Notch RD, Columbia, SC - facebook.com/WrestleForce Sunday, 10/2/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Sunday, 10/2/2022 4:30 PM - Revolution Pro - 229 The Venue, 229 Great Poland ST, London, England, UK - facebook.com/RevolutionProWrestling Monday, 10/3/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Turbinenhale Oberhausen, Im Lipperfeld 23, Oberhausen, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Monday, 10/3/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Monday, 10/3/2022 7:30 PM - Hardcore Hustle Organization (H20) Undiscovered - 1041 Glassboro Rd, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/HardcoreHustleOrg Tuesday, 10/4/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 10/6/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 10/6/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 10/6/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 10/6/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 10/6/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 10/7/2022 8:30 PM - Bad Boy Pro - 8142 US-31, Hanceville, AL - facebook.com/badboyprowrestling Friday, 10/7/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 10/7/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 10/7/2022 7:30 PM - Blitzkrieg, Limitless - 4 Alden Ave, Enfield, CT - BlitzkriegPro.net, facebook.com/LimitlessWrestling Friday, 10/7/2022 7:30 PM - Action - 145 Commerce DR, Tyrone, GA - Action-Wrestling.com Friday, 10/7/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 10/7/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 10/7/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 10/7/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 10/7/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 10/7/2022 8:00 PM - Texoma Pro - Sherman Elks Lodge, 1713 East FM 1417, Sherman, TX - texomapro.com Friday, 10/7/2022 2:00 PM - Welsh Wrestling - Tylorstown Welfare Hall - Tylorstown - UK - facebook.com/WelshWrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - Empire Wrestling Federation (EWF) - VFW Post 8737, ?, San Bernardino, CA - EmpireWrestlingFederation.com Saturday, 10/8/2022 4:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - Blitzkrieg, Limitless - 4 Alden Ave, Enfield, CT - BlitzkriegPro.net, facebook.com/LimitlessWrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - Viral Pro Wrestling (VPW) - Sweetwater Park Gymnasium, 1742 Wrens Hwy, Thomson, GA - facebook.com/ViralProWrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 4:00 PM - Dreamwave - Lou's Lagrotto, 3001 5th ST, Peru, IL - facebook.com/dreamwavewrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - Louisiana Wrestling Alliance (LWA) - Rice Festival Building, 717 W Mill ST, Crowley, LA - facebook.com/LouisianaWrestlingAlliance Saturday, 10/8/2022 8:00 PM - Flying V Fights - Silver Spring Black Box Theatre, 8641 Colesville RD, Silver Spring, MD - FlyingV.org Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - Alabama Wrestling Alliance (AWA) - Youth Center, 726 Pine DR, Ocean Springs, MS - AlabamaWrestlingAlliance.com Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 10/8/2022 ?:00 PM - Action Packed Wrestling - Massey Rugby Club, 23 Granville DR, Massey, Auckland, New Zealand - facebook.com/ActionPackedWrestingApw Saturday, 10/8/2022 8:00 PM - Blood Storm Pro - 1041 Glassboro RD, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/BloodStormPro Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - IWF - North Arlington High School, 222 Ridge RD, N Arlington, NJ - campiwf.com Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:30 PM - Heroes 2 Legends; Pro Wrestling Union, (Shop with a Cop Benefit), Jackson County Rescue Squad, 327 County Services Park, Sylva, NC - facebook.com/Heroes2LegendsWrestling; facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063011631747 Saturday, 10/8/2022 6:00 PM - Savage Anarchy Wrestling (SAW) - 434 W Church ST, Marion, OH - facebook.com/S.A.W.SavageAnarchyWrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - Wrestling and Respect (WAR) - 1730 N Union ST, Lima, OH - warwrestling.com Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - Buzzsaw Championship Wrestling (BCW) - Logan County Fairgrounds, 215 Fairgrounds RD, Guthrie, OK - facebook.com/terrypanterawrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:30 PM - American Wrestling League - Wellford Pavilion, 302 Lonesome Pine LN, Wellford, SC - facebook.com/awlprowrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 6:00 PM - K-Town Championship Wrestling (KCW) - 6100 Washington Pike, Knoxville, TN - facebook.com/KTOWNCHAMPOINSHIPWRESTLING Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 10/8/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 10/8/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Saturday, 10/8/2022 ? PM - Ultimate Victory Wrestling - Houston Premier Arena, 7122 Avenue B, Houston, TX - facebook.com/ultimatevictorywrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 6:00 PM - World Domination Wrestling Alliance (WDWA) - Kuztom Kreationz, 605B Winchester Ave, Martinsburg, WV - facebook.com/wdwawrestling Saturday, 10/8/2022 7:30 PM - SSW Entertainment - Brat Stop, 12304 75th ST, Kenosha, WI - snssupershow.com Sunday, 10/9/2022 ? PM - Supreme Pro Wrestling (SPW), (Collectible Stampede), Taqueria Guadalajara, 6 W Court ST, Woodland, CA - facebook.com/supremeprowrestling Sunday, 10/9/2022 5:00 PM - Ugly Dojo - Colonial Theater, 3522 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, CA - facebook.com/DOJOBOSS61 Sunday, 10/9/2022 2:00 PM - Chicagoland Championship Wrestling (CCW) - American Legion 451, 121 Skwiat Legion Ave, Michigan City, IN - facebook.com/ChicagolandChampionshipWrestling Sunday, 10/9/2022 4:00 PM - Summit Pro - Hancock County Fairgrounds, 620 Apple ST, Greenfield, IN - facebook.com/summitproindy Sunday, 10/9/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 10/9/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Sunday, 10/9/2022 7:30 PM - Pro Wrestling Element - San Antonio Shrine, 901 N Loop 1604 W Acc RD, San Antonio, TX - facebook.com/prowrestlingelement Sunday, 10/9/2022 4:00 PM - Revolution Pro - The 1865, Brunswick Square, Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK - facebook.com/RevolutionProWrestling Monday, 10/10/2022 5:00 PM - New Japan Pro Wrestling - Ryogoku Kokugikan, 1-3-28, Yokoami, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan - njpwa1872.com Tuesday, 10/11/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Tuesday, 10/11/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 10/13/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 10/13/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 10/13/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 10/13/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 10/13/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 10/14/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 10/14/2022 8:00 PM - Pitfighter - Arrow on Swanston, 488 Swanston CT, Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Friday, 10/14/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 10/14/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - Wimmer Arena, 2170 W Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Friday, 10/14/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 10/14/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 10/14/2022 6:30 PM - New Japan Pro Wrestling - Korakuen Hall, 1-3-61, Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan - njpw1972.com Friday, 10/14/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 10/14/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 10/14/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Saturday, 10/15/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 10/15/2022 2:30 PM - Death Match Down Under (DMDU) - Arrow on Swanston, 488 Swanston CT, Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - facebook.com/deathmatchdownunder Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:30 PM - ICW NHB - Arrow on Swanston, 488 Swanston CT, Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - facebook.com/ICWNHB Saturday, 10/15/2022 11:00 AM - Empire Wrestling Federation (EWF) - Rancho Jurupa Regional Park, 4800 Crestmore RD, Jurupa Valley, CA - EmpireWrestlingFederation.com Saturday, 10/15/2022 5:00 PM - Brawl USA - Lead Foot City, 17109 Old Ayers RD, Brooksville, FL - facebook.com/brawlUSA Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:30 PM - KLT Promotions - KLT Arena, 2561 Shorter Ave, Rome, GA - KLTPromotions.com Saturday, 10/15/2022 8:00 PM - Renegade Championship Wrestling (RCW) - 806 N 2nd Ave, Chatsworth, GA - facebook.com/RCWWrestling Saturday, 10/15/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Forum Bielefeld, Meller Strasse 2, Bielefeld, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 10/15/2022 5:00 PM - New Japan Pro Wrestling - Korakuen Hall, 1-3-61, Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan - njpw1972.com Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 10/15/2022 4:30 PM - LTW - 17 Bordertown Ave, Old Bridge, NJ - facebook.com/LTWLIVEPROWRESTLING Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:00 PM - Monster Factory Pro Wrestling - Monster Factory, 541 Mantua Ave, Paulsboro, NJ - MonsterFactory.org Saturday, 10/15/2022 6:00 PM - Binghamton Wrestling Con - Bulldog Sports Complex, 1025 Robinson Hill RD, Johnson City, NY - imwithdavis.com Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:30 PM - League of Lions Wrestling - 315 Pope ST, Marshall, TX - facebook.com/leagueoflionswrestling Saturday, 10/15/2022 6:30 PM - Pro Wrestling Live - Gahanna Lanes, 215 W Johnstown RD, Columbus, OH - facebook.com/pwlohio Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:00 PM - Live Pro Wrestling - W.I.S.H. Centre, 177 King ST E, Chatham, ON - Saturday, 10/15/2022 8:00 PM - World Class Professional Big Time Wrestling - OUC-Showmaker Center, 101 University DR, Chillicothe, OH - facebook.com/WCPBTW Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:30 PM - Ryse - Hough Building Gymnasium, 2801 Custer Ave, Pittsburgh, PA - RyseWrestling.com Saturday, 10/15/2022 6:00 PM - ICWA - Morristown National Guard Armory, 5255 E Andrew Johnson Hwy, Russellville, TN - Saturday, 10/15/2022 ? PM - KOBK - 4825 Dayton Blvd, Red Bank, TN - twitter.com/kobkfed Saturday, 10/15/2022 6:00 PM - Live Pro Wrestling, (Chad Haithcock Cancer Benefit) - 433 Prospect Ave, Newport, TN - Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 10/15/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 10/15/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 10/15/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Sunday, 10/16/2022 3:00 PM - Death Match Down Under (DMDU), ICW NHB - Arrow on Swanston, 488 Swanston CT, Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - facebook.com/deathmatchdownunder, facebook.com/ICWNHB Sunday, 10/16/2022 5:30 PM - F1ght Club Pro Wrestling - 3415 8th ST NE, Washington, DC - facebook.com/F1ghtClubPro Sunday, 10/16/2022 4:00 PM - New Generation Wrestling - Montgomery County 4H Fairgrounds, 400 PArke Ave, Crawfordsville, IN - facebook.com/groups/newgenerationwrestling Sunday, 10/16/2022 5:00 PM - New Japan Pro Wrestling - Ao-re Nagaoka, 1-4-10, Otedori, Nagaoka-shi, Niigata, Japan - njpwa1972.com Sunday, 10/16/2022 12:00 PM - Courage Pro, (All Women's Tournament), Hamilton Convention Centre, 1 Summers LN, Hamilton, ON, Canada - facebook.com/courageprowrestling Sunday, 10/16/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 10/16/2022 2:00 PM - Smash Master Wrasslin' - Circle Drive-In, 1911 Scranton Carbondale Hwy, Dickson City, PA - facebook.com/smashmasterwrasslin Sunday, 10/16/2022 ? PM - Next Generation Wrestling (NGW) - Newport National Guard Armory - Newport, TN - NextGenTN.net Sunday, 10/16/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Monday, 10/17/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Monday, 10/17/2022 6:30 PM - New Japan Pro Wrestling - Big Palette Fukushima, 2-52 Minami, Kooriyama-shi, Fufushima, Japan - njpw1972.com Monday, 10/17/2022 7:30 PM - Hardcore Hustle Organization (H20) Undiscovered - 1041 Glassboro Rd, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/HardcoreHustleOrg Tuesday, 10/18/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Wednesday, 10/19/2022 9:00 PM - Dark Arts Entertainment - The Nerd, 450 Fremont ST, Unit 250, Las Vegas, NV - DarkArtsVegas.com Thursday, 10/20/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 10/20/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 10/20/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 10/20/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 10/20/2022 ? PM - Demand Lucha - Parkdale Hall, 1605 Queen ST W, Toronto, ON - facebook.com/DemandLucha Thursday, 10/20/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 10/21/2022 8:30 PM - Bad Boy Pro - 8142 US-31, Hanceville, AL - facebook.com/badboyprowrestling Friday, 10/21/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 10/21/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 10/21/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 10/21/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 10/21/2022 8:00 PM - MidDeath Pro - Boggs Hull Ave Tavern, 834 Hull Ave, Des Moines, IA - facebook.com/MidDeathPro Friday, 10/21/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 10/21/2022 8:00 PM - Kross Fire Wrestling (KFW) - Sun Outdoors Resort, 1004 Parkway, Sevierville, TN - facebook.com/KFWWrestlingEvents Friday, 10/21/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 10/21/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 10/21/2022 8:00 PM - New Era Wrestling (NEW) - 6331 Alabama ST, El Paso, TX - facebook.com/epheroes/ Friday, 10/21/2022 8:00 PM - Texoma Pro - Sherman Elks Lodge, 1713 East FM 1417, Sherman, TX - texomapro.com Friday, 10/21/2022 5:00 PM - Kamikaze Pro - The Mill, 29 Lower Trinity ST, Birmingham - UK - facebook.com/KamikazeProUK Saturday, 10/22/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 10/22/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 10/22/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 10/22/2022 7:00 PM - Santino Bros. - Clara Sports Park, 4835 Clara ST, Cudahy, CA - facebook.com/santinobros Saturday, 10/22/2022 7:00 PM - XPW - Derby Room, 2201 N White Ave, Pomona, CA - Saturday, 10/22/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Stromwerk Dresden, Kraftwerk Mitte 28, Dresden, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Saturday, 10/22/2022 2:00 PM - Destination6 - 136 W Carroll ST, Macomb, IL - facebook.com/destination.six.7 Saturday, 10/22/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 10/22/2022 6:00 PM - UFO Wrestling - Lafayette Club, 11 High ST, Amesbury, MA - twitter.com/UFOWRESTLINGBOS Saturday, 10/22/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 10/22/2022 7:00 PM - Dropkick Depression - 61 Pine ST, Old Bridge, NJ - Saturday, 10/22/2022 6:00 PM - Intense Wrestling Alliance (IWA) - 150 Chestnut ST, Nutley, NJ - facebook.com/IntenseWrestlingAlliance Saturday, 10/22/2022 , Standing 8 Entertainment - 22 Hudson Falls RD, South Glen Falls, NY - facebook.com/standing8entertainment Saturday, 10/22/2022 6:30 PM - World Wide Wrestling Alliance (WWWA) - Quakertown Farmer's Market, Q-Mart Arena, 201 Station RD, Quakertown, PA - wwwawrestling.com Saturday, 10/22/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 10/22/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 10/22/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 10/22/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Saturday, 10/22/2022 6:00 PM - World Domination Wrestling Alliance (WDWA) - Kuztom Kreationz, 605B Winchester Ave, Martinsburg, WV - facebook.com/wdwawrestling Saturday, 10/22/2022 ?:00 PM - Frontline Pro - Spencer Kids Group, 117 E Clark ST, Spencer, WI - facebook.com/frontlineproentertainment Saturday, 10/22/2022 6:00 PM - River City Championship Wrestling (RCCW) - Champions Riverside Resort, W16751 Pow Wow LN, Galesville, WI - facebook.com/RiverCityCW Sunday, 10/23/2022 6:00 PM - PWC Lucha Libre - 244 Livestock RD, Eastonollee, GA - facebook.com/PwcLuchaLibreprofesional Sunday, 10/23/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Hellraiser Leipzig, Werkstattenstrabe 4, Leipzig, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Sunday, 10/23/2022 5:00 PM - Pro Wrestling 225 - LM Lockhart Gym, Louise ST, Denham Springs, LA - facebook.com/prowrestling225 Sunday, 10/23/2022 5:00 PM - New Frontier - The Rockpile, 5555A Dundas ST W, Toronto, ON, Canada - facebook.com/NewFrontierPro Sunday, 10/23/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 10/23/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Sunday, 10/23/2022 4:00 PM - This Is Wrestling - Ormskirk Civic Hall, Southport RD, Ormskirk - UK - facebook.com/Thisiswrestlingpw Sunday, 10/23/2022 12:00 PM - Welsh Wrestling - Grand Pavilion Porthcawl - Porthcawl - UK - facebook.com/WelshWrestling Monday, 10/24/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Tuesday, 10/25/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 10/27/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 10/27/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 10/27/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 10/27/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 10/27/2022 8:00 PM - Sean Henderson Presents - H20 Wrestling Center, 1041 Glassboro RD, Bld C, Suite 1, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/HardcoreHustleOrg Thursday, 10/27/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 10/28/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 10/28/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 10/28/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 10/28/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 10/28/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Friday, 10/28/2022 7:15 PM - Circle 1 - Elite Sportsplex, 2220 Mall Drive E, Waterford Township, MI - Friday, 10/28/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 10/28/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 10/28/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 10/28/2022 9:00 PM - Mondo Lucha - Pabst/Riverside/Turner Hall, 1040 Vel R. Phillips Ave, Milwaukee, WI - facebook.com/mondolucha Saturday, 10/29/2022 8:30 PM - Bad Boy Pro - 8142 US-31, Hanceville, AL - facebook.com/badboyprowrestling Saturday, 10/29/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 10/29/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 10/29/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 10/29/2022 7:30 PM - KLT Promotions - KLT Arena, 2561 Shorter Ave, Rome, GA - KLTPromotions.com Saturday, 10/29/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 10/29/2022 6:00 PM - Lucky Pro Wrestling (LPW) - Natick Amvets Post 79, 78 Superior DR, Natick, MA - facebook.com/LuckyProWrestling Saturday, 10/29/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 10/29/2022 8:00 PM - ICW NHB - Heart Ballroom, 37-39 Bloomfield Ave, Newark, NJ - facebook.com/ICWNHB Saturday, 10/29/2022 7:00 PM - Monster Factory Pro Wrestling - Monster Factory, 541 Mantua Ave, Paulsboro, NJ - MonsterFactory.org Saturday, 10/29/2022 7:30 PM - Imperial Pro Wrestling (IPW) - Tennessee Middle School, 840 Alabama ST, Bristol, TN - facebook.com/Imperialprowrestling Saturday, 10/29/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 10/29/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 10/29/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 10/29/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Saturday, 10/29/2022 6:00 PM - TNT Extreme Wrestling - 17-21 Fleet ST, Liverpool - UK - facebook.com/tntextremewres Saturday, 10/29/2022 2:00 PM - Welsh Wrestling - Galeri - Caernarfon - UK - facebook.com/WelshWrestling Sunday, 10/30/2022 5:00 PM - Underground Wrestling Alliance - Emporium San Francisco, 616 Divisadero ST, San Francisco, CA - twitter.com/officialUGWA Sunday, 10/30/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Rams Head Live, 20 Market PL, Baltimore, MD - ControlYourNarrative.com Sunday, 10/30/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 10/30/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Sunday, 10/30/2022 3:00 PM - TNT Extreme Wrestling - 17-21 Fleet ST, Liverpool - UK - facebook.com/tntextremewres Monday, 10/31/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Monday, 10/31/2022 7:30 PM - Hardcore Hustle Organization (H20) Undiscovered - H20 Wrestling Center, 1041 Glassboro RD, Bld C, Suite 1, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/HardcoreHustleOrg Tuesday, 11/1/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 11/3/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 11/3/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 11/3/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 11/3/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 11/3/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Brooklyn Monarch, 23 Meadow ST, Brooklyn, NY - ControlYourNarrative.com Thursday, 11/3/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 11/4/2022 8:30 PM - Bad Boy Pro - 8142 US-31, Hanceville, AL - facebook.com/badboyprowrestling Friday, 11/4/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 11/4/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 11/4/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 11/4/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 11/4/2022 6:45 PM - Live Pro Wrestling, (Free Event, Veterans Homes Donations), Eagles, 164 Water ST, Skowhegan, ME - Friday, 11/4/2022 6:00 PM - Vivo Lucha Libre - ?, Winston-Salem, NC - facebook.com/VIVOLUCHALIBRE Friday, 11/4/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 11/4/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Reverb, 1402 N 9th ST, Reading, PA - ControlYourNarrative.com Friday, 11/4/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 11/4/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 11/4/2022 8:00 PM - Texoma Pro - Sherman Elks Lodge, 1713 East FM 1417, Sherman, TX - texomapro.com Friday, 11/4/2022 3:00 PM - Welsh Wrestling - The Princess Royal Theatre, Talbot, Port Talbot, Wales, UK - facebook.com/WelshWrestling Saturday, 11/5/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 11/5/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 11/5/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 11/5/2022 8:00 PM - Renegade Championship Wrestling (RCW) - 806 N 2nd Ave, Chatsworth, GA - facebook.com/RCWWrestling Saturday, 11/5/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 11/5/2022 ? PM - WrestleArts - ?, Indianapolis, IN - facebook.com/wrestleartsindy Saturday, 11/5/2022 7:30 PM - Absolute Pro Wrestling - 250 Ansborough Ave, Waterloo, IA - facebook.com/AbsoluteProWrestling Saturday, 11/5/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 11/5/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Starland Ballroom, 570 Jernee Mill RD, Sayreville, NJ - ControlYourNarrative.com Saturday, 11/5/2022 4:00 PM - Inferno Fight Club (IFC) - 1030 N Delsea DR, Westville, NJ - facebook.com/IFCprowrestling Saturday, 11/5/2022 8:00 PM - Intergender Bonanza - H20 Wrestling Center, 1041 Glassboro RD, Bld C, Suite 1, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/intergenderbonanza Saturday, 11/5/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling is Now (WIN) - RPD Court Time, 201 Westfield Ave W, Roselle Park, NJ - Saturday, 11/5/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 11/5/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 11/5/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 11/5/2022 ?:00 PM - Palé Pro - ?, Arlington, TX - facebook.com/Paleprowrestling Saturday, 11/5/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Saturday, 11/5/2022 7:00 PM - ETWA - Newport Parks & Rec, 222 Main ST, Newport, VT - facebook.com/ETWAprowrestling Sunday, 11/6/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 11/6/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Franklin Music Hall, 421 N 7th ST, Philadelphia, PA - ControlYourNarrative.com Sunday, 11/6/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Sunday, 11/6/2022 4:30 PM - Revolution Pro - 229 The Venue, 229 Great Poland ST, London, England, UK - facebook.com/RevolutionProWrestling Monday, 11/7/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Tuesday, 11/8/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 11/10/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 11/10/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 11/10/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 11/10/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 11/10/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 11/11/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 11/11/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 11/11/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Henao Contemporary Center, 5601 Edgewater DR, Orlando, FL - ControlYourNarrative.com Friday, 11/11/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 11/11/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 11/11/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Stadthalle Holzminden, Sollingstraße 101, Holzminden, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Friday, 11/11/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 11/11/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 11/11/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 11/11/2022 8:00 PM - New Texas Pro Wrestling - Frost Town Brewing, 100 N Jackson ST, Houston, TX - facebook.com/NewTexasPro Saturday, 11/12/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 11/12/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 11/12/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 11/12/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Kelsey Theater, 700 Park Ave, Lake Park, FL - ControlYourNarrative.com Saturday, 11/12/2022 7:30 PM - KLT Promotions - KLT Arena, 2561 Shorter Ave, Rome, GA - KLTPromotions.com Saturday, 11/12/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Batschkapp Frankfurt, Gwinnerstr. 5, Frankfurt, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Saturday, 11/12/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 11/12/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 11/12/2022 8:00 PM - XPW - Heart Ballroom, 37-39 Bloomfield Ave, Newark, NJ - Saturday, 11/12/2022 6:00 PM - Savage Anarchy Wrestling (SAW) - 434 W Church ST, Marion, OH - facebook.com/S.A.W.SavageAnarchyWrestling Saturday, 11/12/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 11/12/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 11/12/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 11/12/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Saturday, 11/12/2022 8:00 PM - Bruiser Wrestling Federation - 198 Evergreen Ave, Appomattox, VA - Saturday, 11/12/2022 6:00 PM - World Domination Wrestling Alliance (WDWA) - Kuztom Kreationz, 605B Winchester Ave, Martinsburg, WV - facebook.com/wdwawrestling Saturday, 11/12/2022 ?:00 PM - Frontline Pro - Double Down Pub, 9031 County RD W, Wisconsin Rapids, WI - facebook.com/frontlineproentertainment Sunday, 11/13/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Wrestling Academy, Almastrasse 39, Gelsenkirchen, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Sunday, 11/13/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 11/13/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Sunday, 11/13/2022 2:00 PM - TNT Extreme Wrestling - 17-21 Fleet ST, Liverpool - UK - facebook.com/tntextremewres Monday, 11/14/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Monday, 11/14/2022 7:30 PM - Hardcore Hustle Organization (H20) Undiscovered - H20 Wrestling Center, 1041 Glassboro RD, Bld C, Suite 1, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/HardcoreHustleOrg Tuesday, 11/15/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 11/17/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 11/17/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 11/17/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 11/17/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 11/17/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 11/18/2022 8:30 PM - Bad Boy Pro - 8142 US-31, Hanceville, AL - facebook.com/badboyprowrestling Friday, 11/18/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 11/18/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 11/18/2022 7:30 PM - Blood Sweat Tears - YMCA Raphola Center, 750 Central Ave, Bridgeport, CT - facebook.com/BSTWRESTLING Friday, 11/18/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 11/18/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 11/18/2022 6:00 PM - Pro Wrestling King - Washington Township Community Building, 20 N State RD 23, Knox, IN - facebook.com/PWKProWrestlingKing Friday, 11/18/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 11/18/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 11/18/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 11/18/2022 8:00 PM - Texoma Pro - Sherman Elks Lodge, 1713 East FM 1417, Sherman, TX - texomapro.com Saturday, 11/19/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 11/19/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 11/19/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 11/19/2022 8:00 PM - Renegade Championship Wrestling (RCW) - 806 N 2nd Ave, Chatsworth, GA - facebook.com/RCWWrestling Saturday, 11/19/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 11/19/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 11/19/2022 7:00 PM - Monster Factory Pro Wrestling - Monster Factory, 541 Mantua Ave, Paulsboro, NJ - MonsterFactory.org Saturday, 11/19/2022 7:00 PM - Eclipse Wrestling - Building II, 1000 Howard Ave, Altoona, PA - facebook.com/EclipseWrestle Saturday, 11/19/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 11/19/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee Legacy Wrestling - Rocky Top Community Center, 207 Jacksboro Ave, Lake City, TN - facebook.com/tennesseelegacywrestling Saturday, 11/19/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 11/19/2022 7:30 PM - League of Lions Wrestling - 315 Pope ST, Marshall, TX - facebook.com/leagueoflionswrestling Saturday, 11/19/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 11/19/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Sunday, 11/20/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 11/20/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Monday, 11/21/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Tuesday, 11/22/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Wednesday, 11/23/2022 7:00 PM - ZOWA Live - The Polo Room, 712 N Division Ave, Polo, IL - facebook.com/zowalive Thursday, 11/24/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 11/24/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 11/24/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 11/24/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 11/24/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 11/25/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 11/25/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 11/25/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 11/25/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 11/25/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Friday, 11/25/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 11/25/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 11/25/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Saturday, 11/26/2022 8:30 PM - Bad Boy Pro - 8142 US-31, Hanceville, AL - facebook.com/badboyprowrestling Saturday, 11/26/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 11/26/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 11/26/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 11/26/2022 7:30 PM - KLT Promotions - KLT Arena, 2561 Shorter Ave, Rome, GA - KLTPromotions.com Saturday, 11/26/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - KUZ Kreuz, Schlitzer Str. 81, Fulda, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Saturday, 11/26/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 11/26/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 11/26/2022 6:30 PM - World Wide Wrestling Alliance (WWWA) - Quakertown Farmer's Market, Q-Mart Arena, 201 Station RD, Quakertown, PA - wwwawrestling.com Saturday, 11/26/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 11/26/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 11/26/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 11/26/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Saturday, 11/26/2022 6:00 PM - World Domination Wrestling Alliance (WDWA) - Kuztom Kreationz, 605B Winchester Ave, Martinsburg, WV - facebook.com/wdwawrestling Sunday, 11/27/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 11/27/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Monday, 11/28/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Monday, 11/28/2022 7:30 PM - Hardcore Hustle Organization (H20) Undiscovered - 1041 Glassboro Rd, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/HardcoreHustleOrg Tuesday, 11/29/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 12/1/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 12/1/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 12/1/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 12/1/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 12/1/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Thursday, 12/1/2022 6:00 PM - TNT Extreme Wrestling - 17-21 Fleet ST, Liverpool - UK - facebook.com/tntextremewres Friday, 12/2/2022 8:30 PM - Bad Boy Pro - 8142 US-31, Hanceville, AL - facebook.com/badboyprowrestling Friday, 12/2/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 12/2/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 12/2/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 12/2/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 12/2/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 12/2/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 12/2/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 12/2/2022 8:00 PM - Texoma Pro - Sherman Elks Lodge, 1713 East FM 1417, Sherman, TX - texomapro.com Friday, 12/2/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Epic Events Center, 2351 Holmgren Way, Ste 101, Green Bay, WI - ControlYourNarrative.com Saturday, 12/3/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 12/3/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 12/3/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 12/3/2022 7:00 PM - Total Wrestling Federation - Sacramento's Colonial Theatre - Sacremento, CA - facebook.com/thetwf Saturday, 12/3/2022 8:00 PM - Renegade Championship Wrestling (RCW) - 806 N 2nd Ave, Chatsworth, GA - facebook.com/RCWWrestling Saturday, 12/3/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 12/3/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 12/3/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 12/3/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 12/3/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 12/3/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Saturday, 12/3/2022 5:00 PM - Kamikaze Pro - The Mill, 29 Lower Trinity ST, Birmingham - UK - facebook.com/KamikazeProUK Sunday, 12/4/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Patio Theater, 6008 W Irving Park RD, Chicago, IL - ControlYourNarrative.com Sunday, 12/4/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 12/4/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Sunday, 12/4/2022 3:00 PM - TNT Extreme Wrestling - 17-21 Fleet ST, Liverpool - UK - facebook.com/tntextremewres Sunday, 12/4/2022 4:30 PM - Revolution Pro - 229 The Venue, 229 Great Poland ST, London, England, UK - facebook.com/RevolutionProWrestling Monday, 12/5/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Tuesday, 12/6/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 12/8/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 12/8/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 12/8/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Irving Theater, 5505 E Washington ST, Indianapolis, IN - ControlYourNarrative.com Thursday, 12/8/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 12/8/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 12/8/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 12/9/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 12/9/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 12/9/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 12/9/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 12/9/2022 ? PM - Control Your Narrative - Red Flag, 3040 Locust ST, St. Louis, MO - ControlYourNarrative.com Friday, 12/9/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 12/9/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 12/9/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Saturday, 12/10/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 12/10/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 12/10/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 12/10/2022 7:30 PM - KLT Promotions - KLT Arena, 2561 Shorter Ave, Rome, GA - KLTPromotions.com Saturday, 12/10/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 12/10/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 12/10/2022 ? PM - Fortitude Wrestling Entertainment - Dorton Arena, 1025 Blue Ridge RD, Raleigh, NC - facebook.com/fwelive Saturday, 12/10/2022 6:00 PM - Savage Anarchy Wrestling (SAW) - 434 W Church ST, Marion, OH - facebook.com/S.A.W.SavageAnarchyWrestling Saturday, 12/10/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 12/10/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 12/10/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 12/10/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Saturday, 12/10/2022 6:00 PM - World Domination Wrestling Alliance (WDWA) - Kuztom Kreationz, 605B Winchester Ave, Martinsburg, WV - facebook.com/wdwawrestling Sunday, 12/11/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 12/11/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Monday, 12/12/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Monday, 12/12/2022 7:30 PM - Hardcore Hustle Organization (H20) Undiscovered - H20 Wrestling Center, 1041 Glassboro RD, Bld C, Suite 1, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/HardcoreHustleOrg Tuesday, 12/13/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 12/15/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 12/15/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 12/15/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 12/15/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 12/15/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 12/16/2022 8:30 PM - Bad Boy Pro - 8142 US-31, Hanceville, AL - facebook.com/badboyprowrestling Friday, 12/16/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 12/16/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 12/16/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 12/16/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 12/16/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Stadthalle Vennehof, Am Vennehof 1, Borken, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Friday, 12/16/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 12/16/2022 7:00 PM - Pro Wrestling Scotland - St. Bride's Centre, Braehead, Douglas, Scotland, UK - facebook.com/ProWrestlingScotland Friday, 12/16/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 12/16/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 12/16/2022 8:00 PM - Texoma Pro - Sherman Elks Lodge, 1713 East FM 1417, Sherman, TX - texomapro.com Saturday, 12/17/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 12/17/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 12/17/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 12/17/2022 8:00 PM - Renegade Championship Wrestling (RCW) - 806 N 2nd Ave, Chatsworth, GA - facebook.com/RCWWrestling Saturday, 12/17/2022 ? PM - Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw) - Turbinenhale Oberhausen, Im Lipperfeld 23, Oberhausen, Germany - facebook.com/WestsideXtremeWrestling Saturday, 12/17/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 12/17/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 12/17/2022 7:00 PM - Monster Factory Pro Wrestling - Monster Factory, 541 Mantua Ave, Paulsboro, NJ - MonsterFactory.org Saturday, 12/17/2022 7:30 PM - Imperial Pro Wrestling (IPW) - Tennessee Middle School, 840 Alabama ST, Bristol, TN - facebook.com/Imperialprowrestling Saturday, 12/17/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 12/17/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 12/17/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 12/17/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Sunday, 12/18/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 12/18/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Monday, 12/19/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Tuesday, 12/20/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 12/22/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 12/22/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 12/22/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 12/22/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 12/22/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 12/23/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 12/23/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 12/23/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 12/23/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 12/23/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 12/23/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 12/23/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Saturday, 12/24/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 12/24/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 12/24/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 12/24/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 12/24/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 12/24/2022 6:30 PM - World Wide Wrestling Alliance (WWWA) - Quakertown Farmer's Market, Q-Mart Arena, 201 Station RD, Quakertown, PA - wwwawrestling.com Saturday, 12/24/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 12/24/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 12/24/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 12/24/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Sunday, 12/25/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling, 12/18/2022 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday, 12/25/2022 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Monday, 12/26/2022 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Monday, 12/26/2022 7:30 PM - Hardcore Hustle Organization (H20) Undiscovered - H20 Wrestling Center, 1041 Glassboro Rd, Bld C, Suite 1, Williamstown, NJ - facebook.com/HardcoreHustleOrg Tuesday, 12/27/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Tuesday, 12/27/2022 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday, 12/29/2022 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday, 12/29/2022 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday, 12/29/2022 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday, 12/29/2022 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday, 12/29/2022 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday, 12/30/2022 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday, 12/30/2022 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday, 12/30/2022 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday, 12/30/2022 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday, 12/30/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Friday, 12/30/2022 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday, 12/30/2022 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday, 12/30/2022 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Friday, 12/30/2022 6:30 PM - Revolution Pro - Priory Center, Priory LN, St. Neots, England, UK - facebook.com/RevolutionProWrestling Saturday, 12/31/2022 8:30 PM - Bad Boy Pro - 8142 US-31, Hanceville, AL - facebook.com/badboyprowrestling Saturday, 12/31/2022 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday, 12/31/2022 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday, 12/31/2022 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday, 12/31/2022 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday, 12/31/2022 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday, 12/31/2022 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday, 12/31/2022 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday, 12/31/2022 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday, 12/31/2022 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Monday - 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Tuesday - 7:00 PM - IWA Unlimited-Wrestling - 137 West South Ave, Noble, IL - facebook.com/iwa.unlimitedwrestling Tuesday - 7:00 PM - Xtreme Valley Wrestling (XVW) - Oddbody's Music Room, 5418 Burkhardt RD, Dayton, OH - facebook.com/xvwohio Thursday - 7:00 PM - Rocky Mountain Pro - RMP Summit, 2170 West Yale Ave, Englewood, CO - facebook.com/TheRockyMtnPro Thursday - 8:00 PM - WWA4 - 152 Selig Dr SW C, Atlanta, GA - wwa4atl.com Thursday - 6:30 PM - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) - 4400 Shepardsville RD, Louisville, KY - ovwrestling.com Thursday - 8:00 PM - Wrestling Open - White Eagle, 116 Green ST, Worcester, MA - beyondwrestlingonline.com Thursday - 7:00 PM - 127 Pro Wrestling - 4865 S York Hwy, Grimsley, TN - facebook.com/127prowrestling Friday - 7:30 PM - ProSouth Wrestling - 627 Southern Ave, Piedmont, AL - facebook.com/ProSouthWrestling Friday - 8:30 PM - Millenium Pro Wrestling (MPW) - 19801 Nordhoff PL #110, Chatsworth, CA - facebook.com/MillenniumProWrestling Friday - 8:30 PM - Alternative Pro Wrestling (APW) - 305 Cherry St, Royston, GA - facebook.com/apwalternative.prowrestling Friday - 7:00 PM - Independent Southern Wrestling Alliance (ISWA) - 95 Begonia DR, Summerville, GA - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079558040058 Friday - 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Friday - 7:00 PM - Future Great Wrestling (FGW) - 190 N Brookwood Ave, Hamilton, OH - facebook.com/Future-Great-Wrestling-1998280606858732 Friday - 7:00 PM - Resolute Wrestling - 467 Old Lantana Rd, Crossville, TN - facebook.com/ResoluteWrestling Friday - 8:00 PM - Southern Wrestling Federation - 106 Southside ST, Tullahoma, TN - facebook.com/swfwrestling Every other Friday - Action Packed Wrestling(APW) - 110 Helen ST, Chester, SC - facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075188126637 Saturday - 8:00 PM - Spartan Pro Wrestling - Gadsden Mall, 1001 Rainbow DR, Rainbow City, AL - facebook.com/SpartanProWrestling Saturday - 7:00 PM - WrestleSouth - 231 Event Center, 1698 Hwy 231, Lacey's Spring, AL - Facebook.com/WrestleSouth Saturday - 7:30 PM - Revolutionary Wrestling Entertainment (RWE) - 301 E Barnwell, Newport, AR - facebook.com/revolutionarywrestlingentertainment Saturday - 8:00 PM - Renegade Championship Wrestling (RCW) - 806 N 2nd Ave, Chatsworth, GA - facebook.com/RCWWrestling Saturday - 7:30 PM - Supreme Wrestling - 2520 Lanier DR, Madison, IN - facebook.com/Supreme-Wrestling-Madison-Indiana-104958325383162 Saturday - 7:00 PM - Southern Championship Wrestling (SCW) - Al Katz Memorial Arena, 19451 28th ST, Long Beach, MS - facebook.com/SCWmississippi Saturday - 7:30 PM - Tennessee All-Pro Wrestling - 5542 Manchester Hwy, Morrison, TN - facebook.com/tapwrestling Saturday - 7:00 PM - Tennessee Wrestling Alliance (TWA) - 97 Tom Pope Rd, Pikeville, TN - facebook.com/TWA-Tennessee-Wrestling-Alliance-1766482783414174 Saturday - 8:30 PM - Metroplex (MPX) - 510 Harwood Rd, Bedford, TX - mpxwrestling.com Saturday - 8:00 PM - Top of Texas - The Wrestleplex, 2650 Dumas DR, Amarillo, TX - facebook.com/TOTWrestlingAMA Sunday - 6:00 PM - Blue Collar Wrestling - The Colony St. Johns, 7525 N Richmond Ave, Portland, OR - facebook.com/PacificNorthwestBlueCollarWrestling Sunday - 5:05 PM - School of Morton - 2085 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN - facebook.com/schoolofmorton Friday, 1st & 3rd, 8:00 PM - Texoma Pro - Sherman Elks Lodge, 1713 East FM 1417, Sherman, TX - texomapro.com